Related video from Russell Brand today:


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I worked for years as the administrator of a very large plastic surgery practice in the Midwest. We had a patient who had undergone gender transition surgery in the Netherlands. The patient presented for removal and replacement of implants. After the appropriate evaluation, the patient received new implants. Post operatively, the patient became remorseful and very very depressed. They would come to the office and the staff would bring them back to my office to manage their complaint. The person would sit in my office bereft, not because the implant surgery did not go well, but because they had no sense of self and couldn’t find peace. After meeting with this person for several weeks, I convinced them to see a clinical psychologist because I couldn’t help them.

Gender dysphoria is a psychological construct and surgery/hormone therapy does not resolve the confusion - it just exacerbates it and destroys lives. I wonder if parents understand that they are sterilizing their children and denying them any sexual pleasure for the rest of their lives when they agree to let greedy medical doctors, who are unqualified to diagnose the problem let alone treat it (it’s not cancer for Christ’s sake), to use threats of suicide to manipulate these parents into butchering their children. I’ve seen it first hand and it’s straight out of a Josef Mengele horror story.

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What a remarkably painful thing to have to deal with personally.

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Yes, the person would sit and sob uncontrollably at times. It was heartbreaking.

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I don’t think these parents care that their kids are mutilated and sterilized. The parents get to be cool at the cocktail parties for fifteen minutes. Yes, it is that shallow.

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We’ve all seen video of parents who are “proud to be the parents of 2 transgender and 1 gay children.”

You just want to hit the parents with a lead pipe. It’s at such moments I truly hope Hell is real.

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Oh, it is.

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Let's call it what it is. "Gender-affirming care" is a Madison Avenue makeover of the sterilization of imbeciles. Buck v. Bell 8-1 SCOTUS "three generations of imbeciles is enough" eugenics sterilizations. A decision never overturned. Put through a 'Madmen' ad agency campaign.

Throw in the euthanasia campaign 'MAID" that's sweeping up the mentally ill in Canada (coming soon to the US) and it's pretty clear the eugenicists that have been scheming in the darkness all these years since Hitler have been very busy preparing for their latest coming out party.

And they wonder why we question what the clot shots, drag show hours and war on life-giving carbon is really about. Nah, they don't care what we say and think, us useless eaters, deplorables and bitter clinger, dead enders. Until they do.

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I would agree, only it’s not very efficient, is it? There are, thankfully, very few of these moronic parents pushing their children into the evil arms of these monsters. I suppose the monsters are trying to make as much money and cause as much despair, chaos, confusion and demoralisation as possible in the short time they have until the pendulum swings back (if it ever does before they destroy us all) but honestly….If I was trying to kill as many as possible I would stick to the ‘vaccine’ schedule, the ‘we honestly can’t find a cure for cancer’ lies and all the wars and decriminalisation of criminals….Oh, wait….

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I'm sure that is true for those who go along, even enthusiastically, but there are parents who are confused and ignorant, threatened with CPS taking their children away (which actually happens more often than we realize) and/or causing them to commit suicide. And then there are the tragic situations in which one parent forces the issue and the parent opposing the procedures almost always loses in court.

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Way too true.

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Jason that's exactly it. So disgusting

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I was at a child’s birthday party last weekend and a dad told me, unsolicited, that his 4-1/2 year old is transgender. I tried really hard to not punch him in the face and listen to his story, try to hear an alternate perspective. It seemed like he struggled to accept the idea himself. How much bad advice was he given by child psychologists or his wife or others? (I also question his own judgement since he had a bottle of hand sanitizer strapped to his pocket.) He explained his difficulty trying to find a kindergarten for next year. He’s setting his child and entire family up for a life of increasing difficulties. It was very sad.

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I’m usually not one to judge at a distance, but what you describe is fucking insane.

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Yeah. We fill the heads of impressionable people with the idea that, yes, a four year old really can be transgender. I haven’t lived in this family’s home so I have no idea what they experienced and am trying hard not to judge. The dad said to me that people who are transgender don’t suddenly announce it at age 13, it starts much earlier. But maybe it could also be quelled by not indulging the delusion? Let the child outgrow it maybe...

