Yeah, I'm done with calling men who claim to be women - women. Now that here in Minnesota we are a trans refuge state by decree of our Governor, the state is going all-in on the new eugenics, sterilizing and genitally mutilating children in the name of therapy. I regularly get called a fascist, bigot and a liar in Minnpost.com for saying children should not be allowed to take drugs or surgery that would sterilize or remove genital parts of them. So much of the left is now a eugenicist death cult.


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I agree with what you say but point out the Left has passionately loved butchering preborn humans for decades. A very expansive and progressive “eugenicist death cult.”

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the left has been a death cult for as long as ive been alive.

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Yes that is very true, and using women as tools was there from the start. People don’t remember that in the beginning Stalin himself decreed that it was bourgeois for women to refuse sex on demand, and the each man could have three wives. That stuff lasted about 10 years before the social degredation made it ‘necessary’ for Stalin and the Party to come up with their own version of the 10 Commandments. The abortion industry took off of course during that time and never looked back.

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Yes. Looks like they missed us.

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In Minnesota they are also trying to make abortion unlimited, on demand, without any reporting so no one has any idea how many or what kind of abortions are happening, on the grounds of "human rights" because most of the abortions in lily white Minnesota are by minority women - which is also a lot like eugenics.

That said, I point out in my piece above, a 6-week limit as they are doing in Florida s disingenuous insofar as a child is not viable outside the womb without very expensive technology for long after that.

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White Libs really hate it when I ask them, don’t little Preborn Black Boys and Girls lives matter?

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Lightweights. Up here we went from “saving every life” in 2020/1/2 to state paid euthanasia in 2023.

It’s utter madness. Brought to you by the wokest digbat ever to “lead” a western nation.

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Yes, as authoritarian as our Governor Walz is, I've no doubt he would bow and lick the boots of Trudeau.

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All about how you define "life".

Bet you your twerp-in-charge would rather save his pet rock than a child born with an extra chromosome, if it was a white child.

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Amazing how disagreeing with the latest thing automatically makes you a fascist. Our education system has failed us.

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Many liberals I encounter immediately resort to name calling any time anyone questions them about their ideology - because their ideology cannot be defended by reason or logic. American education is descending into the idea that the only facts are emotional responses, which has made so many emotionally weak, easily overwhelmed by their emotions, many of whom then take anti-depressants making it arguably worse.

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When your battle cry is to let people live there truth, and you promote this as healthy, the outcome will always be confusion and chaos. There are absolute truths that exist, despite one’s feelings. Learning to navigate life knowing this is how one becomes healthy. Demanding others to affirm and acknowledge “my truth” will lead to despair. The bogus pseudo science known as psychology has 1 solution-prescribed meds. Ignoring absolute truth will most definitely lead you to an unhappy, unfulfilled life.

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If you are looking for a root cause, remember in 1990 there were 10 times as many psychology students as there were psychologists.

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No. It makes you a fascist bigot homophobic whataboutist white supremacist member of the hated racist patriarchy.

Weird, spell check actually changed racist to fascist the first time I typed it.

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Keep doing it. What on earth happened to Minnesota?

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Trump broke many a brain, then covid finished them off. Governor Walz went full on authoritarian with Covid and much of the state apparently got a taste for being dominated by liberal Daddy.

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Wow! This didn't take long. Moral depravity at its finest. With the way world events are culminating an appearance by God may not be to far off.

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I saw yesterday that the dean at West Texas A&M, near Amarillo, cancelled a drag show saying it was offensive in the exact same way as "blackface." I think that is exactly correct and a very strong argument going forward.

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Whoa! Sanity in academia?!

