The Scott Weiner stuff is pretty horrific. The Jaqen Hagar stuff is just confusing: how did this guy find another human being to be in a relationship with him for 17 years. His whole story is just a series of questions being begged. What did your girlfriend do when you called the police on yourself during your mental breakdown? What did she think when she found out you wished you had been aborted? If you wished you had never been born in the first place why are you mad your girlfriend is risking your life by not wearing a mask? Won’t spitting on women spread Covid? Are you curious at all why millions of people aren’t dropping dead from their failure to mask up? Do you feel at all like an Aztec priest watching the sun rise anyway even though Cortes made you stop the human sacrifices? Are you embarrassed to be still referencing Game of Thrones after season 8? Did you like season 8? You probably did. Lots to unpack.
Honestly, I got the sense that Jaqen Hagar is a troll, strictly there to create discord. He is aching for attention, so uses the current zeitgeist to troll.
Could be that, or just the personality of someone who becomes very unhinged online. Have seen that in quite a few people. For whatever reason, online, they lose connection to other humans and engage in sociopathic behavior.
The state is working to break families, full stop.
“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“
Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain.
The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything.
Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer.
But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now.
There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed.”
If we allow humans ain't evolutionarily too far as to render modelling on canine patterns nonsensical, Aldous Huxley is plain horrifying 🤦:
🗨 New behavior patterns can easily be installed while the dog is at or near the *limit of its cerebral endurance*, and these new behavior patterns seem to be *ineradicable*. The animal in which they have been implanted cannot be deconditioned; that which it has learned under stress will remain an integral part of its make-up.[...] Furthermore, it has been found that the deliberate induction of fear, rage or anxiety markedly heightens the dog's suggestibility. If these emotions are kept at a high pitch of intensity for a long enough time, the brain goes "on strike." When this happens, new behavior patterns may be installed with the greatest of ease.
(from Brave New World Revisited (1958) Chapter VII, Brainwashing)
Sadly, it is true: there's no such thing as reversing conditioning, neither in humans or any other mammal: our brain doesn't work that way: it's not a hard-drive.
What can be done is ingraine a new pathway on top of the old one.
In a closed system your logic is correct; but the reality of people like Fr. Roman Braga points to something else. He survived the Pitesti gulag in Romania - a place so brutal that it was embarrassing to the Soviets who demanded that it be closed. It was designed to break people and specifically to break the generational transmission of culture to foster ‘fresh ground’ - a youthful generation easy to mould into the New Communist Citizen model. The healing and spiritual growth of Fr. Braga during his horrific treatment and afterwards, is a reminder that we are built for more than we’d like to admit given our secular culture of scientism and logic.
This is exactly what we are seeing in the persecution of Donald J. Trump. Tucker Carlson's recently-posted (yesterday) interview with the former Chief of the US Capitol police force makes clear that January 6th was a total set-up to lay the predicate for the persecution we have seen of those peacefully at the Capitol on J6 and the subsequent relentless legal attacks against President Trump.
The California legislature operates like ISIS and al-Queda. It looks for alienated and vulnerable young people with mental health issues to enlist as soldiers in their efforts to undermine American society. Jihadists attack from the outside. California attacks from the inside.
Societal collapse. Jesus was correct. People who harm children should have a millstone tied around their necks, then dropped into the deepest part of the ocean.
I've gotta say I always found that millstone round the neck bit to be a very odd bit of scripture. Was that Jesus giving us detailed directions about how to cleanly dispose of a pedophile? It's a pretty tidy technique, neater than anything Tony Soprano pulled off. Three men go out fishing one day and two men return. No body found, no blood spilt.
"Punitive Tolerance" would be a good title for . . . something. Just a thought.
Welcome to California, home to the fifth-largest economy and some of the loveliest weather on the planet. Governed by pagans and nihilists who can barely keep the lights on, the roads paved, or the forests managed. Perhaps they think by sacrificing children they can appease Gaia and avert the climate catastrophe they know in their bones is coming for us all?
