Trump needs to keep his fucking mouth shut about the vaxx!

He needs an advisor to talk to half his voters...so out of touch...almost makes me want to gag as much as listening to shit-stain in chief.

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Full disclosure, I'm a huge fan of Trump. The vaxx thing makes my fucking blood boil to a degree I can't quite describe. I'm super baffled by it.

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same in both respects.

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Watch this masterful imo, delivery of RFK’s SOTU. I’m not in RFK camp - I don’t think he can win & I disagree with him on important issues. I voted for Trump twice, but Trump’s stupid vaccine comment shows a glaring weakness. We on substack clearly see the truth on the vaccines, but are we such a minority that other non suffering TDS conservatives don’t care? https ://x.com/robertkennedyjr/status/1765916167737344260?s=61

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I also disagree with him on big stuff, but he's about twice as smart as the average politician, and far more of an actual person. This video is painful to watch, as a reminder of what normal politics could look like.


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In 2016 he was protesting Climate Change and while being video’d he said leaders of the anti AGW crowd should be charged with crimes against humanity at the Hague. Pretty sure that means a death sentence. He’s right on vaccines and wrong on everything else.

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Ya'll speak of this as if it is real... it's not real. Democracy does not exist

The Protocols Of Zion

Published 1903

* Place our agents and helpers everywhere

* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

* Start fights between different races, classes and religions

* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials – see this https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/90966 https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/91036

* Appeal to successful people's egos

* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

* Rewrite history to our benefit

* Create entertaining distractions

* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

* Replace sound investment with speculation

* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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Agree - look at his campaign page kennedy24.com under Policies. Lots of great policies but what’s missing? Any mention of his abortion stance ( I know he’s not pro life but I’ve heard variations so I wanted to check where he stands on his official site), nothing - not any mention on climate change either. Two very important issues I feel he should be honest & transparent about.

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Mar 8, 2024
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Biden is sleep walking us quickly into war. Trump will keep us out of war. But if you prefer a good old fashioned American giant war failure, nuke style….vote Biden.

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Mar 9, 2024
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You are being played. Trump Biden... they are actors. All politicians are actors.

There is a reason most of them are retarded MORE-ons... the men who run the world (hint - they own the Fed) prefer corrupt idiots as minions... they do what they are told

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OK. I know we ain't voting ourselves out of this mess....but what options do you have?

I mean I'm in favor of providing refreshments to the tree of liberty....but most people don't have a stomach for the sorts of things The Founders gave us as "remedies".

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There are no options. The Men Who Run the World... Run the World...

Like Carlin says - it's a big Club -- and all the big names are in it ... including Putin and Xi.... and they have no desire to wreck the Club.... and anyone who has the potential to wreck the Club is welcomed into the Club....

It's a brilliant system... no more world wars... cuz what you have is a 'Country' Club filled with elites from every country... they make sure they Live Large... and who gives a f789 about the cockroaches... we get crumbs.. some of us more than others...

The owners of the Federal Reserve operate the Club.....

Alas all good things will come to an end cuz we are into deep depletion on affordable energy... that's what is causing the relentless inflation

It's call gonna go BOOM... but hopefully before that happens this happens https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Who owns the Fed?specifically. I don’t disagree , I’d just like to know ow who these thugs are…

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They prefer to remain in the shadows... they don't want the glory ... they put front men out (see POTUS etc) to bask in the fame... that way they do not exist so nobody ever shows up with pitchforks...

This is why democracy is so useful -- if they mess up the politicians take the heat... get voted out ... and a new batch of minions (actors) take the stage -- and the steam is let off... rinse repeat rinse repeat rinse repeat

Brilliant - no?

The Protocols Of Zion

Published 1903

* Place our agents and helpers everywhere

* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

* Start fights between different races, classes and religions

* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials – see this https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/90966 https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/91036

* Appeal to successful people's egos

* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

* Rewrite history to our benefit

* Create entertaining distractions

* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

* Replace sound investment with speculation

* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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That's easy. It's his ART OF THE DEAL mentality. He wants credit both ways and this is a subject that doesn't particularly interest him.

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If for nothing else but political expediency, somebody needs to tell him he gains exactly zero votes by touting the vaxx.

In fact he will lose votes.

Does anyone think he would lose a vote because he doesn't continue to pimp The Dirt?!...:)

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Trump's a fucking clown. The vaxx has to be great because he started the project and he's King Midas in his own mind.

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Trump didn't start it. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab outlined what amounted to Operation Warp Speed back in 2017, but military (DARPA) efforts go back much farther (Korean War?), because in biowarfare you need to respond quickly to an enemy's attack but also protect yourself from your own weapons. The establishment was talking about instant vaccines prior to Covid (which they developed) and was happy to let Trump take the credit and thus the eventual blame. The whole timeline is provided in the Breggins' book, Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.

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Yes, I know he didn't come up with the plan, but he backed it and supported it for whatever reasons, and that's enough for him to feel the need to continue to do so. Look, I'm not voting for the authoritarian Dem party and will probably vote for Trump. But it would help if the man could admit a real mistake once in a while and give people a little confidence that it won't be his ego ruling the nation if he wins.