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I completely agree with this. I have long been saying that everything, the way everything is going, is pushing a nihilistic agenda intended to demoralise our kids and convince them that the future is not worth inhabiting. My every waking moment is spent on scoffing, to every youngster I come across, that all of the crisis-mongering and doomsday speech is trying to deprive them of their RIGHTFUL FUTURES. That the trans agenda is nothing but a gambit to convince young girls that growing up to be beautiful women and having children is somehow a "bad" thing. That the climate crisis is nothing but an anti-human control tactic to persuade kids that they must fear the future and that they should plan not to be in it, and that it's just an age-old tactic by the Haves to keep all of the good stuff for themselves and to keep the minions' numbers in check. That the injections are damaging them and that they must trust their bodies and keep their immune systems strong so that they can take their bodies, whole and functioning, into the future and live with and shake off our pathogens like we always have.

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Our school system has been teaching children. - especially white children - to hate themselves for decades. Decades…. all children in their innocence want to be loved and accepted. The social pressure to become a ‘cherished victim’ is HUGE. Perverted groomers sweep the field in conditions like that.

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You’re a good friend for these kids to have, Ann.

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Thanks, Bridget. I feel I'm optimally positioned, given that I work at a university. I think I shock them with my contrarian stance on everything, but underneath the eye-rolls I think they want and need to hear it. We all need to be spreading the message, loudly and cheerfully, to them before they get paralysed and damaged by the spreading nihilistic infection.

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Where are the so-called feminists now? Why aren't they celebrating women's bodies and minds and souls and powerful fertility as they used to?

Why isn't that generation of man-hating hard-hearted bitches out there in middle American beating the shit out of these penis-based perverts when they show up and present "women" as nothing more than sicko sex objects?

Gloria Steinem, I am triple-dog daring you to be the "leader" I thought you were when I was a wide-eyed teen, to actually be useful and save women and girls from the real enemy, hatred of the powerful female form.

(Best wishes to you, Chris, on your odyssey.)

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To answer you initial question about where are the feminists, they are cheering the men-in-women's-clothing on.

As I mention in my own comment above, my wife has an academic background in gender studies and related fields, from the long-long ago and one thing I've learned from her studies is this:

Women's liberation, in the traditional sense, was always ever for equality before the law and nothing more. Women's lib groups used to exclude and push away feminists all up until the 10970s when the women's lib groups started folding, having achieved their initial goals in virtually all ways.

The feminists didn't disarm, they instead stepped up their efforts, incubated inside academia and media during the 1980s and early 1990s, and then burst forth to prominence like Giger's Xenomorph from the body of society.

Because feminists hate women. They hate themselves for being women, they hate the idea of sex and sexes both, and they hate that others enjoy and relish what they hate, because the joy of others makes them feel their own self-loathing all the more.

So they project this recursive tangle of self-hate onto the world at large.

That's why you always find feminists cheering abusers, rapists and now "transwomen" (or "women+" which is the up and coming newspeak for this): they love to see what they hate getting hurt and humiliated.

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They also hate even the female child in utero and now newly out. Infanticide is never having to say I’m sorry. Of course it goes without saying the boy baby is verboten, as well.

The whole idea of motherhood being a good thing? How can that be assumed when you have legions of young women saying an uninvited baby, (oops! forgot to dehumanize, I mean fetus) is an intruder who must first have permission for gestation, let alone a non-lethal birth?

These girls on college campuses increasingly approach even their own future children the same way a terrier does a backyard bunny. No heart but lightening like reflexes.

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What you describe is however almost unique to white (as in pigmentation) western women.

Arabs, various africans, assorted asians, hispanics and latinas of the Americas, or semites and gypises seem virtually unaffected, as does most of the slavic and fenno-ugric group.

Now, who excepting them/ourselves could have it in for the european peoples? (Or white people to use american race-vernacular, which I honestly don't like to do - ethnicities have names, pigmentation is just pigmentation.)

Who indeed would consider the "white race" as a whole to have a collective blood-debt payable only by being made extinct?

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China would be my first guess. Read up on the boxer rebellion and the opium wars.

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Quoting from Rikard’s post:

“...like Giger's Xenomorph from the body of society.”

