If you have serious health problems, these days you almost need outside medical friend(s) who will advocate for you and figure out what is happening. The hospital and care system is about 50 percent harmful or useless (this is uncontroversial), but the other half can be critical to preserve your life. If you are a smart, aggressive "layman," you can do the job if you do your homework and don't back down.
Amen Doctor! I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago to have a cancerous tumor (uterus) removed. After all my research I’ve done in the last (nearly three years) few years, a hospital was the last place I wanted to be! You verified my research. I had an Advanced Directive NOTARIZED the day before I was admitted: NO vaccines, NO transfusions, NO Remdesivir, NO ventilator! Most average people would think I was overreacting. I KNOW BETTER. You are 100% correct!
Don’t be too quick to judge! Until you’re in this situation, you don’t have many choices. You either save your life and fight the best you can, or suffer and die. I have A LOT of fighting left in me. God is my Hightower and I carry on.
That’s the point. It’s on record, legally. I also have witnesses. It’s put in my file (even if it wasn’t, who cares? Maybe the hospital works for the FBI-LOL!) and there’s lots of copies.
Sadly, as a vet, I am consulted by my clients ALL the time because they have no clue what they have been diagnosed with or what their medication does. I don't tell them what to do, but I do explain what things are and then I refer them back to their doctor or pharmacist.
My husband was prescribed Tramadol and Soma at the same time for knee pain....no one warned him, a total drug lightweight, that it could be overly sedative. I came home from work to find him sprawled out and pale....OK, I get told all the time that I am not a 'real doctor,' but even I knew not to mix those things and we don't even prescribe SOMA.
My husband has often suggested that one business that retired medical professionals or even laypeople could get into is staying beside patients in hospitals. I know we won't leave loved ones alone in there. We've had too many bad experiences.
Our Bradley childbirth class advised parents to hire a doula to be present for labor and delivery, so that the husband/partner could be free to fight with the doctors, if need be, while not abandoning his wife. My husband says everyone who is admitted to a hospital should have an advocate with him the entire time.
Your husband is a smart man, and, no, you don't leave people alone in the hospital. I have my suspicions about how many people died there during the "pandemic" not because they were really that sick but because they had no one there to watch the doctors and nurses.
Not medical advice. Seek licensed doctor. Use info at your own risk. But IV stem cells have worked. Reports of year-long remissions. These can be ordered by a doc, cost 1700$ or can be harvested from your own fat.
So, I am a veterinarian.....I get this from other 'specialist' veterinarians now.....because I don't have alphabet soup behind my name, I am not worthy or competent and must be schooled like a new grad...I'm 25 yrs into practice at this point....I know SOME things....when I ask a question, I want the QUESTION answered, not a discourse into some other subject, which is what I get.
I am one of the few outspoken veterinary critics of the vaccine. I have been since the beginning and have not gotten impaled, nor have I required my staff to do so...for this I have been called "Deputy Dipshit' on a professional(used to be anyway) website dedicated to veterinary discussions betwixt vets.
So, it's everywhere, this condescension.....and it's infuriating.
i have such respect for veterinarians. they have much more patience then doctors, probably because they deal with non-verbal creatures. i remember once, after my friend's cat had been examined, the young vet came out to talk to us. he got down on his knees and patiently explained to us the cat's condition, the surgery needed, the prognosis and the risks. when he was finished, he asked if we had any questions.
"yes," i said. "i have one question. will you be my doctor?"
it took him a minute to get it and then we all had a good laugh. the cat survived.
i'm sure the pandemic response poisoned everything, even that formerly non-condescending profession but good for you for keeping your integrity!
I used to absolutely revere doctors and nurses. And, then just doctors when a nurse error killed my father. Then not doctors when my kid’s pediatrician confidently proclaimed no one getting the vaccine had died of covid and there were no adverse events for anyone. I knew both to be false based on the CDC data I had been following. My nephew is a critical care nurse, he said to never leave your family member in the hospital without someone you trust to watch over them. Coincidentally, that probably would have saved my father’s life.
