Yes I live in TX and indeed we are all practicing goose stepping everyday! It's though, on cowboy boots. And we're all growing little black mustaches. It's harder for zee fraus und der frauleins to do so. Vee vill copy Herr Groucho Marx, das juden, unt paint zee mustaches mit black, schutstaffel paint. Es ist Der gut! Heil Trump! Der fuhrer Auf zee Farherland!

Auf veedersein bis morgen!

Danny Huckaber, Eisatsgroupen Furher,Texas

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I have located chilling footage of these goosestepping lessons:


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closest thing to heaven! (also note the NO LINE dancing sign 🙌)

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To quote a friend whose German needs some polish, "They (liberals) must think we go around with guns singing the Horse Weasel song!"

I nearly pissed my pants.

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Horse Weasel song sounds very Texan. Somebody needs to write that puppy.

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Maybe I will give it a go over at the Anastomosing Dendrite.

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Here’s a translation of the Horst-Wessel-Lied. With the exceptions of Skokie and Charlottesville, these lyrics seem to me to describe the actions of the American Left over the last 60+ years, and especially in 2020 & since:

“Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!

The SA marches with calm, steady step.

Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries

March in spirit within our ranks.

“Clear the streets for the brown battallions,

Clear the streets for the Storm Division man!

Millions are looking upon the hooked-cross full of hope,

The day of freedom and of bread dawns!

“For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!

For the fight, we all stand prepared!

Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets.

The time of bondage will last but a little while now!”

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That is the Horst Wessel. The American left sings the more aptly named, "Horse Weasel."

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Herr Danny, I frequent TX regularly and I always remember my armbands and practice my high-stepping. (John Cleese in Fawlty Towers). Locals love me when I arrive for abiding by the customs. Always enjoy my trips here, as I’ve found the fatherland very hospitable to weary travelers.

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It's no joke. Just consider New Braunfels: "New Braunfels was established in 1845 by Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels, Commissioner General of the Mainzer Adelsverein, also known as the Noblemen's Society. Prince Carl named the settlement in honor of his home of Solms-Braunfels, Germany." As Gerald Posner would say, "Case closed."

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I recently learned that Texas has a fairly lenient squatters rights law. Damn those fash.

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May 20
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It's harder than it looks. The spurs are also dangerous.

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I'm kind of working on something similar, using Gavin's ridiculous statement that California offers the path forward for homelessness. Unless he meant more....in which case I guess he's right. Biden lying about inflation. Kamala saying nobody should be locked up for weed. It's like they're all just saying whatever the fuck will help them politically and who cares if it even makes sense.

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It's not like they're doing that. They're just simply doing exactly that.

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"a few dozen people were sent to state prison for marijuana convictions under Harris’ tenure [as prosecutor]"


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This is exactly how they work. Exclude everybody who didn't get thrown in STATE PRISON, and it's only a 'few dozen'.

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I can’t find the words nymusicdaily.. meh… ok just two faced hag

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your average middle aged chick who shows up alone at happy hour and is the last to leave. doesn't tip the bartender either.

heidi one step removed from the oval office

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Exactly. Straight from the focus groups to their lips.

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Yes, Democrats! Texas is HORRIBLE and very very FASCIST! For the love of . . . the Pride Flag and Mother Earth, STAY AWAY! FLEE!!


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I will second that. Heck, I have to goose-step while doing the 2-step. Don't come to Texas, you will catch the fascist.

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I fear for all the red states. Covid definitely stirred the ant nest. Lots of the ants are blue ants and they moved out of their big fascist ant mound on the west coast. They left where they were because they didn’t like the policies of the liberal states. Unfortunately when you’ve breathed that progressive west coast city air for your whole life it becomes part of who you are.

Somebody asked a fish “How can you breathe that water?” Fish said “What water?”

Texan says “Howd y’all put up with that for all those years?”

Californian says “ Put up with what?”

Hopefully saner head’s will prevail.

Hopefully the blue bloods won’t turn the red states purple. We will need to wait and see if the liberal mindset can be washed out by a Texas rain shower.

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“I have to goose-step while doing the 2-step”

That’s a great way to get a groin pull. 😂

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Not to mention kicking the wife in the knee.

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Florida is already a fascist state, with alligators longer than your Prius, and anacondas that can eat a full grown adult. I’d definitely never move to Florida. Plus it was 95 there the other day.