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this 100%

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Agreed. Trump’s main weakness is his narcissism. Whatever he does is awesome in his own mind. I love him for being the bull in the Washington, DC, China shop, and being willing to buck convention, but once he does something, it will forever be “beautiful” and “fantastic” in his own mind.

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Mar 8, 2024
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No one thinks anyone is going to "save us". There's just bad and worse and maybe, if he can get it together enough, Trump could severely cripple the treasonous deep state and shut down some of the worst of the bureaucracies that are smothering us.

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He's not effective. He gave one of the best populist inaugural addresses that actually had me believing something really would change but after some of his appointments it was clear that he was not going to stick to his agenda.

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yeah I think he had no idea what he was getting into honestly. I think unlike the other liars Trump meant to do the things he said he wanted to, but he was in way over his head and wasn't prepared for the total betrayal by his appointees. Trump is used to business where the boss orders something done and if you don't do it he fires you and gets someone else. You can't do that so easily in govt even though he tried. These guys are in it for the long haul and their relationships with each other and the swamp as a whole are more important than any one president, esp when that president is trying to stop wars and bring manufacturing back - both projects the govt has been set up to do the opposite for at least 50 years now. If he does get back into office, I think he'll be a lot sharper about who he appoints, and will hire extensively from outside the swamp, and bring in more guys like Doug Macgregor who see things the same way Trump does (for the most part). Who knows though - does Trump really have the strength to go to war with the permanent state? You do need some friends and I wonder how many true American loyalists are left to pick from.

I think both Trump and RFK have a similar idea which is to really revamp and clean out the bureaucracies, get rid of the poisonous careerist warmongers and clean up the corruption. I'd vote for either of them. Not because I think they will definitely succeed but because at least they have a shot and know what the problems are.

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Of course he's a clown. He has the attention span of a gnat. He won't be effective. He won't arrest our decline, but he might slow it down a little.

But at Rod Dreher recently said: "vote for the clown, it's that important".

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The overwhelming reason to vote for Trump is the chaos and panic he sows in the regime. His strength is being an unreflected, untutored, jackass. Set that majestic, poo flinging, orange orangutan loose in Washington!

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It's binary. Vote for the best or the least worse.

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Yeah, with his demo that’s not the great accomplishment he thinks it is.

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No shit. The side effects are tremendous, such wonderful side effects. Nobody’s ever seen side effects like this before, crooked Hillary, please, you think she would have been able to create this?

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I agree.

Trump is CRIMINALLY WRONG about the vaxx. It's horribly dangerous and worse than ineffective, actually _increasing_ the probability of serious and illness and death from the virus for all who took it.

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I know! But the alternative is totalitarianism

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Of course I greatly prefer Trump to Bidet, but Trump does not inspire a lot of confidence because he just cannot admit that his vaxx is toxic.

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And WWIII. Nuke style.

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For a second I thought you said "stent in chief," which would also make sense as aggressive medical procedures are the only thing keeping our Prez ticking.

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He's a full diaper in an empty suit

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No he doesn't.

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Are you suggesting he continues to tout something the vast majority of his voters either despise or are indifferent to?

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.

I mean he gains exactly zero votes for going down this path....but he does risk losing many votes by spouting nonsense about the vaxx

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I didn’t watch last night (my anti anxiety meds are late again) but from the highlights the best part was the father of the dead Marine screaming at him from the gallery. American fucking hero!!!!!

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Frogmarched and handcuffed.

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Guess I could call myself a conservative journalist then.

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Yeah - I don’t remember Code Pink treated so shabbily when they interrupted. Vindictive bastards.

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Somebody going to post his bail?

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He's out.

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Give him a beer 🍺

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Likely enduring some reeducation in a DC gulag before reemerging to give high praise to Father Ho, er uh Joe.

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Why watch? It is all theater and has been for a while.

The Republican party has lost on every single social issue and fiscal issue for the last hundred years. But we don’t have to go back that far to see how they rat out the voters. In 2004 when Bush II won reelection and had majorities in the house and Senate, what happened? We got a prescription drug entitlement, a massive expansion of the educational department (let’s mutilate children), and a meager tax cut. On the foreign policy front, we came up with the brilliant idea that we were going to bring democracy to the Middle East and hang rainbow sign everywhere.

Fast-forward to Trump’s stunning election in 2016. Again the Republicans held the house and the Senate. The big issue that Trump ran on was building a wall. That was way too scary for the Republicans. They all hid under their desks.

There were less than 2m hispanics in the US in 1950. There are nearly 70m now. I don’t blame any of them for wanting to leave their impoverished countries, but there’s a reason that all of a sudden we’ve had a surge of homeless people in our cities.

The problem with Republicans is they’ve never learned to make a moral argument.

White suicide is off the charts.

Fentanyl is a much bigger threat than covid.

We are raping the poor and middle class by printing money, the most evil form of taxation.

We are mutilating children.

We are provoking global nuclear war with Russia because Ukrainian borders are sacred when our own borders mean nothing.

Never mind the hostility to free speech, our most sacred right. We spit on that now.

A lot of voters questioned election integrity in 2020. Our response was to throw hundreds of people in jail.

Surely, somewhere, there is a moral argument.

If only republicans didn’t wet themselves at the thought of conflict.

