Part of the idea is to wear you out. It’s to get you to say “fuck it” and throw your hands up because it’s just too annoying to deal with. But the answer is “No”, easiest word in the English language. Ignore the whining about non-events.

Part of the idea is to isolate and stigmatize.

Part of the idea is to distract, conceal and obfuscate. The fire hose quantity of high pressure BS washes away the poor performance and treason of the ruling class. At least that’s the idea. But no we will not shut up. We see through the smokescreeen now. You guys in the blob are pathetic losers.

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One of Trumps greatest strengths is he keeps moving forward, never explains, or apologizes. Just brands them pathetic fake news liars and moves on. Bravo.

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That’s right. When you’re in the middle of surgery, you don’t stop do you? Trump just does his thing. It’s one if his strongest attributes and it drives the other side crazy. Of course that’s a short drive.

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More like a couple of steps for them

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most of them aren't allowed to drive

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Trump knows how to play the media, and they hate him for it. One day he arranged a news conference to address the Obama "birther" controversy. The conference was arranged for a set time, but Trump wasn't there. For an hour and a half the press sat there and listened to speaker after speaker praising Trump. Then finally Trump arrived, walked to the lecturn, pulled out a little piece of paper, and said, "Barack Obama is an American citizen." And he left. And the press was so angry they started throwing chairs.

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hahahaha, love it

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Classic. I hope the chairs hit one another.

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We should follow suit. I am myself pretty tired of our side always dwelling on their bullshit. We should pay more attention to our side. Obsessing about the insane is not healthy.

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Oh there is plenty of nut jobs on our side as well. My friends wife who only recently became interested in politics and is what we call a zealot thinks whatever she hears off troof dot com is written by God almighty and if you don't follow thar script then you're a communist who is passing along disinformation. She's all up on arms about praising pile o shit Paxton regarding the school vouchers stuff here in Texas. The way that the school vouchers program is written is thar if you don't want your kid to go to his assigned school you apply for a voucher and they'll take that federal money and place it in whatever school you decide to send your offspring.

The pushback and gnashing of teeth are from the rural areas where there is literally one school k-12 with no other school within a hundred miles. Those districts stand to lose money to other areas.

The bill is also written so that private schools may receive the federal money if the child has applied to attend the private school up to $48000.00/ a year k-12. The income you receive can also be written off on your taxes. The only ones who are really pushing for this are the economic meaned people.

Now think just outside of the box while also reading between the lines. The voucher program is a payoff to Paxton and Hotwheels political benefactors.

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Wouldn't that mean that in areas the public school is the only choice, if the voucher money is there, new schools will spring up to serve those students? I thought that was the whole point of vouchers, to give other options a chance?

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If there is only one school within a hundred miles, where else is the money going to go?

How else do you suggest we break the NEA/AFT/DoEd de facto monopoly on our kids' education? Or for that matter, prevent your "zealot" from someday taking over that monopoly and imposing their ideas, good or bad, on our kids?

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For one get rid of the department of education which has allowed education standard to free fall since bits inception. Afterward break the teachers unions. Violently as to send a message to future babysitters.

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Civility in response to intellectual dishonesty is counterproductive in the defense of liberty.

Fake news is intellectual dishonesty.

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Completely agree! They’ve been attempting to program battle fatigue since Trump came down the elevator.

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its more than "part of the idea", i think its most/all of the idea. and unfortunately it has worked. most of america is interested in "conflict avoidance", and it has been PUMPED through schools since i was a kid (im 50). avoid conflict at ALL costs, and just get the "noise" to go away. why do you think biden won the "suburban women" vote?? they will tell you its all about abortion, but is it?? how many suburban women have abortions?? suburban women naively thought/think that if trump just goes away the noise stops. but it wont because they see now it will work. it doesnt matter the candidate, it will continue.

i had a real personal window to this with my wife, who is probably more conservative than i am (at least socially) during corona. living in WA we were the on the cutting edge of ridiculous, superstitious "prevention" measures. we were one step away from everyone en masse being ordered to wear garlic necklaces. every time we would leave the house she would beg me, "can you just wear the mask without an argument or conflict... I dont want to ruin our dinner or watch another fight with someone..." it caused friction for awhile in our relationship because I actually understand her point of view. i didnt want a conflict every time i left the house either and can tell you it was exhausting- i just refused to relent. it wasnt without personal cost either, we settled into about 3 different "friendly" restaurants for about 2+ years. i skipped doing lots of other things i used to do. it sucked.

they just hope to win the battle of attrition. hope that we will go back to whats important,-our families and responsibilities, and let them take over.