When I was a young nursing student, doctors and experienced nurses were obeyed without question. After two years of evaluating what has happened to all of us as we made our decision about the vaccine, I contend there is no excuse for not having a basic understanding of the risks and benefits. I have a medical education but I knew many who did not and managed to educate themselves. The tide has turned. The head-patters are tiresome and will be rejected. They will be met with a determined "I will not."
I’m a surgeon, and I’ve been at it a good long time. I thought there was s lot of mindless, rote brainstem level “professional” behavior in the system before COVID, because that’s what Big Brother wants: a cookbook approach for lowest common denominator dummies and compliance by the healthcare workforce and consumers.
Since COVID I’m utterly ashamed of my profession and disgusted by what I’ve seen in the last two years - the puffery, the bad advice, the utter disdain and lack of compassion for frightened people who didn’t blindly submit to unproven “vaccines” and therapeutics, because these arrogant individuals wanted to, oh I don’t know, understand what was going on, be rational, prudent, survive without disability or avoid an unnecessary death, or prevent the unnecessary injury or death of their loved ones. Previous few in medical academia and precisely ZERO people at the helm of national medical societies, have stood up and questioned the draconian, unscientific, harmful, stupid, sadistic, management of this synthetic crisis by a cabal of empowered megalomaniacal lying mediocrities running the public health apparatus in conjunction with their sleazy, deceitful counterparts in big Pharma. Of course, these merchants of death created this crisis with the CCP/PLA/Wuhan Lab. Medicine has sailed its reputational ship straight onto the rocks and for what? It’s industrial level suicide.
The loss of trust is immeasurable.
As far as your incident in the NICU, you did the right thing. You weren’t unreasonable. When my patients go to the OR, the nurse gets two tries at an IV. If they can’t get it, the anesthesiologist takes over. Otherwise we are usually just torturing somebody for no reason. This of course assumes it’s not a life and death emergency and we have no alternative. When something doesn’t work, you do something else. That’s why there is always PlanA,B,C etc...
Stand your ground. Be polite, if possible. Most people in healthcare want to help, but there are the exceptions to the rule. And sometimes someone is having a bad day. We are all human. You deserve an explanation and consideration. It’s important yo be your own advocate and not accept everything at face value if you have doubts about the situation.
Thanks for this -- I appreciate the perspective from the other direction. I think you have company, and I had positive interactions with doctors when I had a family member hospitalized this summer. Lots of good people out there who will listen and have a real discussion. And the ones who won't, well.
You are most welcome. I enjoy your perspective. Having a sick baby is one of the most stressful situations imaginable. And Cedars has its share of dicks to be sure. To correlate this with your observation re military justice and society’s direction, Medicine is also a microcosm of society, and the impact of the government and politics in Medicine has not enhanced patient care nor caring about one another. A lot of the best nurses have quit or transition out of the bedside. We’re turning all our institutions into the DMV basically. Now if I can stop fat fingering my comments, it will all be good.
This brought back my run-ins with ICU doctors when my father was in a coma 20 years ago. They basically wanted to pull the plug on him because even if he came out of it he was going to be in a vegetative state. My mother was having none of it. She fought them like a demon. They treated her like an irrational lunatic. I stepped in. I read the head ICU doctor the riot act. And boy did I ever. So much so that he asked me what I did for a living. Told him I was a comedian. Kidding.
After 4 months my father came out of it. Sure, not 100% but we got a good solid 15 more years out of him and several trips to Rehoboth Beach, DE. His quality of life was just fine as he had built himself a nice little fortune that accorded him a fine life.
The second time was when cancer finally did him in. Again, they wanted to end it for him but he was such a fighter we just had to fight alongside him. They were persistent. At one point in one of those family meetings with the doctor, the doctor asked me to sit. I politely declined. I don't sit down. I stand. She insisted THREE times as if it was a power game. Finally, my mother and sister stepped in and told, 'On with it doctor. You will not break this man'. Seriously, FUCK YOU. That was stance. What can I say? I got punk in me.
Just stand your ground with them. They have a misplaced superiority complex where they completely ignore or don't regard human nature. Their ' bedside manners' should include respecting people's wishes and not being so defensive when questioned. They're not infallible. They're not gods. Question everything. I couldn't care less if they condescend. I relish it in fact.
