To put this into operation, this message is going to build to a crescendo through November. Family and co-workers and randos at the supermarket are going to say this to your face: Drumpf and the MAGAts and the Rethuglikkkans are TRAITORS who are stabbing us in the back by being in bed with PUTIN!
When people say this to you, ask them what they mean. Explore it. Invite them to share their preferred responses to the stab in the back from these internal enemies. Listen carefully. We're building toward an interesting moment.
This is not going to end well for anyone. Absolutely no facts to support their side on treason and then to it state matter of factly, treason, therefore execution in the worst case and prison at a minimum. Because Trump states we should talk to our enemies. I am not sure those discussions are going to get to far if you are going to constantly call your enemies murders, etc.
In the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s these kid’s parents were telling anyone who would listen how great Khrushchev, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, et al were. The propaganda these people spread is so dangerous.
They are not capable of rational discussion. But if you sustain the conversation, they can't avoid the logical conclusion. They won't notice it, but you will.
Their rabid TDS overrides their ability to discuss anything rationally. But has not this been always true of the Left? At their heart they are statists that want to control you. Trump just pushed them over the abyss.
I remember Stuart Symington defending a person's right to have a lawyer while testifying in front of Joe McCarthy who wanted to refuse the lady her constitutional rights.
Not that I'm defending "them" but no, they weren't all always like this all the time. Up until the mid-to-late 1970s (dep. on which nation you look at obv.) the majority of what we today call The Left was well-read, dilligent, dutiful, and quite knowledgeable about sciences, economics, et cetera.
They were this because they came from a tradition that stated they had to win over the bourgeoisie by showing that proles and plebs were equally capable if given the same opportunities (which is by the way what today is twisted into DEI, originally it just meant things like letting everyone go to school even if the parents couldn't pay for private tuition f.e.) - this is of course outside the USSR and its sphere of control, where the Left chose to work with and within democratic systems to achieve its goals.
Anyway, in the 1970s living standards even for the poorest of the working class was so high the Left rapidly lost support. Plus, the atrocities of the communist countries had by then started to become common knowledge, causing splits and rifts inside the Left between the dogmatic ouritans who rationalised Pol Pot to name one, and the realist pragmatics who understood that what people wanted was good material standards, light entertainment and being able to build a nest egg for the kids (aka the ole' bourgeoise dream).
And so the more pragmatic ones started to move towards neoliberalism while isolating the dogmatics (who got their death-blow when the Berlin Wall came down), but also and this was a major mistake, by then and again tossing a bone to the other kind of extremists harboured inside the general Left:
The feminists, the postmodernists, the decadents in short.
And they incubated within the left-leaning parties and organisations (academia especially) and were in the 2000s recruited in growing numbers by corporate interests realising that they could weaponise these (what we call woke today) groups and their ideas to further their globalist and anti-nationalist, anti-democratic agendas.
I wouldn't even go so far as to call them statists: they are but only when it gains them something, so it's just a "confession of the lips" on their part. Unlike true fascists, they don't place any intrinsic value in the state or the nation, it is just a vessel for fulfilling their wants.
I hope I don't come off as condescending, that is definitely not my intent; it's just that this is kind of my field of study (won't call it expertise, that word has been soiled these past years) and understanding how conflicted and confused and internally fractured the Left/the woke actually are must surely help.
Rikard, great points. I think the turning point was the “high tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas, led by Biden. That’s when the left learned they’d never be held accountable by the press or their base, no matter how outrageously they smeared the character of a fellow American.
gonna be hard to resist replying, "brandon and the wokesters and the femocrats are TRAITORS who are stabbing us in the back by being in bed with THE CCP!"
The underlying assumption of these hacks is that voters are far too stupid and gullible to sort out opposing views and therefore need protection. If so, what good is democracy?
That's the problem. If there is any hope of reversing this disaster of a country, Trump would have to be at least as authoritarian as they claim he is. He really should have locked up Hillary. He needs to make the most ruthless of us here look like moderates. And we all know he isn't going to do that. Then what do we do?
