Apr 9, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

This is a great substack, Chris. Glad I found it. Will be recommending it to others. Your PIRA/'journalism'/Covid piece is particularly good.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I concur! I just found you today via a suggestion from another substack, and I feel like I struck gold. Been reading many of your past pieces and have been moved to chime in on the comments. Thank you for sharing your voice.

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So many good pieces in a nicely wrapped slice of thinking & writing.

“We’re healthy from the bottom up & sick from the head down”. Absolutely.

(And the bear spray, lol)

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Normally, the combination of hubris and incompetence is comedic gold. But it stops being funny very quickly once they take over the levers of power. Then it's truly frightening.

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Something spiritual about the hotel maintenance guy. Buddhist work ethic. Perhaps, it's his time in the woods.

Thanks for the story. Inspiring.

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Remember Chris, you don't need bearspray, ever. You just need to NOT be the slowest member of your group and all will be well!

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Hysterical shit, Chris. I love that guy!

“I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages.”

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I love that I quoted you to you without knowing that’s what I was doing!! Since I heard you make your sick from the top and healthy from the bottom comment in your interview w Robert Yoho (that’s how I found your Substack - but then promptly forgot [I listen to a lot of interviews]), it has stayed with me in all my reflections on the abuse from those in power and what they are perpetrating against good people. The damage is horrific, but our hope moving forward is with us. I stay focused on that. Thanks for articulating this distinction so clearly. Merry Holidays

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Hey Boo Boo...

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