I don't know exactly when it happened, but at a certain point I decided I would try to understand and accept the truth regardless of the consequences. For the last 20 years I've seen the consequences get progressively more severe. I don't give a fuck how severe they get though, I'll never regret that decision. I don't know if those who chose compromise are more pitiful or contemptible, but I do know I'd rather die than bend the knee to any of these clowns.

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Literally. Death before.

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I likewise made the same decision around the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) fraud which was being pushed by the UN’s IPCC and governments around the western world. As a research scientist in the field, I was compelled to stand up for the truth and not submit to lies or I may as well pack it in and go home. So when the Covid fraud arrived, I did my research and again stood for truth over lies which made me an outcast who was attacked by family and friends. But I would not have it any other way because a civilization based on lies and deceit is already doomed.

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What has your professional life been like? Have you been able to stay in that field as a research scientist?

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The most upsetting part were attacks by some of my colleagues who I considered close friends. Travel to conferences to give invited talks was rarely approved. It got so bad that when I was invited, I would always explain that I could come one my time but only if all my costs were covered by the organizers because I knew my travel would likely not be approved. And then Stephen Harper the PM of Canada at the time brought in the Orwellian requirement that all scientific presentations had to be approved before they were given at any conference. At the last conference I attended before retiring about 10 years ago, I started my talk of the evolution of oceans and climates through geological time by stating that this presentation has been approved by the Prime Minister of Canada. Many in the audience were stunned by this requirement and contacted me for details. I know world-class scientists in the field who were given death threats and their funding cut.

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Since you're retired, have you considered firing up a stack or writing a book to detail the story? There isn't enough of that kind of thing from an insider's perspective. I have a friend that I lost to mathusian climate doom certainty. I can't talk to him without him eventually pivoting to how the world is ending and billions need to die and how stupid I am for failing to recognize it when all of the climate scientists agree.

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It is scary to think that people have been programmed to think the world is coming to an end due to human caused global warming and the only solution is that we all commit suicide or return to living in caves or 15 minute ghettos. For some sanity and common sense related to climate change, check out books and lectures by Ian Plimer, an Australian scientist who I met decades ago.

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Wow. Terrifyingly cold and inhuman reasoning.

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It was Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s main advice after living in the USSR: “Don’t live a lie.”

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I watched the housing fraud unfold from the safety of my lost job and inability to pay my mortgage. I saw Obama and the rest of the criminal fraudsters hoover up trillions of computer dollars while tens of millions lost their homes and livelihoods. And all my now former liberal friends refused to even acknowledge what was going on. They had voted for "their guy" and that was that.

All I know is that this will break. Not exactly when, but it will. Just as a ball thrown into the air inevitably returns to earth and the tides change, reality will assert itself and this era of profound corruption will end when our fake economy finally hits the wall or some other catastrophe lays bare all the lies and deceit.

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Unfortunately (as I commented over at Instapundit open thread when someone quoted this essay), we see too much "package deal" behavior on the right as well: "The MSM is flogging the Ukraine story and Biden is sending them arms, therefore it MUST be a bad idea and Putin MUST be the good guy here. Burisma! Azov!"

Sigh. "If they're fer it I'm agin' it" is no way to go about life. We're supposed to be the ones who value critical thinking, and yet I see so little of it.

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When someone who has been lying to you for decades presents you with yet another story, is it really that surprising that people treat it as another lie?

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If the Swamp and the MSM tell me the sky is blue, I'll go outside to check. But I won't go around yelling "The sky is green!" just to spite them, either.

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Fair enough. Winston Churchill's quote “If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.” seems appropriate here, however.

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You couldn't even write a paragraph response without using derogatory slogans to represent those with a differing opinion. Saddest part is that you couldn't even recognize this.

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Are you saying Burisma and Azov don’t exist?!

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He is saying anyone that is against the war is a knee jerk reaction hick. He even quoted how his imaginary adversary speaks in his own biased mind. Right after reading an article that was making this exact point. A living parody has entered the chat.

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When I found you shortly after "Chris Bray is Stupid and Evil" alerted thousands of us to your presence, I thought I went through your back posts carefully to catch up, but I missed this great piece.

Sadly Michael Lewis failed us on this one https://a.co/d/hyv5F5u

Chef's Kiss to "Watch this person emit symbols like a machine making soap bubbles"

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Clicked on the link, sighed heavily.