And these past two years knocked them further down that respect totem we're told to have for them.
Not in this current state will I respect allopathic medicine. I'm forced into this shitty system but I'm not not going to let them determine what's right for our family. God and Family. Get that through their thick effen skulls.
Now more than ever after this catastrophic Covid hysteria where they completely failed to allow reason and science to dictate how to respond with civility and logic.
i find that when i talk to them in their own sacred lingo, they are so flustered that they have no answers. after all, they went into hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt to learn those fancy words and here i am, a humble theatrical costume maker.
my father was in a nursing home once and insisted that he would not take a statin. every night the nurse would bring him a statin and every night he'd ask what the meds were and refuse it. finally i had had enough. "are you hoping that you'll trick him up one night?" i asked. "you better not be billing medicare for these pills that you bring him when he's told you clearly that he doesn't want them."
well, that remark triggered a visit from the doctor who explained to me the 25% risk reduction of heart attacks and strokes. without skipping a beat, i said "are you referencing the Jupiter study? because it was actually a 21% risk reduction. ok, that's a rounding error, but that was the relative risk reduction. the absolute risk reduction was only .09% and with it a 10% absolute increased risk of diabetes."
the look on his face! i had trespassed on his sacred territory. he sputtered and walked away. they took the statin orders off my dad's chart and stopped bringing them.
I cited the Jupiter study to my husband's cardiologist 3 years ago and detailed on the many known side effects of all statins- namely myelin issues, etc. Hubby had generalized body pain that was being treated with Gabapentin.. i called it all out, convinced doc to halt statins for 2 months, check levels and symptoms then let us proceed. We're at year 3 of no more statins. He now tells me every annual visit that I made him dig deeper- and he is thankful. He even stepped into the fray with us on COVID vaccine- I said No Way to vaccinating a person with cardiac history. Doc agreed and put a kibosh on workplace and primary doc's insanity.
I want to add. Doctors like to tell people they're being 'emotional'. To me that's projection. All they did was act emotionally clinging to masks and other pearl-clutching pseudoscientific measures passing off as 'science' for the last 2.5 years. Not just doctors. The entire decrepit 'scientific' class. Bunch of quacks they acted like.
Condescension seems to be the order of the day with allopathic medicine and has been for quite some time. Had I not put my foot down 4 years ago over the maximum dose of Lipitor I was receiving I would have been a type II diabetic right now, if I were still alive. It was tearing me up. When I finally did some research on my own and found out what was causing it I quit taking it. Before this I kept after the cardiologist about getting to the bottom of what was causing my medical issues. Their solution was more pharmaceuticals. When I informed the cardiologist that I had quit taking the statin he suggested another statin to which I said, NO! I've been much healthier ever since for taking that stand and haven't seen him since early 2019.
Now fast forward to 2021 when you have a loved one in the hospital getting their death protocol, (allopathic covid treatment), and you are banned from being there to protect them. You tell the hospitalists that you don't want Remdesivir given to your loved one and the condescension becomes aggressive. You finally get to see them when you say goodbye to them.
I have absolutely NO FAITH in the current system. The doctors, for the most part, have a gun to their heads and can't think outside the box for fear of losing their license. The hospital administrators are in it to get as much money for the corporate system as they can. To hell with saving lives.
If you haven't already done so, I HIGHLY recommend you read El Gato Malo's "why public health "experts" never want to fight "the amateurs"" found here:
I had to rush my baby daughter to the ER last weekend. Of course the first thing that happens when I - dressed in pajamas and running with an almost naked screaming toddler - get into the lobby is some human-like analogue in nurse scrubs staggers out from behind her desk and places herself in my way: "SIR you need to be WEARING a MASK"
I was angry enough to feed the bitch her own teeth if my hands weren't full. Luckily an actual human nurse emerged and immediately triaged and admitted my toddler.
(Thanks to the remaining humans out there my daughter is now recovering well)
And where we're all in real trouble is the moment when that actual human nurse gives up and leaves. Lots of good people still working in hospitals, and I pray for them.
