Their whole schtick is telling people what others said while not actually showing the videos.

"We watched so you didn't have to."

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That's an interesting observation about their faith in top down manipulation - it really is their guiding star. A lot of people on our side of the fence fall for this too - "people will never wake up! The media manipulation machine is too strong! The indoctrination factories in the government schools and the woke universities have brainwashed too many people!"

Indeed, media manipulation is effective. The educational system captures the minds of many.

And yet.

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Boychuk's Iron Law of Politics states: "Memory is short and therefore exploitable." I'm old enough to remember when they were blaming Ronald Reagan for undermining the people's faith in institutions. Then it was Rush Limbaugh. Then Newt Gingrich. Glenn Beck held the distinction for a time. I could go on. You get the picture. It doesn't require a media figure or a politician to delegitimize the institutions. The institutions are doing an excellent job of delegitimizing themselves.

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Boy, will David French be surprised when the revolutionaries, having gained complete control and no longer in need of the services of toadies, toss him into the George Floyd Re-education and Vaccination Facility. I imagine that even monstrously evil people have nothing but contempt for such obsequious, principle-free individuals.

I hope he gets a bunk in the MAGA wing.

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Thank you so much for posting that interview with the teen. Tucker was also the only Fox I watched. I used to get notifications but when he got canned I stopped that nonsense.

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"I hear a person who’s talking about living well in a broken culture by placing your life on the foundation of faith, family, and healthy behavior; David French pretends to hear a monster who’s telling people to embrace cruelty. "

It occurs to me that the first is, to David French, the epitome of the second. To people like David French people who are "living well in a broken culture by placing your life on the foundation of faith, family, and healthy behavior" are monsters because they cannot be exploited and directed and *gasp* ask questions, have expectations, and entertain dangerous thoughts, like "isn't there a better way?"

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May 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

David French has a particularly egregious case of TDS. I’m sure it has something to do with his wife being a victim of sexual assault as a child. Lots of female sexual assault victims project their pain onto Trump. But there are many that are actually Trump supporters. People have different ways of coping with their pain. My guess is he has to internalize all of the contradictions and lies he has perpetrated to keep his family together. It’s a sad case, really. I pity the man. But I won’t be reading any of his resultant repulsive dishonest drivel anymore.

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I don't think globohomo cares what the peasants believe in or trust at this point. They are finishing the process of what they did to California but on a national level; i.e. demographic replacement to the point of establishing a one party state. Between fraudulent vote by mail, ballot harvesting, lawfare, demographic changes and mass censorship, globohomo believes they no longer have to answer to the people in any respect, that all elections moving forward will be rigged, and thus the purging of rightest figures in the media, and the upcoming imprisonment of Orange Man, will herald the destruction of their real target: the white middle class masses, which they want to murder, much as these same people destroyed and murdered the Russian "kulaks" (i.e. their middle class) after crushing the White uprising and then murdering the Romanov familly.

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GREAT piece!

"...a ruling class or new elite who are defined by their uniformity of thought and ritual expression..."

Indeed, but why? We the right seem to argue and disagree on lots of issues. But the leftists always seem to suddenly coalesce into a block, not matter how untrue the new belief is. "Men can be women," suddenly all leftists agree absolutely and are willing testify before Congress that it is so.

The latest black person to be killed for or while committing crimes is a saint who never did a thing wrong? 100% of leftist will instantly call anyone who disagrees a racist monster.

J6 was an "armed insurrection"? Suddenly no leftist will allow that anything different could be true.

I could go on with many more examples. (Trans Genocide! All whites are racists!...) But my question is, why and how do the leftists instantly agree to one certain position on a complicated issue, usually a FALSE position, and then march in perfect lockstep to use that position to advance the cause of leftism.


