Their entire system is fossilized psychosis. We still need to give up our liquids and take our shoes off at airports, despite years of those policies not uncovering a single explosive device. Just as an example. Another example: every single global warming model has failed, not a single one of the dire predictions from decades in the past has been validated, yet it is full steam ahead of the green transition even as it breaks the economy.

Once a narrative has been adopted, it cannot be altered. Once a policy or program is in place, it cannot be cancelled. They are never wrong about anything, they never make mistakes, and the proof of this can be seen in that they never admit to being wrong and continue whatever they've been doing regardless of how obviously mistaken it is.

It's all nothing but an encrustation of bullshit and fantasy that's been building on itself for decades, and the people in charge of it all don't dare admit a single part of it is in error because if they did the whole thing would come crashing down.

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Spot on! Hence, the "malinformation" category: undeniably true information that is nevertheless bad for anyone to express publicly, as it tends to undermine faith in the regime's "virtuous" narrative.

By the way, your comment is full of malinformation and has been reported to the proper authorities as hate speech, climate change denialism, antivaxxer conspiracy theorism, misogyny, transphobia, xenophobia, and any other phobia or ism that may be invented by the authorities now or at any point in the future. Expect a visit from FBI special agent Elvis Chan to discuss the ways your thoughtcrimes have undermined our democracy.

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Great comment! But I have to disagree with the logic of the shoes/liquids example. “The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

Living in the country, we don’t have city water/fire hydrants. So I have a fire extinguisher in every room where a fire could possibly start. But in 7 yrs, we’ve never had a fire, so is that evidence there is no threat and I should stop having the extinguishers recharged periodically?

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Sep 28, 2023
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I haven’t needed to fly since 2015, but nowadays that’s probably a good idea. (My practice was to refuse to put my small tray down until the previous one entered the scanner.)

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Sep 28, 2023
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I’d already forgotten about that one. (Blends into the constant videos of ppl ripping off retail businesses.)

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Mass Formation Psychosis. Milley is a traitor for phoning China to say that he had control of the nuclear codes, not Trump. Becerra has zero previous experience in healthcare.

The Narrative is a human centipede. The Atlantic is Laurene Powell Jobs' menstrual rag. Check out the lineup for The Atlantic Festival in DC next week: https://substack.com/@yuribezmenov/note/c-40453163

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I see your list, and I raise you with the speaker list for the New Republic's Oct. 11 "Stop Trump" summit:


Jelani Cobb

Michael Cohen

George T. Conway III

Robert De Niro

Molly Jong-Fast

Don Lemon

Tara McGowan

Joel Payne

Jamie Raskin

Al Sharpton

Stuart Stevens

Mary L. Trump

Randi Weingarten

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Looks like a gathering of The Most Obnoxious People In The World.

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So wait....all these people will be in the same room at the same time? Hmmmm....


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“Unleash Hell” indeed. 👍

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Eesh, it's a who's who of cable news emetics.

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Hang on, I just noticed that Ruth Ben-Ghiat isn't on the list. What's up with that?

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No, he's a HERO for going around the Commander in Chief! Toe the line, Yuri!!

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Only Nazis submit to civilian authority, Nazi!

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Becerra had experience where it counted - persecuting David Daleiden for daring to suggest (with proof!) that Planned Parenthood was anything other than a “reproductive health charity.”

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Much like KHarris's only accomplishment in Cali was forcing crisis pregnancy centers to refer clients to abortion clinics. Nobody gets into the executive branch with legitimate credentials anymore. Maybe they never did.

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I don’t know. Washington picked a pretty great Cabinet, and there have been some brilliant secretaries since then. Even RFK, a nepotism pick if ever there was one, was at least a good lawyer before becoming AG. Now, though - not only is the executive branch run by incompetents from the top down, nobody there cares.

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They certainly used to. Look up Vannevar Bush, FDR’s head U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development. He was instrumental in shepherding key projects to fruition during WWII and beyond.

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He always creeped me out, but you're right: He wasn't a party hack. I'm not sure when the executive branch stopped being the province of legitimate people. Maybe it was during my childhood.

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I'm more than happy to adopt the standard of "If people die due to bad medical decisions, we get to blame the people who told them to do it" -- as long as the first people on trial are the 'leaders' dealing with people who have vax injuries........

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People said Trump said terrible things, but I don't remember him saying that those who were dying from diseases had brought it upon themselves--that they deserved it--because they'd declined to receive a certain medical product.

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Funny how selective the outrage is.

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Sep 21, 2023
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So, so sorry for your loss, your pain.

I miss my dad terribly, more than I ever imagined I would, but I am so very glad he passed away peacefully at home in 2019, before all the Covid crap. At his age he would have been given the shot or shots, his consent be damned.

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Sep 21, 2023
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As is my brother, who, like many, was bamboozled into taking these evil injections. I’m so sorry about your mother. Having a loved one murdered by this treachery is…well, I have no words.

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Regarding The Atlantic, this is in order:

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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P S Please distribute these rules as widely as possible. I don't think the powers that be want them out there. They can be found on the internet and go back a long time. They are not original with myself.

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nicely put. that is some sophisticated summary of "agitprop" and such. are you CIA? :)

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Sep 21, 2023Edited
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It's all part of the information war. A few victims as collateral damage don't bother them.

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The French have a phrase stemming from WWI: “pour encourager les autres” (for the encouragement of others). When a unit broke under fire, the French would pick a few soldiers at random and execute them as a lesson to others. That some of the “chosen” had stayed at their posts wasn’t relevant.

