I'm being low-key shunned by an art community I've been part of for years for mentioning that I read a Jordan Peterson book. I know exactly why but it's still hard to accept. It's always been hard for me to make friends to begin with, but with this social justice stuff it's hard to disentangle what's me and what's the zeitgeist.
It feels so oppressive to know that revealing one thing can cue people that you aren't with the program. Without even being ordered to these people are reading the literature and staying updated on whose been cancelled. And it's the most useless people doing it.
Is this gonna get beaten back when people finally get pissed enough? Do we have the strength as a society to survive this?
"revealing one thing can cue people that you aren't with the program". A friend posted something on Facebook about the health benefits of vitamin D. That's all, just that. She was immediately attacked as an anti-vaxxer and a danger to all humanity (well I exaggerate, I think, with the last phrase, but not by much). She was astonished, but it hardly surprised me.
Wasn't one of Peterson's 12 rules For Life "Identify what you are doing wrong and stop it now"? I can see why that might make him unpopular with your community.
City government exists to fix city problems. Not to take stands on contentious political issues that let them virtual signal for woke points. Your city council has been rendered completely useless. The city will crumble under there wokeness until there’s nothing left to destroy. Talk about getting zero return on an investment, your local taxes would be better used as kindling during the winter.
When confronted with these facts—tangible evidence of the crumbling streets they're responsible to maintain—how do they answer? Will they even address challenges to their priorities? Or do they stonewall and try to silence citizens asking them to be accountable?
They don't answer, full stop. My messages to the city council don't get a response. My messages to the school board got a response for a while, and then they stopped. I've said that it's like sending messages into a black box. Although I have had private messages letting me know that I'm a Nazi.
To be practical-minded, curious and questioning, somewhat logical and to understand rudimentary economics is akin to being a Nazi today! Not to mention having an actual rudimentary understanding of the history they want to erase...
When did expecting our public servants to serve the public and not reallocate the funds earmarked for street repair to their pet social justice projects become the new Nazism? I guess the old maxim applies: the best defense is a good offense.
Renee - my comment wasn't directed at you! I was replying to Chris—to his reply to my question ("They don't answer, full stop..." in which he told us all they've let him know they think he's a Nazi). But since my reply fell just below yours, I see why you thought I was responding to you. :)
😮💩👎🏼 what in the world. And when I fled Chicago almost 2 years ago, they said don’t let the door hit you on the way out, fascist. Chicago- a Democrat controlled hell hole for 60+ years- Three Solid generations and the very definition of insanity.
This is such a long story, but the short version is that we went through a recent period in which we had five finance directors in a little over two years. Finance staff ran away from City Hall like the building was on fire. The council is currently responding to requests for a forensic audit by saying that noooooooo, no need, everything's fine.
Hmmm. I wonder if the money is missing and the Super Woke Council act is just a handy cover-up? It would be better actually if there was a cover-up, better than just being irrelevant on purpose.
Our L.A.-adjacent city spends a substantial portion of its budget trying to catch up on its underfunded pension fund. (They “forgot” to put money in for five years and then realized how far behind they were… Oops.)
(Victor David) Hanson's Law: The less local officials are capable of doing their jobs, the more they will concentrate on national and global issues like climate change or social justice.
This is so true. What a conundrum that useless people become socialists because they assume they haven't succeeded because of unfair systems of oppression and they resent people who actually create and build things. They're so entitled and blind to their own faults.
Another great read. When I was 13, I made the pretty extreme declaration that I would not give my future children more than what I grew up with as a first generation American, in a single income home. Not because I hated my future children but because I saw how my peers didn’t take care of what they were given and they were miserably occupied with these huge, intangible problems in the world. My kids have more than what I or my husband had growing up but materially they have a lot less then their peers. Now, I have been trying to figure out a grown up way to articulate that idea I had as a 13 year old. It’s somewhere between trying instill a sense of duty in my kids, achieve a generational appreciation for the gift of our country and the shoulders on which we stand, and making sure my children stay a little “hungry” so they have the motivation to go further than their parents. Maybe all of the above? But less wordy.
We are in a trough of decadence and decline. Normal human history- and NO the problem doesn’t fix itself.
Strong Men made good times.
Good times made weak men.
Weak men made our time hard.
Hard times can make strong men, or they can have their nuts clipped by these ...things.
So find ye some strong men and yes hard men and follow them including and especially when the necessary ugly things happen. If IF you’re fortunate enough to even have the chance.