Rikard, you have nailed it! Excellent way of putting it! What is happening is frightening. But in political ideology, nothing ever happens without money - truckloads of it. So who or what is behind all this? Who is trying to collapse the fundamental framework of Western society? To get the answer, the question to keep asking yourself therefore is “Cui Bono?”, or in plain English, “Who Benefits” - or colloquially - follow the money trail to the source.

Here is a clue - I am not American - but from my vantage point on the other side of the world, and with the benefit of advanced age, it is obvious to many outsiders that most Americans are culturally blind, especially America’s naive political class. America seems to be unable to understand other cultures, and thus keeps making enormous cultural and sociological mistakes. It therefore ends up being manipulated and becoming a victim to the ill-will of those who wish to destroy the U.S. It is time to wake up America. It is not too late!

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I'm not american either; I'm swedish and have seen in real time during my life how feminism and liberal progressivism ushers in the genocide of the european peoples and the final fall of western civilisation.

Americans were especially vulnerable to the ideas that came to them from italian and french political scientists and sociologist during the 1950s and 1960s, as the americans (on the cultural level) tend to fixate more on the surface imagery than the actual content of an idea; that however has very rapidly changed in just 15 years, and all to the better.

Edit: thank you for your praise. Having read about Giger's thoughts on what the Xenomorph is and how it meshes with his various artworks on the same theme (biomechanoids), I'd struggle to find something that fits better.

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"Because feminists hate women. They hate themselves for being women, they hate the idea of sex and sexes both, and they hate that others enjoy and relish what they hate, because the joy of others makes them feel their own self-loathing all the more."

Bingo. The "liberal" feminists and the "radfems" alike are vicious misogynists. Radfems are anti-trans but usually stupid enough to believe in things like covid BS and punishing beautiful White women to somehow remedy all the alleged racism in the world. Of course, it's the height of sexism to point out their seething hatred and jealousy of women who are just minding their own business. They don't have the balls to just be hateful and own up to it, so they dress up their contempt in academic/political jargon--all while screeching about patriarchy and men being the problem (after women who are better looking/more socially adept than them, obvs).

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Which just goes to show you that the so-called feminist is just a construct. Silent on all of the abuses of women in the Middle East and Africa. Silent on the killing of girl babies in China. Silent on all the abuses of BLM. But cheering on men dressed as women. It’s completely effed up

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"Why isn't that generation of man-hating hard-hearted bitches out there in middle American beating the shit out of these penis-based perverts"

Because feminists are passive aggressive. The more compliant you are, the worse the abuse is. That's why it's heaped on working men who want to be left alone, but never directed towards men who threaten physical violence. So, they're incentivizing violence against women, but they can't reason their way out of a paper bag - because feelings, so they have no idea what's resulting from their behavior.

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"That's why it's heaped on working men who want to be left alone, but never directed towards men who threaten physical violence."

Exactly. Men who keep things running and don't expect a parade and a day of remembrance are bad and evil, but males who assault women are somehow victims, both of society and their actual victim. Guys who virulently hate women are simply misunderstood. (People like using that word b/c it's a passive-aggressive way to shift the blame for violence onto victims, as if it could've been prevented if only the target had been "nicer".)

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And it can’t, so won’t, end until 19A is repealed.

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"No amendment, no amendment to the Constitution is absolute"

- Joe Biden, science enthusiast and ardent defender of wahmen

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Because of people like you who don't stand up and support women. While women and feminists have been standing up for others throughout history, nobody has been standing up for women. Women truly have no empowerment or Roe v Wade would not have been overturned, we would have had a woman president, women would be a majority of CEO's, senators or military officers. But that's not happening is it? And the tokens presented to us still have to play by the rules of the patriarchy. And I'm 71 years old and I've never met any of those man-hating hard-hearted bitches that you refer to. Ironically, I've only seen or heard of that from the media, not in real life.

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You /really/ need to study actual real history.