I think you’re also here in L.A. I’ve seen more than a few little boys around wearing princess dresses. It really is an illness (in the parents).

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There is nothing wrong with judging a situation as long as you aren't hypocritical about it and are willing to be judged by the same standards.

Judgement is healthy and necessary and practical. Of course harsh judgement is unadvisable as is complete permissiveness in all things.

It's about common sense and balance.

Speaking up and saying what you know is true is not being judgemental. It's being a friend.

IMO you don't have to live in a person's home to know their 4 year old isn't capable of making decisions that will alter the rest of their life.

When I was a child I spent several years telling everyone I was a boy (I am female) and my name was John. That phase passed and in the next few years I imagined I was a horse. None of this was taken seriously or looked at like it was a problem by the adults around me, though I, as a child, took it very seriously. I outgrew it all and am so grateful none of the nonsense that pervades today was even a thought in those days or I would now have an artificial penis and a mane and tail. Possibly hooves.

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Very sage advise. I’m glad you’re not a mare, also. Awfully difficult to type with hooves.

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Thank you for sharing your personal experience. As we know with children, the more attention they get for a particular behavior, the more they’re going to keep doing that behavior.

Believe me, I am plenty judgemental about plenty of things. Often things aren’t black and white and you don’t know what someone else is going through. It can be easy to make assumptions from the outside. I have made plenty of mistakes and am paying for some of them now, and I’m grateful for the people who extended me grace rather than judgement.

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I have made plenty of mistakes as we all have. I am also grateful for the graceful judgements some people gave me that helped me alter my path.

Not all judgements are hurtful. Such as, 'You look lovely today." God Bless.

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I rmember loving the Freddy the Pig books by Walter Brooks. I wanted to be a pig, like Freddy. I thought maybe I could have surgery to become a pig. Then I realized, no matter what I looked like, I could never truely be a pig. Critical thinking...either you're born with the ability...or you're not. I never told anyone about my pig fantasy.

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You've told us now and I'm so glad you did. Made me smile. Big.

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Yes, LA County, but far away from the city of LA, that unfortunate wasteland.

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“But maybe it could also be quelled by not indulging the delusion?”

Before this transgenderism mania, the VAST preponderance of children seriously asserting a change in gender reverted to their original gender and turned out to be gay.

One need only look at the McMartin Preschool sexual abuse case to know that youngsters’ memories and feelings cannot survive interference from activists.

I think we’re going to see a significant increase in the murders of parents (and doctors) who perpetrated the mutilation of their confused children solely for parental bragging rights.

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Or let them wear the dresses — but don’t take it as a sign that we should lop off their penises.

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What did the mom say?

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The mom was not at the party. I was curious to see the other half, but also not curious. This family is going to suffer.

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Yeah. My impression is that this narrative is usually driven by a very brittle woke mom, and weak dads go along with it.


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Likely. In this case the young child is a girl (her name is also Aviva, which played in to our conversation). Now they call her Adam. So sad.

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I read the entire study, it was very interesting. It would never get published today! “Developing strategies for prevention, early intervention, and treatment planning.” That was science before science lost its mind.

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I felt the worst for the older sister, who’s 8. How is she supposed to cope with this.

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Hey, don’t hate on the hand sanitizer. That I’ve been carrying since well before COVID — for example for coping with nasty public restrooms with empty soap dispensers. But yeah the rest is insane.

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I thought hand sanitizer was yucky well before covid. Soap and water for me, thanks. To each his own!

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I do vastly prefer soap and water! But when the soap dispenser is empty, or when using a porta-potty or pit toilet with no running water somewhere… that hand sanitizer is less nasty than doing nothing, IMO. And it’s easier to carry around than soap and water. :-)

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With much respect, I find sentences that use third person plural both in the correct way, as well as to denote third person singular incredibly confusing. Furthermore, I strongly believe that adopting the language of a worldview validates it. Personally, I avoid using “they” for singular at all cost.