Precisely my position. I don't particularly care for Mr. Trump. As a matter of fact, I think he's a narcissistic boor, but damn it all, at least he's human. And more or less sane - in comparison to most of the cretinous kleptocrats who infest legislative bodies around the world.
Which begs the question, does a "narcissistic personality disorder" constitute an impediment to achieving, or is it simply a requirement of the office?
I wanted a DeSantis/Tulsi ticket. Vance would do nicely as well--but I do like the experience as governor.
I think the ticket should be split. Trump/RFK Jr, Trump/Tulsi, etc.
It is impossible to be 100% correct from one ideological perspective--the world is simply too big for our limited minds--but we can be 100% wrong from one perspective.
I used to tell my staff, "We always need one hippie at the table, if our ideas are not questioned, we may drive this organization off a cliff."
They are not idiots. Matt Walsh has a video on Twitter showing the manager of the team that created this AI. He calls her low-IQ, but that's a mistake. These people are deluded, and they have a fanatical devotion to their ideology, but they are not stupid. It's their intelligence that makes them dangerous. Stupid people do not manage to infiltrate every institution and rise to the highest levels of power. Psychopaths do. It is a mistake to underestimate them.
You're right, of course, but I still suspect that not all of them are intelligent. There are a bunch of evil geniuses at the top of the ideological pyramid for sure; the minions lower down don't need a ton of smarts, just enough to understand and internalize the message and the zeal to carry out the dirty work.
You realize that you are arguing with Deep State propaganda trolls and their useful Leftist idiots. So I assume you are trolling them with some success to get them to show you just how loco they are.
I mean you’re not going to get much traction with crazy people who still preserve the Trump-Putin fantasy alliance. They are immune to facts and history. Putin himself just said that he would prefer Biden to Trump in the White House. Think about that. Biden is fighting a proxy war against Russia and Putin would rather have him than Trump in charge. LMAO. That’s how much Putin respects our foreign policy apparatus and our war machine. It’s quite revealing.
I don’t understand the Ruth Ben Ghiat thing, but I’m not on Twitter, so maybe she’s Twitter famous. I just think more and more people are immunized against these schmucks over time.
The clinical psychiatrist has to listen to the craziest of patients in order to treat said patient. Bray's MSNBC viewing can be summed up as such. A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience drug racket and social control mechanism. It's 21st Century Phrenology with potent neurotoxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, FAR MORE HARM than good. Psychiatrists currently & typically spend at most a few minutes a month with each victim-patient, doing "med checks". The DSM-5 is a catalog of billing codes, and little else. Everything in it was either invented or created, NOTHING in it was discovered. The difference is vital. For more TRUTH:
thanks DTT! I'm (not-so-)secretly hoping Chris does. (I just copied / pasted the interior headline links in that article and swapped out "eclipse" but don't tell anyone.) 🤣
So let me see if I understand Mr Schulman (aka: smartbenny)…he’s saying that if it’s proven that Biden has taken money from the CCP for which he has provided a quid pro quo, that Biden should be executed for treason? Or…is it only if Trump or some other Republican commits a treasonous act that execution is the order of the day?
As for this Ruth Ben whatever…is she for real? I mean, seriously, is she for real? That person is so over the top with her hatred for Trump that she’s almost in a class with Meathead, De Niro, Streisand and that ilk.
Unless…she’s just pandering for clicks. There are many who are making their living these days just by being provocative without believing a word they say.
I friend of mine basically said the same thing about me, because I dared to suggest censorship, closing peoples bank accounts, taking their business licenses etc for not agreeing with democrats and globalists is authoritarianism. I critiqued systems, governments and pathological elite, he criticized me, mocked me, made fun of me, called me names, condescended.
I told him, you are arguing with a phantom now named kool aid drinker, enemy of democracy, projector, misogynist with fascist predilections, conspiracy nut job.
