Parasites leeching off our productivity, increasingly financed by our fake money.

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(x) thousands and thousands

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Mar 13
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The JEW CONSPIRACY shit gets old fast.

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Thank you. I am so glad you did this. I was getting worried about the number of trolls lately trying to tarnish your work product.

I actually had a dream about telling you this last night.

Thanks again...Indeed it gets old.

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I don't like banning people, and I think it's useful to be reminded that there are assholes in the world who think stupid things. But sometimes it just turns into headache-inducing noise.

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Yeah I'm a 1A absolutist. But that doesn't mean we can't exercise our 1A rights to ridicule them.

However these fools hijack the discourse and I haven't "met" one yet that isn't a prick.

And at a point they have to be shut down cuz they attract other haters like dogs to puke.

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Mar 14
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This is literally the most tedious thing in the entire world.

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It’s tedious and never rewarding. You can’t present facts to what is basically a cult member and expect them to change their mind. They have an emotional investment in being who they are, no matter how cruel or maladaptive that stance may be.

In the past though I’ve been too harsh. I’ve told these people to F-k off at a certain point. But I think I should be kinder and ask them how can I help them to f-k off.

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Mar 14
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What do you mean "Literally just an ad hominem?" He is asserting an opinion about your "Jews and Shabbos Goys all the way down". That is very different than an ad hominem attack. To quote Inigo Montoya "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

If he said you were a bitter old paranoid, that would be an ad hominem. For reference, ad hominem is defined as "argument or reaction directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining"

But he didn't. He expressed a sentiment that he thinks the Jew Conspiracy gets old.

By the way. Logically, receipts provide positive proof. Its impossible logically to prove something doesn't exist. Do you have receipts to prove this conspiracy present in either of the examples used here (Corey Jackson or Machaela Cavanaugh)?

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“Inigo Montoya” – the font of much wisdom. 👍😂

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Mar 14
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He didn't say you were tedious. But you must believe you are to have inferred that. I can't say that you are necessarily wrong.

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We should remember that Obama was a community organizer before his brief stint as US Senator, before becoming the leader of the free world.

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I always found community organizer to be synonymous with shit-stirrer. Just sayin.


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I've concluded these "histories" are being made more and more from whole cloth, like Obama's birth certificate. Download and open it in Illustrator and you can literally see all the layers used to create the various entries. 🙄 And this is from the WH website (via WayBack Machine).


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Yes, but which community did he actually end up organizing? The Communists? The White People Suck Community? The We Hate America Community? I mean, he sure as heck didn’t organize any generally accepted version of any community of people that I can see.

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My statement implies, I thought clearly, sarcasm.

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As does mine. Cheers.

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“…becoming the leader of the free world.”

No, BHO was merely the president. The “leader of the free world” requires actual, you know, leadership.

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It’s been interesting to watch since the Obama election the transition of our economy into a Political Patronage Industrial Complex. It’s the private/public oligarchy partnership at scale, consuming ever greater quantities of productive capital in service of parasitic enterprises.

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"...consuming ever greater quantities of productive capital."

Yes, and ALWAYS accelerating.

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A word to learn is "Parteigenosse" (german). Literal meaning is "Party comrade", but the extended meaning is someone who's a complete party-being - someone who lives and breathy the Party at all times and who puts the Party before all else, and is in turn rewarded for that loyalty.

Another is "partigängare", a swedish pejorative meaning the same as above, literally "party-f*cker" or "married to the party". "Gänga" also means "hinge" and "to screw" relating to things like watertaps or nuts&bolts.

Of course, the formal term in pol-sci for what you are describing in your article is the well-known clientilism, the scourge and bane of having well-functioning low-corruption states everywhere.

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Excellent terms for use in our moment.

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I'm sticking with Rikard for all the great Swedish words the textbooks don't teach. ;)

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Here's one:

Trundler or hand truck or dolly in english is in swedish either "pirra" or "säck(a)kärra".

In Scania, it is "säckakärra" which means "sack-cart"; "säck" is sack and "kärra" is cart (can also mean wagon or car).

North of Scania, it's "pirra" derived from "pirouette" since that's what such a cart does when you turn it. "Pirra" or "pirrande" can also mean tingle/-ing or buzz/-ing: "I feel a tingling in my toes" - Mina tår pirrar.

Now for the funny bit: in Scania, "pirra" is slang for intercourse. Insert snare drum sound-effect.

As a rule of thumb, the shorter, harsher, or terser a word is, the greater the odds it is Old Norse or older. In many older dialects, the wovel-sounds are "swallowed" in some words while in other dialects they drop the consonants. In Västgötamål (West Goth speak) you can string together entire sentences or even stories without using consonants:

Å i åa ä e ö = Och i ån är det en ö = And in the stream there is an island.