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Well said. The GOPe types too often choose what they think is the easier argument to make ("Don't vote for Biden because he is too old") rather than the harder, but in the end, far more robust one ("Don't vote for Biden because his policies are practically and morally wrong.") They either don't have the courage of their convictions or don't really have convictions to begin with.

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He should be impeached or charged with treason bc he is giving aid and comfort to our enemies and not keeping his oath of office. Never mind the family corruption.

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This. There is no conviction. The GOPe just wants to win so that they can say they did. They’re like the dog chasing the car, shocked and unsure of what to do once they catch it.

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It’s a uniparty and you, dear citizen, are not invited.

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It's beyond theatre! In theatre, they know they are acting. Here is the take home message of this excellent piece. :" At the moment American government is transitioning to screaming at dissidents and group-applauding a Brezhnevian party hack as he shambles around at the top of the political ranks" They clapping seals don't know what they are clapping for. (other than their brokerage accounts).

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RFK,Jr. seems like a viable option to me.

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He makes common sense points, but he's all in on this climate "crisis" BS. His fatal blindness is in not calling our his former party. Once a D, always a D.

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He used to be all in on the climate crisis. He has modified his stance and understands far more about how the globalists are using, and causing, the “crisis” portion.

He is all about clean air and water so humans can enjoy nature and live in a healthy environment. Do you know the Hudson river used to catch on fire and run the color that the car plant was painting that day? He cleaned that up and has 350 charters of the Water Keepers Alliance. Don’t you want to live in a clean environment and be able to fishing once in a while?

He is not about weather manipulation, spraying particulates in the air to shield the earth from the sun, enslaving and eliminating the human race (carbon) like the globalists at the WEF tout as the “cure” for the crisis they themselves are creating.

And he has certainly called out the Democrat Party. They are so corrupt he had to run as an Independent because the DNC told him up front that no matter how many votes he got in the primary they were giving them to Biden. Just like they gave Bernie’s votes to Hillary. The judge said they were a private club so they can do whatever they want, so they aren’t even trying to hide their corruption anymore.

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He might have a role in a Trump admin. Someplace where the potential to do damage would be minimal. He's mostly a progressive with weird ideas about vaccines and assassinations.

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"He's mostly a progressive with weird ideas about vaccines and assassinations."

His so-called weird ideas about vaccines generally are now being adopted by many of the small number of smart doctors who were rightly skeptical of the Covid vaccines (for using new and unproven technology), doctors who were fully vaccinated in the past but who now realize that safety and efficacy studies for even the standard childhood vaccines are lacking. Several have said they'll never take another shot. Progressives, on the other hand, seem to love the shots. Kennedy's Hollywood wife, for example, is said to hate his position on vaccines.

Similarly, assassinations are now widely questioned, including by conservatives. Very high percentages (like 80%) of Americans no longer believe the cover stories on the JFK and RFK assassinations, the downing of TWA 800, or the murder of 3,000 people on 9/11/2001. Anyone who's read much on these cases knows the FBI was corrupt long before agent Strzok and the Crossfire Hurricane "insurance policy" in case Trump became president. There's a reason the FBI, unlike most every other law enforcement agency, relies on its agents' accounts of interviews rather than recording them. Agents threatened witnesses in Dallas who reported gunfire (and smoke) from the grassy knoll. In the TWA case, agents actually created fake 302 reports in which they claimed that people who'd reported seeing a missile rising toward the plane in a previous 302 supposedly later rescinded their story.

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Perhaps I was more opaque than I thought. My point is, he's a progressive with ideas progressives (the Regime) don't like so they won't support him. Therefore, I don't support him in his run for POTUS. He might find a role in a Trump administration, and I suspect he would accept one.

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You are right that the regime won’t support him. He knows who they are and how to get them. Trump got fooled by them, and hasn’t learned, unfortunately.

I went on his Truth Social to see if he really took credit for the vaccines in his comment on Biden’s SOTU address.

After everything that’s been revealed, he STILL doesn’t get that he has been played and that is terrifying to me.

I am a volunteer for RFK’s campaign, I have never volunteered for a campaign before and the other volunteers I am meeting are the “liberal progressive” voters who are disenfranchised and finally see what the Democrat party is doing. They are shocked and appalled that the totalitarian “liberals” have completely taken over.

I wasn’t sure I would get along with these people because I’m a Libertarian Independent, but they learned through covid and changed because of it.

Also a lot people who had just completely given up on bothering to vote.

The most surprising has been the young people that care about their own futures. Some of them are still in high school and can’t even vote yet. I feel so sorry for these kids.

I think Trump and Kennedy could work together, even though if Trump had kept RFK on the “Vaccine Committee” he appointed him to at the beginning of his administration, we would have never had the covid pandemic.

Bill Gates talked Trump into getting rid of RFK.

Bill Gates talked about it on video how he told Trump to get rid of RFK and not explore vaccines.

That advice sure came in handy, didn’t it?

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Jason, Have you actually listened to him on both subjects, then done any follow up on your own?