He says, "If it walks like a duck....I don't mean to offend."
That was all on text. IRL he seems to regret it. But I have lost faith and trust in him.
It is sad. Had a similar text exchange with a friend about trans issues. He is, but the quasi-objective standards of intelligence (SAT, LSAT, GMAT), brilliant. Something like 1500ish on the SATs.
When it comes to politics, he is incapable of using his big fat brain to think, he only parrots.
It is difficult for me to trust my former friends/colleagues/associates who have completely lost their minds - especially in the tranny issue. I know exactly how you feel about losing faith and trust in him.
I'm 38 miles south of Seattle the shithole. 30+ years ago, I told all my old Cali HS friends--"Dude, Seattle rocks! You should check it out. It is what SF would be if it were clean..."
Me? I'm all for spaying/neutering one's pets. Super important. We've operated an animal welfare/rescue for nearly 20 years, and see the infinite problems with puppy-mills, un-altered animals nearly every day.
the Elite are vast approaching J. Edgar Hoover levels of paranoia about Russia.
soon Putin will be behind every corner, every bad outcome.
on of my best friends texted me the other day that “Putin is solely determined to destroy all democracy and America. it is his life goal. he is pure evil”
when I asked him why he thought this he devolved into a rage and quit speaking to me. this is an intelligent, succesful dude…but just scratch the surface of their delusion and they melt.
The actual elite aren't. The Outer Party members believe anything they are told. Putin, Covid, climate change. That's why they remain in the Outer Party and will never make the journey inward.
was a nice run this experiment. now it becomes more clear why in the post enlightenment period scholars were amazed at how uniquely postured and uncertain this american experiment was.
they knew the historical record showed humans tend toward such authoritarian behavior. and they do it with vigor and conviction. amazing.
In smartbenny24’s defense, he only wants to round up Trump and his “GQP” cronies, not the “good Republicans” like Niki, Lindsey, Mitch, Pierre Delecto….
I wonder if Ruth detects any fascism in Schwab, Biden, Newsom, Netanyuhu, Trudeau, Ardern, the unelected EU head, NATO, et al. And actually, Putin has been very forgiving of Western expansionism on Russia's borders, given that H. W. Bush promised that would never happen.
Last week, news came out of actual treason in 2016. And it is so far off the MSM that they can be spouting this nonsense? If I were on the left, I would be keeping my mouth shut about treason and hanging right now.
I wonder what he meant with his "Trump talks like Hitler"-bit? He absoluetly does not: remember that any clips you've seen of Hitler have been purposefully sped-up; USUK propaganda did that during WW2 to make him look ridiculous what with his gesticulating, which was nothing special for politicians at the time.
Trump is positively restrained, and frankly a little dull when talking publicly - the most entertaining about him is how well he knows how to play his audience and what buttons to push to make the audience stop thinking and start feeling instead.
Plus as a salesman he understands that you can't make the sale by trying to terrorise, guilt and scare the cutomer: make the customer want what he's offering instead. Perfect fit for a republic founded by shopkeepers protesting against taxes.
Maybe people like Schulmann and Ben-Ghiat are afraid of what Trump could do with media aligning with him instead of against him?
Trump jokes and pokes and rhetorically undermines and surprises, and wanders around in his own rhetoric. He sounds as much like Hitler as, I don't know, Donald Duck. It's remarkable to see people assert the comparison.
On that note, here's a funny thing for you. TDS is /stronger/ in Sweden than in the US, I've often claimed. Well, now there's data backing me up. (Does that make me an expert? Hope not!)
Look at "Table of contents" on the right side of the screen, there's a tag labelled "Trump's shadow" there. It takes you straight down to stats for how people feel about a second Trump presidency. To quote Trump: "Sweden. Just look at Sweden."
This is what happens when an entire population is raised on state media for over 70 years!
Athoritarian. To quote Inigo Montoya , "You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."
Definition: "favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom."