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Hi Vola,

Thank you, I agree, I was using this pronoun intentionally to protect the individual, rather than make the attempt to use 'they' 'them' correctly.

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I understand, and thank you for sharing such an important example. I tend to use s/he instead, for the reasons I outlined in my previous comment. Language has such great power to affect our thinking.

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Just curious: do you also say “someone left his or her coat on the bench” or “someone left their coat on the bench”? The former is correct, the latter is commonplace. Before this trans nonsense took off, I would’ve said the latter without a thought. Now I catch myself and try to say the former.

And I’ve noticed some members of GenZ using “they” to refer to single individuals who they presumably know to be of one sex or the other and who don’t identify as “non-binary” (more nonsense). Frankly I wouldn’t mind if English got to a point where pronouns aren’t gendered (though it would be best to preserve the distinction between singular and plural). But for now I too am doubling down on “he” and “she” in support of biological reality.

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Why won't you say "he"? Are you so brainwashed?

You keep doing that ridiculous thing, writing "the patient" over and over again, and lying by saying "they" when you know it's just one person.

You have completely swallowed the socialist propaganda, that people must not be called he or she in a story, and especially not the transvestites you obediently refrain from calling "he". Mustn't let truth get in the way of propaganda, your media bosses have decided for you.

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I don’t think even parents should give consent to puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender-affirming surgery. And I’m a parent.

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I'm a parent, and no way in hell.

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cdc says about 2 out of 3 nursing home residents are refusing the covid jabs now https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/62-of-nursing-home-residents-refuse

presumably that includes a percentage with bob peters-level communication skills

the mainstream is getting fringier

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That's huge, because a VERY LARGE part of Pfizer's strategy going forward was having these people 'on lock' for new boosters every 6 months until they die.

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When the booster uptake rate dropped by 90%, Pfizer raised their price to $1300 a shot. Hopefully when it reaches 1%, the price will be $13,000.

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Well, that last link was disturbing.

We need to take heart. The utter hysteria shows that the damn is breaking. And, yes, "gender-affirming" care will go down in history alongside such things as prescribing Adderall to children and "recovered memories." If we'll be really lucky, it will be remembered alongside lobotomizing and conversion therapy, though with the exception of lobotomizing, the other the harms are psychological. Here they're also physical. You want to hurry this along? Park lawyers outside the doors of the clinics.

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My impression is that the malpractice lawsuits have already begun, and in earnest.

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I’d expect some of these lawsuits to eventually lead to pedophilia charges. There seems to be an unusual fetish with the genitals of adolescents.

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The next thing you will see is tort reform to shield them like the vaccine laws but state level.

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They can try.

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“If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.”

- Emile Zola

Got a feeling a whole bunch of that's gonna go down.

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The malpractice suits are going to be massive in 5-10 years.

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"This entire group of adult 'medical professionals' told me this would fix me, and I was 14. How was I supposed to know any better?"

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Even worse, they lied when telling her parents she’d absolutely commit suicide without drugs/surgery.

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And when she kills herself anyway, it will be society's fault.

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Hopefully they encompass all of the COVID malpractice as well.

After the illegal money they made on vaccines, the indifference they showed to people who had legitimate (religious or medical--buddy of mine had a stroke) concerns about the vaccine, the failure to treat--all of it--I'd turn all MDs into GS11s. I'd sue them for everything they own, infinity pools as well. Give those to the illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities...


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If you put that in a novel 20 years ago your editor would laugh in your face.

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And rightly call you a pervert.

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In the defence of Egon Moniz (lobotomy-"inventor"), the procedure was developed for the worst cases of violent psychotics, in an age where today's medications didn't exist.

Lobotomising someone instead of simply chaining them in a dank dungeon was the humane option.

How it came to be abused is on later psychiatrists, doctors and politicians.