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Yes. Totally sympathize. My conservative wife also tries to engage in preemptive deconfliction with me prior to social engagements with her libtard friends, but the masking Nazis didn’t do as well in AZ. The deconfliction is about 25% successful because I’ve lost respect for these people and that’s based in the fact that a lot of people stopped talking to us because we supported Trump. While it’s socially limiting etc., fuck ‘em. If my whole relationship with someone is reversed because I voted for what we now know from a policy perspective was a mainstream Center right policy agenda and candidate, they aren’t my friends. I can make new friends.

Yes people are conflict avoidant. Mostly this is an intelligent way to be, however sometimes conflict occurs and the solution is not to back away but to step into it, like when the Commies are taking over.

Wax on. Wax off. Thus it has always been. Thus it shall always be.

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100% Tanto. Don't look for trouble, but if it comes to you insistent, stomp it down.

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From our very first day in school, what are we told?

Be nice - and trust Teacher.

And this is where the problem behind almost all our other problems in society, is planted.

The first part, enables the second part. If a child is not taught to think for themselves and not follow the crowd by their parents, that trust becomes Flounderian and leads to the elite few lording it over them - or joining in with the elite and viewing such discerning people as Evil Other-menchen that deserve coercion and suppression.


This how we now find ourselves in the beginnings of an #AmericanInquisition.

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My lefty friends of course brought this up. They say Trump was gallivanting around with his thumbs up in Section 60 (apparently a hallowed ground where it's illegal to take campaign photos). I had to tell them that the photo was specifically requested by a gold star family and it was not a campaign photo. I also explained this entire debacle is simply a distraction from the real story which is that Kamala was invited to Arlington and did not show up because she's terrified of answering questions. Particularly terrified of questions related to how she was the "last one in the room" for very decision that put their children in the ground.

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Leftist 'friends'? They'll sell you out in a jif

Having leftie friends is like having rabid guard dogs.

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Why must you insult rabid dogs, By comparing them to filthy useless good for nothing low down dirty stinking libtards? It's not the poor dog's Fault.

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I feel so ashamed. (Hangs head down and cries.)

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Lefties can be good people, they're just highly indoctrinated. It's not good to hate people just because they disagree with you politically.

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I understand what you're saying...but these people actually HATE personal sovereignty.

Which means they are a threat to our freedom, and for that reason they are an adversary.

I don't hate them; I hate their ideology and behavior. Many of them would be happy to stuff you in a gulag, and think they're doing good, simply because they don't respect personal agency.

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Bingo, Ryan.

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Ya said it all Brother!

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Yes, one doesn't hate cancer cells, but it's important to rid yourself of them.

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You don't have much information from "lefty friends" so you don't have much to go on. Yes, they are on the left, but they are kind, generous people. They are not communists and don't have any interest in throwing anyone into a a gulag. They are just Blue Dog Democrats.

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What are you talking about? I was surrounded by them for nearly 50 years in CA. In fact, many if my friends were reasonable until they acquired TDS and now have a near autistic level of selective amnesia.

I'm a moderate that's now considered a far right domestic terrorist. Funny how my position hasn't changed but the labeling has...which is exactly what you're doing.

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Same here Brother, L.A for 35 yrs, glad i bailed,working in the " biz", i am hated now,banned from"from fartbook, glad to flip the finger to the whole industry!

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He doesn't want to give up 'friends' because it is hard. Understandable but not respectable.

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I have some friends that are classical liberals and believe in free speech and due process. Some are mildly affected by TDS, others are severely affected. What labeling am I doing exactly? None of my friends would be "happy to stuff me into a gulag" as you say. It seems that you jumped to a wild conclusion from limited information. This is a lot more complicated that just left and right, people have nuanced views including myself and my Democrat buddies.

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When was the last time you had a conversation with a classic liberal?

Where did they all go?

Makes you wonder if they ever believed in those ideals.

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The blue turds will shat upon you, when the going gets tough! PERIOD!

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And laugh and mock you afterwards, sir. Want to be mellow, let's be mellow, I can do mellow.

Want to get in my face, leftie thugettes? I take action.

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Dude did you spell your own name wrong?

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I had MANY leftist friends in my thirties, mostly professional people living in SF and other cities. I know them quite well and I stand by my comments.