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I'm making a copy of this, just in case my friend in Bunkeflostrand uses any of those words.

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Oho, that's about as south as it gets in Sweden. In and around Malmö (nearest city) they have this habit of inserting a superfluous syllable into certain words, like cykel (bicycle) and triangel (triangle):

Cykelen, triangelen, et cetera.

Ask your friend to try and explain "klabbsock" and "fubbik"/"fubbikahuvve" (local dialect pejoratives for being a stupid klutz).

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Understood. I've had to "translate" New York City-speak into intelligible English for some of my English-learning European friends, but it happens sometimes that even I can't figure out what the New Yorker is saying. Best to just smile and nod.

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“partigängare” – the predominant subject currently taught on Western campuses.

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Some people are drawn to politics like flies are drawn to horse manure. Except I hold flies in much higher regard.

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Beats working for a living.

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Regrettably, with 3 of the latter and heading into spring, our supply of the former is rapidly growing.

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You are so considerate and picked the flies!

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The worst is the school boards. When there is an open seat the union gets together and decides who to choose. Their powerful campaigning almost guarantees a board member who works for the union and not the students. Then these folks more on to 'higher office'. Getting rid of public sector unions is one of the most effective solutions to busting the monopoly that is our current political elite.

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2nd worst is city councils with a close follow-up being the county board of supervisors. With the advent of legislative term limits, the nominally non-partisan board of supervisors has become a lifetime appointment for many apparatchiks in California. Why "appointment"? With a well-timed resignation, you can be appointed by the governor to an office where the advantage of incumbency is often decisive for years and years.

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The Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn, with an office staff of her immediate family on the public payroll, just won her third term. Her son is her chief of staff. She holds a seat as a supervisor on the board where her father held a seat as a supervisor. It has a third world feel to it.


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Even FDR did not approve of public sector unions

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Yes and a lack of sense of humor is 100% correlated with not a lick of common sense.

If you want to test this hypothesis just go to a school board or city council meeting.

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“A nonprofit youth services organization funded by government, SBX trains and assigns young people to campaign for government funding that can be passed through to nonprofit youth services organizations.”

Fagin put on airs of being his young workforce’s teacher and protector as well.

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What an excellent comparison!

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On election day in 2000, I visited my mother in her Alzheimer's care facility. (She would be dead within a few months.) I found her in her daily haze in bed with a "I Voted!" sticker on her gown. The woman across from her was a literal unconscious zombie who also had a "I Voted" sticker on her hospital gown. She would be dead within weeks.

My mother had a faint memory of some nice people coming to visit her early in the morning. I'm sure that her roommate had no memory or consciousness of anything. The roommate "disappeared" (died) shortly thereafter.

Asking at the nursing station, I was told that the SEIU had union workers at the door at 6:59 am who piled in at 7:00 to vote the entire care facility. The care facility was required by state law to allow voting "assistance" which in this case amounted to forced vote harvesting of the sick and dying.

By myself, I can't outvote entire nursing homes. Many are naive about the corruption the bubbles beneath the electoral surface; same day registration with no ID requirement? Why bother having an election at all?

In Mexico, you have to show a picture ID to vote. Somehow they hold elections. They must be much smarter than us!

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This story makes me want to hurt people.

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I had the EXACT same response. The shit Acorn would pull—but Richard says it was happening in 2000!!!

This was probably the stuff Obama ‘organized in his community’.

I don’t know how we compete with this without losing our souls, our selves?!


What kind of monster

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Even if there was no state law, why would a nursing home object to harvesting? The harvesters are all Democrat and Democrat governments vote for increased subsidies.

I’m just surprised they left stickers as evidence. Maybe it was just a middle finger, like “We’re scumbags and you can’t do shit about it.”

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I think that it has aspects of a middle finger. The lack of a sticker could also identify anyone missed in the initial harvest

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“Politicians of All Stripes Found to be Pieces of Shit!” Color me shocked.

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Well done. This latest tidbit into the machinations of our government reopened a canker sore in my mouth from the bile reading this forced up.

As a career Soldier I have often thought about, and even argued for a conscripted national service in some capacity. Maybe have 400,000 coeds walk the Sierra Nevadas picking up all kindling 100 years of mismanagement has accrued. Candy stripers, park attendants/landscapers, military, law enforcement, you name it--there infinite problems that low-skilled labor could be thrown.

The main reason is to create a 'collective, common American experience'. Maybe, maybe, we could drop some of the long knives and cooperate with one another. Most Veterans, upon meeting another Veteran, drop all butt-sniffing, posturing, posing--it's like, "Oh, hey bro, I get you. I trust you. Let's get after it..." ...whatever it is.

