I run a small construction company. I forbid water when the temp gets above 80°. I also forbid breaks of any kind, lunch included. Mandatory twelve hour days, baseball bat enforced. They're lucky if I pay them anything, certainly not some exorbitant minimum wage. I really don't know why they stick around, some of them for two decades. They must be crazy.

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It's important to be firm.

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I’m an HVAC and electrical contractor and I also strictly prohibit me or my guys from taking breaks of any kind when it gets hot here in the south. Everyone knows that productivity goes way up the closer to dehydration and heat exhaustion a worker gets...besides, skilled tradesmen who are willing to work hard are a dime a dozen, if they don’t like not being able to drink water, we’ll just grab a couple of new ones off the corner...🤷‍♂️

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Technical skills and deep practical experience, the most common features of the 21st century American labor scene.

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Lol, my kinda guy. Nothin' like sitting back doing nothing, making all the money while they do all the work.

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It’s the chains. People only stay because of the ball and chains.

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True. What the chains cost me in production I make up for with the no breaks rule. It's a win win for me!

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Look at the bright side. You could be chained to a desk.

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You should charge them for the privilege, obviously!

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Haha, I have a running joke I use on new guys. When it comes time for their first check I say, "I usually charge big bucks for this kind of intense training, but you did so good we'll just call it even." About a third of them think I'm serious.

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Thanks for the belly laugh, I needed that after lugging home an old hand-cranked mangle the wife bought at a flea market a few villages away from here.

Pictured here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangle_(machine), the green one in the first picture. $30 for a fully functional one, quite the bargain.

(And I even asked if they had put the wrong price tag on it.)

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Glad I could help. Thanks for teaching me a new word. I've seen those before but had no idea they were called mangles.

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Got the beginnings of a worthy muscle/workout supplement label there: “Don’s Construction Labor-Law-Violator Hadean Serfdom Powder - BASEBALL BAT ENFORCED” w/ illustration of Ben-Hur ramming-speed guys

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"This supplement will kick your ass!"

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My wife recently retired; can I send you my resume?

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Solid MAGA right here 👆

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In solidarity with Greg Casar, I went on a thirst and hunger strike overnight while I slept. When I took my first sip of coffee this morning, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder while patting myself on the back for my virtuous concern for those ... what are we protesting for again? Oh yeah, the Texas construction workers whose water coolers were apparently confiscated by those evil Texas Rangers at the behest of Trump or something. #RESIST ✊🤡

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LMAO this one was a gem

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Journalists and politicians are generally from the same caste, with the same background, worldview, and values. Workers are a distant abstraction. This abstraction still has value as a locus of signaling; it is important to be seen caring about it. This performance, for them, is the real event, because the important thing isn’t that workers are getting enough water, but that up and comers within their ranks are reliably signaling their alignment with the values of the system, a system which has crushed workers for decades even as the parade of concern goes on.

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The entire caste is important not each individual "untouchable" I know this because workers are not individuals we are the entire untouchable caste. Academics do like to talk and use symbols.

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Virtue signaling that they care makes them part of the crowd... among the beautiful people. But, ship a few illegals to their doorstep in Martha's Vineyard and they'll immediately bus them out of there. They're part of the dirty riffraff. Send them to the city to clean our hotel rooms or pick our vegetables.

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Great comment

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Dead on the money.

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Boorstin wrote that in the early '60s, so that one thing—the "pseudo-event"—isn't new. But what is "new," exactly? Even the novelty I'm going to suggest isn't novel at all. It's that the news media, which most of us grew up to think was "independent" and "questioning," is just an embodiment of chickenshit conformism. We knew the independence and the questioning were mostly lies, of course. It was all very nice to imagine. But now? Now they use government press releases for "fact checks."

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According to the FBI, this conspiracy theory has been debunked.

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You do realize, of course, that Zombie Daniel Boorstin will exact a terrible, TERRIBLE vengeance. I didn't do this, Bray. YOU DID.

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Ben Shapiro reviewed a book on a podcast well over a year ago (cannot remember name of the book), where the author posited the theory that our news media has actually been an arm of the government since the early 1900's.

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NYT reporter Walter Duranty was the first one to be outed.

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This author said it went back before WWI. I want to say that the author said that as journalists became more a product of our colleges and universities, you could see a major shift in the reporting becoming less antagonistic, and more pro government. I may be misremembering though.