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they're useful idiots for evil politicos, even if personally they're good people

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These lemmings hate you completely, no quarter asked none given!

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Actually they are now the enemy. It’s ok to hate the enemy. It’s a different kind of war. One if good versus evil. They, your libretarded friends, have chosen to support evil. Makes them your enemy. Makes them evil.

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Yeah, I'll let them know I had a few substack boomers In a conservatives-only bouncy house inform me that they are the "enemy" so now they are dumped. Sounds like a reasonable approach. 🤡🤡🤡

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you left out nazi racist antisemite tags. the clowns are perfect. clown.

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90% of the Left will scream at you over a 10% disagreement.

Although we do now have a "screaming" cohort on the Right, it is much smaller. And most of us will never scream at you unless you are harming someone you shouldn't.

In fact, many of us don't like politics, think it's a nasty business and would like to see people in government solving problems, not being eternal candidates.

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It is not good to hate people, we are agreed. Some are indoctrinated, yes, but most of us also were indoctrinated and some of us, like me, when the truth was available changed ourselves and threw away the leftist propaganda. Your 'friends' also have that option, but do not take it because they prefer the lie to the truth.

However, it also is not good to associate with persons who fundamentally DO hate you and the millions of persons like you -- as has been demonstrated for five decades -- and will betray you for mere political reasons. They are not your friends.

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I don't think my friends are choosing to believe information they know to be false. They really do believe it's true. So your statement "they prefer the lie to the truth" is false. And, I know they don't hate me for being conservative. So just a few things wrong with your comment.

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there is "believing the wrong thing", and then there is being willfully ignorant to the "right thing". and then there is the modern state of the left which is not just being willfully ignorant to the right thing, but actively persecuting and smearing those attempting to tell you the right thing.

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Yep. That's exactly why I said I don't think they are willfully believing lies.

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I have a family member – a dear and sweet young lady – who has been active in denouncing pro-Palestinian demonstrators because she thinks they support terrorism. This distresses me but I really don't know what else to do but sadly accept that this war cuts families apart. They said that about the American Civil War. It was called The Brother's War because so many had brothers and fathers and sons fighting on both sides. Now I know what that felt like.

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Right, well the answer is certainly not to stoop to their level and accuse them of being a "threat to our freedoms" which is precisely what they are doing to us, saying we are a "threat to democracy". This kind of BS leads to assassination attempts. I just had two idiots telling me I should dump my friends because they are "adversaries" simply because they are on the left. This is really low stuff.

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Suit yourself then.

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I'll think twice before saving you from the gulags.

I'm pretty sure you're in denial about the slow-simmer EVIL in the D party. Do you need examples? Who can accept EVIL?

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I won't be saving him either, Ryan, because he would rat me out in favor of his 'friends'.

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You don't know my friends, man. They are fine. Just relax.

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Their indoctrination leads them to subordinate respect for individual rights to the "greater good", even if that is not kind to the individual involved ... they expect such individuals to just "take one for the team", even if it is harmful to them.

Up to and including standing passively by while that individual is "cancelled" or even subjected to coercion ... and viewing such an individual as an Evil Other-menchen for dissenting from the Righteous Normal Good People.

There is a reason why those unalienable rights we are supposed to have are significant: respect for them prevents this overbearing behavior.

Restoring that respect, is the path back to societal unity.


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It's not so much "hate" as disgust due to the fact that their blindness helps lead to the destruction of your once great country and your personal freedom.

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What's worse is a lefty husband

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A lefty wife is no prize either.

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You have my sympathy.

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Dumped all the circling turds last flush!

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There are people who are fed a steady diet of sugar laden artificially colored pablum. And all they’ve got to say is Please, sir, I want some more. '

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You know they're all standing around their watercoolers, rubbing their hands together, wondering how many millions of veterans they just turned against Trump with this brilliant new narrative, with big ol' smuggies plastered on their faces.

Meanwhile, outside, people who don't huff their own farts are increasingly puzzled by this strange behavior.

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"...people who don't huff their own farts are increasingly puzzled by this strange behavior."

I feel like this belongs on needlepoint pillows, nationwide.

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Another South Park reference. 🤣

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lol, like

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I don't know what will happen on November 6th. But a large group of people will be pissed off. Considering the veil of civility is so thin as to be approaching transparency, and we have a large number of young men in this country as non citizens with time on their hands... anything is possible and likely.