Do you know what adjuvants are? Do you understand what heavy metals do to human organs? Are you aware of how easily mercury and aluminum used as an adjuvant can cross the blood brain barrier and lodge permanently in the brain? Do you know that now, with the untested covid vaccine, that kids are forced to take 90 ‘vaccinations’ in order to go to school? Explain why a newborn needs a Hep B shot, or a covid shot for that matter?

Do you really believe in the “magic bullet”? Watch the video of JFK’s assassination and notice that right before the shots are fired the security detail walking around the car is pulled off.

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I know you're all ramped up on this topic but that is no good excuse for not reading for comprehension. Please reread my comment slowly.

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Mar 8, 2024
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Please be kind enough to hear what he has to say. He was asked by leftists in NH if he would stop gun violence by restricting guns. He told them he would not be taking away people’s guns (which pissed them off). Here is the video of that: https://youtu.be/JtrZ_RGAtwU?feature=shared

I truly don’t understand why everybody seems to cater to the zionists but RFK is the ONLY one that is talking to both real Jews in Israel (as opposed to zionists which want to rule the world, they are NOT real Jews ie: Soros. And Palestinians.

On his podcast he is facilitating conversations to listen to ideas. That is far from a militant zionist. Here is his first podcast with more to come: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4glSIGqoocjCu0VHNImXp8?si=BfZzc5KaQu60IGF3gYW0_Q

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Mar 9
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Thank you for the recommendation Mr. Raven. I hadn’t seen that interview.

It gave me a lot to think about. At least I understand better where Bobby is coming from. This was a worthy discussion between two very self educated men that have differing opinions of what certain events in history actually mean. They both put forth their arguments passionately and articulately. It seems that the biggest point of contention is what happened in 67-68 and what that meant.

Kennedy was clear that while he defends Israel, he differentiates the Palestine people from Hamas.

He said he would not have condoned war as the first choice, he would have convened an international meeting and called for the leaders of Hamas to be dealt with through diplomatic channels.

That is not a “militant” response. Neither is it zionist.

What is currently happening is a militant response by an unpopular Prime Minister and a pretense of a President, both fronts for the neocons. We don’t have any diplomats.

It seems to me that you confuse Jews with Zionists. As a fan of William Cooper I understand Zionists, but I don’t confuse them with ordinary citizens just trying to live their lives.

Any more than I would punish Americans because the President is Biden. That doesn’t make us all “Bidenites”.

Thank God.


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I just couldn't watch. I'd liked to have been above that, but I'm not into self-harm. The few seconds I did watch? The white outfits were pulled on LAST YEAR and much of Biden's speech was LAST YEAR'S speech. Go back and watch. Last year, media criticized him for it; this year, "Joe" of MSDNC praised it. We've fallen even lower than we thought possible - in one year.

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He always was a plagiarist, is now so senile he is reduced (his aides, really) to plagiarizing himself. There's a great video by Mark Dice showing comparative clips from past and present FJB SOTU SNAFUs.

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The Trump “truth” thing about the vaccine is…perplexing. Because Trump is not stupid. I’ve learned to see most of what he says as a game of some kind. So he knows. But…

I couldn’t even bring myself to watch it. Watched a few minutes of the republican “rebuttal” and it was, as kids say, completely cringey. I try really hard not to doom out. But our political class is increasingly just…stupid.

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The rebuttal was overacted, played in a disingenuously wholesome way. I thought younger people were more at home with cameras and media. "Cringey" is the word, and I'm 71.

But this cheerleader is on the shortlist for VP. They want her as a counter to Trump, beastly toward women, and no doubt she would match up well against Harris, but this has gimmickry all over it, brought to you by the same rumdum Republican Establishment sensibility which gave us Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, and Mike Pence.

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Her delivery actually reminded me of Harris in the few excerpts I've seen, though with more coherence. A Dave Barry line on bad writing I just saw this morning reminded me of Harris: "Please find enclosed the enclosed enclosure."

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I do not see how the Democrats can renominate Biden, and they can't hope to win with Cackles, as Megyn Kelly calls her. I cannot foresee a nominee for the Democrats. Can you?

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They are going to do it, then they will find a way to replace him at the last minute, probably with Gavin Newsom.

Or maybe they will trade out Harris for Newsom as VP and let Biden have a nasty fall down some steps. I thinks he’s in the same low class as Harris. Who will probably be offered a job too good to resist to just go away.

It looks like maybe rumors of “Big Mike” & “looks just like their friends with no birth certificates” kids took Michelle out of the planned replacement. Rumors are also that she is pissed about it. She has a 2024 election campaign account filed with the FEC.

Based on Gavin’s actions, he is planning on being selected next.

I cringe to think about what other nasty surprises they might be bringing to the game.

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Gavin Gruesome just oozes sleaze. I never saw American Psycho, but I know that people who have seen it have compared Gruesome with the character played by Christian Bale.

That may be unfair, but the man does exude narcissism, does he not? And people have gotten very smart very quickly about "narcissistic personality disorder," haven't they? That's because it explains so much about life.

Trump is hardly an exemplar of altruism, but I think people would reason a Trump/Gruesome race this way: better the narc we know than the narc we don't.

Not to mention that California is a sewer.

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I KNEW he looked familiar in a very creepy context! Yes, American Psycho for sure.