These claims are coming from people who are supporting mandatory vaccines, demanding manufacture and purchase of electric vehicles, censorship of contrary opinions with a disinformation board and weekly meetings with social media.
It takes so much hate to love our democracy so much.
You must hate your neighbor to love the illegal immigrant from Somalia, China, El Salvador.
OBVIOUSLY Ruth Ben-Ghiat and her lackey side kick Ben Schulman know from personal experience defending this country from tyrannical despots & ideologies to have such insight on how to recognize authoritarianism and what to do to stop it.
I'm certain they both must have numerous awards for valor under fire, only then could they see the threat of Authoritarianism so clearly.
Here is part of Ruth's LinkedIn profile: Historian, authoritarianism, propaganda, democracy protection.
Benny, is also on LinkedIn, he's a historian. A historian.
Chris, you've been out-thunk by best and brightest the Left has to offer. Look at this lucid (which BTW, is the name of Ruth's Substack...what? Oh, that was the sound of puke in my mouth) argument from Benny "Trump is the one who talks like Hitler."
Reading this article was like meeting my state representatives in Olympia for the first time in 1997 (my OCS class had to be escorts to the Governor's Inauguration Ball).
They were simply 3-4 different flavors of very weak sauce. Gross. At 27, my education found in a Cracker Jacks box (school at night at colleges that served Army personnel), I had a better grasp of the problems in our community--and could articulate them clearer--than any of the diluted sauce idiots we paid to represent us.
Both of them never learned to play well with others on the playground...where the hatred for normies, for American culture, for their fellow boys and girls/men and women that fuels their incredible love for democracy.
Gross. I wish we could simply dismiss them, but they are dangerous.
To put this into operation, this message is going to build to a crescendo through November. Family and co-workers and randos at the supermarket are going to say this to your face: Drumpf and the MAGAts and the Rethuglikkkans are TRAITORS who are stabbing us in the back by being in bed with PUTIN!
When people say this to you, ask them what they mean. Explore it. Invite them to share their preferred responses to the stab in the back from these internal enemies. Listen carefully. We're building toward an interesting moment.
This is not going to end well for anyone. Absolutely no facts to support their side on treason and then to it state matter of factly, treason, therefore execution in the worst case and prison at a minimum. Because Trump states we should talk to our enemies. I am not sure those discussions are going to get to far if you are going to constantly call your enemies murders, etc.
In the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s these kid’s parents were telling anyone who would listen how great Khrushchev, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, et al were. The propaganda these people spread is so dangerous.
Question- have you tried this and if so have you found anyone tied into this narrative capable of a rational discussion?
They are not capable of rational discussion. But if you sustain the conversation, they can't avoid the logical conclusion. They won't notice it, but you will.
Their rabid TDS overrides their ability to discuss anything rationally. But has not this been always true of the Left? At their heart they are statists that want to control you. Trump just pushed them over the abyss.
They've gotten so much worse so quickly. Remember Democrats like Bruce Babbitt and Paul Tsongas?
I remember Stuart Symington defending a person's right to have a lawyer while testifying in front of Joe McCarthy who wanted to refuse the lady her constitutional rights.
Not that I'm defending "them" but no, they weren't all always like this all the time. Up until the mid-to-late 1970s (dep. on which nation you look at obv.) the majority of what we today call The Left was well-read, dilligent, dutiful, and quite knowledgeable about sciences, economics, et cetera.
They were this because they came from a tradition that stated they had to win over the bourgeoisie by showing that proles and plebs were equally capable if given the same opportunities (which is by the way what today is twisted into DEI, originally it just meant things like letting everyone go to school even if the parents couldn't pay for private tuition f.e.) - this is of course outside the USSR and its sphere of control, where the Left chose to work with and within democratic systems to achieve its goals.
Anyway, in the 1970s living standards even for the poorest of the working class was so high the Left rapidly lost support. Plus, the atrocities of the communist countries had by then started to become common knowledge, causing splits and rifts inside the Left between the dogmatic ouritans who rationalised Pol Pot to name one, and the realist pragmatics who understood that what people wanted was good material standards, light entertainment and being able to build a nest egg for the kids (aka the ole' bourgeoise dream).