I am currently getting hit with a tremendous number of blue SS and FB profiles and posts.

I don't think there is anything anyone can do at our peon level. Have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

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"Have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best."


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Make reliable friends, you can count on with similar world views

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Probably the single hardest thing to do in the world of today. No one trusts anyone or anything.

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10 yrs ago built our retirement home in the Smoky Mtns and moved here with our collection of 25+ rifles & 30K rds of ammunition. Was not expecting a political situation looking like cell division of chromosomes. But here we are… Prescience? I don’t know.

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Wish I was related. Love the Smokies

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Yup, Vermont Farm Wife, that there is a funny dude. Up here, we got rednecks too.

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I want to use the lodge at the top of Magazine Mountain in Arkansas. It has room for a few hundred people and lots of kitchens and it's own generators. One road in and out.

Of course, prying it loose from the state of Arkansas might be tough.

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Arm up. Be prepared to protect you and yours at all costs.

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Joe Dolio from Tactical Wisdom. NC Scout. Warrior Poet Society. Survivalblog. All I'm willing to share online.

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💯 exactly

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Smartphones + Social media + constant internet access have severed the connection between the real and the virtual and now words, thoughts, ideas and images have been entirely drained of any meaning and are just empty tools to use to advance the Self, to attack and scold and preen and scream etc all to gain precious attention for you and your tribe and its needs and narratives. It's like we're living through Kubrick's "2001" but played backwards (unless it's an infinite loop) where the men who roamed outer space become a herd of grunting apemen who use any rock or stick they can find to pummel each other. (I'm far from the first person to compare the monolith and the iPhone). And now that our brains are reverting to the Neolithic our manners, discourse and culture are following right behind.

FUN FACT: I met Moby once a long time ago at a party and he looked like a limp moist penis and his hand when I shook it was like holding an oyster. His personality matched.

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"...to attack and scold and preen..."

But especially to preen. And then to preen some more. And then, more preening.

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if i'm ever rich im gonna commission an SJW statue, one hand will be holding a phone, the other will be patting themselves on the back.

of all the preening, moral preening is the worst!

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Brylpreen! More Brylpreen!

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Otherwise known as virtue signaling. “ look at me, I’m virtuous”.

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We met Moby at HALLOWEEN. It was weirdly appropriate.

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really!? lol

i met him at a bday party for a mutual friend maybe 25ish yrs ago.

he was surrounded by a phalanx of models, which was odd and laughable, as it was beyond obvious they weren't there for his good looks and wit.

none of them said a word, just looked around awkardly, then left soon.

i was tempted to ask, Hey brother, can you spare a model? but he was too arrogant to mix with the civilians.

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Yes, the "they are trying to divide us; don't let them divide us" trope is only useful insofar as it is applied to the divergence of their techno-socialplex alt-reality from God's creation, formerly known as reality.

The antidote to having your hindbrain jacked into their alt-reality is to go freejack. The self-awareness and discipline - and likely some biological predisposition, to avoid falling into the dopamine pit while consuming and indulging and occasionally jousting with the cloud people is out of reach for most.

The answer is to reject, unplug, focus hyper-locally on what we can control and build in our own lives with an eye on the After.

The Commons has indeed fallen. The abstractions of emotive politik have all been converged into this perpetual phantasmagoria of the techno-media frontier; issues and policy are intractable from the years of conditioned feelies, animated into fantastical, bizarre, drug-addled horror theater of alt-reality.

So much so that the normie polite conversations of the past are either blunted by self-censorship or blown out by the hysterics of hair-triggered hiveminds.

I no longer 'hold my tongue' or entertain the notion of 'polite company'. It is war on all footings. The Truth is lived but I am also not keen on the silence. There is a real problem of pluralistic ignorance that rises up when so many tongues are cut or held.

As for the performers in this horror, in a past life I was often in proximity to some important characters. Often, I would have to be told of their importance, not just because I was not a consumer of their "art" but also as the "real life" version was almost always smaller than life.

The ugliness of the industry of lies and propaganda does not wash off in the post set trailer. They all wear it. The personal aesthetics of taking the ticket cannot lie. And it only comes off with repentance. Well, maybe a Silkwood shower. I say both for good measure.

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It's impossible to overestimate the power that a handshake has in forming first impressions. I met my wife at a business function almost forty years ago. To this day she claims I won her over with my handshake.

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You’re not wrong, but Leftist craziness existed long before the internet – the unilateral nuclear disarmament folks are a case in point. And they’re at it again with the Gaza protests.