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That's what Matt Taibbi said in his book "Hate, Inc." too.

All you need for confirmation is the cozy, smug, oily Annual White House Correspondents' Dinner in DC. 🤢

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Yes. The Gramsci explanation: "In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the MEDIA ..."

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That picture of him taking his first drink of water after his super human achievement ranks as a close second to the flag raising on Mount Suribachi.

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And here I was, equating it to Lia Thomas donning a winning gold swimming medal! Just two deep fakes overcoming perceived hardships by parading their own personal mental issues as fantasies for attention. The resulting intense media focus is what we call, "hard-hitting, fantasy-affirming journalism."

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If we lived in a Democracy, like Ukraine, his sacrifice would be memorialized on a postage stamp and a proper statue erected in front of the Capitol.

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If sarcasm had a measurable density, we could mine this comment for fuel.

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Weird. Millions of muslims do this and more every year for days on end, sometimes in incredible heat, sometimes for many more hours. And many of them go to work for the day while doing it. Fella must not know any observers of Islam.

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Came here to say this. The reporters who write this probably praise themselves for being well educated, and knowing something about the world at large. They probably also support unlimited immigration from Middle Eastern countries because they *know* they're just like us.

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Ok, taking a close look at the first photo. The lady in the red shirt (wearing a mask) appears to be taking his blood pressure. And the lady standing, wearing a black sweater (in heat where you could fry an egg on your forehead) is obviously giving him a cognitive evaluation. I’m concerned the representative has incurred some level of heart damage (but certainly not from this stunt).

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I'm not sure it's possible to give members of Congress a cognitive evaluation.

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A concern shared by many!

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Their heads are full of air. Each day when their chauffeurs drive them to work, they put their heads out the window to get a refill.

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I worked on Capitol Hill for years. Female congressional staff are required by statute to wear only black, navy or charcoal gray. Some splash out to taupe in the summer, but it is frowned upon. So the one in red is breaking all the rules on top of being a fool. She will not progress despite acting as handmaiden to this poseur.

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Small sips, Congressman, small sips. He looks like Andy Dufresne coming out of the cooler in Shawshank.

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So miserable he didn't remove his tie. This guy is far-Left in the mold of Beto, without the wealthy in-laws. Hilarious how the legacy media covered this like it was real. He is from Austin, which explains it all.

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They are essentially all just Beto.

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Absolutely. Let's not forget the decades old push to "Keep Austin Weird."

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It worked!

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And here you have the essence of the media and politics in 2020s America: "mistaking declaration for creation."

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Nothing new under the blazing sun:

“Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward."

Matt 6:1,2 NKJV

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Texans have been known for exaggerating most every anything about our fair state. But as a 6 th generation Texan, this is even more over the top than I can stand. At least most our regular tall tales are made with a wink. I know this guy is probably not serious but with the left, as your story from Kansas shows, I do think they believe much of what they say or do, not matter how ridiculous.

Danny Huckabee

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Any construction company trying to enforce such a thing here, as banning their workers from taking toilet breaks, going for a drink of water or unpaid overtime would find itself without workers inside the hour, including all subcontractors.

Anyone going on a water strike like that "man" Casar would be mocked harder than St Greta.

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What is truly disastrous is that there are so many people like Casar who have NO real world experience and no common sense voting on our laws. He has never produced or built anything in his life.

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The type -- from college straight to government "leadership," with nothing much in between, but maybe some time at a proggie nonprofit -- is becoming increasingly common, and it's a disaster. Makes me think of this:


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You don't get paid more to write an article that's true or actually newsworthy. The pay is the same when you change a couple of words in someone's press release.

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SO LONG AS...we don't change pronouns! Changing verbs, adjectives, linking blame to MAGA conspiracy theorists, or tweaking up fear porn is totally acceptable.

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Rep. Casar graduated Magna Cum Commie from the “Beto” O’Rourke Dramatic Arts & Vegan Brisket Academy of Central Texas.

Later on today, but not too much later, I’m going to raise a bottle of beer, I mean a bottle of water, in solidarity with “el Pueblo” and “the workers” and “anti-racist anti-dehydration”.

To go a whole eight hours without water with only a bunch of nurses in miniskirts for protection is hardcore.

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