I have an article about 2/3 written that I keep going back to, but can't make myself finish just yet, about this very scene and the violence of newborn-babyhood. Because two of my kids are quite impaired, and I've spent years trying to pinpoint just where damage actually happens (and I have some pretty good guesses now), I've also started to marvel at just how this so-called professional class of people have become so desensitized to human beings AS human beings that their own protocols and credentials are all that matter, instead of the tiny human they are supposed to be caring for and protecting. And how they used to tell new mothers, "just trust your instincts," but now they, in no uncertain terms, tell them that the grouchy lady who just whisked your kid away is the only one who knows anything about your child and any of your own instincts are pure garbage, and don't you ever, ever forget it.
How did we get here?
This perfectly portrays the only way we're going to take back the correct balance between patients and doctors, and insisting that the "first do no harm" is actually expected, not just a luxury you get if you have the right sort of doctor who actually listens. Or cares.
You’ve pretty much described my entire life since age 10, head pat and all. Resilience is a true gift from God and by God, you and your wife are GOLDEN! 💯🙏🏻🙌🏻
As a mother of 3 daughters, I listened to my instinct and JUST. SAID. NO. Many times, to the push of the HPV vaccine - my pediatrician pushed it and pushed it when it was still only a few years on the market. Finally, I said to him, "listen, why are only girls getting this vaccine and not the boys?" He told me because the girls were the easier "sell" because they are the victims of cervical cancer caused by HPV. He was very honest about it. And I said, if it's not good enough for boys, it's not good enough for my daughters. He stopped pushing it after that. But it was an eye opening conversation. And the sad thing is, he didn't seem upset by the fact that the pharmaceutical companies play games like that.
the HPV vaccine was eventually approved for boys and honestly i had some hope that the moment a few promising young sports stars were disabled or killed by those horrible and unnecessary shots, there would be an outcry of protest and Gardasil would disappear from the market. sadly, a few boys have died and the outrage hasn't happened.
i used to think that we as a culture valued boys above girls but after this covid vaccine debacle, i think we don't value children at all any longer. between letting them change genders willy nilly, taking them to drag shows, masking them for 2 years and telling them that they might kill grandma, i wonder if there will be a next generation of any worth.
I’m a stepmom and I got the “you’re not a Dr” from their birthmother a lot when they were little. She luuurved the head pat- and constantly ran them to the Dr for antibiotics when they needed chicken soup. When our younger son lost his balance and puked after the HPV shot my husband didn’t know he got, I stopped being polite. (Merck doubled their money after the Vioxx debacle by selling Gardisil to male children too.) I thank God every day they did not get the Cov19 shot she wanted them to get. 🙏
We learned with my father in law 25 years ago to never leave your loved one alone in a hospital. This was one of the worst things about the Covid restrictions - they made everyone leave their loved ones alone at the mercy of these people. Terrible things were done. I’ve always been a mama bear with my kids - NO to certain vaccines, a big kerfluffle when we were on a work trip in Uganda and my son was hospitalized (in Uganda’s best hospital) with pneumonia, no yo particular suggested medications. And now I don’t trust any of them. If a doctor is still making you wear a mask in their office, they’re too stupid to do medicine on you.
Thank you regarding the mask! I asked my doctor if I could please take the (fake mask) mask off while speaking to him (I had just had my cancerous uterine tumor removed previously)...he said “No.”...it really bothered me. It told me a lot! I know better, and my life was saved. I trust none of them.
If you have serious health problems, these days you almost need outside medical friend(s) who will advocate for you and figure out what is happening. The hospital and care system is about 50 percent harmful or useless (this is uncontroversial), but the other half can be critical to preserve your life. If you are a smart, aggressive "layman," you can do the job if you do your homework and don't back down.
Amen Doctor! I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago to have a cancerous tumor (uterus) removed. After all my research I’ve done in the last (nearly three years) few years, a hospital was the last place I wanted to be! You verified my research. I had an Advanced Directive NOTARIZED the day before I was admitted: NO vaccines, NO transfusions, NO Remdesivir, NO ventilator! Most average people would think I was overreacting. I KNOW BETTER. You are 100% correct!