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel.” – Benjamin Netanyahu 2006

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oh i agree, i would just say our new technology seems to foment nothing but aggrieved political tribalism, the phones run on algorithms designed to inflame social rage and constant fear, the devices are a cross bw Pavlovian conditioning and the Skinner Box, the more deranged thing you say or do for the cause only makes you salivating to do more, and this new virtual Red Guard is subsidized by the corporate state and their Party support has them out on bail w charges dropped within a day no matter what they do.

20th century Lefties were potheads or maybe cokeheads; the 21st century Lefties are like a Red Guard with a bad meth addiction and a personality disorder.

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Chris, have you been privy to the video showing an undercover journalist conversing with a European UN official spilling the entire agenda? How they are doing everything in their power to ensure Trump is not elected and why? Assuring the journalist that indeed, Agenda 2030 is real, the end of nationalism, the endgame is in fact, a One World Central Government, ceding sovereignty to the UN? That the UN has been culling candidates who meet their qualifications and “ installing” them as world leaders to fulfill the globalist agenda? And there has been nary a peep from the corporate mockingbird media, body politic left nor right. Not an utterance naming the WEF Greaf Reset/UN Agenda 2030/WHO Pandemic Treaty/UN Multinational Alliance For Sustainability, due to be signed this month?

Apparently, very few Americans have read Brave New World( much less heard of Huxley) and those who have, either didn’t grasp the relevance , don’t see the parallels or have forgotten having read it. Ditto Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm, HG Welles’ Island of Dr. Moreau,Bradbury’s Fahrenheit,Soylent Green, The Parallax View, Network, Atlas Shrugged, The Manchurian Candidate, Consider Her Ways,McLuhan’s warnings about media manipulation and propaganda or watched the iconic, until recently, Twilight Zone reruns. Most have forgotten history, weren’t schooled in history or if they have, it’s whitewashed and revised. I understand that millennials and Gen Z are largely clueless, but there is no excuse for Boomers and my generation ( ten years post-Boomers) . The Republicans are worthless.

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In a group of three couples recently (we are all around 70), I was the only one who had read 1984, much less any of the others you mentioned. I remember seeing my dad, a voracious reader, sitting with Ayn Rand and Aldous Huxley. Not every boomer had a decent high school English teacher who insisted on reading 10 books minimum every quarter to get an “A”. But there is still no excuse for the lack of awareness.

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I received a wonderful eduction in a small mining town in WV - hard to believe, tongue in cheek. The Rockets Boys lived in the next coal camp over- another bunch of poor over achievers. We were required to read all of the aforementioned books and be able to “stand and deliver” when questioned by our instructor; burned in my brain. I so agree that most erudite folk have never read them, don’t want to read them and wouldn’t be able to discern meaning from them if forced to read them. I guess our only hope at this point is that people begin to throw water on them and, as did the Wicked Witch of the West, melt.

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Atlas Shrugged was the only book I have ever read that made my physically angry halfway through. Not at Rand's writing but by what was happening to Dagny and Hank. I think if you are of the entrepreneurial bent or even have a spark of creativity in you, it chills you.

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Ayn needed to respect a good editor. (She was incapable of this.)

'Atlas Shrugged' would a much more powerful book if it was cut by 300 pages. By page 600, I no longer cared who John Galt was.

So much for Dagney Blaggert and Hank Rear-end and Francisco de la Tapioca.

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Read the latest installment on Substack from Dr. Robert Malone. He describes in great detail the UN and its publicly published plans for 2030. It’s being treated as a treaty to be signed by all member nations - ceding control to a centralized world order.

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That post is depressing.

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But true.

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Haven't seen that video -- will look for it.

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Uncle O. was Japanese capture early in war. Came 'home' a zombie, never spoke again. Still a decent man though. Five bucks to all his nieces and nephews at Christmas, like clockwork. Five dollars in the fifties was a fortune to a kid.

I was not pleased. Took it real personal and still do, boom boom out go the lights.

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Sorry, don't see this happening. We will fade away like every other great civilization

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There is little I can do about the lies told by the media other than not believe them and not chant them. I am disappointing that this obvious axiom has been so lost on those who don't realize they are in no obligation to be of any part of an lie, (even if they are the GOOD people!) especially those lies that are insultingly outlandish.