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This is how I found Chris Bray - Sep 26 [2022] - 155. I INTERVIEW CHRIS BRAY, THE BEST WRITER ON SUBSTACK - I try not to be too much of a fanboy.


Enjoy Yoho's interview with Chris, Michael. :-) And he's right - Chris is a dam fine writer.

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Yeah, infuriatingly most all the authors/politicians coming out with C19-related books have been falling in line with the "it's incompetence, stupid" & "mistakes were made" rather than the actual dam truth of "THEY PLOTTED THIS OUT & THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US ALL NOW!

Tired of sharing the Rockefeller Report (2010), Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Crimson Contagion, Event 201 etc etc ad nauseam with all the cons, dummies, grifters, & "goodies" ignoring facts.

The past 3 years seems more like a decade or more of an alternate universe or something. Beam us up, Scotty. hahaha

(never actually said in the original but only in cartoons & in Star Trek series/films later on!) >

Star Trek: Beam us up, Scotty! (Captn Kirk did say: Beam us up & Beam us up, Mr. Scott/Scott)


p.s. Can someone share Mike Stone's ViroLIEgy & The Viral Delusion series with Lewis??

Trump's just an actor as are all the DC pols, the news-readers & all the evil farma villains.

We live in a video game that is rigged for the Committee of 300 & Black Nobility to win.

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The shouty man's behaviour was narcissism. His self image was threatened by people not playing along. I mean, EVERYONE knew masks were needed, just like him.

A narcissist's kryptonite is real life, being forced to confront actual reality. In this case 1) some people disagree with the government position he automatically accepted; and 2) it probably challenged some aspect of how he saw himself, a rational capable fellow who can make sense of complex information unlike all the morons around him.

Seeing a group of polite, capable truckers would challenge that view. This would really sting if he was some kind of professional and viewed these guys as working class plebs.

All too common nowadays. The narcissist's response to being challenged is always rage, never debate.

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Without any agreed upon values (including the primacy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights) that are taught the nation becomes chaos and madness in the streets which is being orchestrated by Democrats as some Republicans join them to create the mythical Uniparty. My guess is that the big hand of govenment will emerge larger creating massive socialism which leads to communist dictatorsip as the savior to the destruction elected Democrats and Republicans have wrought upon the nation. Only if Democrats become a minority politically and Uniparty Republicans are removed from office at the ballot box for a prolonged period of time is there any hope of positive national change.

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Henry - This is one possible scenario, of course, but I think the dystopian view neglects to take into account that the overlords are really dumb & lazy. So if the middle managers & workers decide NOT to go along w/the dystopians, then their BIG FUKN NWO plans will ALL fall apart.

It doesn't even take direct refusals, but just lolly-gagging & subversive undermining. Peeps, don't give up power to NWO fools & ignoramuses but be sneaky, smart & savvy saboteurs.

If there are NO Asst Commies/Nazis carrying out orders (remember "incompetence" & "laziness" resistance helped bring down the USSR), then the trains don't run on time & the so-called Build Back Better plans fail. Altho many DID follow along before, times are changing.

We're already seeing lots of the elites' stumble-bumbling going on. Not to mention all the Died Suddenlys of so many elites, including athletes, who are vaxxed & boosted marks/victims.

Pray harder folks & keep your sense of humor. Find community, plant gardens & enjoy life. <3

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Democrats or overlords may be dumb and lazy as you suggest but they are experts corruptly abusing and misusing their power to jail their political opponents and effectively planning entrapment on J6 which video tapes conclusively show. Also Pelosi and Bowser refused 20,000 National Guard troops offered by President Trump two weeks before J6. The nation is dealing with pathological liars and wannabe dictators. In fact a strong case can be made that we already have dictatorship: open borders, fraudulent vaccines to alter election laws making cheating easy, using private actors to collect ballots for ballot harvesting in 2020. (President Trump was thinking conventionally that NIH & CDC were not captured by Democrats and they were ethical and honest),spending $billions on illegal aliens, censorship recommended by Biden regime and implemented by social media platforms and mainstream media, jailing political opponents. If this is not the road to dictatorship, what is it?

Many Republicans like leader McConnell are part of the “Uniparty” supporting Biden wayward regime. This is only the tip of the iceberg. It has been reported that $280 billion was stolen from Covid program payments and the Pentagon cannot account for $2 trillion dollars, President Johnson’s War on Poverty costing $trillions and poverty is worse. If President Johnson had been held accountable for the lies of Gulf of Tonkin it is likely Bush43 would not have lied about WMDs in Iraq. Does this sound like a vibrant democracy or a teetering democracy?