“So this whole universe of woke performance is relentlessly punitive — it punishes people, ejecting the partner who won’t comply and constantly demeaning strangers on the Internet — and it’s rooted in unmanaged childhood trauma. It’s the politics of an enraged, wounded forever-child:”
That’s all of it. Translated simply it’s “I suffered/am suffering. Somebody imposed their will on me (whether true or not) and therefore I will impose my will on you. You must suffer too. And when it’s at my hands or at the hands of my proxies, I will feel powerful.”
All kinds of diagnoses come to mind:
A. Being a normal 4 year old and,
B. Being an emotionally arrested adult who thinks and behaves like a four year old. Subsets here include narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, psychopathy, sociopathy. I’m sure there are others, both real and invented. All share a lack of empathy for others, and a desire to manipulate others to obtain one’s objectives. A good number of successful people turn out to share these characteristics, like Tiny Fauci, and most politicians, especially dictators and would be dictators.
So what’s the solution?
Obviously it’s to turn over your children to government social workers with blue hair, a septum piercing, multiple SSRI prescriptions and a membership in the Young Socialists of
Berkeley. Or not.
At the end of the day, Commies want to break up your family because they had a shitty childhood, because misery loves company, and they are envious of normalcy and acceptance , which they perceive as having been denied to them, perhaps correctly. But what does being an adult mean if not taking responsibility for your life, understanding and overcoming that childhood trauma so you don’t inflict it unwittingly on your own children. Being a contributing constructive member of any community/society is not about hate. Hatred can’t build anything. Owning your issues and not asking society or celebrities or your university to validate and massage your pain is not how you grow up. And if you are so damaged that you can’t get there, you deserve compassion, but not power. Empowering mental illness is a thing these days and it’s fine with the most cynical ulterior motives by the Left. Emotionally labile, easily manipulated people with low self esteem and a chip in their shoulders can be easily convinced to do all sorts of bad stuff for all the wrong reasons.
Suggestion: it's not even "I'm suffering", it's "I identify as suffering".
Not just because most of them have never experienced suffering, but because they were born into and live in a society which puts the idea of martydom on a pedestal, and because said society has made special pleading a very real selection pressure-factor since the 1960s
[Be a victimised martyr] is simply more profitable and easy for these people, than any other option open to them, especially as the identity comes without any real cost (as opposed toreal martyrdom which does have a very final cost).
You have good points, but they cultivate and collect marginalized people as well. There has to be a grain of truth in there in order to sell the big lie. Again, from the standpoint of the power class, it’s because they find political utility in these groups - to create the high-low coalition they need. In doing charity work in the past, I not infrequently saw the duality of people needing charity who also learned to game the system, as they became sophisticated through multiple contacts over time. And that’s what happened here. A legitimate problem can be turned into a big con game over time which persists because it’s lucrative as you describe.
Beyond the con artists however, you also have a lot of emotionally and intellectually infantile people taking their personal life grievances out on the broader society. The victim agenda suits their outlook.
Sad, ugly truth of it. Opposite world. The opposite of what authorities say is true. You're correct: Do the exact opposite of whatever they say to do or not do.
Aahh, that is the trap, grasshopper. It's a useful datapoint, however. When thinking the opposite is where truth is found more than half the time, as it has proven to be then that becomes the default when one doesn't think. The odds are in your favor taking the opposite. But those are merely odds. When one doesn't think for themselves they gamble, informed by odds. And snake eyes can still come up. We make a choice to inform ourselves about every thing we are told or not. And thinking every single thing through can be exhausting and somewhat paralyzing in and of itself.
So God gave each of us a wonderful gift. A gift that takes practice to hone. The gift of discernment. And far too many are out of practice using that gift. Trusting what they are told. To be the truth or to be the opposite. Without practicing discernment. Discernment takes in datapoints like authorities lying more often than not. And will know not to trust authorities about any issue that arises. And if the issue involves a risk or sacrifice then a person should learn all they can that's independent from authorities, offers a counter perspective, and then lean into that wonderful gift of discernment that God gave them.