The fake Kamala boost seems to be over, even the left cannot create sustained enthusiasm for something so obviously inauthentic. Compare this to a few years ago when you could walk into any store/office in blue america and yell, "Can you believe what Trump just said?!" and the whole place would erupt in a pantomime of tizzy.

Bought a Trump hat and pocket watch at a Trump stand in my very blue town. In the hour I was there, got one asshole yelling "you will lose" and 7 people beeping their horns in approval.

I used to watch debates to be informed on issues., then for the entertainment. Then I watch them to see "my side" "score points" , then knockouts. The upcoming Trump/Harris debate should be EPIC! But I am not going to watch. And most of the Trump haters won't either. We are all done

I have long accepted the complete capitulation of the media. (there is literally no headline that is too outlandish to print, I haven't even seen anything from the Babylon Bee in 6 months as all of their "amazing" headlines of 3 years ago have all come true. The "funny headlines from newspapers around the country" shown on late night shows is a nostalgic remnant of last generation)

Every Shakespearean tragedy ends the same, The good guys win but at huge cost, and few celebrations, just exhausted silence. Armistice day on the western front was "celebrated" the same way.

The media is like an annoying chattering rat that is finally dying and rather then celebrate we just want the stench of decomposition to pass so we can move on.

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"...even the left cannot create sustained enthusiasm for something so obviously inauthentic."

Feeling this in my Deep Blue town. They'll all go along with it, and simulate excitement if the red light on the social camera lights up, but the lack of actual enthusiasm is very clear.

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Take comfort in that.. The end is or will look exactly like this.

Also take comfort in the fact that it is likely that more people read your posts than the editorials in the NY times.

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Spot on! Am surprised that one of these wackjobs hasn’t tried to claim Shakespeare was areally an early furrie.

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He he...

That would assume any of Kamela's followers have ever read Shakespeare... or anything for that matter...

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Tru Dat! Like!

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Listening to KH is akin to breathing hydrogen cyanide gas. My brain starts bleeding just from the nasally sound, and then explodes when exposed to the intellectual vacuum. We watched the Trump/Biden debate, but Harris is just so “utterly devoid of redeeming social value” that I think we’ll have to rely on analysts’ post-debate assessments. Kind of like needing a mirror to look at Medusa.

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— ASTUTE …. !!!!! 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👀🥺😳🦯🫧🤲🏻⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

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Astute observations. Thank you.

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The upcoming Trump - Harris debate will decide the election. Trump wins if by actions that he can convince many women that he is not the worst ex-husband ever.

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Good post.

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Thanks for the great pics of all the Democrats standing in the same place smiling. Documentation in the face of the coming Fahrenheit 451.

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I cannot do anything more in terms of words to express how extreme, how severe, and how dangerous this trend is. We could see it coming for several years now, and it is here.”

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Sociological observation (-not news-): those with rabid TDS have all taken the jabs-- and if they've stopped taking them after 2, 3, 4 or 5 jabs, they REALLY do not want to talk about the jabs in any way shape or form 'cuz "covid's over."

I know, I know, it's not news. Still, I find it so eerie to witness, their granite cliff refusal to acknowledge the obvious and the high (don't light a match) emotion-- and all that they say echoing, verily word for word, the shale du jour that the MSM happens to be extruding.

I myself got an earful yesterday about how DJT is literally Hitler because he went to Arlington Cemetery. I was aware of the context of Trump's visit, and the ways it was being misrepresented, but I just listened, at the pause made vague polite noises, then, vroom, changed the subject.

As you say, with so many people basic discussion about objective reality has become impossible.

Most recently, the kerazy was a colleague telling me about a friend who has had a very aggressive cancer. Her doctors are baffled! They asked their patient, did she have any relatives who had cancer? No. Had she been exposed to any toxins? Long, long list of toxins (but not including the covid "vaccines"). No, no, no. no.

So baffling! She was so young and all of a sudden got such an aggressive cancer!

I was sorely tempted to say something, however, I had already told this 3x jabbed colleague twice, very clearly and directly, that the jabs, which by definition do something to one's immune system, were killing and injuring large numbers of people, and that governments and media were trying to cover it up.

My colleague can put two and two together, but of course, she really, really, really does not want to. I don't do nagging, and I don't do masochism, either. So I'm getting good at making vague polite noises, what can I say. Then I go make some more transcripts. Yesterday I finished up a fun one of Alex Strenger trolling Dr Peter Hotez. Interested readers can find the transcript and link to the video here:


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Many of us have wives - I value my marriage above being "right". I remind myself of the Burgess Mereidth (sp) in the Twilight Zone classic "Time Enough to Read".