What makes you think the hospital would honor your advance directive?
Hey now, I still need to sleep at night, ok?😄 And I'm running out of delusions...
Don’t be too quick to judge! Until you’re in this situation, you don’t have many choices. You either save your life and fight the best you can, or suffer and die. I have A LOT of fighting left in me. God is my Hightower and I carry on.
That’s the point. It’s on record, legally. I also have witnesses. It’s put in my file (even if it wasn’t, who cares? Maybe the hospital works for the FBI-LOL!) and there’s lots of copies.
Sadly, as a vet, I am consulted by my clients ALL the time because they have no clue what they have been diagnosed with or what their medication does. I don't tell them what to do, but I do explain what things are and then I refer them back to their doctor or pharmacist.
My husband was prescribed Tramadol and Soma at the same time for knee pain....no one warned him, a total drug lightweight, that it could be overly sedative. I came home from work to find him sprawled out and pale....OK, I get told all the time that I am not a 'real doctor,' but even I knew not to mix those things and we don't even prescribe SOMA.
I have had both. As a lightweight such as your husband… TOGETHER???? Omg…”Party of One”!
Does he have any left???? Kidding!!!!
My husband has often suggested that one business that retired medical professionals or even laypeople could get into is staying beside patients in hospitals. I know we won't leave loved ones alone in there. We've had too many bad experiences.
Our Bradley childbirth class advised parents to hire a doula to be present for labor and delivery, so that the husband/partner could be free to fight with the doctors, if need be, while not abandoning his wife. My husband says everyone who is admitted to a hospital should have an advocate with him the entire time.
Your husband is a smart man, and, no, you don't leave people alone in the hospital. I have my suspicions about how many people died there during the "pandemic" not because they were really that sick but because they had no one there to watch the doctors and nurses.
Any advice for progressive MS?
Not medical advice. Seek licensed doctor. Use info at your own risk. But IV stem cells have worked. Reports of year-long remissions. These can be ordered by a doc, cost 1700$ or can be harvested from your own fat.
So, I am a veterinarian.....I get this from other 'specialist' veterinarians now.....because I don't have alphabet soup behind my name, I am not worthy or competent and must be schooled like a new grad...I'm 25 yrs into practice at this point....I know SOME things....when I ask a question, I want the QUESTION answered, not a discourse into some other subject, which is what I get.
I am one of the few outspoken veterinary critics of the vaccine. I have been since the beginning and have not gotten impaled, nor have I required my staff to do so...for this I have been called "Deputy Dipshit' on a professional(used to be anyway) website dedicated to veterinary discussions betwixt vets.
So, it's everywhere, this condescension.....and it's infuriating.
i have such respect for veterinarians. they have much more patience then doctors, probably because they deal with non-verbal creatures. i remember once, after my friend's cat had been examined, the young vet came out to talk to us. he got down on his knees and patiently explained to us the cat's condition, the surgery needed, the prognosis and the risks. when he was finished, he asked if we had any questions.
"yes," i said. "i have one question. will you be my doctor?"
it took him a minute to get it and then we all had a good laugh. the cat survived.
i'm sure the pandemic response poisoned everything, even that formerly non-condescending profession but good for you for keeping your integrity!
As your critics start to notice the pattern of injury and sudden death, their words will come back to judge them.
I firmly believe this as well. I expected it from lay people...but from other supposedly educated, medical professionals???
They're credentialed, not educated. If they were educated, they could think critically for themselves.
I used to absolutely revere doctors and nurses. And, then just doctors when a nurse error killed my father. Then not doctors when my kid’s pediatrician confidently proclaimed no one getting the vaccine had died of covid and there were no adverse events for anyone. I knew both to be false based on the CDC data I had been following. My nephew is a critical care nurse, he said to never leave your family member in the hospital without someone you trust to watch over them. Coincidentally, that probably would have saved my father’s life.
You’re a great Dad.
Man, I try. Doesn't always work.