While this is still a government solution, it may serve a purpose that Bray hints at with private sector experience. No one should have a govt job--to include teaching--without 18-36 months of private sector work. Optimally in the service industry--fast food! When our govt employees understand from where the money comes.


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Yeah, some kind of bar to clear, a bar that checks you for moral fortitude and integrity of character would solve many problems.

Like say not being eligible for being elected or working in any civil service or equivalent before age 30 and being a parent.

Coming from a nation that used to have conscription, I can testify that it indeed is a great tool for creating a basic shared experience, even if that experience can be bivouacing in -35C in winter and having to figure how how to go to the toilet in the snow outside.

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"...bivouacking in -35C..." is what I call 'Collective Suffering'. I actually have about 1/2 of a draft book called "Collective Suffering: The Skeleton Key To Building Trust, Compassion, and Cooperation". Suffering--when it is for the good, the true, and the beautiful--is life changing. When we do it with others, well--it is the adhesive that keeps us together.

I also like the minimum age requirements as well.


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That video epitomizes why I love the American G.I. so deeply. When we all wear the same clothes, have the same hairstyle, the only way to stand out positively is through merit, humor, and wit.

The hardest I’ve ever laughed in my entire life, was in Afghanistan. And it was almost daily.

I’m blessed to have a pension, but all of the benefits combined, do not measure up to the deep, lifelong connections I made in the military.

Military friendships have, and continue to sustain me.


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"Maybe have 400,000 coeds walk the Sierra Nevada's picking up all kindling 100 years of mismanagement has accrued."

Appealing but I cannot endorse. The carelessly discarded cigarette butts of this hoard will burn down 80% of the national forests.

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The prequel for this constructed service would be a 10 week Boot Camp/basic training for everyone. Shaved heads, same uniforms, same, bunks, same everything.

The 12 to 24 months of service oriented work could be anything.

The mismanagement of our national forests, for the past century have resulted in annual summer infernos. Something needs to be done. This is exactly the type of low, skilled high labor cost problem a conscripted service could address.

That said, I hear you.


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"When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which ‘experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates, or even defamed and slandered, if necessary."

- Louis Yako

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"It is an army bred for one purpose, to destroy the world of men." – The Lord of the Rings

It might seem like I'm being flippant. I don't mean to be. I think they are an army bred for one purpose, to destroy the very identity and volition and mind of the people, to make them pliable and corrupt and so conditioned to lies that they don't know what truth is anymore. "A labour supported class of people who have never contributed any labour," very accurate!

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Being an ambitious apparatchik in the one-party state of California is like being a member of the courtier class inside the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty. You could gradually rise from Holder of the Imperial Chamberpot to trusted advisor to the Emperor without ever having set foot outside the Imperial Palace, without ever once meeting a peasant (or missing a meal).

And there are just as many eunuchs!

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Quite some years ago I discovered that most 501c3 "non profit" operations were basically fronts for the commies to siphon money from the American public without it knowing so. Also, the phony American Civil Liberties Union pioneered the gag of presenting themselves as a champion of Constitutional Rights. In the 60's their agitprop showed them as a bootstrap, volunteer org representing minorities and "the common man" against THE MAN. It was DECADES before I discovered that the lawsuits pursued by the ACLU generated million$ for their lawyers - they weren't working for peanuts.

These type of groups work together toward a common goal of marxist domination. "Class Action Lawsuits" are also an inside ticket for Lefties to enrich themselves. Their judge buddies allow them to "represent" people whom they have never met in order to snag million$ in court settlements from which they keep the lion's share if not the entire amount. They are shameless in their corruption and thievery of the commonweal.

Chris, I appreciate your diligent reportorial efforts to get the facts out about these criminals. It was also good to see in one of your recent articles some coverage of other "muckrakers" who are exposing the dark, evil results of these horrible organizations policies.

Perhaps you might dig around to identify some patriotic Californians who have solutions to bring down your crass, evil, pathetic government overlord class. In another editorial you confirmed my spoken suspicion that Cal has been subject to "controlled elections" since long before 2020. There must be a way out...

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You are absolutely right, this is going on everywhere. My “congressman” is one of the parasites always having worked for political people and no experience in real work. But Utah is fortunate to have elected Burgess Owens in another district, former professional athlete who does understand work. I hope California takes the opportunity to elect Steve Garvey who also understands real work. I’m just afraid too many voters prefer kool aid to standing up to the problems.

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....can't say this often enough....so glad I live in Canada, that never happens in Canada....well, only all the time....these limpets are everywhere.....and we are all enablers because we don't fight back!!

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Canadian here: yes, there is a similar phenomena here, especially the uni student union ----> school board seat ----> city council ----> MP/MPP sewage pipeline.

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