@Kruptos’ biblical example (Proverbs 26:4-5) is pleasantly illustrative; behold ↓↓ 😊
🗨 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will become like him yourself. 🗨 Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise according to his own eyes.
Then he elucidates:
🗨 That is the essence of wisdom. It is the “thing” that lives between, or is hidden by, two pieces of contradictory advice. They are both right, depending on the circumstances. There is no amount of “rational knowledge” that will give you the power to always have the right answer. There are no “seven steps for successful fool encounters.” You can intuit it. But you don’t really have anything. At best, you have a relationship with God and you trust and have faith that in the moment the right path will present itself.
There is a slow, but strong momentum building here. Fight back -- what else must we do, submit? No thanks. We must endure, endeavor and push forward to sweep out the legislature, hold the judicial in check and find a Gov'nah who doesn't hate us. Because California, like her children, is worth saving.
One of the great advances that brought us into modernity was giving children a defined childhood protected from the angst and malignancy of adults and characterized by innocence.
And they're rolling all that back. Really, there's only one plausible but dark reason. Some driving force wants to remove the moral qualms against exploiting children.
The state has been working to break up the families (and I religious beliefs I should add) for a long time. Tis “in part” why public schools were created in the first place. Wasn’t Pierce v. Society of sisters decided back in 1925? The government had a vested interest in the sexual revolution because it automatically created a rift between children and parents. Then all the government had to do was be the “stable parent” in the lives of all the children of broken homes. I am “only” 34 and although the idea of the schools being a safe space has been really popularized for the last 5-10 years, the idea was there even when I was young. It was only because I had a real safe place which is home that I didn’t buy in fully. But you’re 1000% right Chris. For a while my “victim” wound had me open to leftism. It’s only when I realize the wounds came from schools and leftists strong holds that I was over it.
As a born-and raised Californian, as are my wife and our 3 kids, who several years ago exfiltrated that once-great, but now dying state, any parents still living there - particularly if their kids are in public school - is committing child abuse. Just get out while you still can with your family intact. Yeah yeah you have a job yadda yadda. What’s more important - your job or your kids. Get a new one in a Free State. Go on welfare. BUT PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN!!!
As to kids in middle school choosing to sterilize themselves - oh, well... they were raised without any critical thinking skills by parents who more-than-likely spent far too little time with them. Since they’ll turn out to be D voters, just let Darwin have them; they won’t be missed in the gene pool.
3 days before my family and I fled California on a 1 way flight, I went to the little liquor store 2 blocks away from my $1 million house and bought a 6 pack of beer. An hour later someone walked in and shot and killed the clerk. I almost didn’t make it out of California alive.
The Scott Weiner stuff is pretty horrific. The Jaqen Hagar stuff is just confusing: how did this guy find another human being to be in a relationship with him for 17 years. His whole story is just a series of questions being begged. What did your girlfriend do when you called the police on yourself during your mental breakdown? What did she think when she found out you wished you had been aborted? If you wished you had never been born in the first place why are you mad your girlfriend is risking your life by not wearing a mask? Won’t spitting on women spread Covid? Are you curious at all why millions of people aren’t dropping dead from their failure to mask up? Do you feel at all like an Aztec priest watching the sun rise anyway even though Cortes made you stop the human sacrifices? Are you embarrassed to be still referencing Game of Thrones after season 8? Did you like season 8? You probably did. Lots to unpack.
Someone please find his ex and interview her.
Honestly, I got the sense that Jaqen Hagar is a troll, strictly there to create discord. He is aching for attention, so uses the current zeitgeist to troll.
Nah. They just do things differently on his planet. Very, very differently...