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In fairness, admitting she got cancer from shots she didn’t need does nothing to help your colleague in the present. It’s 100% appropriate (and necessary) for us as a society to draw inferences from the evidence of profound policy failures, but to invoke them with people who’ve drawn the short straw is just cruel. It implies “You should have known better,” when there were probably 200 people on the planet who KNEW scientifically in advance that the mRNA shots were crap.

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Thanks for your comment, but to be clear-- as stated-- It wasn't my colleague who got cancer, it was her friend, whom I do not know. My colleague has told me previously that she (happily) took 3 jabs. Her friend, I don't know her medical history, however the medical gaslighting (all those questions about toxins, not a one being the jabs) I thought quite over-the-top. Ditto my colleague mentioning it to me thusly.

Actually, I think that telling a person with cancer that their illness could very possibly have been sparked by the jabs, and inviting them to consider the evidence of that, and to explore alternative treatments, could be helpful-- however, offering comments on another person's personal medical history etc is best done only by their invitation. (In other words, I may have a lot opinions and some information, but the details of the personal medical history of individuals outside my family is generally speaking none of my business.) Moreoever, for such information about the dangers of the jabs to be helpful, the patient would need to be prepared to grok and do many other things that may be beyond their ken. So it seems to me. This is not medical advice.

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One of my friends from college who has been a lifelong liberal has a 20's something niece with turbo cancer that chemo hasn't touched. I told her that it's from the vaccine, that this is being seen all over the country in young people, that the mRNA damaged their immune systems that would normally fight back. I am a nurse, father surgeon, her father doctor as well. We are political opposites but she knows I would never lie to her about anything medical. She believed me. I also had a great friend die of a heart attack that I'm 100% convinced was the vaccine. Her niece is now having alternative treatments, including ivermectin. I will never, ever forgive the government and the entire medical community for endorsing this charade.

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Thank you for your comment. This is all so sad-- but it heartens me to know that a nurse is speaking out. May the treatments help her!

PS re: " I will never, ever forgive the government and the entire medical community for endorsing this charade." Same.

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Last February,I left my profession after 35 years of nursing for the exact same reason. Never looked back. If I have to ever resume working (only 62), it will not be in healthcare.

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A close relative died almost a year ago of an aggressive cancer as well. Early 30s, no family history, the picture of health. My husband and I (as well as our PCP) suspect the possible cause, and watch in horror and sadness as other young & healthy relatives continue to obey the recommendations. Our family - many families - will never be the same.

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Many condolences.

I have lost friends and family members also, including recently a family member to an especially gruesome turbo skin cancer. I just keep wondering, who's next? Looking back to early 2021, when most people started taking the jabs, it seems that in my circles there's now one death that I learn about approximately every 3 weeks. Most to date have been elderly people, however. It's easy to explain away that they were ready to go, and in few cases, where they'd been suffering from dementia, their passing could be called a blessing. But this is not true for all. Apart from the elderly, mainly the deaths in my circles since early 2021 have been in the range of 40-75 years due to strokes, "freak acidents where they hit their head" (which I'd take as a stroke), heart attacks, and neurological injuries.

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Especially vindicating was the follow up ad featuring some of the families sticking up for Trump and shaming Harris. Honestly before reading your post I didn't realize how big a deal the left made of this.

Now I can't help but wonder what you think of Tucker's interview with Darryl Cooper and the subsequent reporting on it from moderate outlets like Konstantin Kisin and The Free Press, the latter of which shows its TDS bigly.

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I think Darryl Cooper was wrong about a bunch of things, which VDH dealt with reasonably well at, of all places, the Free Press, the Substack run by Bari Weiss:


I completely reject the hyperventilating about TUCKER HUGGED A NAZI, and I think the themes of the discussion -- e.g., if we won, why does everything after look so bleak? -- are well in bounds and worth discussing. As the comment below says, people like Pat Buchanan made versions of these arguments for decades, and it was just fine to do that.

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Thank you Chris. I needed your assessment.

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Sep 6Edited

Have only seen a brief snippet from the Tucker interview, but it's old news that's been covered by major historians, popularized by Pat Buchanan (Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War) and Nicholson Baker (Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization), and more recently by Ron Unz. I think Unz even has an article titled something like "why everything you know about World War II is wrong." Keynes was a lousy economist, but at least once an astute observer. He wrote in 1919 (The Economic Consequences of the Peace) that the allies attempt to cripple Germany after World War I guaranteed another war.