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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Once again, two interviews with Carlson that just shows you how genuine, and real he is. How can you not like him. On top of that he is incredibly smart and insightful about life.. I myself, for various reasons, did not marry young, and if I had, it would have been a disaster. I found my husband at 30, but I was forty before I had my first and only child. The most fulfilling moment of my life. Carlson is so right about that. I had a career in journalism. In 1975 I was the first female news anchor for the local television news in Northern Ontario, Then I spent time in the military, and went through basic training, which was a big challenge, kind of like an Officer and Gentleman kind of thing. Yet not of those accomplishments compared to becoming a mother. So Carlson, who has achieved so much, to say having a family is the highest accomplishment is right. He is so down to earth, and yet trolls like AOC thinks deplatforming was wonderful. Go figure.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Thanks for this.

In Europe by the way one of the biggest the boogie persons championing the supposed "ignorant poors" (i.e. everyone who is not a Kool-Aid glugging urban type) is German European Parliament MP Christiane Anderson. Supposedly she's a white supremecist, Nazi, etc, etc, etc, but if you actually listen to what she actually says... it's a whole 'nuther galaxy.

Readers who want to have a look and listen for themselves can easily do so-- much of what she offers is in English, and her English is perfectly fluent:

Christine Anderson's page on the European Parliament website:


Christine Anderson's Telegram channel is


She has a YouTube channel however apparently Google has shadow-banned it.


Christine Anderson's Twitter is:


I have transcribed a few brief videos of hers, including:

Christine Anderson, German MEP: "The cat is out of the bag"


Posted Oct 19, 2022

Transcript at https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/30919.html

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May 9, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

What would help resolve the situation is Carlson and French debating an issue, or just talking to each other publicly, in the same room. It's not that they'd come to agreement or understanding, but that the straw man and other fallacies and demagogic insinuations would lose their power.

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The Adam Corolla interview is fantastic. I hadn’t seen that. I love that he takes on the Big Lie about medications in the first 15 minutes - which of course makes people sputter like, but are you a psychologist???

Been studying the life of Christ lately (you know, light reading, haha), and it’s amazing how people just do not change. Christ comes along and performs a miracle, and those whose power is threatened sputter and demand to know his credentials. David French maybe should take a hard look at what Biblical characters he’s actually channeling - because those aren’t the good guys in the end.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

OMG Tom Nichols. He may have been the worst thing about Twitter, back when I was on it, many moons ago. When I was 16, I thought that people who had the same pro/con opinion I did on a few key issues were people I'd vote for. Nichols is a case in point of why I was wrong. I'm sure he and I would vote yes/no the same way on many of the things that mattered to me in high school (and even many that matter to me now), but he has completely the opposite conception of the world that I do. I think he may have been the first person I heard propounding the "trust the experts" doctrine, and I left Twitter in 2016. An expert is useful in a specific situation. I'd love the guys from Structure Tech to come and do my home inspection, for example. I don't need them designing a national housing code, much less cramming one down via executive fiat. Why is that such a tricky concept for a guy like Nichols to get? Someone who has never seen my medical records or taken my pulse should not give me medical advice. Full stop.

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French engages in linguistic gymnastics wrapped up in mental masturbation. A mental giant with a pea brain.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"he abandoned necessary moral virtues..." LOL

Here in the stunning & brave 21st century we always talk about all the things women get to do now that used to only be the purview of men—you know, things like being in the infantry or dressing like a slob in public or abandoning your family for hot sex—that we sometimes forget the reverse is true too.

David French is simply the male version of the scolding Church Ladies of yore, the moral police and etiquette experts who always feel the need to remind you that God is watching and that all Good People speak and sit and think a certain way.

Under French's dispensation all "Good Christians" (which only he gets to define) should always speak and act properly and obey all the rules of fair play. So even if Christians get demonized, their beliefs redefined as "harmful" hate crimes, even if their influence on American history is getting erased or rewritten, God demands you turn the other cheek.

Thus you may become a second-class citizen and a capon among cocks, but you will at least have the satisfaction of being holy and pure.

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