Quick side note: Home earlier than expected, owing to the tediousness of the US Forest Service, which in its infinite wisdom has decided that campfires and cookstoves will be too dangerous to use in the mountains of Southern California until next April.


Through the winter, because heavy snow sometimes bursts into flames or something.

It was 28 degrees outside when we stepped out of the car onto our campsite, with the sun still visible, and the fire pit was taped shut and covered in plastic. That sound you heard from the west, that anguished cry that rang out and filled the sky? Yeah, that was me. I have now vowed never to camp within 200 miles of Los Angeles ever again, because the local foresters are greatly inclined to this kind of silliness, and we had caution tape across our wilderness trailheads for over a year to protect us from a virus. The city-centered zero-risk mentality spreads like an inkblot. Anyway, onward.

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I...I...don't know how to process that bit of insanity you just shared.

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Me neither, and I was there.

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Even more ironic is that the unusual choice of the very last word in the Guardian piece to describe our supposed next civil war as "conflagration," or a very widespread uncontrollable burning fire. Guess the US Forest Service is acting like useless masks--still covering for the state's refusal to burn underbrush cyclically to ward off actual conflagration of millions of acres by ignoring it. It was like the whole whiny piece decried every single thing the Democrats and uni-Party elite have done over the past several years as unthinkable actions which "might now be done unto them." (Burning cities, locking up political opponents, crushing free speech, fixing elections...the list goes on.) As their champion FDR once said, "the only thing to fear is fear itself."

LSS, the political elite have so-knowingly persecuted their political enemies to the point it's backfired--they've evidently now scared the crap out of themselves, and are anticipating a justifiable tit-for-tat. I don't think it will happen as they describe, but like you said, that article and their (bordering on insane) predictions just leave those of us on Team Reality with the giggles. Perhaps instead of a coming civil war, we're witnessing a back-conflagration--rather, putting out the uncontrollable wildfires sparked deliberately by the left and socialist media doing the bidding of the so-called "elite." (The giggling part comes from watching them squirm. Justifiably. But I digress...)

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I loved Robert Curlin's take on this. Well done. And noting the irony of Chris's camping experience by mentioning this "Even more ironic is that the unusual choice of the very last word in the Guardian piece to describe our supposed next civil war as "conflagration," or a very widespread uncontrollable burning fire." was "chef's kiss" good.

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Thank you for the good words!

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You deserve the thanks for saying so well what many of us are thinking.

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They need and use conflagrations to support the climate change narrative or any psyop hysteria they like.

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This is why voting hardly matters. Voting doesn't get rid of the real tyrants, the bureaucrats.

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Sad, but true. Doesn't matter what the label is on our politicians, the actual power resides with the unelected, faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats.

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Actually, it resides even more heavily with the un-elected, faceless, unaccountable Parasite Oligarchy Behind the Curtain.

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Looking forward to Thanksgiving in the San Bernardino mountains, where we’ll have to be prepared for random power shut-offs. You know. For safety.

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As a new reader delighted to be here, this slice of utter California insanity makes me think of my friend Johnny, an active duty marine. We met in May 2020. At that time our betters in the city government of Manhattan Beach CA had decided to rope off playgrounds. Leafy, spacious playgrounds near the beach. My astonishment turned into determination in response to the disappointment on my children’s faces. I started to rip off the yellow tape and orange netting to free a slide. Soon, a pair of strong hands joined me. Johnny and his kids had arrived. We worked together, while being filmed by at least two double-masked Karens calling us names and promising to report us to the authorities. We laughed and waved, our kids played for hours, and Johnny and I are still best of friends. (PS home is now Texas, thank God.)

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I absolutely LOVE that story! Well Done! Well Done INdeed! I tip my hat to you and Johnny both!

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I don't know what to say to that... I am unable to adequately express the level of incredulity I feel after hearing your sordid trail tail... my voice simply lacks the necessary acrimonious nature I wish to convey... All I can muster is an unceremonious "Phuck 'em!"

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umm.. cookstoves?? Like OK if you think it's super dangerous to set a couple lil' logs aflame... I suppose, but a STOVE?? Oi

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We're on a hosepipe ban in North Yorkshire until next spring so no washing of cars or windows....it's done nothing but rain, really property monsoon rain, since 01 October. Clown world.

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Also known as Fuckery For No Real Reason.