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Actually, I think you've hit the nail on the head. "Gender affirming" care can help in extreme cases of gender dysphoria, the kind that never resolve, and somewhere down the line, long after all other avenues have been exhausted, cosmetic surgery is good enough that you can get a pretty close approximation of the physical characteristics of the other gender that someone like Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner can live as a woman. But applying it as a first line defense (as they did lobotomy for a range of issues) has become the norm because there's money in it, it's an easy way out, and it's a great political issue to divide people.

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It may have been developed with the most severe symptoms in mind but in my travels looking into Walter Freeman, it was apparent that many people further down the scale with ambiguous symptoms such as hysteria, depression were 'treated' sometimes after minimal observation.

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Yes, the relative ease of the surgical procedure and the inmates lack of power or ability to object in a fashion deemed valid by psychiatrists at the time, not to mention the hubris of the psychiatric/psychologist profession (still very much in existence I'm afraid) combined to make lobotomy a quick-fix it was never intended to be.

And when that process, which we've seen repeated recently in Canada with MAID and with Covid-jabs all over the Western world, was picked up by states such as the Soviet Union, abuse as a matter of fact was guaranteed.

But none of that is the fault of Egon Moniz, or the procedure in itself.

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I see your point, and I don't know Moniz' backstory but nonetheless I'm inclined to attribute a certain amount of blame his way.

I know people are products of their time but it seems pretty hubristic to think you deserve to poke around in the organ of consciousness because you may seize upon the answer and gain celebrity by your peers. Of course, the field was rife with this kind of behaviour from Charcot, Freud and many others (eg whoever the pioneer of ovariectomy was).

I'm no historian but watched the BBC dramatization of Freud and the rush to publish some novel and name-making theory/surgical practice just seemed so absurdly ego-driven, notwithstanding the reflection and thought apparent in someone like Freud.

Again, perhaps it's the times and many of us are fated for some kind of hubris but it feels like by Moniz, there should have been a more modest humility at play and as there wasn't I apportion some blame to the individuals.

Of course the hubris and desire for novelty haven't abated. I cast my eye over recent sexologists, including respectable ones who I find common ground, but even then there is still a dreadful complacency around theory that forgets the therapist influences the condition.

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That page has been deleted

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“ Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told NPR in 2022 that ‘there is no argument among medical professionals — pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, et cetera — about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.’”

Funny thing about that particular quote - up until a few years ago, Levine’s first name was Richard. The “lady” doth protest too much, methinks.

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Dick Levine is a national embarrassment.

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America wants to know if Dr. Levine is still a Dick…

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You mean, still “has”…

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I was trying to be discreet. 🤣😂

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He's Dickless Levine now.

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Heh heh, heh heh, he said dick.

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Dude! A buddy of mine worked for GEN A$$Hat Mark Milley himself. There is, apparently, a photo on GEN SHOULDBECOURTMARTIALED Milley's desk of a high school football team...his teammate? Good ole Dick Levine. Classic.

How would your old high school buddies treat you if you turned into a girl? I know how my old buddies--shit, my current old Army buddies--they'd punch me right in the junk while saying, "I guess this doesn't hurt you anymore..."


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Am I to understand that the ONLY reason the Army does not regularly punch each other "right in the junk" is because it hurts? No OTHER reason, maybe?

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Reason enough.

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Reportedly Dick was strange even back in the day as a married man at Hershey Medical Center. But as Rachel, Dick has provided some of the greatest memes I've ever seen. In my favorite, over a picture of the incredibly unattractive Rachel speaking into a handheld microphone, are the words: "We are the Democrats. We Believe in Science! Except the chromosome thing. We don't believe in that one." The runner-up meme, over another ugly photo of Lockdown Levine, commands: "Stay inside or I will send you nudes."

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"... back in the day as a married man at Hershey Medical Center."


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No stories to tell, just a report from an acquaintance who dealt with both him and her, plus a complaint that was on the net in the past from a male teen patient who felt he was treated strangely, though not unlawfully, and told his parents he would never see Levine again. Levine treated both children and adolescents, and was a professor of both Pediatrics and Psychiatry.

