When I was in school, the smartest kids went into medicine. Not having much in-depth contact with doctors over the years (thank God), my trust in them remained very high until the covid fiasco tore back the curtain and revealed that those practicing the "art" of medicine were mostly just paint-by-numbers hacks regurgitating whatever guidelines the thoroughly corrupt CDC and AMA were cobbling together at Big Pharma's behest. Independent thought and analysis were as rare as individuals with integrity in DC.
Cheap shot aside, Canadian hero immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle revealed that medical students receive a grand total of 5-7 lectures (iirc) on virology. That explains a lot. Never known for their humility, doctors bluffed expertise in this subject during the pandemic rather than admit a tenuous grasp of vaccines and viruses. Millions were harmed taking their advice and injecting poison into their bodies.
Trust in institutions is collapsing. This is a very dangerous time in American history.
Bret Weinstein, in one of his early podcast interviews with IIRC Pierre Kory, opined that doctors used to be *scientists*, in that they observed phenomena (symptoms), made a hypothesis (diagnosis), and performed experiments (treatment), and cycled through that until the patient got well or they reached the limits of their knowledge. Nowadays doctors are *technicians*, who essentially query a database with a list of symptoms and apply the resulting treatment by rote.
I've been disturbed by the number of times I've heard doctors say some version of, "Not sure what's causing that, but let's try this medication." It feels like there's less and less diagnosis, and more and more...pills. I hear this ALL THE TIME from older family members. Once you cross 70, they want you on All The Drugs.
I can't remember the drug, but the commercial said, "Talk to your prescriber about..." It really struck me. This seems planned: I have lost all faith in doctors; will never see one again. I can't be alone. Doctors lose trust, begin to disappear, replaced by "prescribers" whose only function is to, well, prescribe. Did doctors fall into a trap, or am I just up too late? Can't sleep, really need to talk to my prescriber about that...
I’m pretty salty that 12 years ago, I believed a doctor who said my thyroid needed to be removed. I’m kicking myself for not getting a second opinion because I am now trapped in the pharmaco-medical industrial complex and can never live without it. Dammit.
Yep, that’s me. But at least I learned years ago to never again take Synthroid (levothyroxine), which is T4 only (not good). Natural desiccated thyroid is better, though most of the manufacturers of this have been driven out of the market in recent years. Of course, the natural desiccated product is NOT covered by insurance.
Doing ok for now, until supply chain problems make it hard to get synthroid. I joke that in a zombie apocalypse I’ll be the first to go because I’ll be in such a state of hypothyroidism that I won’t be able to run away!
Then they never reevaluate your condition. My elderly grandfather before his passing was on something like 15 pills a day. Most pills were supposedly a remedy for one of the other pills. Meanwhile the guy couldn’t hardly walk and was barely conscience most of the time. But he just kept taking them. Doctors only goal it seems anymore is to keep senior citizens alive past there due date with a plethora of pills. That’s there business, leech off of Medicare and insurance companies for as long as they can from each poor unhealthy old soul they can keep breathing.
This is partly a function of the managerialization of medicine. An independent doctor with his own practice has broad freedom to treat as he sees fit. There are few of those left; medicaid and the insurance industry have squeezed them out. Now, they all work under hospitalists, who tie their hands by requiring that a given set of symptoms have a given diagnosis with a mandated 'evidence-based best practices' course of treatment ... which in reality just means whatever will make the most money for Big Pharma.
In uni - and this was 20 years ago - I found out that premed students would regularly tear essential pages out of reference material in the library so that only they could study them, thereby getting a leg up on the competition. That was my eye-opener. If they were such moral vacuums that they'd do that, they weren't the kinds of people I was going to put any trust in. Nothing that's happened since has changed my opinion of that profession.
My niece is doing her residency now. She told me that in med school, the very brightest get the coveted dermatology specialization. So obviously this specialty curve must bottom out at immunology.
The use of the singular--"vaccine"--is noteworthy, given that Cedars-Sinai officials know there are dozens of covid vaccines. It is simpler to worship a single idol.
Wow! Not only have big pharma and the colluding public health apparatus very self-interestedly turned themselves and their product into objects of religious observance and a new dogma, but established religions, almost without exception, have put aside faith to demand that their adherents worship this new deity. The degree of perversity that runs through this dystopian nightmare seems otherworldly.