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May 20Edited

95 and humid--God knows what the heat index was--and the no-see-ums and fire ants will finish off anything the gators miss. And don't forget hurricanes. I personally know several people that almost died in our Cat 5 in 2022, and the predictions for 2024 are off the chart, 20+ landfalls and at least five majors. And if Biden manages to start WWIII and the Rooskies light up one of their buried offshore nukes, the 100-foot wall of water sweeping the state (Cat 22!) will make all previous Cat 5s seem a mere inconvenience. Better stick with your shitty Dem governors on that good northern high ground.

P.S. Leave the garage door open and you'll need your your snake tongs. Don't have a garage? Palm rats will eat your car's wiring--they especially like the peanut-flavored eco-friendly wiring on expensive German models. Let the dog or cat outside--there's coyotes and panthers, not just gators. It's the lightening capitol of the U.S. Pollen and cockroaches everywhere. In hothouse hell of July, August, and September, you'll need fresh dry underwear three times a day. And that's just in the coastal tourist areas. Get out in the sticks and you also face wild boar, Eastern Diamondback Rattlers, Water Moccasins, and 110 mph pickup trucks driven by the Griner Brothers from Deliverance. And we haven't even mentioned DeSantis coming after your child porn!

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Said every Texan!

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Clearly all of those people moving to Texas yearn to be brutalized by fascism.

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I've noticed similar things. If you watch or listen to the news its 24/7/365 screaming, racists! sexist! kids being abducted! etc., etc., but it isn't what we are living on the ground. We look around and see people of all races and ages, etc., interacting, marrying, living side by side and getting along, and 99.9% of children missing involve the parents. Solution: stop watching the news.

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In 2007 I left California for Colorado. California was changing fast. It wasn't the place I grew up anymore. I liked Colorado's libertarian attitudes. I didn't care if two gay guys got married and went out to smoke weed and fire off their AR-15s. Colorado was great, but then it started deteriorating into fascist leftism. The current governor Jared Polis is a Democrat but is reasonable, but he can't stop all the other crazy leftists in his state. I think he was the 1st Democrat governor to lift COVID mandates, declaring the emergency over. But by this year Colorado had turned completely blue. So we now live in Utah. Utah is more socially conservative than I like, but not likely to ever turn blue. Texas and Florida are too flat for my taste. I like to see mountains. Utah so far is wonderful.

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They've worn out both "racist" and "fascist." What next?

Maybe I'm an incurable optimist, but I don't think it's going to work this time. People are waking up to the ridiculous lies.

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Pounding the amygdala with trigger words, over and over. The response fades.

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Comfortably numb …

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Eventually they'll come for the optimists.

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Yeah, and then how we will get our prescription glasses!

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@mileytheduchess I am afraid that you are too naive. There is no end for tyranny until we are totally enslaved.

The next targets are all Christians who believe in God’s revelations and teachings in the Bible.

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May 20
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@mzlizzi Don’t forget that bots may be better than unthinking “people” (artificial ignorance) like you.

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Stupid stupid and more stupid. It's exhausting.

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Stupidly exhausting 💯. “We’re running a very long and indescribably tedious experiment to see if media messaging can defeat direct life experience.” Again 💯

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And unrelenting.

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For me once bitten twice shy, at the early stages of our faked pandemic I was caught up in the hysteria until my brain realigned itself, it was utterly exhausting listening and trying to live with the fear frenzy that the media induced on the populations. I have learned the lesson very well that we are constantly being manipulated, I now look at everything I see and hear from government to media with a very sceptical and jaundiced eye. Yes, it may be a negative approach to life but I now realise it is much safer to stand back, look, listen, assess and not react.

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"until my brain realigned itself"


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In the early days of the plandemic I’d wake up each morning & immediately feel oppressed. It got worse as we went from lockdown to masking to mandates to vaccine passports. So off we went leaving WA to visit Montana & beautiful Glacier Park & the glorious Road to the Sun. Eventually settled in free N Idaho.

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We will never trust The Science again!

Look at Pelosi's biography. The first and last science class she took was probably high school biology.

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Police tape on playgrounds was the first indication that the people calling the shots had no idea what they were talking about.

My son turned 3 right after the pandemic. Ignoring the police tape so he could play on slides and other play structures was my first act of defiance. I'd see the local cops drive by and they'd see me and my son ignoring the official mandates...and they'd wave and keep driving because they knew the rule was stupid.

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That really was the rule. Only the a-hole citizens and cops were publicized. The silliness of the whole thing was apparent to all.