Your entire premise is a full 180 degrees away from reality.

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Pick a people (as in a culture and ethnicity).

Start as far back as you can and study a couple of thousand pages of actual real research (anthropology, sociology - not "cultural studies" but real subjects), with a focus on society at large.

What you'll find is this: societal roles applied equally to both sexes, in any society you care to name. Women were not devoid of freedom or options and had no greater freedom than the men of their own caste or class (pick Rome and you'll see that class was a legal concept 2 000 years ago, it was not invented by Max).

Avoid works written after the 1970s, as they almost invariably are written in a politically correct context instead of a scientific one.

If you can read swedish, the Gutalagen (Law of the Gute) is a perfect starting point. From there you can read the swedish Landskapslagar (Laws of the Lands) which are the laws of the pre-christian era put to paper in the period between the 1100s to the 1400s.

By studying the actual old or even ancient texts (Code of Hammurabi or the Book of the Dead f.e.) you'll quickly see that sex/gender was not the most important decider re: rights/freedoms/privileges (often the same thing, in practice)- status in the group, wealth and actual physical ability as well as courage and cleverness were.

As in, much more equal than today since the basis in almost all societies was deed-based.

Tangent and background-summary:

The controlled woman-narrative doesn't appear until in the 18th century and then only among the upper classes. The reason for the feministfiction of the eternally oppressed woman is that the movement was founded on one end by british upper-class ladies bored out of their skulls by Victorian morals and etiquette (representing far lesss than 1% of all women) and on the other end as women's groups inside Marxist socialist labour unions. That's also what lead to the feminist/women's lib-split which lasted until the 1970s when formal equality before the law had been achieved to 99.9% all over the West.

Feminism, essentially being Cluter B type personality disorder codified into an orthodoxy, never had equality as its goal, but domination and supremacy - hence today's problems in the West.

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Did you not understand the substack article? Female = nature = fertility. There is a war on women going on. Your definition of feminism is the proto Rush Limbaugh one, that has no validity. And I have studied a lot of ancient history. From the Greeks, Romans, St. Augstine, Martin Luther, et. al. they all were against women. That's a legacy that's going to take men to stop.

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It's not happening because a very large number of women are neurotic and make terrible leadership decisions.

I'm almost 50 and have seen women introduce recreational identity politics into the workplace for my entire career - with no objective *at all*. Simply for personal validation and affirmation - the type of thing that belongs in a therapist's office.

It's constant "two legs good, four legs bad" nonsense from left-wing women, all while pretending you're marching to Selma or behind enemy lines in occupied France. You're not going to get equality of outcome with men - ever - so stop trying.

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Lots of people are neurotic and make terrible leaderships decisions. Most of them men. What a double standard.

I don't even know what "introduce recreational identity politics" means.

And why would you no not want women to have equality with men? Thanks to feminists, men get to be engaged dads with their children. That didn't happen in the past.

I knew I was a feminist before I was ten years old.

I SAW and felt the discrimination

I SAW the ridiculous portrayal of women in the films of the 50s and 60s, nearly every clueless female character you've ever seen and based your opinion of women on was created by male writers in Hollywood.

I saw the constant DRUDGERY, in my own home, and others, that women NEVER got to sit down because they always had to be taking care of or cleaning up after everyone else, usually the husband.

I saw the violence and anger directed at meek, disempowered wives and women, for NO reason.

I saw the LOVE bestowed on men via magazine covers, newscasts, sports idols, etc, etc. WOMEN were NEVER on the news, newscasters or RESPECTABLE magazine covers

I saw the explolitative titty magazines, with no commensurate dick magazines.

So don't tell me that feminism was created by the CIA, etc.

Feminism was created as the baby boomer generation reacted to the injustices of the world, racism, sexism, war. These were all of the issues that we fought for and protested for.

However, all of those movements, the justice protests, WERE infiltrated by the CIA, etc. to disrupt and divide and you are on their side if you do not support women.