And so the more pragmatic ones started to move towards neoliberalism while isolating the dogmatics (who got their death-blow when the Berlin Wall came down), but also and this was a major mistake, by then and again tossing a bone to the other kind of extremists harboured inside the general Left:
The feminists, the postmodernists, the decadents in short.
And they incubated within the left-leaning parties and organisations (academia especially) and were in the 2000s recruited in growing numbers by corporate interests realising that they could weaponise these (what we call woke today) groups and their ideas to further their globalist and anti-nationalist, anti-democratic agendas.
I wouldn't even go so far as to call them statists: they are but only when it gains them something, so it's just a "confession of the lips" on their part. Unlike true fascists, they don't place any intrinsic value in the state or the nation, it is just a vessel for fulfilling their wants.
I hope I don't come off as condescending, that is definitely not my intent; it's just that this is kind of my field of study (won't call it expertise, that word has been soiled these past years) and understanding how conflicted and confused and internally fractured the Left/the woke actually are must surely help.
Rikard, great points. I think the turning point was the “high tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas, led by Biden. That’s when the left learned they’d never be held accountable by the press or their base, no matter how outrageously they smeared the character of a fellow American.
I fear a potential physical assault 😂
gonna be hard to resist replying, "brandon and the wokesters and the femocrats are TRAITORS who are stabbing us in the back by being in bed with THE CCP!"
Femocrats! That is funny! Never saw that before.
Stabbed in the back is a registered trademark of the Nazi Party.
The underlying assumption of these hacks is that voters are far too stupid and gullible to sort out opposing views and therefore need protection. If so, what good is democracy?
Hello, Socrates. Nice to see you.
Ze internal enemy is authoritarian! Und so ve must ERADICATE ze internal enemy!
Something happened in our culture, somewhere.
Maybe if we all put on our pussy ha... I mean thinking caps, we'll figure this one out.
I'm wearing mine, and weirdly the answer is always TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.
I don’t particularly like Trump but their antics give me no other choice but to support Trump.
I have mixed feelings about the man and about his presidency, but yes. Trump 2024, and let's jam it straight up there.
'Trump 2024, and let's jam it straight up there"
That absolutely needs to be on a shirt.
Kinda of like when your parents said you couldn’t do something? It just made you that much more determined to do it!
You're where I was about five years ago. Now my biggest concern about Trump is that he won't be vengeful enough.
That's the problem. If there is any hope of reversing this disaster of a country, Trump would have to be at least as authoritarian as they claim he is. He really should have locked up Hillary. He needs to make the most ruthless of us here look like moderates. And we all know he isn't going to do that. Then what do we do?
Precisely my position. I don't particularly care for Mr. Trump. As a matter of fact, I think he's a narcissistic boor, but damn it all, at least he's human. And more or less sane - in comparison to most of the cretinous kleptocrats who infest legislative bodies around the world.
I think anyone that pursues the presidency in this day and age has to have some level of narcissistic personality disorder.
Which begs the question, does a "narcissistic personality disorder" constitute an impediment to achieving, or is it simply a requirement of the office?
Tulsi is my First Choice for President. Tulsi and Vance is the dream ticket. Interestingly, both are veterans.
I wanted a DeSantis/Tulsi ticket. Vance would do nicely as well--but I do like the experience as governor.
I think the ticket should be split. Trump/RFK Jr, Trump/Tulsi, etc.
It is impossible to be 100% correct from one ideological perspective--the world is simply too big for our limited minds--but we can be 100% wrong from one perspective.
I used to tell my staff, "We always need one hippie at the table, if our ideas are not questioned, we may drive this organization off a cliff."
I like the "one hippie at the table".
Maybe Heinlein had a point!
He was another prophet like Huxley, Rand, Orwell...