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I left Oakland this morning from democracy and landed in Dallas TX fascism. It’s been fantastic. I truly appreciate the type of fascism they employ in TX. It’s like America. Met up with a friend at a burger house. Had a great time for a couple of hours eating and catching up. Gotta make it through two more full days of this easygoing fascism before I can get back to free democracy and its accompanying potential to get carjacked on 98th leaving the airport to run the gauntlet to get to the 880 freeway.

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No reason to stop before 880, the In-and-Out closed. :(

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But In-n-Out has reached Texas; there's one about 3 miles down the street from my home. And it's just as good here as it was back in Cacafornia.

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98th is simply a gauntlet to run to get to the freeway. It is not a happy place these days.

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Is the worlds worst Dennys still there?

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I don’t know. I just keep moving forward scanning for potential threats

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Corner of 98th! I know it well. Good luck.

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As a newly minted Texan, freedom is exactly what you feel in Texas, and most other red states. Liberals hate individual freedom. Liberals hate personal responsibility.

Through natural selection America is slowly splitting into two distinct countries. One half that cherishes freedom, independence and individual rights. The other half demands power, control and thinks it knows what is best for you more than you do.

It’s already affecting where people live, businesses they frequent, people they become friends with and people they marry. Soon other examples will include universities that segregate by political ideology. It’s going to get worse before and if it gets better.

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Let us pray it does not get worse.

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It must necessarily get worse, because one side (Progressives) is seeking complete power, and the other is seeking only to be left alone. That’s a lopsided fight. It will only be fair when the freedom-lovers resolve to damage the power-seekers enough that they desist.

The Revolution succeeded only when the Americans raised the cost of suppression so high that the British concluded it wasn’t worth the price.

The only peaceful way this resolves is if there’s a landslide political victory: FDR-Landon, Johnson-Goldwater, Nixon-McGovern, Reagan-Carter, Reagan-Mondale. The Democrats have to be sent into the “wilderness.”

The trouble is that with colleges turning out 4M grads a year and 50% being loonies, the Dems have an unnatural, manufactured supply of supporters. And in all those races, the MSM had not yet become a Goebbels Ministry of Truth.

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But we mustn't despair. The despairing heart beats a dissonant drum.

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I don’t despair. We are being aggressed. We can accept or reject. I’m just outlining that we can (1) persuade voters, (2) call to arms or (3) submit. The last signals the eventual collapse of democracy worldwide.

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“Liberals hate individual freedom. Liberals hate personal responsibility.”

Shorthand: Liberals hate.

It really is that simple. And true. Unfortunately.

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I have a friend with terrbly bad TDS and when I asked what he thinks will happen when Trump becomes POTUS again he had a seizure and simply yelled MAGA PUTIN TRUMP LOVING FASCIST!

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Some of us have wives that say the same thing.

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Well, much like in Animal Farm, there comes a time when you have to sell the broken workhorse to the glue factory.

Sorry about your friend, but at least he'll get on the trailer peacefully.

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Hahaha! He's well gone it's true. He'll get in the trailer willingly I reckon, praising the "good guys" until the end.

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The left always accuses us the people of doing what they are doing. The true Racist are all on the left etc. they are the pot calling the kettle black.

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“Pot & kettle” is not the right analogy – it suggests equivalence. The “kettle” sent 360K soldiers to their deaths to end slavery, and the “pot” sent 260K to preserve it. More Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 than did Democrats. In Delaware, an historically Democrat state, slavery continued AFTER the CW ended until the 13th Amendment was adopted & certified on 12/18/1865. Delaware rejected the 13A on 2/8/1865, and didn’t adopt it until 2/12/1901. The following former slave states all managed to ratify the 13A BEFORE Delaware: Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, South Carolina, Alabama:, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, & Texas.

The Democrats’ unrelenting falsehoods about racism are beyond lies – they are perfidy.

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i agree with you. Maybe I misspoke but I was just making the observation that the Left always calls out the right on things that they are more guilty off. Racism is the most obvious. Facism is another label they want to hang on our neck while they wildly participate in it

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May 20Edited

If you want to see some racism, check out Phauci:


If you watch to the end (7 min), you'll see him back in the car using hand sanitizer after getting schooled by a smart black man. I've seen excerpts from this previously--surprised to see PBS keeping it online.

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I live in San Antonio, near Austin and Boerne. Don't let Gov. Abbott fool you. He has no principles, and does whatever he thinks will help him politically at the moment. He was hoping to be President. He has a boatload of money.

Texas is a great place to live with great people. But the large cities are Democrat-Criminal run and that is a disaster. George Soros D.A.s and criminal city government has ruined Houston. If you go to the upscale Galleria in Houston, you may very well be murdered. Austin is run by stupid communists. There are tents with homeless people EVERYWHERE. They have taken over the city.