Big difference in my kids I had when I was not poor enough for food stamps and only had $26 a week for groceries to when we had 2 incomes, a housecleaning service and took vacations every year.
My youngest has no girlfriend, lives with his buddies and plays video games.
New Orleans has been ruined, like most cities. The potholes are enormous and up to a foot deep, but thankfully the carpetbaggers who moved in got priorities straight and focus on destroying historical landmarks (there are many in 300+years of history) and social justice and covid mania. I don't even like to visit anymore. The brain drain may very well kill it, and when the swamp reclaims the city, the displaced lowlifes and rabble rousers will need a new place to ruin. They don't know how to build or respect, only how to destroy and resent. Watch out.
Imagine the ideology that could ruin New Orleans. Has been my very favorite city, and I've done a lot of very important late-night drinking there. Horrible.
It was similar in the town in Illinois in which we lived for decades. (We moved to Florida in July of 2020 when we could see how bad the whole covid thing was breaking in Illinois)
Beautiful town, people took care of their homes. Invariably in front of any house that wasn’t well taken care of a “Love Lives Here” or BLM or some similar sign would appear in their front lawn. These were also the same people who couldn’t be bothered to shovel their sidewalks when it snowed so kids would have to walk through 6 plus inches of snow on the way to school (or mother’s pushing a stroller or anyone walking a dog…). And, of course, when it eventually turned to ice they couldn’t be bothered to salt the ice either.
That kind of mentality cannot support paved roads. After all, that pavement is made with tar, a by-product of fossil fuel refining and the concrete alternative is made with cement, is a high carbon embedded product. The only "solution" is to grind up that black top and bring back dirt roads. Green is a Malthusian ideology. Malthusians don’t believe in industry; they live by plunder and usury! ;-)
A lot of American elections are more a matter of who gets out the vote rather than the passive opinions of the average voter. The problem with people who want good government is that they won't go out and vote for it. I think most local elections have a participation rate of maybe 20% (more in a presidential election year). Much can be done by an organized, determined minority, even in a democracy.
I live in a suburb of Sacramento. Wife and I went to see Top Gun last Friday at the multiplex. The ticket booths out front were closed. Ticket taker was still at her post inside but her only job was to direct us to buy tickets at the snack counter. There was only 1 other person seated behind us in the theatre. We chatted as we left, all of us glad to see a movie that was simply fun-to-borderline-silly, and not trying to sell us a new morality. He'd seen the movie 7 times. The five young people of the cleanup crew giggled about how it was a waste of time to show the movie. And they were right. A cathedral of 16 screens built to hold hundreds of people, mostly empty, built by another people from another time.
The odd thing is how menacing and surly the so called progressives are, picky, shaming, and piqued with a rigid sense of pseudo-superiority and righteous guerrance. They are closed minded and culturally xenophobic, especially when being called out on their c***.
Ha! When I first glanced at this headline, I honestly thought it said, “The Blue Model: A Recipe for RUM”. After reading this I feel like I need a shot of rum.
Chris, what is becoming of our society?
I'm being low-key shunned by an art community I've been part of for years for mentioning that I read a Jordan Peterson book. I know exactly why but it's still hard to accept. It's always been hard for me to make friends to begin with, but with this social justice stuff it's hard to disentangle what's me and what's the zeitgeist.
It feels so oppressive to know that revealing one thing can cue people that you aren't with the program. Without even being ordered to these people are reading the literature and staying updated on whose been cancelled. And it's the most useless people doing it.
Is this gonna get beaten back when people finally get pissed enough? Do we have the strength as a society to survive this?
"revealing one thing can cue people that you aren't with the program". A friend posted something on Facebook about the health benefits of vitamin D. That's all, just that. She was immediately attacked as an anti-vaxxer and a danger to all humanity (well I exaggerate, I think, with the last phrase, but not by much). She was astonished, but it hardly surprised me.
100% -- everything is code, now. All language is loaded.
Wasn't one of Peterson's 12 rules For Life "Identify what you are doing wrong and stop it now"? I can see why that might make him unpopular with your community.
Shunned??!! What are they, 5 years old? I sure hope you still go there (if you choose to)! This is not normal human behavior…EVER!
Shadow-banned in real life, eh....
Why do you want to be friends with morons?
I agree. At my age now, I let people know they’re assholes. Nobody calls people on their shit anymore…I DO.
City government exists to fix city problems. Not to take stands on contentious political issues that let them virtual signal for woke points. Your city council has been rendered completely useless. The city will crumble under there wokeness until there’s nothing left to destroy. Talk about getting zero return on an investment, your local taxes would be better used as kindling during the winter.