Could be that, or just the personality of someone who becomes very unhinged online. Have seen that in quite a few people. For whatever reason, online, they lose connection to other humans and engage in sociopathic behavior.
on brandon's DOD truth ministry payroll
'Tis only confusing as long as you expect sound reasoning from the broken. No logic to be found here soever, the search is patently futile 😳
💬 Game of Drones for Gain of Fiction.
Can't be summarised any more pithily than Good Citizen recently did.
You’re asking rational questions….naughty, naughty.
The state is working to break families, full stop.
“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“
Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain.
The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything.
Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer.
But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now.
There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed.”
If we allow humans ain't evolutionarily too far as to render modelling on canine patterns nonsensical, Aldous Huxley is plain horrifying 🤦:
🗨 New behavior patterns can easily be installed while the dog is at or near the *limit of its cerebral endurance*, and these new behavior patterns seem to be *ineradicable*. The animal in which they have been implanted cannot be deconditioned; that which it has learned under stress will remain an integral part of its make-up.[...] Furthermore, it has been found that the deliberate induction of fear, rage or anxiety markedly heightens the dog's suggestibility. If these emotions are kept at a high pitch of intensity for a long enough time, the brain goes "on strike." When this happens, new behavior patterns may be installed with the greatest of ease.
(from Brave New World Revisited (1958) Chapter VII, Brainwashing)
Sadly, it is true: there's no such thing as reversing conditioning, neither in humans or any other mammal: our brain doesn't work that way: it's not a hard-drive.
What can be done is ingraine a new pathway on top of the old one.
In a closed system your logic is correct; but the reality of people like Fr. Roman Braga points to something else. He survived the Pitesti gulag in Romania - a place so brutal that it was embarrassing to the Soviets who demanded that it be closed. It was designed to break people and specifically to break the generational transmission of culture to foster ‘fresh ground’ - a youthful generation easy to mould into the New Communist Citizen model. The healing and spiritual growth of Fr. Braga during his horrific treatment and afterwards, is a reminder that we are built for more than we’d like to admit given our secular culture of scientism and logic.
🗨 Reality is stranger than we pretend, more complicated than we like to believe, and we are wrong about its nature all the time.
(h/t Mike Solana of Pirate Wires empire)
This is exactly what we are seeing in the persecution of Donald J. Trump. Tucker Carlson's recently-posted (yesterday) interview with the former Chief of the US Capitol police force makes clear that January 6th was a total set-up to lay the predicate for the persecution we have seen of those peacefully at the Capitol on J6 and the subsequent relentless legal attacks against President Trump.
Yep. I'm writing up a quick review of that video this morning. Incredibly powerful stuff, and it ALL fits exactly with what we already know.
The California legislature operates like ISIS and al-Queda. It looks for alienated and vulnerable young people with mental health issues to enlist as soldiers in their efforts to undermine American society. Jihadists attack from the outside. California attacks from the inside.
Societal collapse. Jesus was correct. People who harm children should have a millstone tied around their necks, then dropped into the deepest part of the ocean.
Danny Huckabee
I've gotta say I always found that millstone round the neck bit to be a very odd bit of scripture. Was that Jesus giving us detailed directions about how to cleanly dispose of a pedophile? It's a pretty tidy technique, neater than anything Tony Soprano pulled off. Three men go out fishing one day and two men return. No body found, no blood spilt.
"Have you seen Bob around recently?"
"Nope, haven't seen him."
"When was the last time you saw him?"
"Oh, a couple of days ago."
"What was he doing?"
"Oh, he was going for a swim. (straight down)"
Here endth the lesson.
For a lot of these people, anger impersonates spiritual life.
Sadly, I agree
"Punitive Tolerance" would be a good title for . . . something. Just a thought.