I don’t think he will be elected… It will be a switch without elections. They are so blatant about their election stealing that they don’t care anymore who knows they are stealing them.

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My theory about Trump and the vaccine is actually two alternate theories. 1. His ego knows no bounds...this we know. I don't fault him for it usually. It is what allows him to endure all the BS. But his ego cannot let him admit he was wrong to do this. OR 2. Someone VERY close to him...perhaps IVANKA, keeps telling him it was a great thing.

Either way, it's my ONE ding against him. Can he come around on that? I just don't know.....but he's the least of the problems when it comes to the Vax...strangely, they have yet to turn on him about it. That shows how deeply indoctrinated the left is......they will even AGREE WITH TRUMP rather than admit the COVID vaxx is garbage....and that's sayin somethin.

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I'm willing to give him a pass on all the preening, because IIRC he didn't push a vaxx mandate, it was Biden who did. If people want to take a faulty vaccine on their own, that's on them, but it was forcing unwilling people to roll up their sleeves that crossed the line.

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I agree. He’s from a generation that doesn’t actually doubt vaccines overall, but his insistence that it was a net positive is very strange. You know he has people around him who are screaming the opposite. So either he’s playing a game with it, or he truly thinks it wasn’t as bad as it was. Overall, just very strange.

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Sadly (I voted for Trump both times), it could be worse than those two possibilities. At one point, Trump was hinting he might appoint RFK Jr. to head an investigation of some sort on vaccines (rumor was that Barron Trump had had a bad vaccine reaction). But then Pfizer paid $1 million for an inaugural ball, and Bill Gates (chief "scientist" of the New World Order and major vaccine investor) called Trump claiming RFK Jr was a crank. So no RFK Jr., and Trump picked Scott Gottlieb (later appointed to Pfizer's board) as FDA commissioner.

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IMO Trump is very likely blackmailed given his past associations with Roy Cohn and Epstein. I simply do not trust the guy...at all.

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The rebuttal was almost as cringey as the SOTU. It seemed like Katie Britt was sincere enough but she sounded like she was about to burst into tears the whole time. Not what we needed. We needed anger, like the post speech commentaries from Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

Ted Cruz: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/angry-bitter-screaming-biden-issued-an-extreme-campaign-speech-not-a-sotu-ted-cruz/vi-BB1jx8Sg

Marco Rubio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BucMgNi65zM

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We needed some gravitas from the rebuttal.

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That's a commodity in very short supply.

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They greeted him like he was a rockstar and then bounced up and down clapping like trained seals. And the "opposition" is really not that much better. In short, we're in an awful lot of trouble.

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I agree, we are headed for disease X, mail in votes and another four years, unless someone throws a Hail Mary. If Biden gets reelected we won't be able to recognize this country two years in.

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I don't recognize it now.

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The world in which I was fortunate enough to grow up is gone. Vanished. Not even in the history books! (Query: Are there actual history books any more?)

We allowed the totalitarians to take over education, the media, most bureaucracies, and our governments. Hell, we willingly, gleefully handed control over to them!

We sacrificed most of the rights enumerated in the constitution on the alter of convenience. We shuffled blindly along - "going along to get along". A decades long epidemic of terminal complacency!

There is almost NOTHING in our world today that my 10 year old self would have recognized as "normal".

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Spot on. Eloquent rant!...;)

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Two years? You’re very optimistic.

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It really was 'old man yells at clouds'.

And it is indeed getting bad here in Canada. Another joyful part of the bill includes warrantless search and seizure ( of anything) from businesses. I think they still will need a warrant for private homes.

All in pursuit of putting some poor sod in prison for life because he made a hasty remark on twitter.

And it's got an ex post facto clause.

Can we nail Justin there for all the bile he spewed at the unvaccinated?

Or would that be considered justified?

Yup. Canadian politicians have lost their marbles.

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Justin Trudeau's government is becoming more delusional, paranoid and authoritarian in direct, inverse proportion to its ability to handle *any* Serious Person issue. The entire cabinet might the most venal, astoundingly stupid and worthless I've seen in my thirty years following Canadian politics.

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This last bill might be the most destructive bill I have seen from any modern Western Liberal Democracy. Ever.

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Trudope must think North Korea is a utopia bc that is where he is heading.

Read In Order to Live by Yoemni Park before all the 💩 hit the fan which had opened my eyes early on what they were doing. As someone who grew up in the 50s and 60s don't have much trust for authority anyway.

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Depending on whom you believe, the "tree" can range from bad (Pierre) to worse (Castro).

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Yep- whichever tree he fell from, it wasn't good.

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I have to say I enjoy Jordan Peterson's loathing of and contempt for Trudeau.

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Yeah he's like an angry Chucky in a rapid-fire wind up Jack-in-the-box toy.

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Canadian police never did this routine?

"Can we come in and have a look around?"


"Ok. (Calls on-call prosecutor) Yeah, I have a person here not allowing us entry to premises, seems he's trying to hide something? You sign a search permit? Ok. Sir, please allow us in as we have a permit to search the premises."

Neat and legal and "respecting your rights".

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"Drugged up container of entitled rage." Perfect description.