I tell them this five times a week. One day maybe they'll respond.
When confronted with these facts—tangible evidence of the crumbling streets they're responsible to maintain—how do they answer? Will they even address challenges to their priorities? Or do they stonewall and try to silence citizens asking them to be accountable?
They don't answer, full stop. My messages to the city council don't get a response. My messages to the school board got a response for a while, and then they stopped. I've said that it's like sending messages into a black box. Although I have had private messages letting me know that I'm a Nazi.
Paved streets are White Privilege!
Of course! Lol
To be practical-minded, curious and questioning, somewhat logical and to understand rudimentary economics is akin to being a Nazi today! Not to mention having an actual rudimentary understanding of the history they want to erase...
When did expecting our public servants to serve the public and not reallocate the funds earmarked for street repair to their pet social justice projects become the new Nazism? I guess the old maxim applies: the best defense is a good offense.
Renee - my comment wasn't directed at you! I was replying to Chris—to his reply to my question ("They don't answer, full stop..." in which he told us all they've let him know they think he's a Nazi). But since my reply fell just below yours, I see why you thought I was responding to you. :)
Ooops! I’m sorry Susan! 💜
What I meant is that leftist, social justice warriors support Ukraine, who are REAL NAZIS.
😮💩👎🏼 what in the world. And when I fled Chicago almost 2 years ago, they said don’t let the door hit you on the way out, fascist. Chicago- a Democrat controlled hell hole for 60+ years- Three Solid generations and the very definition of insanity.
A Nazi?! Are you serious?! Good God, these people are nuts! Yet, they support REAL Nazis?
What does your city spend the money on? Is someone stealing it?
This is such a long story, but the short version is that we went through a recent period in which we had five finance directors in a little over two years. Finance staff ran away from City Hall like the building was on fire. The council is currently responding to requests for a forensic audit by saying that noooooooo, no need, everything's fine.
Hmmm. I wonder if the money is missing and the Super Woke Council act is just a handy cover-up? It would be better actually if there was a cover-up, better than just being irrelevant on purpose.
Of course they’re stealing.
Some thieves shoplift and/or terrorize the public by robbing them. There are other thieves who decided to take over the government.
Our L.A.-adjacent city spends a substantial portion of its budget trying to catch up on its underfunded pension fund. (They “forgot” to put money in for five years and then realized how far behind they were… Oops.)
You think those land acknowledgments are gonna write themselves?
The entire state of California looks like this!
It's so incredibly sad.
Certainly, Los Angeles does and it's been under D rule since 1961.
I believe that there are large parts of the state, small towns and rural areas, that are not governed by the woke and their team.
(Victor David) Hanson's Law: The less local officials are capable of doing their jobs, the more they will concentrate on national and global issues like climate change or social justice.
I have one of his books and read his column in Epoch Times.
Sign up for VDH Ultra $5 a month or $50 yr. You get everything he writes, interviews and podcasts. It's a really good deal
Socialists add nothing of true value in any society in which they infest (Not to be confused with "invest").
This is so true. What a conundrum that useless people become socialists because they assume they haven't succeeded because of unfair systems of oppression and they resent people who actually create and build things. They're so entitled and blind to their own faults.
They should be left on an island to build up or destroy each other while they try.
Pay per view, please.
Eden said it better than I did.
Socialist China it would seem has better streets than South Pasadena. The Chinese invest heavily in infrastructure.
They also invest in thousands of buildings made of “spit and tissue paper” that have absolutely no buyers or tenants.
Another great read. When I was 13, I made the pretty extreme declaration that I would not give my future children more than what I grew up with as a first generation American, in a single income home. Not because I hated my future children but because I saw how my peers didn’t take care of what they were given and they were miserably occupied with these huge, intangible problems in the world. My kids have more than what I or my husband had growing up but materially they have a lot less then their peers. Now, I have been trying to figure out a grown up way to articulate that idea I had as a 13 year old. It’s somewhere between trying instill a sense of duty in my kids, achieve a generational appreciation for the gift of our country and the shoulders on which we stand, and making sure my children stay a little “hungry” so they have the motivation to go further than their parents. Maybe all of the above? But less wordy.
We are in a trough of decadence and decline. Normal human history- and NO the problem doesn’t fix itself.
Strong Men made good times.
Good times made weak men.
Weak men made our time hard.
Hard times can make strong men, or they can have their nuts clipped by these ...things.