Welcome to California, home to the fifth-largest economy and some of the loveliest weather on the planet. Governed by pagans and nihilists who can barely keep the lights on, the roads paved, or the forests managed. Perhaps they think by sacrificing children they can appease Gaia and avert the climate catastrophe they know in their bones is coming for us all?
is the whole problem in a nutshell:
“So this whole universe of woke performance is relentlessly punitive — it punishes people, ejecting the partner who won’t comply and constantly demeaning strangers on the Internet — and it’s rooted in unmanaged childhood trauma. It’s the politics of an enraged, wounded forever-child:”
That’s all of it. Translated simply it’s “I suffered/am suffering. Somebody imposed their will on me (whether true or not) and therefore I will impose my will on you. You must suffer too. And when it’s at my hands or at the hands of my proxies, I will feel powerful.”
All kinds of diagnoses come to mind:
A. Being a normal 4 year old and,
B. Being an emotionally arrested adult who thinks and behaves like a four year old. Subsets here include narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, psychopathy, sociopathy. I’m sure there are others, both real and invented. All share a lack of empathy for others, and a desire to manipulate others to obtain one’s objectives. A good number of successful people turn out to share these characteristics, like Tiny Fauci, and most politicians, especially dictators and would be dictators.
So what’s the solution?
Obviously it’s to turn over your children to government social workers with blue hair, a septum piercing, multiple SSRI prescriptions and a membership in the Young Socialists of
Berkeley. Or not.
At the end of the day, Commies want to break up your family because they had a shitty childhood, because misery loves company, and they are envious of normalcy and acceptance , which they perceive as having been denied to them, perhaps correctly. But what does being an adult mean if not taking responsibility for your life, understanding and overcoming that childhood trauma so you don’t inflict it unwittingly on your own children. Being a contributing constructive member of any community/society is not about hate. Hatred can’t build anything. Owning your issues and not asking society or celebrities or your university to validate and massage your pain is not how you grow up. And if you are so damaged that you can’t get there, you deserve compassion, but not power. Empowering mental illness is a thing these days and it’s fine with the most cynical ulterior motives by the Left. Emotionally labile, easily manipulated people with low self esteem and a chip in their shoulders can be easily convinced to do all sorts of bad stuff for all the wrong reasons.
Suggestion: it's not even "I'm suffering", it's "I identify as suffering".
Not just because most of them have never experienced suffering, but because they were born into and live in a society which puts the idea of martydom on a pedestal, and because said society has made special pleading a very real selection pressure-factor since the 1960s
[Be a victimised martyr] is simply more profitable and easy for these people, than any other option open to them, especially as the identity comes without any real cost (as opposed toreal martyrdom which does have a very final cost).
You have good points, but they cultivate and collect marginalized people as well. There has to be a grain of truth in there in order to sell the big lie. Again, from the standpoint of the power class, it’s because they find political utility in these groups - to create the high-low coalition they need. In doing charity work in the past, I not infrequently saw the duality of people needing charity who also learned to game the system, as they became sophisticated through multiple contacts over time. And that’s what happened here. A legitimate problem can be turned into a big con game over time which persists because it’s lucrative as you describe.
Beyond the con artists however, you also have a lot of emotionally and intellectually infantile people taking their personal life grievances out on the broader society. The victim agenda suits their outlook.
Well, if one can self-identify as a dolphin, one can self-identify as a victim right?
Sad, ugly truth of it. Opposite world. The opposite of what authorities say is true. You're correct: Do the exact opposite of whatever they say to do or not do.
Ain't it a sneaky trap, this ostensibly legit heuristic? 😟
🗨 If you reflexively think the opposite of what you’re told to think, you’re still being told what to think.
Memetic Judo, Biopolitics, and Exopolitics 🔥👌 -->
Aahh, that is the trap, grasshopper. It's a useful datapoint, however. When thinking the opposite is where truth is found more than half the time, as it has proven to be then that becomes the default when one doesn't think. The odds are in your favor taking the opposite. But those are merely odds. When one doesn't think for themselves they gamble, informed by odds. And snake eyes can still come up. We make a choice to inform ourselves about every thing we are told or not. And thinking every single thing through can be exhausting and somewhat paralyzing in and of itself.