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So, I have a FB friend who is a retired nurse…. Her theory is that Biden has a pump similar to what diabetics have… and that the cocktail they give him can be moderated from a remote so that when he starts slipping, they can “ booster” him…. That bellicose yelling last night was frightening

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God, I would love to get my hands on that remote 🤣

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Wouldn’t that be a treat! Puts me in mind of one of my favorite Cheers episodes, where Cliff got wired up to be zapped every time he started to say something snarky.


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Oh boy, I would be fried up like a bar-b-que!

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I've tried to explain to people that his speech mannerisms weren't Biden being fierce and energetic, they were the mannerisms of someone high as a kite on amphetamines.

Notice how he didn't really moderate his tone or delivery at all during the speech? It was either yelling or creepy whispers...that's it. People high off their tits on amphetamines also struggle mightily to make a speech or presentation without sounding agitated and yelling a lot.

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"We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold."

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That would account for a lot.

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Maybe soon he ODs and explodes

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This is why they let him meander around and drool on regular days. It's risky to try to keep him pepped up all the time, so they save it for special occasions. Likely Democrat voters aren't paying attention to Joe Biden on a daily basis, so it wouldn't make sense to risk it all by trying to keep him awake on regular days.

They need at least a few moments between now and November so they can breathlessly exclaim that there's nothing wrong with Joe Biden. Of course, when the only evidence they can show to claim that he's not mentally incapacitated involves Joe Biden reading to a teleprompter, they're just further shredding their credibility.

People need to see Joe Biden do a long interview with a journalist who isn't completely in the tank for him. We need to see some signs that he can operate in a faster-paced verbal environment.

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He likely crashes after an event. Because the speed stops.

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I agree Mrs M

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Everyone needs to think very hard about what they will do. I am sure many people never thought (I did not) that things would get this bad in (say) the baby-boomers' lifetimes. It is cheap and easy to *say* "Live Free or Die", or "Molon Labe", but now....

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Become as strong and independent as possible. Get out of debt. Lift weights. Read books. Quit social media. Get chickens. Grow vegetables. Be everything they hate.

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Become integrated with an organized religious community of some kind. As it gets worse, you will not survive it on your own. Think Benedict Option, not "head for the hills and join a cult" but "have a group of people that you share deep values and a deeply intertwined life with". You can do that in the middle of a city too.

Start building small cash businesses. Sell something on the side. Moonlight on gigs. Having a source of money the regime can't control is important.

Move some of your savings overseas if you can. I'm investigating this step right now.

"Live free or die" isn't going to happen in today's America. Just think about how far we've come without resistance: drag queens reading books to toddlers in public libraries are now a positive good. Do you really think the same people who willingly shut down their lives and businesses for a year for COVID are going to rise up? Sorry, but that's not happening. (If you want to know why, read Peter Turchin -- you need rival elites to start a revolution.)

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YES to all of this. Our pastor doesn’t get too much into politics from the pulpit, but he is constantly telling everyone to get prepared. Precious metals, food, supplies. And the congregation is on the same page. It absolutely strengthens your soul to be surrounded by awake, likeminded, faith-filled people.

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You are indeed blessed to have a pastor who is in tune with reality.

Not all of us are so fortunate.

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I know. We’ve been attending for a few months now after a very long search for the right place and both my husband and I know how blessed we are to have found our people. 😉

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I am not trying to be a jerk. I am absolutely serious, and I have never really seen an answer to this. After TSHTF, how do I buy tonight's dinner with gold? I see the issue with the money, but other than buying up junk silver in (say) dimes, I don't know what to do.

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I think that's a totally fair question. The short answer is, you don't.

Save a revolution, a currency doesn't cease to function overnight. Look at Venezuela -- technically they still have a functional currency. No one uses it because it loses value so quickly, but no one buys with gold coins either. (There are lots of people who've written about surviving in Venezuela; they're quite useful to read from a prepping perspective.)

A currency "collapse" in America would (I think) happen very quickly (potentially in a matter of seconds or minutes). If the bond market titans ever doubt our reserve currency status or whether we can pay our bills, you'll see the mother of all runs on the US dollar. Look at what happened to the pound during Liz Truss' brief tenure -- now imagine that on a much larger scale. You can also look at the British pound (https://www.coppolacomment.com/2014/02/the-long-decline-of-great-british-pound.html) as the citizens of Britain have experienced a slow speed currency collapse since as their empire crumbled post Suez. But the British haven't used gold coins for exchange since the 1800's.

The weird thing is that once the currency has been devalued, it's done. As a last resort, devaluation actually does work. Suddenly your debt is a lot more manageable. No one will loan you money anymore so you can't run up the credit card. You can't import anything because no one wants your currency, so you have to relearn how to make it. And unless you do something stupid like print huge volumes of money or redenominate your debt in foreign currency or open your country to trade without tariffs... your currency resumes stability. Given the independence of the US Fed, we are in a good position to look more like Greece or Italy or Brazil than Venezuela or Zimbabwe.

It sucks to live through and not everyone will -- people will starve and die of simple infections in the short run because you can't import antibiotics. I have chronic kidney stones and my wife is a diabetic; we're both dead in this scenario. But it does have a corrective effect mid-long term. It helps to have functional political institutions, and while ours look pretty sclerotic right now, I suspect that given a real crisis, they are more resilient than we realize. 250 years of shared cultural inertia will do that.