Don't bother coming armed with facts and evidence in the middle of a hysteria. For example, the evidence masks and lockdowns not only didn't work but were catastrophic is indisputable and non-controversial. Yet, officials will try and push for them despite the reality and facts of their failures. The Science (TM) and The Experts (TM) who cackle about such nonsense are ideologues.
Reason and logic are absent and there's not much we can do about it but keep speaking the truth and reaching those who are not clueless asses easily manipulated by fear and superstition.
So true. Was recently in a university medical facility here in Kalifornia. You can barely get through the door and they are shoving a mask at you. It is truly freaky to observe all the doctors, nurses, technicians (those who have studied science) spending day in and day out wearing these things. Really makes anything they say to you suspect.
Who knew, before all this nonsense started, what a large percentage of our friends, family, and colleagues are clueless asses easily manipulated by fear and superstition? Still, one of the hardest parts of all this is learning how many people I had respected are what a friend calls "cement heads".
And yet, I knew many who hadn't fallen--at all--for most of these things, people who had known for decades and from experience what utter lies are spewed by the NYT and the rest of the media, and had no illusions about the corruption of government and corporations, who overnight donned a mask, avoided human contact, prayed for the speedy release of the holy jab, and would quote chapter and verse from the New York Times in response to any attempt to enlighten them with facts.
Yep. I saw that happen too. The sentiment seemed to be that while the organs of the corporate state were known to lie about a variety of political topics, surely they wouldn't deceive on something as essential as medicine. Insufficient cynicism will get you every time.
Mattias Desmet, the Belgiain Psychology Professor (mass formation), is especially good on this “science” stuff. He points out that science used to be the upstarts disrupting the status quo and so could seek truth. But as a discourse (religion, science whatever) becomes dominant it then inexorably becomes corrupted by power; power seeks it out, inhabits it, and corrupts it. The Zuby - Desmet podcast on this is pretty good.
One does not believe science; one tests it. Likewise, one does not 'stand by' science: that implies a motionless intransigence, an adamantine certitude that resists all questions, arguments, and evidence. One is supposed to move with science: when the evidence changes, or when a more powerful explanatory framework is developed, one updates one's model of the world by abandoning the obsolete model.
Only a committee of administrators - C students who majored in soft subjects with lax standards - could have come up with a slogan that violates the entire spirit of science in such an obvious way.
These people are utter clowns. It's no accident that the best and brightest are starting to abandon the converged institutions.
Oh and they’re running because they’re scared, not because of integrity.
To appeal to good tested science to denounce administrative science is the denunciations of Savonarola. FAIL.
I now see the far sighted wisdom of “The Incoherence of The Philosophers”, for at the cost of falling behind for awhile Islam will survive us and our madness.
To answer the 1st part; what need have we of them brave or cowards?
And the Brave do not flee wretches such as this...
...to flee Stalin, Hitler, Tamerlane is understandable.
To flee Fauci, Levine, Newsom rules out Brave.
I’m still in a very Blue state, mind you Red region.
NY is like California, except where I am the state treads lightly- they didn’t like that reaction they got to the SAFE act, and there’s not much more they can do to harm the economy.
As for FL and TX, the Blue Flighters bring the Prog virus with them. Its only a matter of time.
Keep running and you run out of land , America was the last place to run.
A perfectly drawn parallel Sir! There is indeed a significant religious component to Covidism. We see them chanting the mantras, and endlessly repeating the creed. Heretics are, literally, being excommunicated. We may soon see them burned at the stake. Well written!
Outside of public health, there is no group that has lost as much credibility over the past 2 years as health care providers. Quite simply, they have revealed themselves to be devoid of critical thinking skills and any real courage. Another soggy corporate rent-seeker who will happily line their pockets with stolen money. Our professional classes have become systemically corrupt and incompetent.
Unvaxxed and just had covid this week. I was over it in 24 hrs. Stayed home an extra day just to be safe. So, I lost 2 days of work. My boss, double vaxxed and boosted, has been out all week.
But, just IMAGINE how much MORE SICK your boss would have been without the vaccine! LOL!
