Have emailed this to Hotez and his publisher, and will add his response if he sends one.

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Just another massive gaslighting exercise, published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

“During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, one renowned scientist, in his famous bowtie, appeared daily on major news networks such as MSNBC, NPR, the BBC, and others. Dr. Peter J. Hotez often went without sleep, working around the clock to develop a nonprofit COVID-19 vaccine and to keep the public informed. During that time, he was one of the most trusted voices on the pandemic and was even nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his selfless work. He also became one of the main targets of anti-science rhetoric that gained traction through conservative news media.”


- From the book description on Amazon, where it has garnered a massive 3 reviews and 2.5 stars.

- with Blurbs by Eric Topol- Regime shill and WebMD editor, Arthur Caplan, regime shill and “bioethicist” with all the empathy of a rattlesnake.

This bow tied dweeb is everything that’s wrong in the medical establishment.

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Well, not everything. Save some for Topol.

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Topol blocked people who politely asked him questions. Because Science.™

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Me too!

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and certainly we can make a slight edit...

"wrong in the ..... establishment."

there that fits nicely too.

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Chris, Dr. Hotez sent me his detailed response and asked me to share it with you and your readers.


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The fact that this man is taken seriously....

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Especially since he looks like an even fatter version of Jack Black without the kool kidz from School of Rock.

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That is golden!

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Yes, that clip never gets old. If we still did time capsules that should definitely be included.

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In other words, Lysenko's qualifications and incentives were quite similar to those of Hotez. Now that you mention it, the comparison has legs. I hope you continue to press him on it.

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Hotez won't debate his positions. You'll have to up the ante. A lot.

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White coat AND a bow tie

He must be right !

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It’s as if Hotez went to the Halloween aisle at Party City and picked out what he thought was a typical doctor costume: spectacles, bow tie, crisp lab coat, Grover Cleveland mustache...

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He's a doctor, but he plays one on TV.

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He's a cartoon character of "scientist"

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Respectfully suggest a minor edit:

He's a cartoon caricature of a "scientist".

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Never trust anyone wearing a clean lab coat.

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A bow does not make you beau!

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Buy the book (preferably used) to get "verified" status on Amazon, then post your review. I'm planning to do this with Jonathan Howards "We want them all infected" (I am just having too much trouble forcing myself to read it, but I will get there).

Crosspost on Goodreads.

Next up I'm posting my review for "Masked Ninja: A Children’s Book About Kindness and Preventing the Spread of Racism and Viruses (Ninja Life Hacks)"

This is real by the way. And it has 1200 5 star reviews. We are doomed:


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1.) Barf

2.) I thought about it, but man do I not want to give that dude a single penny of my money ever.

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That's why you gotta buy used - help a (typically) smaller bookstore and bypass any proceeds to Hotez. That's how I bought the Ninja Mask book.... for some reason hundreds of used copies for sale... which is confusing, because babies are born every day who need to learn how to stop viruses with a paw patrol mask and to stay away from people. It's so irresponsible to not keep these books to pass down for generations like my family has done with our 1st edition Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

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I wouldn’t buy that piece of lying shit book in a million years.

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Hotez engaged me on Twitter once, when I noted a call, or meeting, he had with Fauci in February or March 2020 that was revealed in one of the Fauci FOIA email releases. Maybe he'll respond to you now.

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Use STALIN20 and get your fabulous new MySlippers now!

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"You make laugh –– go to Gulag!"

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Tbf I was thinking as I read it that Stalin would probably work as a spokesman: "MyPillow - now even I can sleep at night!"

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You forgot to say "Use Promo Code Stalin20 for a 50% off discount" 🤣

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In my mind's eye, I see Stalin hugging his MyPillow, his head tilted to nestle in it, eyes closed in blissful rapture.

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Was it Stalin who said "one man's vaccine injury is a tragedy, but hundreds of millions are just 'statistics'"?

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Close enough for the Peter Hotez standard.