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Ok, Retard.

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The poster above is right. You need to read some history. I don't want equality of outcome. It's killed an enormous number of women, children, and men.

Think long and hard about just how privileged you are that you are not ostracized for promoting such vile political ideologies - simply because your feelings are held in the same regard as reason.

You are not a man. Women will never have the same experiences as men. As much as you want it to be, Xena, Warrior Princess is not a documentary. It seems strange telling this to a 71 year old, but grow up.

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"Feminism was created as the baby boomer generation..."

Factually wrong. Feminism was created by marxist socialist labour unions. Some of the women in those felt the prototypical unions of the 19th century were too focused on the kind of jobs men worked in (heavy industry, construction, mining et c) and not enough on the women working in the textile industry, as maids, and so on.

During and after the Russian Revolution of 1917-1921, virtually all unions in western nations became aligned with or under the direct control of the Soviet Union and its local agents, including feminist groups.

If you really want to learn about the marxis troots of feminism, you can find the discussions between Lenin and Clara Zetkin online; they are a good starting point. I'll drop a quote from 1920, where Lenin addresses her questions on the matter:

“We must create a powerful international women’s movement, on a clear theoretical basis”, Lenin began. “There is no good practice without Marxist theory, that is clear. The greatest clarity of principle is necessary for us communists in this question. There must be a sharp distinction between ourselves and all other Parties. Unfortunately, our Second World Congress did not deal with this question. It was brought forward, but no decision arrived at. The matter is still in commission, which should draw up a resolution, theses, directions. Up to the present, however, they haven’t got very far. You will have to help.”

Key parts:

"...powerful international women’s movement..."

"There must be a sharp distinction between ourselves and all other Parties."

Feminism is a sex-focused branch of Leninist-socialist marxism, and always was.

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Yes, agreed, factually wrong. Wasn't it Mary Wollstonecraft?

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I’ve always loved being a female. Sorry you’re so bitter. And for the record, I’m making this comment while sitting down.

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Not everyone has lived a distressed life like yours; I’m sorry for your pain, but the entire world is not as you see it.

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Hope you're OK Chris.

At least World Athletics has finally, finally made a statement confirming that athletes must perform in categories equivalent to their BIRTH AND BIOLOGICAL SEX. No more transwomen in 100 metre events....or shot put, discus..etc. Still highly troubling. Pushback beginning to gather pace in the UK but the atmosphere is still febrile.

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Chris, your writings always challenge me to think deeply about the topic of your post. Often it has me laughing at the absurdity of the situation. This one (and the whole subject) disturbed me. Cultures have had fringe lunatics in the past but the majority and their systems generally kept them in check.

I do believe there is some component of mass formation psychosis happening with this and also related to other disturbing things happening (re: child genital mutilation).

I am happy to describe such people as having some sort of mental illness because that is what it is. And the people who support and encourage it share in the illness.

Right now my battle line is around my family. God has blessed me with five beautiful children. My four boys, ranging in age from 24 to 40, are all happily married and relatively normal. I do fear for my baby girl, 22, because I know the culture is generally hostile to girls, a vast majority of this hostility being subtle in nature and from social media. Sometimes I feel like the people in the video trying to lead that lady to safety from the crowd that would be more than happy to see her destroyed, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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I guess forewarned is forearmed. I had presumed these grotestque creatures parade their preversity peacefully, and I have always championed the right to free speech, and I am talking blood and broken glass in the streets kind of championing here. We had to fight hard in the1960s.

But all that is now cancelled. I will make it my business to be present next time any trannies care to parade. Any attempt to impose their pervisons on childen, or instances of bullying, and I will neutralise them more or less within the parameters of the law. This is a new face of WWIII. Wake up guys. Talking time is over.

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It's well known that homosexual men have very negative feelings for women, far beyond merely not finding them sexually attractive, so to anyone who has had the privilege to study homosexual subculture (the wife was in gender studies before it was cool and had more to do with applied sociology) this comes as no surprise.