I used to be able to laugh at these people, but now I feel a sense of dread. They're not just idiots, they could actually be dangerous.
Thanks for taking one for the team, Chris.
All idiots are dangerous. These ones are also malicious and dishonest. That sense of dread you feel is warranted.
They are not idiots. Matt Walsh has a video on Twitter showing the manager of the team that created this AI. He calls her low-IQ, but that's a mistake. These people are deluded, and they have a fanatical devotion to their ideology, but they are not stupid. It's their intelligence that makes them dangerous. Stupid people do not manage to infiltrate every institution and rise to the highest levels of power. Psychopaths do. It is a mistake to underestimate them.
You're right, of course, but I still suspect that not all of them are intelligent. There are a bunch of evil geniuses at the top of the ideological pyramid for sure; the minions lower down don't need a ton of smarts, just enough to understand and internalize the message and the zeal to carry out the dirty work.
You realize that you are arguing with Deep State propaganda trolls and their useful Leftist idiots. So I assume you are trolling them with some success to get them to show you just how loco they are.
I mean you’re not going to get much traction with crazy people who still preserve the Trump-Putin fantasy alliance. They are immune to facts and history. Putin himself just said that he would prefer Biden to Trump in the White House. Think about that. Biden is fighting a proxy war against Russia and Putin would rather have him than Trump in charge. LMAO. That’s how much Putin respects our foreign policy apparatus and our war machine. It’s quite revealing.
I don’t understand the Ruth Ben Ghiat thing, but I’m not on Twitter, so maybe she’s Twitter famous. I just think more and more people are immunized against these schmucks over time.
She's on MSNBC roughly as often as local news radio does traffic reports.
Ah. I’ve opted out of that level of brain damage.
I can’t do MSNBC. I don’t have enough mind altering substances to make it back from the dark side.
I take it in tiny online clips, and I watch it side-eyed, like observing a solar eclipse.
have they invented a device for that, like solar eclipse glasses or something, that allows you to view MSNBC without being damaged?
MSNBC Glasses: Where to Buy the Best, High-Quality Eyewear
What To Do If Your MSNBC Glasses Won't Arrive in Time
How to Tell if Your MSNBC Glasses Are Unsafe - and What To Do About It
Fake MSNBC Glasses Are Flooding the Market: How to Stay Safe
The clinical psychiatrist has to listen to the craziest of patients in order to treat said patient. Bray's MSNBC viewing can be summed up as such. A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.
This is what happens if you watch MSNBC. Facts.
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience drug racket and social control mechanism. It's 21st Century Phrenology with potent neurotoxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, FAR MORE HARM than good. Psychiatrists currently & typically spend at most a few minutes a month with each victim-patient, doing "med checks". The DSM-5 is a catalog of billing codes, and little else. Everything in it was either invented or created, NOTHING in it was discovered. The difference is vital. For more TRUTH:
You, Suzanne, are both clever and hilarious. Dang, gal, open your own store and sell those things! 👏🏼😂
thanks DTT! I'm (not-so-)secretly hoping Chris does. (I just copied / pasted the interior headline links in that article and swapped out "eclipse" but don't tell anyone.) 🤣
I pictured you actually doing this.....🤣🤣🤣
"Now it's time for Ruth on the Eights."
So let me see if I understand Mr Schulman (aka: smartbenny)…he’s saying that if it’s proven that Biden has taken money from the CCP for which he has provided a quid pro quo, that Biden should be executed for treason? Or…is it only if Trump or some other Republican commits a treasonous act that execution is the order of the day?
As for this Ruth Ben whatever…is she for real? I mean, seriously, is she for real? That person is so over the top with her hatred for Trump that she’s almost in a class with Meathead, De Niro, Streisand and that ilk.
Unless…she’s just pandering for clicks. There are many who are making their living these days just by being provocative without believing a word they say.
Congratulations Chris, on obtaining that damning confession! Their brains are so addled with hatred that they've lost all self-awareness.