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Much/most of what you point out here I agree with, Henry. The uniparty exists & the vast majority of DC pols are part of it. Including Don the Con (who was a Democrat for most all of his life). You didn't know that? It a live-action LARP in real DC time.

However, if any truthful pol speaks out against the grifters or refuses to go along w/ the program, then they "so unfortunately" die by suicides, plane crashes or accidents.

That's reality on this prison planet too.

The doom & gloomers will never surmount/overturn any of the evil as doomers have already given up their powers imo to the PTB/elites/grifters/demons/reptilians ( ! ) If you don't want to create/manifest a different world, fine by me. But you have power, don't forget that, & the power of the people to subvert the PTB is the only real thing.

Do NOT comply.

Food for <sarc> thought > Jul 31, 2023 - CJ Hopkins [paying a fine instead of jail for the totally unfounded charge/accusation that he is a Nazi himself by a "captured" Germany] on the "The Second Coming of Literal Hitler" [& yet CJ can still make jokes & point out the complete lunacy/idiocracy while resisting it w/all his soul/being]


"So, the quadrennial simulation of democracy in the USA is getting underway, and personally, I couldn’t be happier. It’s been a challenging few years for unincorporated political satirists like myself. The roll-out of the new global-capitalist totalitarianism hasn’t been particularly funny. In fact, it has been extremely not funny. Squeezing a little humor out of it has been like trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose."

"Not that the New Normal Reich is history … on the contrary, it is just getting started. Yes, the shock-and-awe campaign is over. It’s been over for the better part of a year. We are deep into the mistakes-were-made/limited-hangout phase of the changeover. Nothing can stop or reverse it now. The implementation of the new official (i.e., Orwellian) reality is a fait accompli. What actually happened has been memory-holed, forever, supplanted by stories of censorious “bad apples,” “overreactions,” lab leaks, and so on. Those who are old enough will recall this phase from the aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq. It’s going pretty much by the numbers."

"Which … fine. That “reality” stuff was ruining my shtick. No one wants to be told that they’re the victim of an elaborate PSYOP, which is what I’ve been doing for the past three years, with one demographic after another. First, I alienated most of my friends and colleagues, and even family members, by challenging “The Science” (which has now been debunked) and opposing the transformation of the planet into a pathologized-totalitarian police state. Then, when I warned people about Elon Musk and the whitewashing of Twitter, or X, or whatever we are calling his Chinese-style “everything app,” which, if Elon has his way, we’re all going to “live on” in the visibility-filtered, advert-saturated, dystopian, global-capitalist future … well, that pretty much did it for the rest of my audience."

"Not you, of course … the other rest of my audience. See, part of the genius of the New Normal Reich is how it has completely polarized society. It has systematically divided the masses into two irreconcilable warring camps, both of which demand absolute conformity to their dogma from their respective members. That isn’t to imply that there’s parity between them. The one camp, “the New Normals,” is backed by state and corporate power. The other camp, “the anti-New Normals,” is not. It’s no secret where my sympathies lie."

"The problem, for me, is, I don’t do well in camps. Any kind of camps. I’m not a camp person. I have an aversion to self-appointed leaders, or an oppositional-defiant disorder, or something. Or maybe I’ve just seen too many movements congeal into irrelevant countercultural ghettos where people blow off steam in a virtual vacuum and get preyed on by hucksters and ten-cent gurus … or 240-billion-dollar gurus."

"So, screw it, I’m going back to comedy, or at least I’m going to give it a try, and the upcoming US election season should provide me with the perfect material!"

So...Trump is Hitler or the Trumpocalypse is coming. Or something like that. (per MSM/Dims) Funny CJ.

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Hi Henry - Update here. Someone else liked my comments here today & coincidentally I read this stack article tonight linked below so thought I'd share it with you as it reinforces what I was trying to say in my comments here in Sept & cuts to the central crux of the evil C19 shit-storm even better than what I said.

Henry, if you don't follow Sage Hana you def should as there are great insights there.

Yes, the C19 scam-demic was/is still biomedical fascism (not that we don't know this already but this interview sbelow goes further). Because in addition to the medical fascism, "It’s really a Constitutional Crisis" AND the increasingly acknowledged "joint deception project" (on top of the biomedical fascism program) .