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Winners of WW1 and WW2 were: international corporations. Yes the U.S. triumphed, at great cost (though much less than Russia) but it was all funded by corporations, often playing both 'sides'.

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Because it's a hot topic again, Unz's article on World War II is back at the top of his site. Well worth reading, especially if you've never been exposed to anything outside the mainstream convention. As Unz says, once you realize they lie about current events, why would you accept their version of history without checking into it yourself:


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Yes Chris. Please evaluate this for us.

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We have to find a way back to…some form of very mild connection to reality? Somehow? Because we seem to be living through a large-scale psychiatric event. And the patients seem to be rapidly decompensating.

That is impossible. The only possible way forward is a war. These people are insane, suicidal, and an existential threat to the rest of us. There is only out. We have to destroy them.

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I'm beginning to think it might not end with war. I'm picturing sort of lining up in our trenches and having the artillery duel and then the officers shout PREPARE TO ADVANCE but then they all just die of being crazy. The level of crazy is starting to seem potentially fatal.

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We seem to be striving, frantically, to achieve peak stupid.

And, by God, we're getting there.


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My guess is that, on average, 10 mRNA jabs should do it to take a person out. But many are out / unable to work with only 1-5.

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I’m hoping that we can temporize long enough without global catastrophe that this anti-reality fever dream of world domination by the mentally unhealthiest, weakest and worst of us burns itself out and its most ardent supporters either die off ( aging boomers), are extricated from power, or just burn out from all the energy required to constantly promote lies and evil.

If that doesn’t work, we’ll have to go Cowboys vs Commies on then.

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Down with Big Woodstock!

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I only wish the enemy consisted only of Boomers.

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That's a beautiful thought.

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Well, when they decide to do something as stupid as trying to disarm us, remember Solzhenitsyn’s point. If only we had just waited in ambush,they would run out of gears for their machine. It’s going to come to that. And those stupid enough to try to disarm up, deserve nothing less than a volley!

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That’s exactly what “they” want. Remember that. Proceed accordingly.

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Why is it that EVERY course of action is "what 'they' want"?

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As a Boomer (lol), and a critical thinking individual, “they” want as much fear, disruption, chaos, as possible. Do the dirty work for them!

“They” think they know how you’ll react. That was tested with the CONvid operation, wasn’t it?

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Funny, I haven't seen any pictures of Trump checking his watch when he was there. Smiling and laughing are actually a part of the grieving process for many people. Nothing can bring their family members back, but the fact that a President would take some time to personally come honor their memories probably means a great deal to them.

The thing about Trump that resonates with people is that he actually gives a shit. Perhaps he is just an excellent showman, but even if that was the case, it would still indicate that he cares enough to put on a show. Harris couldn't even be bothered to show up.

The bottom line is none of these gold star families would be there if Biden/Harris and top military brass gave a shit about the common soldier enough to execute a common sense withdrawal from Afghanistan.

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McCain was just looking for the most opportunistic moment, clearly he wants approval from hyena camp. Hate for the color orange is obvious.

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Sep 6
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They’ll NEVER go away. I’m reminded of this exchange in “Tombstone”:

Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like

Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the

things he does?

Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

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Exactly. The internal void where God is supposed to be.

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The McCain's are not too bright.

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They’re just trying to rile up some other idiot to take a shot..

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When they trot out the Nazi analogies, what they are saying is "These people need to be killed."

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Sep 6Edited

To take a shot . . . after they pull the overwatch snipers from the open windows 50 yards behind the shooter. Where were you, Greg Nichol and Mike Murcko?

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— LITTLE C H I L D R E N— !!!!

“LEARN —- YOUR LESSONS W E L L •••• “ 🎶🎵🎵🎶🎵

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They WANT domestic war right now because they are in power now, and own the military-industrial complex.

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Trump is evil This is axiomatic. My dad—God love him—subscribes to this axiom. He tells me “Trump lies all the time.” I ask him to give one example. He can’t. He gets mad that I won’t just accept the axiom. My mom says he awful to women. Again, I ask for an example. More irrational anger. I even concede that he’s got obvious faults, but I ask, “What has he done AS A LEADER that is so horrible?” Again, no direct answer.

Ugh. One hopes that rational discourse, logic, reason, are our bulwarks…

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