If you don't real Max Remington (https://agentmax.substack.com/), you probably should. He's what I call a "practical prepper", be as prepared as possible but still have a life.

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I've read repeatedly from numerous (still) credible sources that ketogenic diet gradually causes a remission in diabetes. Duck-Duck-Go/Google it. Jason Fung, a Canadian kidney doctor, has written specifically on the subject extensively. Who knows? Maybe it's good for kidney stones, too.

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My wife's doctor is always saying that carbs and fats are the enemy of diabetes, what you say makes logical sense. The CDC recommends a Mediterranean diet, which is basically fish, veggies, and whole grains.



Considering their obesity rates, Italy and Greece do have pretty low diabetes rates.

For chronic kidney stones, dietary changes are very personal, since everyone's stones are different. Everyone says "no caffeine" but it has no effect on me. On the other hand, if I eat 2 Tums for heartburn, I'm hosed 3-4 weeks later. I've kind of figured it out after 2 decades. I still have a rock garden, but I haven't needed surgery in 6 years, so I'm at least somewhat stable.

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Just spitballing here, but if you've got a full pantry you don't have to worry about dinners for a while, and a full pantry is important not only for SHTF, but for winter storms, bad weather, a month when the paycheck doesn't go as far as it should, and so on. I suspect that if things really got bad, avenues to use your gold and silver would develop rather quickly, as would opportunities for barter.

For anyone here who is starting out with gardening and wants to use open-pollinated/heirloom seeds (these varieties breed true so you can save seeds), please take a look at St. Clare Heirloom Seeds. Small company, good seeds, run by conservatives so you'll be supporting like-minded people.


When you've got your garden, learn to can and invest in a really good pressure canner. One of the best investments I ever made. All-American is top of the line - expensive, but it's a once-in-your-lifetime purchase and worth every penny.

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Precious metals are fucking stupid from a prepper perspective.

Training in hard skills like medical, growing food, raising livestock, and keeping generators running is more important.

Having a stock of supplies and a plan to share them with other qualified people, and protect them from unqualified people, is equally important.

When things get really bad though, no one is going to accept a gold bar in exchange for a week's worth of food.

Too many preppers think end of society means just some temporary chaos before everything settles back down to life in 1905. They're fucking delusional. You'll need to survive 5-10 years post-collapse before there's even a hint of people asking for gold in return for food/medicine/etc.

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Can you stock up on dried or canned food?

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I prefer canned. You don't need water and most can be eaten cold when fire isn't an option. The drawback is if you are on the move. Extra weight slows you down and wears you out. Me, I'm staying put and manning the parapets.

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Staying put is an option more people should think about.

Even in my suburb, there is a system of canals for moving storm water to the river to reduce the chance of flooding. Next to the canals are big flat green strips of land that would be perfect for farming. It wouldn't take much post-apocalypse engineering to create a mini dam to retain some of the water while still leaving room for overflow to move to the river.

I just don't see the big value in piling the family into the car and making a run for it...along with the other 6 million people in my metropolitan area. My neighborhood is full of middle-class and upper-middle-class technicians, engineers, and white-collar professionals. I think there's a good mix of guys and gals who actually have useful skills.

In short, it would be more survivable to remain in place and reach out to neighbors to come up with a plan.

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Sure. All of it has an eventual date after which it's just not as good. There are TONS of websites around that will outline exactly how to store your food (in general, cool and dry is best for most things) and how long you can expect it to last. Try putting "homesteading" in your search engine and you'll be surprised at what turns up. There are also lots and lots of YouTube videos about preserving the food you grow as well, so if you have a specific question (how do I can green beans), there will be a video showing you how to do it step by step.

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Precious metals should be the absolute last thing anyone invests in.

If things get so bad that people are demanding gold in exchange for goods and services, then it's very likely they've already moved to the stage where bullets, medical supplies, food, and security are the most valuable commodities to have, along with hard skills like medical training, fixing generators, raising livestock, and growing food.

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You’re certainly entitled to your opinion. Most financial/preparedness experts disagree. Precious metals will always be valued as currency long after our fiat currency is in the dustbin of history. It protects your purchasing power.

In a worst-case scenario, no one is going to be using gold to trade for toilet paper, but it’s extremely likely small amounts of silver will be used as everyday currency. And obviously not everyone can fix generators or is in a position to raise livestock. But I suspect those who do/are will be happy to accept silver as a form of payment.

It’s certainly up to us as individuals how we choose to prep. You do you, and God be with us all! 😊

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"Live free or die" to me means only that I won't give up my guns. I am hoping that Florida will still be free enough to start over. Otherwise, I have been looking at moving to Texas.

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Federalism is one of the reasons I'm still pretty bullish on the US long-term (that and the fact that there's nowhere else that's better and might take me.) The federalism solution (I think David Brooks has written about this) means you tolerate other states doing things you think are despicable. We can either re-embrace this theory voluntarily (to avoid killing each other) or by necessity when the Washington ruling class loses the financial (due to a collapsing currency), the political (due to a divided nation), or the practical (due to a military more obsessed with pronouns than performance) ability to enforce its will on the states.