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I had a discussion today with a wonderful friend about the absurdity of genital mutilation because really… as a parent , do you really want your child castrated ect… with skin flaps galore . This was her response, ….. “Years ago I watched a series that talked about people identifying as amputees. I thought it was made up concept for TV. Imagine my horror when realized it was a “thing”.

I’d ask any parent - if your child wanted to have their legs or arms amputated, would you affirm that desire?

That child is mentally ill and so are you if you affirm it.

It’s called BID. Body Integrity Dysphoria. I’m sure you know about it. “ This is so disturbing, all of it . 🤮😭🤬

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Body integrity dysphoria is the definition of being a teenager.

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The only lasting psychological effect from my early teenage years is a strong affection for tall girls.

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Ask them if they would approve of their child stitching on new parts (any part) taken from deceased donors.

When they say no, ask them why.

You might lose friends this way, just saying. Most of us humans don't like to actually think, as I'm sure you've experienced.

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Then you add loss of brain function from the jabs …logic has worsened IMO. (Brain mitochondria forever lost )

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Thank you for the shout out, wonderful friend. 😘❤️

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…..”

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Remember when Trans people respected the fact they were not "normal"?

In other words, they respected the fact that they were a vanishingly small minority and the world wasn't "made" to order for them.

Even southpaws understand this.

It's just the way it is. Sorry

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I remember when gays happily said they weren't normal.

The last thing they wanted was to be normal, normal was gross.

We need to dial all the way back.

Being gay is not normal.

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I remember when the left wanted government out of peoples bedrooms. Now the left insists on sticking their nose into childrens bedrooms.

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And public rest rooms.

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The closet door we unlocked to let gay people out was also the lid to Pandora's Box, it appears. Witness the madness unleashed after Obergefell. Gay marriage was the starting line, not the finish line, as one wit observed.

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Marriage is between a man and a woman. We should've died on that hill. But as you say we've let so many things that are horrible for society happen because we didn't feel like dealing with it.

This is why self-censorship is the enemy imo.

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We are too comfortable in America, and let too much nonsense pass...some things should not be tolerated.

They also lied to us, making it seem that gay people were interested in traditional, monogamous relationships. I recently read that 50% of gay marriages were open marriages, and that 70% of gays are OK with that.

Here's a rather disturbing glimpse into the gay lifestyle. Really, really NSFW. https://josephsciambra.com/surviving-gaybarely/

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Holy snickers. What a link

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Rough stuff.

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Why not dial it back to when gay meant happy?

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Yes and give the f ing rainbow back to My Little Pony

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But it is OK.

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We southpaws are proud to not be normal. We’re thinking of applying for disability status, cause of the scissors ✂️

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They make left handed scissors but they cost more because they aren't normal.

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Exactly! Oppression! We will fight until there is nobody Left to fight!!

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I remember Ryan Gardner and Thanks for saying that .

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In Tennessee, a video surfaced of a top executive at Vanderbilt university Medical Center telling an assembly of its physicians that the medical center had no room for anyone not on board with medical mutilation of children. Given that most hospitals are only profitable because of surgical services (other specialties being unprofitable), I have little doubt that support for “gender affirming care” has a huge profit motive. Throw in a general coarsening of the culture, a growth in cowardliness, an increase in our national ability for moral justification of any debased behavior, and you have a toxic brew that enables enthusiastic support for mutilation in the name of goodness.

In this, medical mutilation is not unlike abortion after birth, selling our farmland to the CCP, child trafficking and pedophilia, election fraud, and allowing 5 million military aged males into the country illegally. Profit + moral debasement = depravity.

Fortunately, in Tennessee, the Legislature and Governor had a moment of clarity and courage and ended medical mutilation of children.

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Did you see the recent story out of Montana? Montana banned the medical mutilation of children, so if your child goes to the hospital in Montana and says "I'm trans," they...transfer your child to a hospital in a pro-mutilation state, and call Child Protective Services if you object.

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These administrators are why we once used public hangings, corporal punishments, floggings, etc.

I am surprised no parent, or anyone, after seeing this video, hasn't taken a baseball bat to these people.