So find ye some strong men and yes hard men and follow them including and especially when the necessary ugly things happen. If IF you’re fortunate enough to even have the chance.
Exactly, we've had it too easy.
Big difference in my kids I had when I was not poor enough for food stamps and only had $26 a week for groceries to when we had 2 incomes, a housecleaning service and took vacations every year.
My youngest has no girlfriend, lives with his buddies and plays video games.
“The British are Barbarians camped out in the relics of an older and superior civilization to whose beauties they are oblivious”-Theodore Dalrymple
That applies to US Americans too, and frankly all of Western Civilization.
Strong Men doing Hard Things can restore Civilization.
New Orleans has been ruined, like most cities. The potholes are enormous and up to a foot deep, but thankfully the carpetbaggers who moved in got priorities straight and focus on destroying historical landmarks (there are many in 300+years of history) and social justice and covid mania. I don't even like to visit anymore. The brain drain may very well kill it, and when the swamp reclaims the city, the displaced lowlifes and rabble rousers will need a new place to ruin. They don't know how to build or respect, only how to destroy and resent. Watch out.
Imagine the ideology that could ruin New Orleans. Has been my very favorite city, and I've done a lot of very important late-night drinking there. Horrible.
It was similar in the town in Illinois in which we lived for decades. (We moved to Florida in July of 2020 when we could see how bad the whole covid thing was breaking in Illinois)
Beautiful town, people took care of their homes. Invariably in front of any house that wasn’t well taken care of a “Love Lives Here” or BLM or some similar sign would appear in their front lawn. These were also the same people who couldn’t be bothered to shovel their sidewalks when it snowed so kids would have to walk through 6 plus inches of snow on the way to school (or mother’s pushing a stroller or anyone walking a dog…). And, of course, when it eventually turned to ice they couldn’t be bothered to salt the ice either.
That kind of mentality cannot support paved roads. After all, that pavement is made with tar, a by-product of fossil fuel refining and the concrete alternative is made with cement, is a high carbon embedded product. The only "solution" is to grind up that black top and bring back dirt roads. Green is a Malthusian ideology. Malthusians don’t believe in industry; they live by plunder and usury! ;-)
Oil and sand roads. Stinky
"Social justice" is so much sexier than such prosaic matters as street repair.
Is this what the majority of voters want? Apparently. They keep voting for it.
It is what the majority of voters want here, by a considerable margin.
Because they are ignorant. 1. They have been brainwashed the Any Republican is by definition evil, racist and hates minorities.
They are too busy working to read more than headlines and they only read "True & Trusted " New York Times or WaPo. Fox News? All lies.
Besides, there are no rewards for thinking differently.
A lot of American elections are more a matter of who gets out the vote rather than the passive opinions of the average voter. The problem with people who want good government is that they won't go out and vote for it. I think most local elections have a participation rate of maybe 20% (more in a presidential election year). Much can be done by an organized, determined minority, even in a democracy.
Yeah, the Hell with them. You do vote for who fixes the streets.
Oh, and the SJW crap is cover for stealing the pothole money.
I live in a suburb of Sacramento. Wife and I went to see Top Gun last Friday at the multiplex. The ticket booths out front were closed. Ticket taker was still at her post inside but her only job was to direct us to buy tickets at the snack counter. There was only 1 other person seated behind us in the theatre. We chatted as we left, all of us glad to see a movie that was simply fun-to-borderline-silly, and not trying to sell us a new morality. He'd seen the movie 7 times. The five young people of the cleanup crew giggled about how it was a waste of time to show the movie. And they were right. A cathedral of 16 screens built to hold hundreds of people, mostly empty, built by another people from another time.
Great Movie. First movie theater visit in 8 years. Only thing that seemed worth seeing and even then only after a podcast review by Andrew Klavan
That’s really sad. I can remember waiting in a line all the way around a block to see a movie…JAWS, 1975, I was 12 y/o and I couldn’t wait!
The odd thing is how menacing and surly the so called progressives are, picky, shaming, and piqued with a rigid sense of pseudo-superiority and righteous guerrance. They are closed minded and culturally xenophobic, especially when being called out on their c***.
You can see their faces morph into that “look” seen on women Nazi prison camp guards at an early age. Sad.
"But Main Street's still all cracked and broken!"
"Sorry Mom, the mob has spoken!"
Ha! When I first glanced at this headline, I honestly thought it said, “The Blue Model: A Recipe for RUM”. After reading this I feel like I need a shot of rum.