It's simply the logical conclusion of a process begun in the 1920s: 99%+ of all men are heterosexual (no, dear hypothetical straw-man homo or fellow rainbow-traveller, the Kinsey report is utter unscientific bogus to an almost Freudian degree) and thus heterosexual women are competitors for partners. This leads to anything from dislike and disgust to open hate as we see with the most extreme homos, the ones sublimating their drive to thinking they are women.

Given how feminism has acted against us men for over 50 years, and how virtually no women has spoken up against the feminists, I'd advocate to take the attitude (as a public persona) of "You pissed the bed, no lie in it" regarding the issue. First, let the women's organisations openly ask for aid, call for help and make open and public stands against the entire "homosexual-industrial complex". Then, maybe, offer help.

I say this because feminism and feminists are half of the reason for all this - nations and ethnicities without feminism does not suffer from our civilisational malaise. Let them first humble themselves to prove they have learned their error and accepted the guilt and responsibility, else they will just do it all over again.

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I would add that our culture has destroyed a very strong social glue: male friendships. These, in the form of now defunct social organizations etc. provided men with actual friendships - an important social bulwark. This has now been sexualized and destroyed for the large part in an atomized society.

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True, and even worse - it has been ritualised. Not in a spontaneous and normal way, as was the case when you had "men only" clubs (I'm not that old but still old enouh to remember when "men only" didn't mean a gay bar but instead distinguished and civilised discourse) and so on. Men had their circles, women had theirs and both had some together.

Complimenting each other and making a whole greater than both on their own.

No, nowadays it's "find your inner cave-man"-retreats for umpteen hundreds or thousands of dollars. It's 'gym-bros' appearing in film-clips liked were they a feminist's caricature of an actual man. It's elitist nerds looking down their noses on anyone who "can't code and doesn't 'get' Bitcoin".

You know, the kind of snot-faced whiners that rather than standing up for themselevs would run and tattle and tell tales of whatever the normal boys were up to after school. The kind that almost invited being ostracised. Those "men" are now endorsed as good role models by the thoroughly homosexualised and feminised entertaintment media.

Once, there was a word and a concept that we've let them steal and desecrate:

The idea that some things, some actions, were [Unmanly].

I believe, emotionally and empathetically that a key feature of getting back what has been lost is reinventing that concept.

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"First, let the women's organisations openly ask for aid, call for help ..."

"And I'll whisper: No." --Rorschach

Since at least the 1970s, women activists worked non-stop to eliminate all-male organizations and "spaces" of any kind, while retaining all-female organizations and spaces. Together with their male allies, they made every place "safe" for women - and unsuitable for men. They drove men out of the system, into depression and nihilism. Some men have lived their entire lives as an oppressed minority in the societies their ancestors built. Now the monster that women created has turned on them, seeking to destroy women's organizations and spaces by putting men in drag into them. The women call out for help, but there is no one to help them. The men are gone. Oh, eventually some men will fight for them, but many will just enjoy the karma, or simply not care. Men have no stake in preserving a system that despises them. "Let it burn."

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Well, Orwell did warn that one day it would be four legs good, two legs bad, then the next would be two legs good four legs bad. But he was a straight white male, so...

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I rememeber as a child building tree-houses in the forest with my friends, there were three kinds of girls.

The kind that joined in enthusiastically, often being faster, smarter and better at all the rough and tumble-adventures of pre-pubescent children. "On a hip" (swedish idiom for guess based in experience) I'd say they made up 1/10 of the girls in total. Those girls were the ones boys looked up to.

The kind that wasn't interested in the labour or the playstyle, but didn't mind hanging out either, if allowed to. Mostly, these girls just went off doing girl-stuff.