The analogy I like to make is based on poker. I have a magic coin that ensures that you never lose at the poker table. Of course you want my coin so you beg me for it and I give it to you. In your first week at the table you lose $3000. Naturally you come to me to complain. In response I now tell you “wellllll it doesn’t necessarily prevent alll losses, just imagine how much more you WOULD HAVE lost if you didn’t have it!” It’s just that simple, blind faith and false idols!
The covidian nonsense appears to be more a problem with Public Health Authorities than a general issue with the health care industry. The doctors just happen to go to the same church as the PHAs. The entire public health bureaucracy and its practitioners need to be burned at the stake. Why does it even exist? It’s very purpose is antithetical to liberty.
My sister, who has a doctorate in literature and gender studies and works in academia, recently proclaimed that she would have gone into public health if she was to do it over again. Burn it down.
Gotta wonder if Pfizer paid for those banners, and then paid the city of Los Angeles to install them, and, most importantly, paid Cedars Sinai to use their name.
The messaging always seems to have the same origin. Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the lobbyists from Pfizer spoke to the politicians and breathed lots of cash into their campaigns. And the politicians saw that it was good.
What a waste of lampposts.
Mic drop
I see what you did there.
When I was in school, the smartest kids went into medicine. Not having much in-depth contact with doctors over the years (thank God), my trust in them remained very high until the covid fiasco tore back the curtain and revealed that those practicing the "art" of medicine were mostly just paint-by-numbers hacks regurgitating whatever guidelines the thoroughly corrupt CDC and AMA were cobbling together at Big Pharma's behest. Independent thought and analysis were as rare as individuals with integrity in DC.
Cheap shot aside, Canadian hero immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle revealed that medical students receive a grand total of 5-7 lectures (iirc) on virology. That explains a lot. Never known for their humility, doctors bluffed expertise in this subject during the pandemic rather than admit a tenuous grasp of vaccines and viruses. Millions were harmed taking their advice and injecting poison into their bodies.
Trust in institutions is collapsing. This is a very dangerous time in American history.
Bret Weinstein, in one of his early podcast interviews with IIRC Pierre Kory, opined that doctors used to be *scientists*, in that they observed phenomena (symptoms), made a hypothesis (diagnosis), and performed experiments (treatment), and cycled through that until the patient got well or they reached the limits of their knowledge. Nowadays doctors are *technicians*, who essentially query a database with a list of symptoms and apply the resulting treatment by rote.
I've been disturbed by the number of times I've heard doctors say some version of, "Not sure what's causing that, but let's try this medication." It feels like there's less and less diagnosis, and more and more...pills. I hear this ALL THE TIME from older family members. Once you cross 70, they want you on All The Drugs.
I can't remember the drug, but the commercial said, "Talk to your prescriber about..." It really struck me. This seems planned: I have lost all faith in doctors; will never see one again. I can't be alone. Doctors lose trust, begin to disappear, replaced by "prescribers" whose only function is to, well, prescribe. Did doctors fall into a trap, or am I just up too late? Can't sleep, really need to talk to my prescriber about that...
I’m pretty salty that 12 years ago, I believed a doctor who said my thyroid needed to be removed. I’m kicking myself for not getting a second opinion because I am now trapped in the pharmaco-medical industrial complex and can never live without it. Dammit.
I know someone with a similar story, only in her case they gave her a radioactive pill that killed her thyroid.
Yep, that’s me. But at least I learned years ago to never again take Synthroid (levothyroxine), which is T4 only (not good). Natural desiccated thyroid is better, though most of the manufacturers of this have been driven out of the market in recent years. Of course, the natural desiccated product is NOT covered by insurance.
Wow, sorry to hear that. Hope you do ok.
Doing ok for now, until supply chain problems make it hard to get synthroid. I joke that in a zombie apocalypse I’ll be the first to go because I’ll be in such a state of hypothyroidism that I won’t be able to run away!
Then they never reevaluate your condition. My elderly grandfather before his passing was on something like 15 pills a day. Most pills were supposedly a remedy for one of the other pills. Meanwhile the guy couldn’t hardly walk and was barely conscience most of the time. But he just kept taking them. Doctors only goal it seems anymore is to keep senior citizens alive past there due date with a plethora of pills. That’s there business, leech off of Medicare and insurance companies for as long as they can from each poor unhealthy old soul they can keep breathing.
My grandma exactly. 15 pills a day and she "needed" every one. Heaven forbid you try to take her off one.