When I was a young nursing student, doctors and experienced nurses were obeyed without question. After two years of evaluating what has happened to all of us as we made our decision about the vaccine, I contend there is no excuse for not having a basic understanding of the risks and benefits. I have a medical education but I knew many who did not and managed to educate themselves. The tide has turned. The head-patters are tiresome and will be rejected. They will be met with a determined "I will not."
YES Nancy! God bless you!
I’m a surgeon, and I’ve been at it a good long time. I thought there was s lot of mindless, rote brainstem level “professional” behavior in the system before COVID, because that’s what Big Brother wants: a cookbook approach for lowest common denominator dummies and compliance by the healthcare workforce and consumers.
Since COVID I’m utterly ashamed of my profession and disgusted by what I’ve seen in the last two years - the puffery, the bad advice, the utter disdain and lack of compassion for frightened people who didn’t blindly submit to unproven “vaccines” and therapeutics, because these arrogant individuals wanted to, oh I don’t know, understand what was going on, be rational, prudent, survive without disability or avoid an unnecessary death, or prevent the unnecessary injury or death of their loved ones. Previous few in medical academia and precisely ZERO people at the helm of national medical societies, have stood up and questioned the draconian, unscientific, harmful, stupid, sadistic, management of this synthetic crisis by a cabal of empowered megalomaniacal lying mediocrities running the public health apparatus in conjunction with their sleazy, deceitful counterparts in big Pharma. Of course, these merchants of death created this crisis with the CCP/PLA/Wuhan Lab. Medicine has sailed its reputational ship straight onto the rocks and for what? It’s industrial level suicide.
The loss of trust is immeasurable.
As far as your incident in the NICU, you did the right thing. You weren’t unreasonable. When my patients go to the OR, the nurse gets two tries at an IV. If they can’t get it, the anesthesiologist takes over. Otherwise we are usually just torturing somebody for no reason. This of course assumes it’s not a life and death emergency and we have no alternative. When something doesn’t work, you do something else. That’s why there is always PlanA,B,C etc...
Stand your ground. Be polite, if possible. Most people in healthcare want to help, but there are the exceptions to the rule. And sometimes someone is having a bad day. We are all human. You deserve an explanation and consideration. It’s important yo be your own advocate and not accept everything at face value if you have doubts about the situation.
Thanks for this -- I appreciate the perspective from the other direction. I think you have company, and I had positive interactions with doctors when I had a family member hospitalized this summer. Lots of good people out there who will listen and have a real discussion. And the ones who won't, well.
You are most welcome. I enjoy your perspective. Having a sick baby is one of the most stressful situations imaginable. And Cedars has its share of dicks to be sure. To correlate this with your observation re military justice and society’s direction, Medicine is also a microcosm of society, and the impact of the government and politics in Medicine has not enhanced patient care nor caring about one another. A lot of the best nurses have quit or transition out of the bedside. We’re turning all our institutions into the DMV basically. Now if I can stop fat fingering my comments, it will all be good.
This brought back my run-ins with ICU doctors when my father was in a coma 20 years ago. They basically wanted to pull the plug on him because even if he came out of it he was going to be in a vegetative state. My mother was having none of it. She fought them like a demon. They treated her like an irrational lunatic. I stepped in. I read the head ICU doctor the riot act. And boy did I ever. So much so that he asked me what I did for a living. Told him I was a comedian. Kidding.
After 4 months my father came out of it. Sure, not 100% but we got a good solid 15 more years out of him and several trips to Rehoboth Beach, DE. His quality of life was just fine as he had built himself a nice little fortune that accorded him a fine life.
The second time was when cancer finally did him in. Again, they wanted to end it for him but he was such a fighter we just had to fight alongside him. They were persistent. At one point in one of those family meetings with the doctor, the doctor asked me to sit. I politely declined. I don't sit down. I stand. She insisted THREE times as if it was a power game. Finally, my mother and sister stepped in and told, 'On with it doctor. You will not break this man'. Seriously, FUCK YOU. That was stance. What can I say? I got punk in me.
Just stand your ground with them. They have a misplaced superiority complex where they completely ignore or don't regard human nature. Their ' bedside manners' should include respecting people's wishes and not being so defensive when questioned. They're not infallible. They're not gods. Question everything. I couldn't care less if they condescend. I relish it in fact.