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I blame racism

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And too few genders!

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This is exactly how my Mass Formation Affected brothers behave... Same type of thing when we were told during 2020 NOT to go to the beach or swim in the ocean.

They want to FUCK WITH US. That's all. If you're expecting these people to suddenly become sensible, logical, and reasonable, forget it. Go up. Mountains. Where the idiots are less dense, mentally, and in their numbers.

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Wowzers. That piece in The Guardian with writers Walter, Marche, and Parker was crazier than anything I've ever heard from the Right on 4Chan. These people are lunatics.

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Guardian is the watchword in craziness. They stopped being a serious newspaper years ago. Hysterical click bait. They were the worst during covid nonsense as well.

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It’s wishful thinking at least. More likely Communist marching orders.

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Alternatively... KEK.

I've taken to using the Kekistani terms 'KEK' and 'kek' where lol or LOL fails to properly capture the ridiculousness of the thing under consideration.

For me, KEK/kek is like "LOL/lol, and also this shit is fucking retarded".

Also: notice if you will that "herp" looks a lot like the Cyrillic негр.

It's my contention that the popularisation of "herp" was deliberate - to get the gag you have to know about Russian desserts and /b/-tards frequent use of the 'n word'.

Oh the times we had - getting Hitler to the top of various polls, and at the very same time getting Justice for Dusty... all while calling each other 'fag' and "n-word" (in the same way that Chalmondley is pronounced "Chumly", the 'n-word' is pronounced to rhyme with 'bigger' KEK)

And getting normalfags to say "herp" for a while.

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Related to Ken and Pepe the Frog......


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Nov 6, 2022
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"As I climb the gallows to my death, my publicist reminds me that the ebook of my newest release is available for just $9.99 this week at Amazon."

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I wonder if he’ll post a selfie with his executioner?

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Before, and After...

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It will if the elites want a civil war.

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Of course they do! It's that many more people THEY don't have to kill.

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These fools believe that democratic elections are only democratic if their side wins. Then, they imagine that their opponents, if they are elected, will arrest them and even kill them. Maybe they believe that because that’s exactly what they have been doing to conservatives. Let’s be very clear: there is a big difference between investigating Trump based on malicious lies about Russia collusion and investigating Fauci over his efforts to censor his detractors, or his relationship with Big Pharma. There are also good reasons to investigate Biden over his ties to China, his dereliction of duty and ignoring federal law at the border. Finally, we should know why Trump’s home is raided based on a dispute with the National Archives, but questions about Obama’s, Clinton’s and Biden’s roles in Russia collusion hoax appear to be off limits. There’s much more.

So, the fools who have abused their power worry about the consequences of a democratic election. We can only hope for accountability.

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Preach it!

We should demand answers if the Republicans take both chambers.

It should be relentless imo.

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We already have answers. Pat due for heads to roll.

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But we need to roll the heads that are BEHIND these govt. clowns. AS IF our govt. could come up with all this fuckery by themselves... Noooooo. They had the City of London (not the geographical city of London, but the Bad Guy Oligarch Fucker Parasite Psychopaths City of London) behind this, and the DOD/DARPA, and Big Pharmafia, and a whole bunch of CIA muffos. I want 'em ALL, preferably in small, cold cells, for the rest of their duration.

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Actually, we can bloody well insist on accountability.

I'm going to be there, off the leash.

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Accountability will never happen when the Democrats biggest cheerleaders, the Repugnicants come to power. That team does every single thing in the book as well as some not in the book to religiously lose.

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Well take comfort; at least none of us rubes are experiencing inflation according to our Elites.

Pretty sure a pet could explain to them that they're working harder for treats and getting smaller portions.

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The brand of chicken I've been buying for the past two years just went from five thighs in a package (down from six thighs from the similar brand I bought when I lived elsewhere) to four. Maybe Krugman doesn't buy his own groceries, but surely the housekeeper is asking for more housekeeping money. Maybe she is just skimming less of it.

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Ha, right?!

Just wait until seller financed loans come back. That was a good indicator in the late 70's/early 80's that inflation did indeed exist.

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Like the credit card from Fingerhut? I guess we sort of have them, with buying phones on the installment plan, and car dealerships offering financing. I can only hope one of the major TV networks brings back the original *Rockford Files.* If you're enduring stagflation, endless war, and bad clothes, at least you can comfort yourself with the fact that you're not living in a trailer that's almost repossessed on a weekly basis.