This is partly a function of the managerialization of medicine. An independent doctor with his own practice has broad freedom to treat as he sees fit. There are few of those left; medicaid and the insurance industry have squeezed them out. Now, they all work under hospitalists, who tie their hands by requiring that a given set of symptoms have a given diagnosis with a mandated 'evidence-based best practices' course of treatment ... which in reality just means whatever will make the most money for Big Pharma.
And right on cue, here's an interesting essay about managerialism and our current plight: https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=27835
Z-man's writing and analysis is right up there with El Gato's.
Z-man is solid. Always something interesting and cogent to say.
In uni - and this was 20 years ago - I found out that premed students would regularly tear essential pages out of reference material in the library so that only they could study them, thereby getting a leg up on the competition. That was my eye-opener. If they were such moral vacuums that they'd do that, they weren't the kinds of people I was going to put any trust in. Nothing that's happened since has changed my opinion of that profession.
That's 4-6 more lectures than they get on nutrition. They don't even try to bluff on that one...they just don't talk about it. Here's your script.
And medical students have next to no training in nutrition. Which may not be a bad thing, because they would be taught the wrong stuff anyway.
Hey now, high fructose corn syrup and soy are all part of a heart-healthy balanced plant-based diet.
As are all those heart-healthy PUFA vegetable oils.
My niece is doing her residency now. She told me that in med school, the very brightest get the coveted dermatology specialization. So obviously this specialty curve must bottom out at immunology.
The use of the singular--"vaccine"--is noteworthy, given that Cedars-Sinai officials know there are dozens of covid vaccines. It is simpler to worship a single idol.
Good catch! Missed that, and it's very telling.
The whole Covid thing has become performative. I got an email from my synagogue about an event this past week with the admonition:
“Show your consideration for others and wear the mask.”
Not, “protect yourself and others.” Not, “a mask.”
I found it *very* creepy.
Creepy. Gross.
Wow! Not only have big pharma and the colluding public health apparatus very self-interestedly turned themselves and their product into objects of religious observance and a new dogma, but established religions, almost without exception, have put aside faith to demand that their adherents worship this new deity. The degree of perversity that runs through this dystopian nightmare seems otherworldly.
Well, we’re a tiny synagogue and I know who wrote that note. She’s involved in the healthcare industry. So not surprising.
The Altar worships at the Throne, this is the eternal truth.
makes sense, afterall The Mask TM, is recommended by TheScience TM. Meanwhile The Common Sense TM has been abandoned.
Don't bother coming armed with facts and evidence in the middle of a hysteria. For example, the evidence masks and lockdowns not only didn't work but were catastrophic is indisputable and non-controversial. Yet, officials will try and push for them despite the reality and facts of their failures. The Science (TM) and The Experts (TM) who cackle about such nonsense are ideologues.
Reason and logic are absent and there's not much we can do about it but keep speaking the truth and reaching those who are not clueless asses easily manipulated by fear and superstition.
So true. Was recently in a university medical facility here in Kalifornia. You can barely get through the door and they are shoving a mask at you. It is truly freaky to observe all the doctors, nurses, technicians (those who have studied science) spending day in and day out wearing these things. Really makes anything they say to you suspect.
Who knew, before all this nonsense started, what a large percentage of our friends, family, and colleagues are clueless asses easily manipulated by fear and superstition? Still, one of the hardest parts of all this is learning how many people I had respected are what a friend calls "cement heads".
Having seen them fall for global warming, CRT, MeToo, and gender psychosis, I wasn't surprised in the slightest.
And yet, I knew many who hadn't fallen--at all--for most of these things, people who had known for decades and from experience what utter lies are spewed by the NYT and the rest of the media, and had no illusions about the corruption of government and corporations, who overnight donned a mask, avoided human contact, prayed for the speedy release of the holy jab, and would quote chapter and verse from the New York Times in response to any attempt to enlighten them with facts.
Yep. I saw that happen too. The sentiment seemed to be that while the organs of the corporate state were known to lie about a variety of political topics, surely they wouldn't deceive on something as essential as medicine. Insufficient cynicism will get you every time.
Gell-Mann amnesia driven by fear.
Power speaking to truth;
Edge: Power
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.
- Voltaire
No amount of rational argument will disabuse the faithful of their hard fought ignorance. Are you going to believe St. Fauci or your lyin’ eyes?
