"You laughed, right?" Laughing to keep from crying.

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Good grief. Your writing and social analysis are excellent. And fucking depressing. I will be lucky to fall asleep.

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Living behind enemy lines here. 🇨🇦🇨🇦

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All of this is going to get worse. The first adopters of the Religion of Intersectionality are just now getting into positions of power. There is a legion of recent college grads swelling up behind them, numbers to crowd out unapproved voices.

Bret Weinstein's experience at Evergreen State is coming to every company and organization. Only the bravery of individuals standing up for what they believe will save our country. Luckily it's an American tradition.

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Yes, and there is a wave of homeschoolers coming up after the legion of mindless drones. The plot thickens... if we last that long.

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I just heard this morning on Daily Wire’s Morning Wire show that over a quarter of a million students in California did not return to public schools after the pandemic.

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We will soon live in 2 alternate societies. The woke intellectual will gravitate toward government work, the free thinking will gravitate toward entrepreneurship. Something will have to give, you can’t build a building or fix a leaky pipe with a keyboard. You can’t farm from a desktop. The people that “do” will hold the upper hand, but will they know it??

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Good point. One could argue that we already do.

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Every time Putin opens his mouth to give yet another erudite, learned speech combining a deep knowledge of history and geopolitics with quiet humor and direct, frank acknowledgment of reality, I want to cheer, and then I want to cry. The contrast is just too painful.

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Lavrov too

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But there are compensations. Justin has really great hair - with so many hairstyles! - and Biden has those teeth and his soaring oratory.

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Try having a demented puddingcup for your leader!

The base of this all which makes our brains burn is Corruption

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“Despite the depth and rigor of Justin Trudeau’s intellectual training, he still fell for the emptiness of Klaus Schwab’s banal project.”

As a drama teacher who specializes in the art of phoniness, he is well-qualified to appreciate a fellow master of disguise.

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That would be true, MAA, if in fact our illustrious ruler was actually a "drama teacher". But a close examination of his career to date seems to indicate that he has primarily coasted along as a 'trust fund kid'. His brief foray into brainwashing the citizens of tomorrow was as a "failed substitute drama teacher". Turdo's few roles as a partier, albeit in blackface, did little to prepare him for his latest role, that of the dictator of a formerly great white north.

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So very sad and true. Here’s hoping the Conservatives can pull a real leader out to beat this moron. Tough time to be 🇨🇦🇨🇦

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I wish I could write as well as you do!

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The key to tenure is that it PRESELECTS only the orthodox. This has been true for decades, long before CRT and ESG and DEI and other alphabets. Orthodoxy isn't always political in the external sense; each subject has its required theories and belief sets and thought modes. A grad student who wants to START on the career path must conform to all available orthodoxies, and must PRODUCE a high quantity of orthodox material before reaching tenure. There's no time or patience for heretical thinking or heretical research.

So the current crop of 'cancelleds' are NOT unorthodox thinkers, because they were selected and conditioned by years of personal and monetary pressure in journalism and academia. When they get outside academia, they immediately reconstruct the same orthodoxy with the same pressures under a new brand. This is instantly visible with the Austin "free university", which obediently waits for accreditation before it starts classes.


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Let me try to translate for us lay folks. So once stupid digs in like a tick... it’s hard to get rid of it, and once said tick has learned how to be a tick... it will continue to suck blood and spread diseases in any environment. If a tick tries to do something other than suck blood and spread diseases the other ticks will kick it off the host. Am I close?

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Dats funny right there.

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Depressing as hell, but spot-on analysis of the mess we're in.

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They - Trudeau and the rest of the Neo-Marxist-Corporate Inc. lemmings, will follow the globalist scumbag formula to strip you of your dignity, money, and life as you knew it, because they think that they are on the winning team. They have been conditioned and convinced. And you are in the way. For these totalitarians it’s about basic theft, oppression and in some cases murder to get more power and wealth. That’s all. So if you aren’t interested in becoming extinct or being relegated to serf-troglodyte status at the hands of a bizarre collection of sadistic billionaires, politicians, bureaucrats, the mentally ill, , special designated ethnosexual victim groups, garden variety criminals, pseudo-intellectual douchebags and assorted hostile under achievers, best get in the fight for your life and country. There are more of us, way more. (Canadians - you’re too nice. This may be your undoing.)

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Spot on. A couple of months ago, I reunited with my best friend of 25 years who went full on covidiot in April 2020. It was finally “safe” enough for us to walk around a park and chat. I told him that the thing I was most worried about was the elimination of free speech and honest debate. He responded that there never was free speech or honest debate.

Now strictly speaking he may be right, but that just goes to show the level of brainwashing that has taken place. Oceania has always been at war with East Asia.

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“If Everybody Is Thinking Alike, Then Somebody Isn't Thinking.” - G. S. Patton.

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Again... when they resort to name calling it is the white flag of intellect. It is their argument’s closing statement. Now the jury is out. Which way will we decide. May freedom and sanity prevail! Bless their hearts.

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It’s all Trumps fault, right? RIGHT?!?

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I think there may be some hope as to what we are facing in the US and around the world. The hope is based on the fact that nothing works like it did just 10 - 15 years ago. I'm talking air travel, education, government all levels, business, family life and just about anything else in our daily lives. As things fall apart, the people who are hurt also includes the ones who would tend to support the "great reset" the most. Things were always going to fall apart under these ideas and policies but the acceleration of collapse is scaring the shit out of their natural constituency. These people are gradually beginning to realize they are not part of the elites but are worker bees like the rest of us and they are not prepared for what is coming their way. I work in the belly of the beast as a state employee of NYS and my co-workers have always been the most liberal leftists as you can imagine but they are slowly understanding these policies effect their children and their futures. They also understand there is no carve out for them so unless they support something different their future is rather bleak.

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It's impossible for me to find any of your observational writing that is not informative or amusing or both. It's been pretty clear for longer than I can remember "Twitter Community College" is in a very rough neighborhood.

Only a few years ago if you were seriously involved in academia, you would be taken to task for the most minor issues with the public or colleagues. (Example: if it was discovered that a remote relative had a spat with someone over a parking spot in a busy mall--your dept chair would give you the "decorum,.. what's good for the institution" talk).

Now I just want to know where I can get my "Proud Anti-Vaxxer" bumper sticker.

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