> Jan 15, 2024 - Sage Hana - Sage's Newsletter - "It's just pretending, to get people to take poison, thinking that it's medicine..." Katherine Watt lays out the seizure of power to enact Biomedical Fascism in the USA. The Covid-19 Operation in plain English: Interview with Peter and Ginger Breggin excerpts



"So it's a joint project, joint deception project, between military leaders, FDA leaders, CDC leaders and corporate..."

KW - "We don't actually know what's in any of the injections, because the way that the laws were rewritten, they never had to disclose the ingredients. And they never had to allow independent testing to confirm whatever they wanted to claim was in the ingredients."

"So, I think some of the studies that have been done trying to, like, reverse engineer it and examine it, from people who diverted product out of the military supply chain and investigated [found], yes, there are mRNA components. There are LNP [lipid nanoparticle] components. There are lots of other components that we don't actually know. And there is no standardization among them."

"And I would also say that it's not that the FDA is doing nothing. The FDA is an active complicitor [accomplice] in the performance that's being done. And without their participation, it would not have been able to move forward, because they had to be there pretending that there is a regulatory structure that applies to these products and pretending that they were applying it, so that people would think that the products were regulated and take them."

"If they [FDA] had not been involved at all, if Pfizer had just come out by itself and said "We've made this thing. We're not going to tell you what's in it. We want you to take it. It's free," people would not have done it in the way that they did because the FDA was involved in the fraudulent way that it was involved."

"So it's a joint project, joint deception project, between military leaders, FDA leaders, CDC leaders and corporate — Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, all of the other subcontractors and contractors that have produced components of countermeasures, or actual countermeasures.'

As a vet, Henry, you know first-hand how the corp-govt works to brutally control/kill us.

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My comment on a different recent post here was that social media has short-circuited our brains. You can feel this happening when you spend a half-hour on Twitter, or Youtube.

Also, perhaps now, in the 2020s, the average American is smarter than in the 1840s. But, now we can access constant streams of falseness.

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This is fabulous. I'm glad I discovered you a few months ago and thanks for pointing me back to this one.

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People have done "shitty and illegal things" throughout history. Human nature hasn't changed in the last 20 years.

It's just that these events are faster and easier to parse for truths and lies, mostly due to changes in technology.

Example: Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964). It took longer, but the truth eventually found daylight. It was effectively a psy-op on the American public, designed to increase support for going into a war that would eventually cost over a million lives, including nearly 60,000 Americans. Just one of many incidents in which powerful people decided they weren't interested in what the average person thought, or how that person's life might be impacted. Really not much different than Colin Powell showing "missile tubes" to the U.N., justifying an unnecessary war with Iraq.

Money and power. It's an old story.

Maybe we should celebrate that we're getting to the truth faster than before, which makes it easier for a writer like Chris to highlight these patterns.

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Another incisive and spot on post. You’ve captured current America perfectly.

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I'd also like to put a plug in here for Richard Hanania's latest post:


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Is he still a fan of the mRNA injections?

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Yes. From the article linked to above: "[W]e underreacted in terms of not being even more active and decisive on the production of and investment in vaccines..."

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Yikes. To quote Dr. Michael Eades, "Jesus wept." In other news: https://slaynews.com/news/769-athletes-collapsed-past-year-average-age-cardiac-arrest-23

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When Trump got elected in 2016, a coworker who I formally respected and liked a lot, an old attorney who actually worked with Bernie Sanders when Bernie was mayor of Burlington, said that the Trump got elected because "people in Iowa can't read." No discussion of why Trump got elected, why people might have voted for him (other than pure racism and stupidity)... I stopped being a Democrat that day, lol.

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Thanks for sharing this.

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Thanks for this. Totally agree, these are 2 great representative examples of the same phenomenon regarding the Covid mRNA vaccines.

Been saying this for awhile, a commercial from the near future...

Did you take the mRNA vaccines??? Has your doctor diagnosed you with myocarditis? pericarditis? irregular heartbeat? heart damage?

If so, YOU might be entitled to compensation! Representatives are standing by right now, waiting to hear from you! Call 1-800-CLT-SHOT now! Don't delay!

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Magnificent! Thank you for writing just what i have been thinking but unable to articulate. Thank you.

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So 'that's' why i find my brother-in-law so irritating -- he's just a slogan spouting machine. You can't get him to talk like a real person with actual ideas and emotions, no matter what you confront him with. He's a salesman who lives in Pasadena, so you know what kind of incessant BS comes out of his mouth...lol.

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