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The point is to never believe your lying ears, your lying eyes, and recently, your lying wallet. You’re not living through a cultural revolution! Why would you say that!? We’re not teaching porn to kids in schools! Why would you say that!?

We’re not struggling to afford bills and groceries, bidenomics has delivered the best economy ever! It’s so good, we named it “Bidenomics” after the greatest and most popular (81 million votes!) president ever - who’s definitely not afflicted with dementia...why would you say that!? He slurred his entire speech and forgot where he was? No he didn’t! It’s a stutter from when he was a kid! He referred to his wife as his sister? You misheard! He shuffled out of a medal of honor ceremony before it was done? No that was planned, presidents always do that! He frequently forgets the names of his staff members? C’mon man, give the guy a break, he’s working so hard! He’s taken more than half of this presidency as vacation? That’s again because of how hard he works!

On and on and on and on.

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"It’s often asked in my circles: Why isn’t Joe Biden getting more credit for his accomplishments? As with anything, there’s no single reason. "

I couldn't make it past this because I was afflicted with the uncontrollable urge to set myself on fire and jump out the nearest window.

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That seems like two steps where one step would be equally effective

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Not if you live on the ground floor.

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I couldn’t get past the first sentence before I vomited.

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Was that satire?

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So I clicked on the link and got an invitation to their upcoming STOP TRUMP summit. I immediately signed up based solely on the highlighted panelists scheduled to attend. Looks like good times.

“Guests will include the sharpest analyst of Trump’s dangerous mind, his niece, psychologist Mary L. Trump; congressman and Trump impeachment manager Jamie Raskin; anti-Trump lawyer and CNN contributor George Conway; National Action Network founder Al Sharpton; and Stuart Stevens, senior adviser at the Lincoln Project; and actor Robert De Niro.”

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Sep 22, 2023
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"You are charged with High Tediousness and Incredible Bullshittery. How do you plead?"

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Call me a pedant or besserwisser or nitpicker (it's all true so I don't mind), but the paper was called "Der Stürmer". 'Die' is feminine.

The editor of Der Stürmer was one Julius Streicher, member of the NSDAP and it was he that was tried for crimes against humanity, found guilty of inciting genocide, and hanged in 1946.

Problem in present day is, the US does not acknowledge that any one international court (such as the ICC f.e.) has the right to try american citizens for anything, a point which US politicians have made clear will be maintained using lethal force should it become necessary.

A position the US shares with Saudi Arabia, Iran, DPRK, Russia and China.

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Sep 22, 2023Edited
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He’s a German from what I have surmised.

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Come on, man. You misgendered a newspaper!

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The first rule of being a con man is never give up the con.

David Poe, science hating moron, retired cyclotron physicist and military veteran.

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This is why you’re my favorite substack. Also let’s start to be real. What are our options? Everything you just wrote plus our economy and this border nightmare. I can only assume things will get worse, and if, and that’s a big if, conservatives take some semblance of control back, I think the pendulum swings back in a big big way. Lives have been destroyed. Just look at DAs in major cities. They have blood on their hands with zero doubt. Scary times indeed.

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The Left&Company won the War Against Trump, you see, so they get to scribble out their version of history.

I appreciate you tackling the onerous job of reading the leftwing psychotic fairytales so we don't have to; you must have nerves of steel and the patience of Job.

Myself? This type of propaganda makes me so effing mad that I can almost feel steam coming out of my ears.

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I have absolutely no patience at all, and just grind my teeth all the time.

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They may have won a battle, but the war ain't over.

DJT 2025

25 IN 25


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Psychosis at the border evident since 2021. "The border is secure," claims secretary Majorcas, as 10,000 people illegally stream over the open border each day.

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Every week I do a roundup of crazy news stories. The Atlantic is frequently very helpful in supplying content. Of course, I laugh, but I laugh knowing that segments of the *voting* population actually think they're doing "journalism."

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What would we do without the Atlantic to tell us not to believe our lying eyes?

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They figured us out, our weaknesses - repeating a lie often enough makes it truth, is one of them. Safe and effective population control.

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I wish I agreed that it can't be sustained. i wished for the two years that all that COVID tyranny would end and the masses will wake up. But not happening/ when so many happily say men can become women, illegal immigrants are just 'migra!nts' climate is an 'existential' threat etc, it's clear that the existential threat is the psychosis that leads to all of this. Psychotics need to hit bottom to seek help. I don't think we've hit bottom yet. Espectially when a leadership class and media says 'no your fine!'.

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The price of arrogance is foolishness.

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"It rattles on down the road, impervious to inputs, convinced of its own truth without regard to events outside the shell."....until the wheels fall off.

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In fairness to Milley, even though the protests were fiery, they were mostly peaceful...CNN told me so...

Every single 4 star officer (maybe every officer with a star period) needs to be given a gold watch, a packet with their retirement paperwork and a “thank you for your service” and be sent packing to enjoy time with their grandkids. Will we lose 5 to 10 competent officers in that purge? Probably (I’d take the under in that bet), but it’s a chance I’m willing to take...

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Generals are politicians

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"Perfumed princes."

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My dad was a three-star admiral who compared his cohort to dukes. He was a man of integrity and was fired for bucking a certain senator and refusing to change his Operational evaluation of a certain system.

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Indeed. RIP Hackworth.

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Exactly - it’s the current criteria for making the rank.

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Yeah, here is a good story about how thorough our media is in getting at the truth and reporting facts...NOT!


We have to go to media in different countries to find out what is really happening here.

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