The only alternative I see is a nationalized, left-wing, theocracy. And we saw how bad those can get in the 20th century.

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I agree with you. But the left (socialism, communism) has shown they cannot abide dissent, and will crush it to death. You and I may be willing to tolerate other states, but they will not tolerate us.

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The Right is willing to do it voluntarily (to some extent -- there's plenty of pro-lifers who would happily use federal power to keep New York from committing infanticide.) But limited govt is kind of in the Right's temperament.

The Left won't do it voluntarily, but may eventually be forced to by a crisis (see above) that limits their ability to force their will on rival states.

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That’s why it will be left to us old guys to straighten this mess out. I’m in.

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As a boomer born in 1946 like they say I would rather die on my feet than be a slave on my knees.

Edit for spelling

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Pretend, pretend, pretend. The press pretends that it is foolhardy to underestimate the political genius of Joe Biden. The Dems pretend he gave the best speech ever. The GOP pretends to give a rebuttal. The only one not pretending was Joe Biden. What we witnessed last night was the White House and Jill letting Biden be Biden. He’s always been the biggest f***ing a-hole in a town full of them.

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Can’t wait for the Leni Riefenstahl rendition of last night. Should be moving. Moving like when the brown shirts show up at my door and move me to the camp.

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Could Leni do it any better?

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Triumph of the Shrill.

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I think Tucker is right—they’re going to steal the 2024 election. No way they would hop Biden up on stimulants and drag him out there to bark and foam at the mouth in full view of the world if they weren’t confident of victory. It’s so obvious to me now. “It’s the best he’s ever looked! He’s destroyed the narrative that he doesn’t know what’s going on! Confident! In command! Take that, Republicans!” And Speaker Johnson just nods along about funding Ukraine, the cuck.

Prepare for hard times ahead.

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They figured out the glitches in their election-steal machine after '16. It won't happen again.


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Seems if he’s n command of his faculties, he just got away with a crime that should have him in prison.

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Yep, this is what's coming, no matter your votes. You will be punished, and then punished some more.

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Watch Yourself! Criticizing the punishment is a punishable offense!

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I'm an old guy, thrown away, and forgotten, an "Obsolete Man" in the truest tradition.

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There are many of us.

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Especially, it seems, in Canada.

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That Roomba has wandered, and much like Biden’s brain, is now hopelessly clogged with cat hair, dryer sheets and a three year old receipt from Dairy Queen.

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The conventional wisdom used to be that the United States was unique in that it was separated from its enemies by two oceans. But now, we have gulags to the North of us, CCP-armed violent cartels to the South and Fifth Columnists in our midst. The barbarians are no longer at the gates. They're here.

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The US right now is the most dangerous country on the planet. We face Armageddon daily with Biden leading the world. Canada is too weak to hurt the US and the Mexican cartels are nothing compared to Pharma.

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Four. More. Years.

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I vomited myself to death, so. Goodbye, cruel world.

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At least that’s better than what happened to “Lincoln” Riley.

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And he had a freaking button with her name on it in his hands and still screwed it up. Yes, he is a real command presence on the world stage.

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My friends/family in Germany comment often about how clearly Biden is senile. I think they get some perverse pleasure at seeing the mighty USA floundering with a cognitively damaged figurehead. Not that they've got much to crow about, Scholz and his party are flushing the German economy down the toilet.

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You need to turn yourself on your side before watching any of his speeches.

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LOL. We live in two different countries and realities. The Democrat party is a joke and dead inside, and the Republicans are on life support. I tuned into the SOTU to see a cadaver give a shit speech, which he did, and then got the response from the people who are supposed to be on my side, which was a complete stunt and totally tone deaf. Are we doomed? We might be doomed.

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Nuke war in two. Four more years won’t be needed. It all ends sooner than that if Biden is the Ranter in Chief.

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Started to listen while running an errand. Ironically, each AM station it was on--which was nearly all presets (haven't had radio in car for more than 20 minutes total since 2012 and my phone replaced my iPod) would wash out. Seriously, like a ghost in the machine, I couldn't get a station that stayed solid. Weird.

But then, when it did have a moment of static-free play...It didn't take more than 30 seconds before I can feel my face heat up, my BP raise, my anger to swell in my chest--and I realized that I haven't been able to closely listen to the opposition for a very long time.

This is a handicap. I have ignored nearly every SOTU since Obama, wasn't even curious in the Trump admin--everything was such chaos, and COVID hadn't woken me up to the absolute capture of legacy media.

I have been taking the ostrich option instead of truly listening to them.

Not very mature, but it seems to be the only way I can keep a toe-hold on a positive, healthy state of mind.

I long for a leader who makes me feel proud of who he is, who we are, and optimistic about the future.


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I too, seem lack the masochistic gene that would incline me to listen to the rantings of an animated corpse. And I very much appreciate the commentary of the brave souls who DO listen - so that I don't have to.

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It is a lesson in objectivity that I should probably try to emulate. I never got upset doing Intel Prep of the Battlefield or wargaming--even in combat--but there is something about the condescending attitude of these people that just touches a raw nerve.

Just as I wrote that I thought, "Well looks like there is a clue there for you to investigate Mr Smartypants. Which raw nerve? Why?"


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