Aaron Kheriaty’s new book, The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State, was released today, sort of.
Kheriaty is a longtime scholar and physician: a psychiatrist, a bioethicist, and a former professor at UC Irvine School of Medicine, where he was fired for declining the mRNA injections. (He also writes on Substack, but you knew that.) To give you some sense of his angle of attack, he opens a book on Covid-19 policy with a discussion of Nazi racial science and the American eugenics movement. The forcible sterilization of the congenitally feebleminded, he reminds us, was a mainstream medical proposal a hundred years ago. Scientific consensus can be shaped by social pressures, political ideology, and cultural forces; it can be wrong, and wrong on many levels.
I have to stop there, because I’m waiting for my copy and can’t read past the brief Amazon preview. I assumed I was going to buy this book today, and that I was going to buy it locally. But my local independent bookstore isn’t carrying it, and Barnes and Noble will ship it to you but won’t put it on the shelves in their stores. Powell’s Books, the powerhouse indie bookstore, says on the first day of publication that the book is on backorder, and they can maybe get it for you in a few days.
Reflecting the silence among booksellers, the book appears to have evaded notice by the news media, so far garnering no reviews that I can find in the mainstream press. Speaking of the new abnormal, here’s a big piece of it: If you don’t color between the lines, the allegedly mainstream media declines to take notice. The three big pre-publication reviewers — Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, and Publishers Weekly — have similarly not taken notice of the book.

So an important new book from an important bioethicist, a current litigant over mRNA injection mandates, has arrived, and is greeted with turned backs and an averting of eyes. Your local library won’t put it on the shelf — and neither, apparently, will your local bookstore. But you can buy it, and you should read it, and I’ll say more about it when mine arrives and I’ve had a chance to do the same. You can order The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State directly from the publisher, or have it shipped from the Barnes and Noble warehouse here.
If anyone sees a copy in the wild, send word. I’ll direct readers to any bookstore that carries it.
I work in a public library and will be making a collection purchase request, if nothing else than to make the selector squirm.
The bookstores have been one of the steadfast lockdown adherents, haven't they? It's not a good sign for classical liberalism that independent bookstores did so little to oppose being shut down.