And these past two years knocked them further down that respect totem we're told to have for them.
Not in this current state will I respect allopathic medicine. I'm forced into this shitty system but I'm not not going to let them determine what's right for our family. God and Family. Get that through their thick effen skulls.
Now more than ever after this catastrophic Covid hysteria where they completely failed to allow reason and science to dictate how to respond with civility and logic.
i find that when i talk to them in their own sacred lingo, they are so flustered that they have no answers. after all, they went into hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt to learn those fancy words and here i am, a humble theatrical costume maker.
my father was in a nursing home once and insisted that he would not take a statin. every night the nurse would bring him a statin and every night he'd ask what the meds were and refuse it. finally i had had enough. "are you hoping that you'll trick him up one night?" i asked. "you better not be billing medicare for these pills that you bring him when he's told you clearly that he doesn't want them."
well, that remark triggered a visit from the doctor who explained to me the 25% risk reduction of heart attacks and strokes. without skipping a beat, i said "are you referencing the Jupiter study? because it was actually a 21% risk reduction. ok, that's a rounding error, but that was the relative risk reduction. the absolute risk reduction was only .09% and with it a 10% absolute increased risk of diabetes."
the look on his face! i had trespassed on his sacred territory. he sputtered and walked away. they took the statin orders off my dad's chart and stopped bringing them.
I cited the Jupiter study to my husband's cardiologist 3 years ago and detailed on the many known side effects of all statins- namely myelin issues, etc. Hubby had generalized body pain that was being treated with Gabapentin.. i called it all out, convinced doc to halt statins for 2 months, check levels and symptoms then let us proceed. We're at year 3 of no more statins. He now tells me every annual visit that I made him dig deeper- and he is thankful. He even stepped into the fray with us on COVID vaccine- I said No Way to vaccinating a person with cardiac history. Doc agreed and put a kibosh on workplace and primary doc's insanity.
I want to add. Doctors like to tell people they're being 'emotional'. To me that's projection. All they did was act emotionally clinging to masks and other pearl-clutching pseudoscientific measures passing off as 'science' for the last 2.5 years. Not just doctors. The entire decrepit 'scientific' class. Bunch of quacks they acted like.
Condescension seems to be the order of the day with allopathic medicine and has been for quite some time. Had I not put my foot down 4 years ago over the maximum dose of Lipitor I was receiving I would have been a type II diabetic right now, if I were still alive. It was tearing me up. When I finally did some research on my own and found out what was causing it I quit taking it. Before this I kept after the cardiologist about getting to the bottom of what was causing my medical issues. Their solution was more pharmaceuticals. When I informed the cardiologist that I had quit taking the statin he suggested another statin to which I said, NO! I've been much healthier ever since for taking that stand and haven't seen him since early 2019.
Now fast forward to 2021 when you have a loved one in the hospital getting their death protocol, (allopathic covid treatment), and you are banned from being there to protect them. You tell the hospitalists that you don't want Remdesivir given to your loved one and the condescension becomes aggressive. You finally get to see them when you say goodbye to them.
I have absolutely NO FAITH in the current system. The doctors, for the most part, have a gun to their heads and can't think outside the box for fear of losing their license. The hospital administrators are in it to get as much money for the corporate system as they can. To hell with saving lives.
"You finally get to see them when you say goodbye to them."
For a one-hour end-of-life visit, clock starts now.
Parking lot, lots of nice cars. Expensive tires.
If you haven't already done so, I HIGHLY recommend you read El Gato Malo's "why public health "experts" never want to fight "the amateurs"" found here:
"and this is why the future will continue to be incredibly unkind to the siloed orthodoxies of self-anointed expertdom."
I had to rush my baby daughter to the ER last weekend. Of course the first thing that happens when I - dressed in pajamas and running with an almost naked screaming toddler - get into the lobby is some human-like analogue in nurse scrubs staggers out from behind her desk and places herself in my way: "SIR you need to be WEARING a MASK"
I was angry enough to feed the bitch her own teeth if my hands weren't full. Luckily an actual human nurse emerged and immediately triaged and admitted my toddler.
