Chris, my late father would have summed her up: “She’s away with the mixer.” I think that says it all.

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so eloquent ;)

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I don’t know….. needing trans people seems like needing chocolate ice cream to be vanilla, but we have vanilla. There’s plenty, and it’s great, so we don’t really need more. We do need more chocolate mint, though.

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Call me crazy, but I don't think I've read anywhere in the Bible, "lop off thy child's breasts and make her a boy if she playeth with a truck and dirtieth herself with mud and thou shalt create thyself a son."

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tHat'S bEcAuSe hE hAdN'T sEnT SaINt mACHaeLa yEt!!!!!!

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You mean, "they."

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Kinda thinking that, if the Lord sent a messenger, said person would actually represent...you know...God. He tells us to protect and treasure children, not mutilate them. So...you know...she might be insane.

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I recently watched a homeless woman stand in the middle of Wilshire Boulevard and scream "I AM JESUS CHRIST STOP THIS BUS" at traffic. This person is crazier than that.

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I'd rather have the homeless schizo in office. More entertaining and less dangerous.

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Well, there’s Fetterman. Not quite to order, but he looks homeless and he can’t get a coherent sentence out...

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Too much Cannabis

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That’s dangerous by itself. Combine it with a congenitally low IQ and this is what you get.

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mRNA strain, I heard.

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Speaking of crazy people in front of buses, as an idealistic young man visiting from the provinces, I once tried to save an elderly well dressed man who I saw wander out into heavy traffic on 2nd avenue in Manhattan. Once I got to him and started to steer him toward the sidewalk, it became apparent that he was drunk and belligerent as he began to grapple with me. Realizing we were both about to get flattened, I extricated myself. Fortunately, traffic stopped and neither of us got killed. The points being, some people are too crazy to save ( like your protagonist here) and no good deed goes unpunished. Our country is full of nuts. Don’t let them take you down with them. (Also, you can never tell a book by its cover.)

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And the homeless woman could arguably point out that, well, the bus did stop, didn't it? So she has more support for her argument than this nut job in Nebraska.

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The Lord is probably thinking of sending an asteroid the size of Australia to us about now. Looking at her he should realize his creation is irredeemably twisted and evil and maybe he should give the octopuses a shot.

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We’ve earned it

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Honestly we have

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I still have a bumper sticker from the 2016 election, supporting SMOD. I see it's running again in 2024. Might be the best choice. https://sweetmeteorofdeath.com

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So ... the Lord in question is Moloch, right?

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He should tell his messengers they’re getting too easy to spot. I thought they were supposed to be more subtle.

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Subtle as a gaping wound where the penis is supposed to be.

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The individual who invented the phalloplasty is due to win a Nobel, right? C’mon minions of Moloch. That’d be subtle. 😂

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praise be his name

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There you go again....

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I've got to get this comment in before someone scoops me;

"I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you"

Genghis Khan

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Attila the Hun, called himself "Flagellum Dei" a millennia before Genghis.

(Just had to hipster it, didn't I?)

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I was going to post exactly that if you hadn’t scooped me. The parallel is significant.

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We’ve been very bad, tis’ true. Thought, word and deed. Things done and things left undone.

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The next internet billionaire will be the inventor of the app that allows you to unsee videos watched online. I hope they’re close.

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One could only wish!

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As others have pointed out, if I told you I wanted my left arm cut off because I identify as an amputee, you’d tell me I was nuts. But if I tell you I want my nuts cut off because I think I’m a woman, then I’m a hero. No.

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Yep. Everyone who thinks this woman is right should watch the movie *Whole.* You feel bad for the amputee-delusionists, but you don't (if you're sane) think God wants you to cut off their healthy limbs.

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Well said Tanto. There's some extreme forces at work here, constantly applied against simple logic, that, well, umm, defy logic.

Could it be (pinky to the corner of mouth . . .)

SATAN ? ??

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Actually, "transableism" is real thing. We've gone that far around the bend.


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Eunuchs = no family.

That's what they want.

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Once you become aware of the bizarre push for intentional infertility, you see it everywhere. For about five minutes, pathologizing women's periods was out of fashion (remember Amy Schumer at the Oscars protesting "period shaming"?). Now, if your time of the month requires more than a pantiliner, you should be on five-year implantable birth control. Um, OK.

