I'm increasingly coming to terms with the idea that reason and logic make no difference to this movement. You cannot argue people out of their positions because they never used logic to arrive at their destination anyways.

And once you totally give up on logic or reason, well then nothing is off the table. Anything at all can be used for justification, it makes no difference.

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Yes, you should stop incrementally coming to terms with this reality. You know it to be true, you’d be best served acknowledging it. The bigger question is, however, once acknowledged, what is the appropriate course of action in response to the reality that reason and logic are cast aside for cult-like ideological adherence?

I would suggest disregarding such perspectives all together. They were never worth the light of day to begin with, and should be afforded no respect, negative or positive. Just completely ignored.

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I don't read pieces like the one through which Chris suffered on our behalf. However, I think The Unhedged Capitalist may be gesturing toward the actual problem these articles/writers pose, which is that uncritical **but not actually malevolent or deranged** people see the headlines and believe them. Living in FL, I receive many emails from my credulous Northern friends and family about my state's persecution of gay people, black people, etc. They read "don't say 'gay'" and think that's actually what the law says. Then they make decisions (including voting) accordingly. Just putting that out there, as a person who *never* reads this tripe, myself.

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While I agree that the circumstance of ‘title readers’ is a preponderant issue in today’s information overloaded society, I think The Unhedged Capitalist is touching on something slightly deeper. Something that those in the informed circles participate in: a degree of intentional disregard for logic and welcoming of aggressive hatred towards the “others”. That thing most of us feel at one time or another, but have trained ourselves to revile instead of welcome.

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Yes... You are right about that deep problem, and probably right about TUC's point, but there are a lot of people in the headline-reading category, and it would be nice if we didn't have to abandon the field of public discourse to the crazy-headline-writing cabal. TUC wishes it were possible to convince the cabal to write legitimate articles; IMO, they're part of a deliberate (ha ha!) misinformation campaign at worst, and lazy people who will believe anything bad about "our side" at best. I still wish it were possible for their headlines to have less power. If I were still on Twitter, I would never retweet them, for example, but people still manage to consume quite a bit of their messaging.

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Your response strikes at the heart of my initial response. I wish the same. Abandoning said public discourse is definitely a losing battle. However, boosting alternatives is a viable approach... even boosting counter articles, such as this one.

But engaging in honest discussion with such individuals is a fruitless endeavor. It will only serve to give them a platform to further their messaging. Maybe pushing against them via boosting counter articles will provide the required public perspective leverage to force them back into logical debate. Best I have for now.

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Maybe this goes against my initial position of not engaging, positively or negatively, hence my openness to ideas, but in theory, it seems plausible.

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Then Welcome the natural revulsion and embrace your humanity in full. IT WORKS.

It’s working great for them. A tiny number of weak cowards, imbecilic and so effete women can’t bear them have conquered the world- because they’re not afraid to Hate.

The Enlightenment Failed.

It was always a joke, we just made the Cardinal, Fatal, Horrific error of taking it seriously.

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These adherents of leftism to us are like bizarre and disgusting creatures one might find under a rock. When the rock is lifted and these abominations are exposed to the light of day, it is difficult to look away, but what needs to be done is slam the rock back down on them, starve them of oxygen and otherwise refuse to acknowledge their existence. I know it's tempting to describe them in all their abhorrent disguises, but the less attention paid to them, the more they will shrivel and die from lack of narcissistic supply. I agree in total with your last paragraph.

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Uh, no.

Actually they’re starving, oppressing and taking away our oxygen.

Because we looked away too long.

We’re under the rock now.

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... but, as someone open to logic and reason, I am open to suggestions...

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It's a religion for them. The dishonest idiots will never admit to it but you are arguing theology with them. Arguing beliefs rarely works. Either they find the fakeness of their ersatz religion or reality mugs them; these are the only way out. There are not enough cult deprogammers. Part of the key for us is to become just as intolerant, if not more so, as they are. Nassim Taleb wrote a good essay about this. The boycotts are a good start but we need to take this fight to the school boards and state legislatures. Starve the beast of public schools and colleges. We are advanced enough that open source education should be a thing. Khan Academy is a good example.

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Well, of course you can't argue them out of their positions because reason and logic are tools of oppression, and people who use them are literally Hitler! You can't dismantle the master's house using the master's tools so don't try to trick them with facts.


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It was absolutely our fatal mistake to ever talk to them, a mistake they won’t make.

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Lets reciprocate

We can do better than sub prime Charcuterie.

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The fuck is liberal milk?

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Here is my only thought on that question:


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Oh, so they served Robert DeNiro milk at the moms for liberty event.

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The Portland Milk Advisory Board

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A classic

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We're co-workers....but I'm the boss. 🤣

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I was thinking propofol, aka “Michael’s milk.” The milk for groomers (liberals).

