
Related video from Russell Brand today:


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I worked for years as the administrator of a very large plastic surgery practice in the Midwest. We had a patient who had undergone gender transition surgery in the Netherlands. The patient presented for removal and replacement of implants. After the appropriate evaluation, the patient received new implants. Post operatively, the patient became remorseful and very very depressed. They would come to the office and the staff would bring them back to my office to manage their complaint. The person would sit in my office bereft, not because the implant surgery did not go well, but because they had no sense of self and couldn’t find peace. After meeting with this person for several weeks, I convinced them to see a clinical psychologist because I couldn’t help them.

Gender dysphoria is a psychological construct and surgery/hormone therapy does not resolve the confusion - it just exacerbates it and destroys lives. I wonder if parents understand that they are sterilizing their children and denying them any sexual pleasure for the rest of their lives when they agree to let greedy medical doctors, who are unqualified to diagnose the problem let alone treat it (it’s not cancer for Christ’s sake), to use threats of suicide to manipulate these parents into butchering their children. I’ve seen it first hand and it’s straight out of a Josef Mengele horror story.

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

I don’t think even parents should give consent to puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender-affirming surgery. And I’m a parent.

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

cdc says about 2 out of 3 nursing home residents are refusing the covid jabs now https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/62-of-nursing-home-residents-refuse

presumably that includes a percentage with bob peters-level communication skills

the mainstream is getting fringier

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Well, that last link was disturbing.

We need to take heart. The utter hysteria shows that the damn is breaking. And, yes, "gender-affirming" care will go down in history alongside such things as prescribing Adderall to children and "recovered memories." If we'll be really lucky, it will be remembered alongside lobotomizing and conversion therapy, though with the exception of lobotomizing, the other the harms are psychological. Here they're also physical. You want to hurry this along? Park lawyers outside the doors of the clinics.

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

“ Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told NPR in 2022 that ‘there is no argument among medical professionals — pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, et cetera — about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.’”

Funny thing about that particular quote - up until a few years ago, Levine’s first name was Richard. The “lady” doth protest too much, methinks.

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

I had a discussion today with a wonderful friend about the absurdity of genital mutilation because really… as a parent , do you really want your child castrated ect… with skin flaps galore . This was her response, ….. “Years ago I watched a series that talked about people identifying as amputees. I thought it was made up concept for TV. Imagine my horror when realized it was a “thing”.

I’d ask any parent - if your child wanted to have their legs or arms amputated, would you affirm that desire?

That child is mentally ill and so are you if you affirm it.

It’s called BID. Body Integrity Dysphoria. I’m sure you know about it. “ This is so disturbing, all of it . 🤮😭🤬

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

Remember when Trans people respected the fact they were not "normal"?

In other words, they respected the fact that they were a vanishingly small minority and the world wasn't "made" to order for them.

Even southpaws understand this.

It's just the way it is. Sorry

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

In Tennessee, a video surfaced of a top executive at Vanderbilt university Medical Center telling an assembly of its physicians that the medical center had no room for anyone not on board with medical mutilation of children. Given that most hospitals are only profitable because of surgical services (other specialties being unprofitable), I have little doubt that support for “gender affirming care” has a huge profit motive. Throw in a general coarsening of the culture, a growth in cowardliness, an increase in our national ability for moral justification of any debased behavior, and you have a toxic brew that enables enthusiastic support for mutilation in the name of goodness.

In this, medical mutilation is not unlike abortion after birth, selling our farmland to the CCP, child trafficking and pedophilia, election fraud, and allowing 5 million military aged males into the country illegally. Profit + moral debasement = depravity.

Fortunately, in Tennessee, the Legislature and Governor had a moment of clarity and courage and ended medical mutilation of children.

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

"Gender affirming care" is like "transport to the East" or "the Final Solution" or "re-education camps". The left can make the most evil and vile acts into innocuous sounding ones.

Danny Huckabee

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

Maybe one of the best ways to help the 80% in the “extremist fringe” to prevail over a ludicrous propaganda effort would be to stop using their benign sounding, mind numbing lexicon and start referring to things as exactly what they are?

“Gender affirming care” is simply genital mutilation!

“Minor attracted person” is a pedophile!

“Undocumented guest worker” is an illegal alien!

Aborting a viable fetus is not a “choice” it’s taking a life.

The more we buy into (and use) their benign sounding language, the more we help legitimize the concepts they are promoting.

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

Two years ago Justin told us that we're a fringe minority of racist, misogynist science deniers (should the good people tolerate us?), so....I dunno.

My province now gives out fentanyl to children without telling their parents.

How did we become the extremists? I'm so confused.

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One of the many ways in which writers try to frame and control the debate.

Myself, I prefer biting sarcasm.

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

Am I naive to say this gives me some hope and confidence of getting out of this mess. I hope not

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Feb 3Liked by Chris Bray

In your first paragraph you mentioned Canada, then in the second California, and I conflated those two in my head. When I re-read the paragraphs I saw the difference. But, I thought "Canada, California, what's the difference?"

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Chris, I am a recently retired school teacher. Thank you for keeping me sane!! In the winter I live in Southern California. I have been pleasantly shocked by the women in my yoga studio who are wide awake—the majority!!! Was not expecting that in the most socialist of all the states!

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