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Yeah but your hundreds of millions of statistics are all “anecdotal” so they don’t count.

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Why in the world are the proud boys mentioned on four separate occasions in Hotez's book on "anti-science."

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Because he still has a complex about jocks from his high school days.

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Long live MAGA

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I'm LGBFJB+, no cure for that, it's for LIFE, lol....

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I identify as non bidenary

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America would be much better off if we could go full non-bidenary....after we shave off all our harris, that is....

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Imma try to be a little vague here so as not to identify the person or company in question.

A very close relative of mine, now deceased, was a doctor of biochemistry. He was a man of impeccable morals and did. not. lie. for. anybody. He worked his entire career for pharmaceutical companies as a research scientist and we heard stories - even back in the 1970's and 1980's - that would make you swear off any pharma drug, forever. He refused to sign off on any research that he believed to be insufficient or incorrect, thus forcing the company to temporarily replace him with a more pliable employee. The company never fired him, because it could count on him for quality work, but they'd periodically have to go through the charade of giving him a 'promotion' to some obscure back office for a few days. It doesn't matter which pharma company this was (one of the biggest), because they're all doing it.

Meanwhile, the drug dealer who poses as my husband's cardiologist tells Beloved Husband to 'take all the drugs!' so we're looking to replace him with someone more sensible.

Hotez can take his allegiance to The Science™ and just stuff it.

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Yes, those very expensive drug dealers aka cardiologists will push the pills like there is no tomorrow. Even admitting they don't know how some of them work or why they work. They all have side effects, but it doesn't matter, you'll die of something eventually.

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I knew a guy who had carpal tunnel, went to the ¨Doktor¨, this cretin told him to take Prozac. That would fix it!

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Together with the bow tie and the stethoscope, but sideways!

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As Feynman, who unlike Hotez was a real scientist, said "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts".

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my favorite physicist and the quote I have in my office!

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Hotez hears a WHO, I’m dyin. What a ridiculous man.

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Chris, I don't know if you are mentally ill and in need of treatment in one of our outstanding state hospitals or just in need of re-education in one of our wonderful state universities. Either way, you must have approved thoughts and beliefs and they have ways at each to accomplish this goal so you do not spread disinformation.

Danny Huckabee

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"Get on the ground -- we're here to help you!"

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Hotez, Krugman, DeGrasse Tyson, Claus Schwab...LISTEN to these experts, wink wink!

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Calling Hoetz a silly man gives silly men a bad name!

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Hotez is pernicious and malign, but not silly.....

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Can’t be said enough. Lunatics running the asylum.

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We were right about everything and they were wrong about everything. Literally. I don't think that's an overstatement. For the amateur's, it's the equivalent of playing a couple years of Pop Warner football and then coaching an NFL team to win the Superbowl.

The PHA's are the equivalent of a PGA golfer having the shanks on every single shot for 3 years on the tour, and acting like the scorecard doesn't matter. Every single one of the PHA's were hacks all along.

That takes effort.....or planning.

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Hoetez is everything that is wrong with the medical and media complex today. His views promote greater authoritarianism in the name of greater freedom?

It's a circular argument that progressives have convinced themselves is a legitimate one. If he was as great a scientist as he thinks himself to be, why wouldn't he debate on Joe Rogan's show and donate the six-figure contributions to a cause(s) he truly endears? Because progressives (and liberals) don't believe in people helping people, is why. They only believe in greater government authority and from there, the beneficial dictators will help where needed.

It's worked so well in the past, can't imagine why it wouldn't work now.... ;-)

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When real scientists debate they JOIN the arguments made by the other side because that is the only way to get closer to the truth. They demand that arguments be honed to something falsifiable so their efficacy can be tested.

Hotez argues like a bad lawyer whose hoping the noise will hit a nerve and he’ll win a settlement without having to prove anything in court. He’s a jackass addicted to arguing against shit no one actually said.

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I’m for liberty. I’m a scientist. I don’t feel under attack.

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For the right price he would flip his opinions in NY minute.

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