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OMG. I would watch the Rockford Files with my dad all the time.

Thx for bringing back some of the better memories during that time.

Completely forgot about it.

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And the Lance White episodes are perfect. You recognize the pre-Magnum figure as the charmed guy who makes it seem as if Rockford's realism is pessimism, and although he's fun to watch, it's Rockford who's right, and definitely Rockford whom I'd want to have with me in a tight spot. A roll of quarters as the poor man's brass knuckles! Recognizing feds by the width of their ties! Possibly the only true American hero (only exaggerating slightly).

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Old favorite of mine as a kid

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I know it. Not only have the prices increased, but the package sizes have shrunk. Even the crummy paper towel at our gym is down to one skimpy ply punched with some kind of tool so it appears thicker, but it’s not.

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I’m still waiting for my favorite type of cookie( those ginger snaps that come in a plain brown bag), to start being sold in 1lb bags again. They have been the same price for the past 20 years but are now down to an 8oz bag.

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see joy reid's explanation. you'll feel better

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It's a straight up class war.

I hope people wake up and get it.

The people, as in every other civilization, are on the verge of giving up their liberties to Plutocrats

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It's a FAKE class war, doncha know.

ANYTHING to get us at EACH OTHER and not on THEM... The filthiest, richest, slimiest, murderest, oligarchiest, psychopathiest, useless eaterest, Assholiest people EVER, ANYWHERE, Periodest.

They want us to KILL EACH OTHER so there's fewer of us left to KILL THEM.

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Agree 100%

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You know, I think you'd better come by for chocolate cake sometime... ;)

Bring the wife and kidlets. Chocolate heals all things.

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She's full on racist.

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I doubt it! There is nothing about Ms. Reid that could possibly make me feel better.

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you'll feel better knowing that there is no inflation; it's just a made up word to make you nervous and words have no power... except when they are trigger words, canceled words, dangerous words, words i don't like. you know- most words

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You're gonna smear HOUSEKEEPERS? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Talk about pickin' on the least likely to screw you over!!!!!!! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!

Take it back, take it back!

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well, you never would have noticed if "they" hadn't drummed it into you 24/7 and taught you words you never heard before. words like "in-flay-shu-n"

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I was just staring at a package of chicken the other day and trying to think of a word to describe what had happened to the price. And then, suddenly, a Republican approached!

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well played Carolyn

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It would be a much easier thing to believe that the political right was "coming for your kids" if it weren't for the fact that the political left has made sure that people can kill close to a million babies a year for convenience and they weren't pushing to allow adolescents the autonomy to chemically and surgically mutilate themselves into sterilized non-persons who can't even accept the fact they were born with reproductive organs that they are taught are not a match for who they really are.

Between the 2 we won't need to have a civil war, they will have eliminated themselves by the middle of the century.

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Yeah, I thought "they'll kill our children" was....interesting. Uniquely tone deaf and misaligned.

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They still run the corporations, including the banks. I don't see any end in sight to their power, outside Amish country and similar enclaves. I don't give them power over my time by not watching or reading their claptrap. Much like other things I should do, I should reduce further the amount of business I do with them. I guess it's nice that some of the foot soldiers may lose their jobs, but the country will still be controlled by people who want very different things from your ordinary, decent American, regardless of whether that idiot Rubio keeps his Senate seat (and he's from the party that's supposedly the solution... I think I hurt my back laughing so hard).

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For laughs, subscribe to the federal government's many email lists, and you'll be notified multiple times per day about the new bits of bureaucracy being built All. The. Time. Somebody's paying for FSMA, FDASIA, FDAMA, etc. Oh, wait: It's us. And somebody's normal life is being run by more and more regulations that multiply faster than rabbits could dream of, without ever seeing them. (If you haven't heard my rant about how "notice and comment" is broken when all federal rules, created by unelected bureaucrats, become final without 99.9% of the population even knowing they exist... Well, you can imagine it.) We're like Czechoslovakia in 1970, only because we have a wide variety of brands of jeans to buy, we pretend the massive state doesn't exist, and isn't living off our blood.

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The CFPB decision was a tiny tiny tiny little piece of mildly good news:


But the endless growth of the administrative state is an enormous problem, and it seems to go on no matter what happens in the political culture.