(Thanks to the remaining humans out there my daughter is now recovering well)
And where we're all in real trouble is the moment when that actual human nurse gives up and leaves. Lots of good people still working in hospitals, and I pray for them.
or she's fired for not being vaccinated!
I have an article about 2/3 written that I keep going back to, but can't make myself finish just yet, about this very scene and the violence of newborn-babyhood. Because two of my kids are quite impaired, and I've spent years trying to pinpoint just where damage actually happens (and I have some pretty good guesses now), I've also started to marvel at just how this so-called professional class of people have become so desensitized to human beings AS human beings that their own protocols and credentials are all that matter, instead of the tiny human they are supposed to be caring for and protecting. And how they used to tell new mothers, "just trust your instincts," but now they, in no uncertain terms, tell them that the grouchy lady who just whisked your kid away is the only one who knows anything about your child and any of your own instincts are pure garbage, and don't you ever, ever forget it.
How did we get here?
This perfectly portrays the only way we're going to take back the correct balance between patients and doctors, and insisting that the "first do no harm" is actually expected, not just a luxury you get if you have the right sort of doctor who actually listens. Or cares.
When this same condescending attitude is coming from a low IQ government employee slavishly following orders it becomes even more annoying.
and dangerous
You’ve pretty much described my entire life since age 10, head pat and all. Resilience is a true gift from God and by God, you and your wife are GOLDEN! 💯🙏🏻🙌🏻
As a mother of 3 daughters, I listened to my instinct and JUST. SAID. NO. Many times, to the push of the HPV vaccine - my pediatrician pushed it and pushed it when it was still only a few years on the market. Finally, I said to him, "listen, why are only girls getting this vaccine and not the boys?" He told me because the girls were the easier "sell" because they are the victims of cervical cancer caused by HPV. He was very honest about it. And I said, if it's not good enough for boys, it's not good enough for my daughters. He stopped pushing it after that. But it was an eye opening conversation. And the sad thing is, he didn't seem upset by the fact that the pharmaceutical companies play games like that.
the HPV vaccine was eventually approved for boys and honestly i had some hope that the moment a few promising young sports stars were disabled or killed by those horrible and unnecessary shots, there would be an outcry of protest and Gardasil would disappear from the market. sadly, a few boys have died and the outrage hasn't happened.
i used to think that we as a culture valued boys above girls but after this covid vaccine debacle, i think we don't value children at all any longer. between letting them change genders willy nilly, taking them to drag shows, masking them for 2 years and telling them that they might kill grandma, i wonder if there will be a next generation of any worth.
I’m a stepmom and I got the “you’re not a Dr” from their birthmother a lot when they were little. She luuurved the head pat- and constantly ran them to the Dr for antibiotics when they needed chicken soup. When our younger son lost his balance and puked after the HPV shot my husband didn’t know he got, I stopped being polite. (Merck doubled their money after the Vioxx debacle by selling Gardisil to male children too.) I thank God every day they did not get the Cov19 shot she wanted them to get. 🙏
Now they are running commercials for both boys and girls to get that vaccine.
Experience has taught me, more attitude equals less capability. It's proven time and time again.
We learned with my father in law 25 years ago to never leave your loved one alone in a hospital. This was one of the worst things about the Covid restrictions - they made everyone leave their loved ones alone at the mercy of these people. Terrible things were done. I’ve always been a mama bear with my kids - NO to certain vaccines, a big kerfluffle when we were on a work trip in Uganda and my son was hospitalized (in Uganda’s best hospital) with pneumonia, no yo particular suggested medications. And now I don’t trust any of them. If a doctor is still making you wear a mask in their office, they’re too stupid to do medicine on you.
Thank you regarding the mask! I asked my doctor if I could please take the (fake mask) mask off while speaking to him (I had just had my cancerous uterine tumor removed previously)...he said “No.”...it really bothered me. It told me a lot! I know better, and my life was saved. I trust none of them.
" If a doctor is still making you wear a mask in their office, they’re too stupid to do medicine on you." Amen to that.