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Ayran milk Bros. Google it.

Came off Twitter.

As opposed to Racist Milk, also Twitter.

Milk first drank by Ayran Indo European conquerers of millennia ago (like 4400 BC). Becoming lactose tolerant allowed the Indo Europeans to gain on non milk drinkers , not lactose tolerant.

Now the Alt Right kids got the joke, the Left didn’t- you can’t have a sense of humor with psychotics.

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Jul 7, 2023
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I was about to make a similar comment.

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That wasn't mustard. That was Hitler paste.

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That's why Hitler attacked France and England: to get rid of French and English mustards.

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The truth that they don't want you to know is that Hitler was transgender....and heavily into cake making. You heard it here first.

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That's hot

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Note to self: remove almond milk and mustard from my refrigerator. I didn’t know they carried such political implications. I didn’t know! If my kid can’t handle real dairy like a true American, well, I’ll have to kick him out. He’s 13 and special needs, but that hardly matters, right? I can’t be found to have that anti-dairy-Hitler stuff in my fridge.

This whole article and ensuing comments have made my freaking day. 😂

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Permanent revolution means never having to run out of ultra soy milk.

There’s so much irony here you are gonna need two Swiffer pads to mop it all up. The Left is complaining about the dumb MAGA finger foods. What?! No watercress sandwiches, clotted cream and Lapsong Souchong? At least the intelligentsia aren’t bourgeois like those banjo strumming MAGA vermin. 🙄

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I’d’ve eaten the honeycomb square. I mean, fuck it, it’s the end of days anyway.

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I hate to double dip on comments but after further thought, Moms for Liberty's biggest mistake was spending money and staging a conference in a Leftist s*hole like Philadelphia, a city where bulletproof glass is racist.

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She cannot mention anything about the actual talks because the normalcy and common sense of Moms positions may peek through. Instead it's a typical "what yokels" hit piece. I like a good charcuterie board. The capicola served was probably emulsified and yeah it's basically spicy bologna at that point but who cares. Pettiness is all she's got. I bet if she were honest, she'd have to admit that everyone was really polite and kind; the women no doubt talked about normal things and the Left cannot humanize us. We must be "othered."

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I cannot imagine ever bitching about somebody giving me a charcuterie board.

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Oh me either. I'm old enough to remenber the rubber chicken banquet dinners. Id have done anything for some deli meats, cheese, and a big bowl of coarse mustard. 5 bucks says this young lady is a millennial "foodie." "Oh I can taste the rich flavor of this goat milk cheese handcrafted from virginal, free-range fed animals massaged twice a day." Notice that she doesnt mention what the cheeses were supposed to be while specifying the capicola. Its rather sad that this is all she has. "The catering sucked at this Nazi party."

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Today I have learned charcuterie and petit fours ... thanks, Dave Brooks.

I bet he hates being called Dave.

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Not to be a d*ck but he is David Brock, homosexual extraordinaire! And yeah I'm sure hes the type to go, "its David."

Charcuterie is awesome. What's not to like about cured meats, cheeses, maybe crackers or a small loaf of bread with, usually, a quality mustard. I'm not a dessert person so I'll pass on the petit fours.

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The derangement is not a bug, it's a feature. The crazy is how they signal their bona fides to other progressives. Rage Against the Milk!

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It's such extraordinary pettiness to detail the very ordinary menu at the event. Maybe it comes from the narcissism of petty complaint that Twitter especially almost seems to be designed for.

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No, this writer bred that way

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many MILKs: Mothers I'd Like to Know

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You know who ELSE sought to organise their movement along broad-church principles, emphasising what they all had in common rather than pre-emptively excluding people who otherwise might agree with them?

Think about it.

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**literally shaking**

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A horrible thought has just struck me - how long until "even Hitler would have drunk soy milk - unlike the MAGA extremists"?

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Well he was a vegetarian.

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Chris, you are the effing bomb when it comes to shooting down the liberal bombast; I enjoyed every word of this murder you just wrote.

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The first picture in the Media Matters' article is of milk "alternatives." Oatmilk, Ultra Soy, and Almond Breeze. I always suspected these milk alternatives formed a hate group. It is now confirmed. I'm calling the SPLC on Monday.

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Wait, alternatives to dairy are now on the *wrong* (evil/Hitler) side? This is going to mess some people up.

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One can only hope. Or, as the Portland Milk Advisory Board might say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemon milk!"

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Can I get an invite to one of Mom's soirees? I love the petit fours, as we say in Texas, even though we're not certain what they are. The other stuff sounds great, too! Can you use your considerable influence and panache, Chris, as a worldwide acknowledged thought person, to please swing me an invite?


Danny Huckabee


Yes, all the Dem's are insane.

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That his gets PUBLISHED at all, beats the hell out of me...

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