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This is my favorite ruling when it comes to clipping the wings of the unelected bureaucracy:

Supreme Court’s Ruling in West Virginia v. EPA Delivers Win for Self-Government, Affordable Energy


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I loved this bureau/technocrat's line: CFPB spokesperson Sam Gilford said “there is nothing novel or unusual about Congress’s decision to fund the CFPB outside of annual spending bills.”

Agreed: There is nothing unusual or novel at all with the administrative state acting unconstitutionally with congressional blessing for decades. All you have to do is look at the EPA's declaration that carbon dioxide is an air pollutant and it has the authority to regulate it under its interpretation of the Clean Air Act. "Quit breathing, proles!!" (Okay. That was an over-the-top hyperbole but you can catch my drift.) W. Va v EPA and Utility Air Regulatory Group v EPA are two recent SCOTUS decisions that have found a chink in the "Major Questions" doctrine enjoyed by the bureaucracies. We may just see SCOTUS go after Mass. v EPA soon. This federal agency house of cards may crumble in my lifetime.

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Nicely put. "Nothing unusual" doesn't mean kosher. There's nothing unusual, unfortunately, about sexually assaulting a fellow inmate while in prison, but that doesn't make it a legally unassailable practice. IMO, the federal agencies are a bit like whack-a-mole; while the courts are catching up to one, the others are building themselves so many new powers that it will take decades for the appropriate lawsuits even to be filed.

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Both (nominally different, but ultimately the same other than a few non-federal guys) parties want the same thing: a massive state that can be their hammer when they're in the majority or in the White House. Give me Gary Johnson any day. I don't want the feds to have a hammer, even if the hammer could (theoretically, someday) be mine.

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Pretty ironic, considering the Peeps never got to vote on giving away our sovereignty in 1913 when the Fed was given control of our everything.

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There is the creation of bureaucracy by acts of Congress, and then there's the entrenchment of bureaucracy by the bureaucrats themselves with little to no recourse for the people. Congress needs to invoke APA on a weekly basis.

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Now you're speakin' my language! Woof!

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Actually, I'd like to see the Feral Govt. reduced to a BEAR minimum, and the bulk of things done in the most local way possible. Centralized usually means waaaaaaay too much bureaucracy.

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They are sticking straws into us now, hoping to suck the life out of us through our wallets, and not just our hearts/brains/bloodpans.

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I don't get the Rubio hate. Please explain.

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I wouldn't go so far as to call it "hate"; I just don't think he's the answer to any of this country's problems. He's not very bright, supports endless war, supports the spying-on-citizens PATRIOT Act (and big government in general), and thinks that permanent Daylight Savings Time is a good idea.

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Not a Rubio fan but he sure beats the heck out of Val Demmings, so he has my vote.

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Thanks, I honestly was just going to ask, where is the better alternative to Rubio?

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There is a Libertarian (Dennis Misigoy) running against both Rubio and Demings. There are also two people in that race with no party affiliation, Steven Grant and Tuan Nguyen. IMO Misigoy is the better alternative. Even if so many of us vote for Misigoy that Demings wins, it will be worth it, because it will take Rubio out of politics for a little while. Just my opinion, to be sure, but Rubio is more of the same. This country (again, IMO) does not need more of the same. Ron Johnson is holding hearings into COVID shot damages without any backing from Rubio or anyone else in the Senate. Just one example of how Rubio is not serving the American people. (Also, as a member of the press, I asked Rubio's office to assist with a FOIA request, and they bent over for FDA instead of helping a journalist who is also a constituent. That alone loses him my vote, forever.)

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Seems to me the Feral Govt. has NEVER served the American People, just the American Wealthy.

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You can read about Misigoy on BallotPedia, but I think his answer to this question makes him head and shoulders above Rubio: Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. What are the main points you want voters to remember about your goals for your time in office?

The only legitimate function of government is to uphold and defend the individual’s rights to life, liberty, and property.

The only path to peace and prosperity, both among nations and among the people within our own country, is respect for individual liberty.

We’re facing $30 trillion in debt, over 8% inflation, and the possibility of nuclear war with Russia because of the two party establishment’s stranglehold on power. Change cannot wait any longer.

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Silly wabbit, alternatives are for real democracies.

