Pronouns in bio, Ukranian flag.

That was easy.

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Sure was - "Ukraine Flag" and "PIB" is the biggest 'tell' for NPC - even on Telegram. At least on 4chan /pol/ there's some uncertainty as to whether they're trolling (KEK), but on Twitter the only person like that is Titania McGrath.

"PIB": pronouns in bio, for those playing along at home.

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I think the Ukrainian flag has become the left's answer to the MAGA hat. It's shorthand for "I hate Putin, and therefore Trump," as they are the 21st century Leopold and Loeb who allegedly killed the political career of lil' Hillary Clinton.

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She is one of the edgy ones. Only she / her. What about "hers"?

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Maybe she's so committed to kindness and the collective good that she disavows all property?

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Like a retard, I clicked through on both of the tweets.

There is seriously the same hamster-wheel arguing about mask efficacy.

The NPCs responsible for these tweets seriously argue that masking was some scientific breakthrough discovered in 2020. One compares it to the eye-rolling and skepticism that was first delivered upon hand washing.

I'm starting to think there really IS something to the NPC meme- that there is some baseline code that a lot of people run on, and it's starting to break down because of database bloat or something.

To exhaust the zombie meme a bit more, zombies as a literary device (like in movies, rather than from folklore or theology) were originally conceived of as representing the Marxist concept of lumpenproletariat- faceless NPCs. (There was a surprising amount of arrogance in Marxist theory visited upon the lower classes, despite Marxism allegedly despising class.)

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One of my recents comments to another article is worth repeating. 'While we are harassed daily by these plastic spawn of political inbreeding, I think the more serious threat is from the millions of zombies who willing vote for the reign of a pathological liar.'

I can understand the uninformed and even the misinformed, but the willful ignorance of such a high percentage of the population screams of a coming cataclysmic evolutionary rebalancing of the herd.

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>>> Like a retard, I clicked through on both of the tweets.

We've all been there, but TWICE?

Feels bad, bruh. Very mystery. Much unsure. So disagreement.

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Your mention of the Zombie meme is spot on and it still makes me laugh at it because Romero who used it in his films was a super Leftie.

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Ignore. Them. All. That’s just my personal formula to live free from overlord torment. But if you did that too Chris, then we wouldn’t be treated to your excellent essays. So you should probably ignore what I just said...

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Mockery is the best policy.

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It won’t matter when you’re dead. Last laugh.

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Maybe if these NPC's were told to fuck off and die, by everyone the attempted to scold or bully, they might begin to become self aware.

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No, they would double down on the need to criminalize "hate speech," (speech they hate) like our fading buddies in the UK.

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Not a chance.

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Still worth doing, though.

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I’ve resorted to name calling and ridiculing them. It’s much more satisfying.

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Well hello Mr. Optimism.

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I just want to let you all know that I wear my ear muffs while driving down the road by myself. You never know when a loud noise will happen. Muffs eliminate 94% of harmfull noise and wearing them really isn't that hard. I do this to protect everybody else's hearing. This act of self sacrifice makes me better than all of you dirty probably half deaf people. If we could just get the government to enforce an ear plug mandate then we could eliminate hearing loss but those evil racist right wingers won't let us because they hate children and want minorities to be deaf so they can perpetuate the white supremacist patriarchy in the music industry.

Please wear your hearing protection.

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I know you have written—persuasively—that all of this may be a matter of people just quietly rejecting the whole business. The normal people at some point will just shrug it off, walk away, or whatever. And as much as I want to believe that, I get the very strong sense that we're losing. That people, rather than shrugging, are more inclined to go along to get along. And if it's true that "two-thirds of Americans say the nation’s democracy is in danger of collapse," as a Quinnipiac poll found earlier this month, then I suspect that translates—ultimately—to much less liberty and much greater compliance. I don't know. I hope I'm wrong.

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It only takes a small percentage of the population to create change. Do not believe let alone listen to polls. 🙏

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I hope you're wrong -but I fear you are right!

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Don't "just shrug it off", tell them you will not comply. Do so politely but firmly.

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You are wrong. The silent majority is growing, growing, growing.

Outnumbered on social media platforms, we simply turn away or turn it off.

Voila. Gone. That simple.

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The silent majority that saved Nixon? Lol lmao

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Except it’s not gone. That’s evidenced by #bringbackmasks trending in September 2022. What good is a majority if it’s too chicken shit to speak out? The silent majority isn’t going to save anything unless it wakes TF up and stops prioritizing agreeableness above all else.

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The majority are cowards.

Honestly looking at what the majority endure , I share the elites contempt.

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"Cowards" might be a bit harsh..."sheep" perhaps? The majority believe in the rule of law, they abide by the law...they are not inclined to take up arms and conduct "mostly peaceful" demonstrations when they don't think things are going their way. I hope that's not yet the description of cowardice...

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Yes, and we're already past 'yet'.

They're cowards, this is the test, the rest is rationalizations that are false.

Most Americans if they'd admit are Libertarians.