Allllllllll self-awareness. Every last shred. With eight months of cultural ratcheting to go before the election!
Dennis Pragar has been saying this for well over a decade now: "The Left has absolutely NO Self Awareness, what so ever!"
I friend of mine basically said the same thing about me, because I dared to suggest censorship, closing peoples bank accounts, taking their business licenses etc for not agreeing with democrats and globalists is authoritarianism. I critiqued systems, governments and pathological elite, he criticized me, mocked me, made fun of me, called me names, condescended.
I told him, you are arguing with a phantom now named kool aid drinker, enemy of democracy, projector, misogynist with fascist predilections, conspiracy nut job.
He says, "If it walks like a duck....I don't mean to offend."
That was all on text. IRL he seems to regret it. But I have lost faith and trust in him.
It is sad. Had a similar text exchange with a friend about trans issues. He is, but the quasi-objective standards of intelligence (SAT, LSAT, GMAT), brilliant. Something like 1500ish on the SATs.
When it comes to politics, he is incapable of using his big fat brain to think, he only parrots.
It is difficult for me to trust my former friends/colleagues/associates who have completely lost their minds - especially in the tranny issue. I know exactly how you feel about losing faith and trust in him.
The last three years have made it much easier to see who your real friends are for certain. Stuck in NJ with a bunch of pinko lefties.
Minnesota is trying to out-compete California and Portlad Or
I'm 38 miles south of Seattle the shithole. 30+ years ago, I told all my old Cali HS friends--"Dude, Seattle rocks! You should check it out. It is what SF would be if it were clean..."
Now? I avoid the '206' like a leper colony.
My condolences.
I lived in New Jersey briefly, decades ago, and the summer humidity still makes me refer to the state as the armpit of the nation.
The trans thing is fundamental. They are cheering on and righteous about rank eugenics and sadism.
Death cult.
Me? I'm all for spaying/neutering one's pets. Super important. We've operated an animal welfare/rescue for nearly 20 years, and see the infinite problems with puppy-mills, un-altered animals nearly every day.
Why is this complicated?
Check this out:
53% of mothers with gender dysphoric boys are Cluster B personality disordered nut jobs. They should be spayed...
Cluster B b sprouting like toxic mushrooms in the professional managerial blob after DIE rain
That's funny. Well played.
the Elite are vast approaching J. Edgar Hoover levels of paranoia about Russia.
soon Putin will be behind every corner, every bad outcome.
on of my best friends texted me the other day that “Putin is solely determined to destroy all democracy and America. it is his life goal. he is pure evil”
when I asked him why he thought this he devolved into a rage and quit speaking to me. this is an intelligent, succesful dude…but just scratch the surface of their delusion and they melt.
The actual elite aren't. The Outer Party members believe anything they are told. Putin, Covid, climate change. That's why they remain in the Outer Party and will never make the journey inward.
"A Putin under every bed!!!"
boy that was a fast ride in the handbasket.
these seeds were sown since about what, 2010 ish?
was a nice run this experiment. now it becomes more clear why in the post enlightenment period scholars were amazed at how uniquely postured and uncertain this american experiment was.
they knew the historical record showed humans tend toward such authoritarian behavior. and they do it with vigor and conviction. amazing.
" ride in a handbasket."
Bravo. Really good.
In smartbenny24’s defense, he only wants to round up Trump and his “GQP” cronies, not the “good Republicans” like Niki, Lindsey, Mitch, Pierre Delecto….
Defending Our Democracy, they are.
Defending Their authoritarian "Democracy". You vote, they count, you lose.
Dammit CTW, I just had another mouthful of vomit. Thanks.
I wonder how often Ruth goes to the range.
You owe me the coffee I just spit across the living room.
I’m glad, I guess. :-). Come to southwest Florida sometime!
The comment is really a subtle (I hope) reminder of a quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
I wonder if Ruth detects any fascism in Schwab, Biden, Newsom, Netanyuhu, Trudeau, Ardern, the unelected EU head, NATO, et al. And actually, Putin has been very forgiving of Western expansionism on Russia's borders, given that H. W. Bush promised that would never happen.