The third kind is possibly the feminist kind. The kind of girl that didn't participate in any labour at all, but instead ran to teacher or an adult, crying about it being unfair that she wasn't allowed to play in the treehouse she had contributed nothing to bring about. Play which for her meant that she calls the shots and everyone must dance to her tune or she goes off crying to authority again; in other words, your typical feminist.

What happened between the 1970s and the 2000s is that the realwomen stopped keeping the feminists at arms length, instead allowing them to speak for all women.

That's on the women to fix, or not - younger men here are in slowly but surely increasing numbers choosing women from eastern Europe, Asia or the Middle East; women who want a man to be a man and who doesn't cotton to feminism. Strong women who knows what's what, not the weak "Daddy Authority's little princesses" who never grow beyond tweener age, mentally speaking.

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I agree, but would go farther. If women "can do anything a man can do", and women have not achieved equality of outcome because they are oppressed - but otherwise exactly the same as men, transgenderism makes perfect sense.

This is a mockery of women, but only because feminism was allowed to define women thanks to the silence of sane women. Gender feminism should be as politically toxic as the KKK.

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People unfamiliar with Posey Parker may wonder why men's rights activ - ooops - trans rights activists are so desperate to silence her. It's because she does things like this:


This can only be described as an evisceration or, if you prefer, kicking him a new one. It's good from the beginning, but you're all busy people, so start at 7.30 to see PP in full flight. This clip will never grow old.

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"I don't have a problem with transgender women, I just don't think they are women."


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Worth watching the whole thing if only to fantasize about the damage you might do to that dude's incredibly punchable face.

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He wears "problem glasses". And this was 4 years ago. I had no idea this insanity was going on that long.

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It is truly disgusting what this extreme transgender movement is doing to women and no one seems to care. And WTF is wrong with parents bringing children to these drag shows, that is a form of child abuse as far as I'm concerned, and they are the ones who should have their children taken from them, not parents trying to protect their kids from this transgender contagion. In my books all of this transgender extremism is a form of misogyny as I have clearly pointed out in my substack article. Tirade on Time to Call Out the Misogyny of the Extreme Transgender Movement,https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/tirade-on-time-to-call-out-the-misogyny

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Trans gender is simply a sexual fetish. These trannies are narcissictic babies that demand the entire world proclaim and affirm there fantasy. Its disgusting.

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You should read my article about the transgender fetish and its misogyny,https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/tirade-on-time-to-call-out-the-misogyny

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Well said

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Whats wrong with parents? Look at the footage! It's almost entirely mom's taking their children to watch the "entertainment"

Amusing ourselves to death

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The "misogyny".

Women take zero responsibility for what their own sex does.

It's you, ladies. You.


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I agree - it is us.

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Parents themselves compromised while in public schools. What we are seeing here is the blind leading the more blind version 2.0!

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Well, ladies, you brought this on yourselves. Stop demonizing men and their "toxic masculinity" which has been used for countless millennia to protect you, and maybe men Just Like Me will get involved and rearrange these genitally-mutilated men's faces for them.

Just tell us when you want us to Do What Men Do: solve problems. Hint: you might make a good start by acknowledging our worth.

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Hear, hear.

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Just an annoying nitpick here, sorry: "William" Kunstler is actually James Howard Kunstler.

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"Better to live in a protective miasma of undifferentiated sensation than a cruel state based on pattern recognition."

There it is. All of it in one sentence.

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"We know we’ve failed at the task of stewardship" There is no "we". There is a "you" or "they", but a good many number of people haven't failed at all -- they have kept the flame burning while the most worthless generations in world history have lied, cheated, stolen and grifted their way into oblivion.

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working hypothesis: many of the prime movers behind the demonization/criminalization of fertility hate women because they want to be women and are furious that they can't. soros. kissinger. the whole surveillance state/silicon valley velvet mafia.

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Trapped in the wrong body?

I’m sure there’s coming a mRNA way to fix what ails them. Of course, we do have scissors in the meantime.

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Or maybe garden shears--not that what ails them is big enough to need it.

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