So God gave each of us a wonderful gift. A gift that takes practice to hone. The gift of discernment. And far too many are out of practice using that gift. Trusting what they are told. To be the truth or to be the opposite. Without practicing discernment. Discernment takes in datapoints like authorities lying more often than not. And will know not to trust authorities about any issue that arises. And if the issue involves a risk or sacrifice then a person should learn all they can that's independent from authorities, offers a counter perspective, and then lean into that wonderful gift of discernment that God gave them.
@Kruptos’ biblical example (Proverbs 26:4-5) is pleasantly illustrative; behold ↓↓ 😊
🗨 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will become like him yourself. 🗨 Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise according to his own eyes.
Then he elucidates:
🗨 That is the essence of wisdom. It is the “thing” that lives between, or is hidden by, two pieces of contradictory advice. They are both right, depending on the circumstances. There is no amount of “rational knowledge” that will give you the power to always have the right answer. There are no “seven steps for successful fool encounters.” You can intuit it. But you don’t really have anything. At best, you have a relationship with God and you trust and have faith that in the moment the right path will present itself.
Related, a reminder:
Not only are people broken by the state, the tools to repair them are taken away by the state.
Is California crazy because everyone in it is literally crazy?
Lots of sane people here. It doesn't seem to matter.
There is a slow, but strong momentum building here. Fight back -- what else must we do, submit? No thanks. We must endure, endeavor and push forward to sweep out the legislature, hold the judicial in check and find a Gov'nah who doesn't hate us. Because California, like her children, is worth saving.
One of the great advances that brought us into modernity was giving children a defined childhood protected from the angst and malignancy of adults and characterized by innocence.
And they're rolling all that back. Really, there's only one plausible but dark reason. Some driving force wants to remove the moral qualms against exploiting children.
The state has been working to break up the families (and I religious beliefs I should add) for a long time. Tis “in part” why public schools were created in the first place. Wasn’t Pierce v. Society of sisters decided back in 1925? The government had a vested interest in the sexual revolution because it automatically created a rift between children and parents. Then all the government had to do was be the “stable parent” in the lives of all the children of broken homes. I am “only” 34 and although the idea of the schools being a safe space has been really popularized for the last 5-10 years, the idea was there even when I was young. It was only because I had a real safe place which is home that I didn’t buy in fully. But you’re 1000% right Chris. For a while my “victim” wound had me open to leftism. It’s only when I realize the wounds came from schools and leftists strong holds that I was over it.
As a born-and raised Californian, as are my wife and our 3 kids, who several years ago exfiltrated that once-great, but now dying state, any parents still living there - particularly if their kids are in public school - is committing child abuse. Just get out while you still can with your family intact. Yeah yeah you have a job yadda yadda. What’s more important - your job or your kids. Get a new one in a Free State. Go on welfare. BUT PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN!!!
As to kids in middle school choosing to sterilize themselves - oh, well... they were raised without any critical thinking skills by parents who more-than-likely spent far too little time with them. Since they’ll turn out to be D voters, just let Darwin have them; they won’t be missed in the gene pool.
3 days before my family and I fled California on a 1 way flight, I went to the little liquor store 2 blocks away from my $1 million house and bought a 6 pack of beer. An hour later someone walked in and shot and killed the clerk. I almost didn’t make it out of California alive.
Glad you did.... :)
Good Lord…
Dude, you’re named after two of the greatest leaders in history. Can’t you just fix it for us.
I’ll move back to California and guard Donner Pass against anyone named Hannibal. I’m sure someone on this thread can treat epilepsy....
I think we have a shot at this!
Thanks for writing about Scott Weiner. You may enjoy this piece I wrote about California stripping parents of their rights, which complements yours here.
Mental illness, immorality, and cruelty legitimized by the State.
Children are the ultimate pawns.