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One day ...

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It is that clarity on various issues that led my wife and me to make TN our retirement home.

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"Gender affirming care" is like "transport to the East" or "the Final Solution" or "re-education camps". The left can make the most evil and vile acts into innocuous sounding ones.

Danny Huckabee

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“Gender Affirming Care”

Hall of Fame marketing slogan used, as with all marketing slogans ever, for evil.

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Maybe one of the best ways to help the 80% in the “extremist fringe” to prevail over a ludicrous propaganda effort would be to stop using their benign sounding, mind numbing lexicon and start referring to things as exactly what they are?

“Gender affirming care” is simply genital mutilation!

“Minor attracted person” is a pedophile!

“Undocumented guest worker” is an illegal alien!

Aborting a viable fetus is not a “choice” it’s taking a life.

The more we buy into (and use) their benign sounding language, the more we help legitimize the concepts they are promoting.

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I first noticed the Left's insidious capture of our language over fifty years ago.

The leftists of the day somehow coerced us into agreeing to use ONLY their language to discuss the "issues". Accepting that condition led us from a little harmless bra burning and Saturday morning peace marches to tens of thousands of fentanyl deaths, millions of illegal immigrants, billions of dollars of damage in BLM riots, and trillions of dollars of debt.

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Don’t worry – all those things you think you remember will be wiped from the internet, newspapers and libraries. But the debt? That’s ALWAYS been there. If fact, Big Brother’s actually reduced it!

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Yeah - reading "historical" accounts of events I witnessed, in person, can be somewhat disconcerting. Especially those written by "experts", not yet born when the events occurred.

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"’experts,’ not yet born when the events occurred.“

Not sure whether 🤣 or

🤬 is the appropriate response…

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They’re calling it “reproductive freedom”. Who could be anti-freedom?

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Yep. Here in CA, a very sensible ballot initiative to protect kids from the woo has been formally named, by our wacko AG, an initiative to “restrict the rights of transgender children.” I can’t even. The team that put together the initiative is suing: the AG is not supposed to be taking sides here.

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The AG is a repulsive scumbag.

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Yes, it’s par for the course in CA. They’re not even subtle about it anymore. Brazenly subverting the intent of the petitioners.

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Newspeak. Orwell & Huxley were prophets.


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Oracles. It’s scary how correct they were.

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“Undocumented guest worker” is no longer in vogue. Now it’s “Undocumented American.”

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My favorite is all the new expressions for “homeless”. It became “people experiencing homelessness”, then “unhoused people”, and I think now we’re at “people experiencing houselessness”. How do they speak this nonsense without laughing at themselves?

And at the school board meeting where the superintendent introduces himself and says “my pronouns are he/him”. Might as well be wearing a mask because to me you’ve just announced how stupid you actually are.

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IMO, “unhoused people“ describes a family huddling in a bathtub after a tornado moved the rest of the house 1/2 mile away.

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We can laugh at these leftists, but when they expose themselves verbally on social media, they show themselves to be so arrogant, condescending, and mean, that the only fitting word I can think of is "evil". They will literally wish death on people.

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To your question: Such speakers long ago surrendered dignity in pursuit of acclamation of their compliance with dogma, i.e., “virtue.”

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Very true. They sold their souls to get in to their positions of power.

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Maybe some of them never had souls.

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True, but it applies to ordinary people of no power who don’t rebut lies in their presence, e.g., someone being called a racist whom we know not to be, and we say nothing.

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That’s what upset me during covid. All the people who stood silently by when people of conscience were censored and the unvaccinated were fired. My grandparents were Holocaust survivors so maybe that’s why I’m especially sensitive to this. Silence is complicity.

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Next they’ll call them “pioneers.”

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Two years ago Justin told us that we're a fringe minority of racist, misogynist science deniers (should the good people tolerate us?), so....I dunno.

My province now gives out fentanyl to children without telling their parents.

How did we become the extremists? I'm so confused.

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Soon children will get the benefits of MAID without all that unfortunate parental obstruction.

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As will the mentally ill!