Love the fake headline, BTW. Bayer isn't breaking taboos around bleeding heavily; it's abusing women's shame to sell them long-acting birth control. But facts... who needs them?


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I read an article a few weeks ago that there are people identifying as handicapped, and the most extreme of them do in fact want doctors to make it so. If things continue apace as they have been for the last couple decades I expect the number of people who share those sick mindset to swell. And of the “the science” will accommodate them.

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Liberal white women are the very worst.

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AWFL will destroy Western Civilization.

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Or WAFL, white affluent, feminized liberals. Covers more bases....

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Let me get this straight (no pun intended...). This woman is trying to present herself (and others) as delivering the “word of god” such that the recipients of this message, direct from god, are to understand that god (whom we are told is infallible) made a mistake with the kids whom”identify as trans” and must therefore be subjected to “corrective” surgery to “fix” the mistakes of the previously declared infallible higher being? Is that about it?

If I have got that right, I hope I have not, then the level of hypocrisy is simply unprecedented in my experience. Clearly this person hasn’t read the bible and doesn’t understand the first thing about Christianity and as such is entirely ill suite to project the “word of god”. I don’t mind if a person doesn’t believe in Christianity or indeed god but the issue here is not that, it is seeking to coerce people by citing the “word of god” as the justification for an entirely ungodly act.

Note: I have every sympathy for adults who may, after sufficient counselling and reflection and understanding of the consequences undertake such a drastic action but to demand that this be allowed for minors, with or without parental consent, BECAUSE it is the word of god is so unbelievably unchristian a position to take I can scarce believe a sane person would take it, much less publicly project such a position.

If theologians were to accept this “word of god” then they must also accept that god can no longer be held as infallible and thus the entire Christian theology must be rewritten. Someone should ask these people whether that is their position as that is the logical extension of their position and are the willing to accept such a theological restatement?

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People have been claiming to be messengers of one god or another for millennia. Some of them are crazy. Some of them are opportunists.

I'm so glad to be an atheist.

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So an insane Nebraska State Senator says God wants to mutilate children. There have always been evil fanatics wiling to commit unspeakable crimes in the name of God (the Spanish Inquisition, the English Tudor repression of Catholics). Hitler also regularly invoked God, for example. She’s just the latest creepy crazy person, and it doesn’t surprise me at all that sexually mutilating children is her issue, our nation is in precipitous moral decline.

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The good news, though, is that the legislature ignored the lunatic and banned child sex mutilation. The tide is turning, and psychotic I AM THE VOICE OF THE LORD performance from batshit leftists doesn't seem likely to turn it back.

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She never does say what god. Moloch and Ba'al liked child sacrifice.

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No doubt a Lord of Darkness

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So, nothing adds credibility to an argument like a little bit of megalomania.

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I'm sorry, Chris, I can't watch. I just can't stomach their pig manure mixed with chicken *%?! any longer. I'm so glad I grew up in the 70s & 80s. If I had been born in the last 20 years they would have encouraged *me to undergo surgery. These people are pure evil.

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Why wouldn't God just put people in the right sex body to begin with?

Call me old fashioned but I've always been under the impression that the Lord wants us to live with the hand we are dealt.

Living with a penis when you really, really, really, think you want a vagina but will probably change your mind when you turn 10 builds character.

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'Why wouldn't God just put people in the right sex body to begin with?'

While believers will come up with convoluted arguments to explain why, this is the sort of contradiction that turned me into an atheist when I was very young.

Over the years I've run across various writers who psychoanalyze God and conclude he's got any number of psychopathies. I have to say these conclusions strike me as reasonable, given the evidence.

[standing by for lightning strikes]

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Man made God in his own image.

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Apparently, megalomania transcends race, creed, religion, lack thereof, culture, socio-economic class, education, lack of education, sexuality, partisanship and ideology.

The self proclaimed “ God’s Gifts”.

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Well that is a change. The Demwits are now using “Lord” to convey the message that this evil surgery is good and necessary.

I think her message is from the “Lord of Darkness”.

The battle of good v evil continues.

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