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Just picture it, the republicans win majority in congress and before you know it, there are literal violent riots in our cities, couched in some random racial purpose. Buildings burned down, cities wrecked, people murdered. Meanwhile, the authorities and police literally cow-tow to the rioters! If you oppose it, you’re the racist.

This is what happens thanks to the right! They let this happen. 🙃🤡

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It'll be interesting to see how much patience people have for another round of that game.

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I know that gun and ammo purchases spiked as a result last time!

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Isn't that why they wanted 85,000 new ARMED IRS agents?

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Right, but the perps will be wearing red MAGA hats. In fact they’ll probably spring Ray Epps from his trailer out in New Mexico to organize the Insurrection 2. Those ultra MAGA folks just rubbing it in the faces of those who support DEMOCRACY. 😛

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I’m glad we have Historians to give us a balanced view of history.

As for future historians, this is the most hysterical American period since Cotton Mather was conducting the Salem Witch Trials.

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Beschloss and The Guardian piece are Communist marching orders disguised as a warning. Watch and see…

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I agree, its a confession and not really veiled threat. Every accusation from these people is a confession.

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Yes! That's what I got out of this too.

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Yup. A kind of Projection. They predict actions of their opponents of things they hope or intend to do themselves.

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This rhetoric is disturbing because they tend to project what they do and think and accuse others of what they end up doing. Is all this destruction and civil war predictive programming? Like event 201? I’m just a regular person making the best decisions I can like most people, but there’s no empathy with these people, we are not real to them.....this makes me so disappointed, this dumbing down crap, this open appeal to hate/fear/emotion....the American public deserves so much better. Frustration and disappointment is something I feel frequently, along with a protective feeling for all my fellow Americans subjected to the endless propaganda

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Wow that Guardian piece is insane.

In about a year, America will consist of two camps - people who believe (rightly or wrongly, probably rightly) they were disenfranchised by the elite, and people who know (rightly) they were poisoned by them...

And the loons on MSNBC will be convinced they're all really angry because they hate transvestites.

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But only if our political overloads taught us the words for it, first. They have to teach us words and stuff before we can notice it or care. 😂

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I could not do it. I tried reading it, but I had brain cells that were threatening suicide. Even worse, some of them were threatening to give me a migraine. 😛

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well, there's this from the Guardian: "Still others simply cannot believe that Americans would start killing one another."

i don't know; people i spent years working with bragged that they wished the unvaccinated would die miserable deaths and gloated when some of them did. doctors and hospitals were refusing to treat or transplant people who were unvaccinated.

sounds to me like a certain faction of americans would feel smugly entitled to kill other americans.

of course, no unvaccinated people ever wished death on vaccinated people so i would expect the killing on one side to be offensive and the killing on the other side to be defensive

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Oh, man. Thanks for taking up that Michael Beschloss bit. I’ve seen it a few time (and the little I’ve watched of Fox News, the laughter is pretty unrestrained at the sheer ridiculousness). And this Walters chick - every paragraph is riddled with contradictions. Election deniers are how we will all die! They’ll get elected and then they’ll STEAL ELECTIONS! (So how do we fix it? Censor social media! Brilliant!)

But I appreciate how you point out how we got here, which is what’s missing in the commentary I’ve seen. Ok, so we’re at the moment of desperation (DEMOCRACY IS ON THE BALLOT EVERYONE!!) and irrational bargains and screaming, but how did we end up where the talking heads and the writers and critics become so irrational? You’ve nailed it, as usual.

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EVERYONE who warns you against "election deniers" will warn you, in the same breath, that the far-right is about to steal a bunch of elections, and their elections will all be illegitimate. Every. Single. One.

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I’m going to use “brutally fucking stupid” as much as I can, thanks.


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Bravo. Some great imagery early on. The self-referential elite looking out of their savespace-cave at a world they can only comprehend as being only filled with terrifying beings. Which leads me to realize the profound importance of pledging allegiance to the Constitution and really meaning it. The Constitution is our salvation. It enunciates principle after principle that leads to the general welfare by encouraging principled self-interest. It is the Ten Commandments of successful self-government. All that needs to be done is populate our leadership class with those having the courage to follow the Constitution.

So much of the federal government is in direct contradiction to the Constitution. If the power exercised by the present day federal government is not enumerated in the Constitution that power, under the Constitution, is reserved for the States. It says so right there in the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution about the States being able to irrevocably relinquish any of their power to the federal government.

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