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There’s always a chance Justin’s doctors make a mistake. I mean he could easily be taken for a mental patient or gender confused or having a death wish.

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The idiots in charge in BC are now so confused – how did decriminalizing opiates & fentanyl lead to a quadrupling of OD deaths? WHO could possibly have anticipated that?!?

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We extremists? (or is it "us"?) Could BC be the Canadian version of California, or maybe Oregon? Or both? I am not sure what California and/or Oregon are versions of...

That photo on X would put a stop to most of it! That's a lot more than gender dysphoria going on.

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Yep it’s all the Left Coast. And like the interior of US west coast states (think CA’s Central Valley) inland BC is, I think, more conservative than Vancouver (Canada’s Seattle or maybe Portland).

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Yep! I lived in SoCal for 18 years. NM is weird but not as weird as SoCal!! I've heard that San Diego is or has gone to the dark side. You're right about central/inland CA. It is (or was?) a whole other world. I really loved Victoria - I hope it isn't too bad...

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Victoria BC? Not sure if it’s got the whole drug thing going on like Vancouver, but apparently the vibe is full-on woke.

And yeah I hear San Diego is not the oasis of sanity on the CA coast that it used to be. As goes the military, so goes SD, I guess?

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I've only been to Victoria a few times but I loved it each time. My grandparents lived in Sequim WA and on clear days you could see it off in the distance. Gen. "White Rage" Milley is a huge part of the military destruction but certainly not the only one.

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One of the many ways in which writers try to frame and control the debate.

Myself, I prefer biting sarcasm.

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Oh, I would never.

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At least 25% of reading every one of your articles is me being envious that I hadn't come up with some snarky phrase or another first. (You know what they say, friendly competition makes everybody stronger!)

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You and SC are better at it than me but you both provide me with plenty of ammo to use on other people!!

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I suspect many Screamers appreciate that preference!

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Am I naive to say this gives me some hope and confidence of getting out of this mess. I hope not

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Hope can never be naive. Never. It is a gift from God. At times, it might be the only thing we have.


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Hope, and grace.

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In your first paragraph you mentioned Canada, then in the second California, and I conflated those two in my head. When I re-read the paragraphs I saw the difference. But, I thought "Canada, California, what's the difference?"

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Trudeau, Newsom. No difference but the amount of hair gel.

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Gel and a few years of age. Otherwise, identical objectives.

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You mean mayonnaise.

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Both would-be dictators, but only one is the living son of Fidel!

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I have a long-time retired work friend in Calgary, and we keep each other entertained/depressed with stories of liberal idiocy on both sides of the border. I’ve asked him if I can send him money to give to Pollievre, but he wisely declined.

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Chris, I am a recently retired school teacher. Thank you for keeping me sane!! In the winter I live in Southern California. I have been pleasantly shocked by the women in my yoga studio who are wide awake—the majority!!! Was not expecting that in the most socialist of all the states!

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Which county? I've been seeing that Ventura and Orange are a different planet than Los Angeles.

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I am in Riverside. Many here are snowbirds, coming from Washington state, Oregon, Alaska, Canada, but a surprising number are permanent residents. A conversation just today included several people who said they’d never taken the vax, but those who had said they’d never be boosted and had only taken it to keep their jobs. Gives me hope.

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But how do they VOTE?!? Somebody keeps electing these supermajorities in Sacramento.

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Or it’s plain old election rigging.

True story:

I retired from law enforcement after 33 years. In 2020, I was working for the LA County District Attorney as an investigator. I assisted another investigative unit with a case involving stolen ballots. When we did a search warrant on the suspect’s house, we found hundreds of stolen ballots in his living room, real ballots addressed to real voters, all checked off for Democrats. That was just one case. Think how many more were never investigated.

Plus this never was reported in the media.

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Given what I have read about sort of people elected as DA in LA County, I am very surprised that the prevailing attitude wasn’t, “What sort of piker only has hundreds of stolen ballots on hand? He could easily handle thousands more. Send him over another couple of pallets worth!”

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