The smaller towns are run by good people, mostly. Except for the Colonia in Cleveland, TX, near Houston. Not the only Colonia. They sell lots for cash, it's all illegal aliens. Because some of the authorities are on the take, it remains. The conditions are awful. It's in a flood plane. The school system has to absorb the huge number of students that they did not prepare for.

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Sad to watch Austin be Californicated.

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It’s Portland, San Francisco. It isn’t what it used to be. The tents have barbecue grills, generators, lazy boy recliners. I lived there in the 70’s when it was a wonderful place.

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Back in Sacramento, we used to call Austin the "Berkeley of Texas". Now that I live in San Antonio, I call it the "Berzerkeley of Texas", because as berserk as Berkeley was getting, Austin was as bad or worse.

Too bad that we can't wave a magic wand and switch Austin for Sacramento; both capitols would be more at home that way. Because for all the California is a left-wing state, Sacramento wasn't all that left wing as a city. And Auston is a VERY left-wing city.

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We certainly have homeless here in Berserkeley but other than an encampment on the NW outskirts of town it's not nearly as bad or extensive as Oakland or San Franfreako in that regard.

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Do your homeless have more righs than citizens like Austin has? The are defacto protected class. More than the wetbacks have.

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Chris, Austin was the city who paid for all the homosexuals remaining in Asbury Park and surrounding areas of San Francisco to get upland move to Austin in the 1970s after Dirty Harry went on his shooting sprees there. Yeah I know not was only a film of fiction, but it was used as a scare tactic to create an advertising budget to get that community to move. You now have Hyde Park and Pease Park gentrification from derelict homes to a beautiful area now, but it cramped musicians out of affordable living. The live music capital of the world turned into the pawnshop of the world almost overnight. Now if you live there and are a musician you can't live anywhere near the venues unless you have a record deal. Austin housing is insane. The only area I've seen where a single wide trailer will go for $750K while it sits on a temporary lot in a trailer park.

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And you blame Abbott for that? I blame libretards. And they will target the negro in the cities to get their pols in place, and then ruin that city. Baltimore used to be a beautiful city. Now it’s a shithole. The last great city in America,Pittsburg, is on its way. Very sad. All the fault of liberalism.

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I'm an ex - Houstonian. Your report about conditions in the Galleria area makes me sadder than you can know. Most nights in the late 1970s would find me in its environs. For whatever reason, I never had any fear. Caution, yeah, but fear? And this was when Houston was America's murder capital, with people walking around carrying human heads in bowling bags, teenaged murderers boarding buses and leaving tracks of blood from the bottoms of their shoes in the aisles, and suchlike.

The good old days.

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Oh wow! I didn’t know any of this about 70’s Houston. I’m in San Antonio now, but I listen to Michael Berry on the radio so I hear about Houston. I worked in the Galleria eight years ago and it was safe.

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Depressing as can be that things have declined so rapidly.

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Ongoing Hysteria has been the go-to tactic for fifty years, reason being it works. And works. Enough of the sheeple (largely, women and weak men) can be kept in a comfortable state of hysteria almost indefinitely, and this is tremendously useful.

Never forget the Twerking Nurses, and the joy they and Their Kind took at the whole vile Scamdemic.

These people REVELED in the -- dare I say it -- FASCIST authority conferred by the masks, the alcohol gel, the six-feet distancing, and all the rest of the nonsense the Experts now say they just made up. O yes empowered authority-figure Debbie Birx, with her Concern Scowl softened by her ridiculous scarves. Gretch 'the Wretch' Whitmer colluding with the Effing Bee Eye to gin-up yet more hysteria and Safety Concerns. Because that's how power is obtained in the Victimocracy.

Shit they loved the whole sick circus, and damn sure will impose it again the minute they get the chance. Got off on it like a junior high hall-monitor with a cattle prod. Lord, I despise their twisted souls and their two-faced Concerning. At least a tick doesn't pretend it's interested in my health and safety.

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the reason why i was so slow to figure out the global scope of 2020 is that almost all of my smartest nyc friends had left town by april or may. scattered across the country - ohio, upstate ny, florida, south dakota - they reported happily that life continued as before, and freedom was still alive.

the plandemic response may have been the same on the books around the world, but on the ground it was clear that there were plenty of pockets of sanity.

we're going to need those pockets to stay sane when the bird flu psy-op goes full throttle

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