Excellent essay.
Mattias Desmet, the Belgiain Psychology Professor (mass formation), is especially good on this “science” stuff. He points out that science used to be the upstarts disrupting the status quo and so could seek truth. But as a discourse (religion, science whatever) becomes dominant it then inexorably becomes corrupted by power; power seeks it out, inhabits it, and corrupts it. The Zuby - Desmet podcast on this is pretty good.
One does not believe science; one tests it. Likewise, one does not 'stand by' science: that implies a motionless intransigence, an adamantine certitude that resists all questions, arguments, and evidence. One is supposed to move with science: when the evidence changes, or when a more powerful explanatory framework is developed, one updates one's model of the world by abandoning the obsolete model.
Only a committee of administrators - C students who majored in soft subjects with lax standards - could have come up with a slogan that violates the entire spirit of science in such an obvious way.
These people are utter clowns. It's no accident that the best and brightest are starting to abandon the converged institutions.
And oh wherever do they go...
Oh and they’re running because they’re scared, not because of integrity.
To appeal to good tested science to denounce administrative science is the denunciations of Savonarola. FAIL.
I now see the far sighted wisdom of “The Incoherence of The Philosophers”, for at the cost of falling behind for awhile Islam will survive us and our madness.
We shall not.
No, Florida really doesn’t want or need cowards.
Nor do you need “science “.
Seriously, you don’t.
As far as studying the problem further...
To answer the 1st part; what need have we of them brave or cowards?
And the Brave do not flee wretches such as this...
...to flee Stalin, Hitler, Tamerlane is understandable.
To flee Fauci, Levine, Newsom rules out Brave.
I’m still in a very Blue state, mind you Red region.
NY is like California, except where I am the state treads lightly- they didn’t like that reaction they got to the SAFE act, and there’s not much more they can do to harm the economy.
As for FL and TX, the Blue Flighters bring the Prog virus with them. Its only a matter of time.
Keep running and you run out of land , America was the last place to run.
Now we fight or we justly perish from the Earth.
Good luck.
Anyone seeking peace should leave the American Empire for China or Russia.
A perfectly drawn parallel Sir! There is indeed a significant religious component to Covidism. We see them chanting the mantras, and endlessly repeating the creed. Heretics are, literally, being excommunicated. We may soon see them burned at the stake. Well written!
Outside of public health, there is no group that has lost as much credibility over the past 2 years as health care providers. Quite simply, they have revealed themselves to be devoid of critical thinking skills and any real courage. Another soggy corporate rent-seeker who will happily line their pockets with stolen money. Our professional classes have become systemically corrupt and incompetent.
Unvaxxed and just had covid this week. I was over it in 24 hrs. Stayed home an extra day just to be safe. So, I lost 2 days of work. My boss, double vaxxed and boosted, has been out all week.
Same, recently. A day of coughing, and done.
But, just IMAGINE how much MORE SICK your boss would have been without the vaccine! LOL!
The analogy I like to make is based on poker. I have a magic coin that ensures that you never lose at the poker table. Of course you want my coin so you beg me for it and I give it to you. In your first week at the table you lose $3000. Naturally you come to me to complain. In response I now tell you “wellllll it doesn’t necessarily prevent alll losses, just imagine how much more you WOULD HAVE lost if you didn’t have it!” It’s just that simple, blind faith and false idols!
The signs of signtists and signtism. More Manchurian useful idiots.
That is simply amazing. Wow. Those will be collector items someday, like the old Lucky Strike ads.
The covidian nonsense appears to be more a problem with Public Health Authorities than a general issue with the health care industry. The doctors just happen to go to the same church as the PHAs. The entire public health bureaucracy and its practitioners need to be burned at the stake. Why does it even exist? It’s very purpose is antithetical to liberty.
My sister, who has a doctorate in literature and gender studies and works in academia, recently proclaimed that she would have gone into public health if she was to do it over again. Burn it down.
Caedite Eos, Amen.
Chris, you have a gift, and you are using it wisely.
Gotta wonder if Pfizer paid for those banners, and then paid the city of Los Angeles to install them, and, most importantly, paid Cedars Sinai to use their name.
The messaging always seems to have the same origin. Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the lobbyists from Pfizer spoke to the politicians and breathed lots of cash into their campaigns. And the politicians saw that it was good.