On long evidence, I'm confident she doesn't.
Don’t leave out the WEF, WHO, and every other unelected three letter terrorist agencies.
Key Question:
"What do you propose to do about it?"
Expose the tyrants.
Last week, news came out of actual treason in 2016. And it is so far off the MSM that they can be spouting this nonsense? If I were on the left, I would be keeping my mouth shut about treason and hanging right now.
Agreed. But then, If you had the sense to keep your mouth shut about anything, you wouldn’t be on the left in the first place.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're an idiot, than hastily type on your keyboard and confirm it.....sigh.
I wonder what he meant with his "Trump talks like Hitler"-bit? He absoluetly does not: remember that any clips you've seen of Hitler have been purposefully sped-up; USUK propaganda did that during WW2 to make him look ridiculous what with his gesticulating, which was nothing special for politicians at the time.
Trump is positively restrained, and frankly a little dull when talking publicly - the most entertaining about him is how well he knows how to play his audience and what buttons to push to make the audience stop thinking and start feeling instead.
Plus as a salesman he understands that you can't make the sale by trying to terrorise, guilt and scare the cutomer: make the customer want what he's offering instead. Perfect fit for a republic founded by shopkeepers protesting against taxes.
Maybe people like Schulmann and Ben-Ghiat are afraid of what Trump could do with media aligning with him instead of against him?
Trump jokes and pokes and rhetorically undermines and surprises, and wanders around in his own rhetoric. He sounds as much like Hitler as, I don't know, Donald Duck. It's remarkable to see people assert the comparison.
On that note, here's a funny thing for you. TDS is /stronger/ in Sweden than in the US, I've often claimed. Well, now there's data backing me up. (Does that make me an expert? Hope not!)
Look at "Table of contents" on the right side of the screen, there's a tag labelled "Trump's shadow" there. It takes you straight down to stats for how people feel about a second Trump presidency. To quote Trump: "Sweden. Just look at Sweden."
This is what happens when an entire population is raised on state media for over 70 years!
Perhaps they've seen "Der Führer's face" and didn't understand it?
Athoritarian. To quote Inigo Montoya , "You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."
Definition: "favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom."
These claims are coming from people who are supporting mandatory vaccines, demanding manufacture and purchase of electric vehicles, censorship of contrary opinions with a disinformation board and weekly meetings with social media.
It takes so much hate to love our democracy so much.
You must hate your neighbor to love the illegal immigrant from Somalia, China, El Salvador.
OBVIOUSLY Ruth Ben-Ghiat and her lackey side kick Ben Schulman know from personal experience defending this country from tyrannical despots & ideologies to have such insight on how to recognize authoritarianism and what to do to stop it.
I'm certain they both must have numerous awards for valor under fire, only then could they see the threat of Authoritarianism so clearly.
Here is part of Ruth's LinkedIn profile: Historian, authoritarianism, propaganda, democracy protection.
Benny, is also on LinkedIn, he's a historian. A historian.
Chris, you've been out-thunk by best and brightest the Left has to offer. Look at this lucid (which BTW, is the name of Ruth's Substack...what? Oh, that was the sound of puke in my mouth) argument from Benny "Trump is the one who talks like Hitler."
Reading this article was like meeting my state representatives in Olympia for the first time in 1997 (my OCS class had to be escorts to the Governor's Inauguration Ball).
They were simply 3-4 different flavors of very weak sauce. Gross. At 27, my education found in a Cracker Jacks box (school at night at colleges that served Army personnel), I had a better grasp of the problems in our community--and could articulate them clearer--than any of the diluted sauce idiots we paid to represent us.
Both of them never learned to play well with others on the playground...where the hatred for normies, for American culture, for their fellow boys and girls/men and women that fuels their incredible love for democracy.
Gross. I wish we could simply dismiss them, but they are dangerous.