Nothing will be risked for the common good, or common defense save words.

Not life, Liberty, property, and nothing sacred to honor.

They have no Honor, the test is here, the test is largely past, they did not show.

My contempt stands. I am American, I know well the truth, so do they.

It's not only the elites who are lying, who know they're lying, the elites know they're bluffing and the bluff is called.

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I couldn’t agree more! We ignore at “our” peril. ESGs are a reality, can Social Scores be far behind? And then what...no sense in having SS without some sort of penalties for low ones...wait, I’ve got an idea: how about we get rid of hard currency and everyone just has a “credit” account? Then all the gummint has to do is to instruct the bank to zero out our credit until (and unless) our Social Scores improve! What an idea!!!

Yup, we gotta’ go along to get along. Or, ss one of my favorite authors used to say, “Hi ho”...

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twitter is 80% bots. all on the payroll. scary poppins apparently had to work a little harder to earn her bonus. otherwise it's the same script.

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that's what I tell myself anyway -- I'd rather these people be paid to act like morons rather than be the real thing....

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No, they really are morons. I had an interaction on Youtube with someone who accused me of saying the exact opposite of what I had written - and I only wrote one sentence.

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If that's true, no wonder Musk is irritated with having to spend so much to get so little.

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Yes. It’s like living in Groundhog Day, only every day they throw in a new disaster on top of the old loop. Everything is fabricated. And it’s all plainly visible. Cursory examination reveals the game. And it’s all to your detriment. And you think you’re going crazy because this shit can’t possibly be real. But it is.

Name one thing these authoritarian creeps have done that’s good for the people who pay their salaries. They are hurting us, in more ways as time goes on. Most of us know the masks are stupid, but it’s “policy”, and “every company has policies”. ( I heard this yesterday from a nurse.) We know something is wrong with Biden, and tranny story hour, and the civilizational self destruction,and the crazy pile of nonsense pushed out every day in the media. And yet, and yet....a lot of people simply don’t want to / can’t deal with reality. So people rationalize,make snarky jokes, and try to hang on. But what are we hanging on to? There’s nothing there. If we had at least an illusion of stability and normalcy before, now that’s been wrenched out of our hands. And many don’t know what to do. They aren’t strong enough.

And they absolutely will be “good Germans” who do bad things if nobody in authority shows them another path. There’s nowhere to run. We aren’t all going to be content living in a hut the Panamanian jungle to hide from the NWO Borg. Speak up. Get involved. The only failure is silently accepting this bullshit from these degenerate bullies who are in charge at the moment.

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Well-said. 100% agree, but would just add that another way to show them their error, and to help keep your sanity, is Festivity. Festivity understood from Biblical premises (Josef Pieper), but linked to the Good Time. The partiers and social conservatives united, as it were! I have two posts on this, the latest is "Comtemplating Festivity in Grim Times" https://pomocon.substack.com/p/contemplating-festivity-in-grim-times

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These folks are some of the most unhappy in the world...they want so badly to control the behaviors of people they cannot, and are willing to sacrifice any shred of credibility in the process. Don't fall for their projections--every single one of them projects their own personal worst traits as being the motivating factor for you awful, clueless folks who dare disagree, demonstrated by yelling outwardly back at the rational, questioning voices in their own head! It's a hard balance to listen to their sky-is-falling drivel, yet realize they are only revealing the thing they know best: themselves.

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I actually enjoyed the comments on this one from 2012 - https://japantoday.com/category/features/lifestyle/more-japanese-youth-wearing-surgical-masks-to-hide-their-face

Sounds exactly like 2020, perhaps even 1918.

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If anyone truly believes that they really canceled their Ministry of Truth office, I have a bridge for sale.

Don't y'all just love the transhumanist garbage Klaus & Co. are spewing lately? They don't even know if it'll work! They're not even smart enough to be afraid of fooling with AI.

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They're smarter than any AI, don'cha know!

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When is Killary Clinton going to be gifted that straight jacket we all wished to see her in after the psychotic comments she made about Gadaffi? I mean, the woman is obviously completely insane and if she says 'wear a mask' you can bet (without research) that it would be detrimental to your health.

As for the other bozos on Twitter - well, what do you expect to see there now that all the independent thinkers have been tossed out? Anyone who still has a Twitter account is a scab.



Someone willing to take a striking workers job because they couldn't have got the job otherwise. They care about no-one but themselves, have allegiance to no-one, including who they work for, and cannot see long term. They will take almost any abuse from their employer, and don't give a whit about their fellow workers. This is the true makeup of a scab.

"hey scab, who's boots you lickin today?"

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How would the world be different if women did not have the right to vote? Asking for a friend.

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The banality of evil. . . .

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#WearYourMask #BreatheYourOwnCO2 #GetYourFifthBooster #MakeAWill #You'reGonnaNeedOne

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I admire your magnanimity. Attention whore is much more apt. Thankfully, they self-quarantine in Twitter and are easily ignored, a fate worse than an all expenses paid weekend getaway with Harvey Weinstein.

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