Thinking about this, I just remembered by dad talking to a retired CHP officer who lived through the worst days of the late-1960s campus riots in the Bay Area. His memory of it was that oh my God the overtime was AMAZING, I bought a boat.

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Beyond the obviously disturbing rhetoric and stupidity displayed by the snowflake Hamazis, the interesting things about this to me are - 1) all kinds of foreign influence and money is paying for this, and 2) the governments and college administrators in the blue states aren’t really serious about stopping this. Which tells me that they support this as does the Obiden Simulation. There’s gonna be a whole summer of stupid again.

Can’t the protestors do a semester abroad in Rafah? Really get a feel for the cause, connect with the “community”? I feel like it would be a good use of our tax dollars to sponsor these trips. Jewish college kids do Birthright tours. The revolutionaries could do Deathright tours since they worship a death cult. It could be really transformative experience. Then when Hamas starts to throw them off buildings, if any are still standing, they can run to the U.S. pier and request extrication by the US Navy. What a great subject for a term paper.

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"governments and college administrators in the blue states aren’t really serious about stopping this...." these are their own children, literally and spiritually, and they're not going to even contradict them never mind stop them.

Excuses include: "I was just like that at that age", "They just want to make the world a better place", "No enemies to the Left", and: "We're gonna need every single Hamas vote this November".

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Yes agree. But I have to say I have never seen so much antisemitism as I have on Substack over the last few months.

So what gives?

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Antisemitism is a light sleeper. A lot of goons are feeling frisky now. I was listening to a discussion about this driving home today. About 24% of Americans have negative views of Jews. It’s much higher among the youth because of the fabulous education they are getting. As older Americans who are decent and not retarded shuffle off this mortal coil, they will be replaced by junior cosplay Red Guard wannabes and send Jews and anybody who is not in the approved People’s Central Committee list to the gulag, which will probably be somewhere near Needles, CA.

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I love the specifity of our future Hell, Needles.

And, yes, I've been there, and I asked myself what everyone asks themselves when they go through Needles...WHY DO YOU LIVE HERE???

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If you live in Needles, you are hardcore, or you have a meth lab. Or both.

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Or work at the Del Taco.

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May 4Edited
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Are you saying you're from Needles? Is this like a local dialect?

I have some glass beads and some beaver pelts to trade.

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Exactly right. Why is America so royally messed up? Forty years of deaths and forty years of births, God help us.

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We're messed up for lots of reasons, many of which are not accidental. The power class likes for us to be at each other's throats, so they deploy time honored tactics. So right now we are having a national discussion where one side is actually aligned with a homicidal theofascist terror group that is still holding Americans hostage and would like to destroy America if given the opportunity. So that's nice.

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You should give a look to Elizabeth Nickson's Substack. It has the wonderful title, ''Welcome to Absurdistan."

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I think I read a couple of her posts. I'll check it out again.

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I'm having a hard time with it to be honest. They're taking over my favorite boards

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Yeah, it’s disappointing. I’m gonna have to install a second surplus A-10 Warthog rotary cannon on my garage roof. I need to get a structural engineer out first.

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Damn! You beat me to it.

When I called the engineering firm, the lady said everyone was busy with your project.

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It’s a little complicated because it ascends out of the hot tub.

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That would definitely complicate the structural work!

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Now that's some funny shit

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Lolol brother!

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Agree, RG. The ramp up to this fall's proposed election appears to require a "bad guy". And, surprise, surprise, the Jews have, once again, been selected.

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Yeah. I've been quiet on the boards lately cuz I can't stand reading all the stupid fucking comments.

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My only hope is that the Democrats continue to do stupid shit like this. This is a shitshow for them. It may actually help get them out of office. More and more of the country seems to be turning against them. The antisemites are a given. Eventually they always lose. If this keeps up, basically what will happen is the Israelification of America’s Jews. What these people fail to figure out is that we are adaptable. Israeli Jews are tough. They have to be. American Jews will learn as well. It’s already happening.

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I hope. Some of the Jewish folks in my extended family are having a near terminal case of cognitive dissonance with all this nonsense.

It's indefensible...and they know it...but TDS....

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Yes, more anti semitic, stupid pro Hamas comments being parroted on various platforms. It’s clear they get their ridiculous genocidal statistics from the horses ass - I mean Hamas. What I notice is that it seems they are mostly ignored, no engagement. Smart - Some then just go away. It depends on the stack.

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same thing happened to the 9/11 truth boards 20 years ago. crude sexist bathroom wall graffiti is probably up next

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I’ve had to unfollow a lot of accounts due to the surging antisemitism. It’s incredibly ugly and horrifying that it’s coming from both sides of the political aisle.

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It's just another example of the most important and enigmatic lesson in in history.

Specifically peoples incredible ability to forget it.

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I have, among european academics and students with communist, globalist and liberal political leanings.

What you are seeing in the US now has been ongoing in Europe since the 1960s and 1970s - because that is when we started letting arabs and moslems into our nations in numbers large enough to affect politics.

And of course the old communist-fomented logic of "US is bad, therefore US allies are bad, therefore enemies of US allies are good".

As for pro-palestinian protests and the attendant hatred for jews: "You ain't seen nothin' yet". Just wait for when the moslems in the US start exploiting the 2nd amendment.

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I've been aware of it, too, Ryan. It has shocked me. I remember The Six Day War, in 1967, very well. I couldn't have believed I'd live to see an America as anti - Semitic as it is. The phenomenon has an Invasion of the Body Snatchers quality. We've been deteriorating into it for years, but events since October 7 have had an apocalyptic nature, haven't they?

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It is strange fruit.

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I'm curious. Has Hamas commented on these running battles?

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This what happens when I comment from my phone. I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

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We should deliver them out the back of C-130s via hang gliders.

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Can’t they just parachute with their tablecloth head wraps?

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We should certainly give it a try!

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Why hang gliders?

Though I do agree with the concept of dumping them off the loading ramp of a C-130. At, say, 10,000 feet.

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Just a connection to the 10/7 attack. Besides, I want them to die (if it is to be) at the hands of the organization in which they’ve claimed membership. Sweet justice.

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"Hamazis!" Neologism of the year. If it has your DNA, congratulations.

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Nah, not mine.

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You're a good man. You have character.

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Thanks, Bobby.

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Obiden Simulation is worth stealing. Might even claim to have invented it meself.

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Have at it.

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😂 That’s hysterical. The government and the corporate media are vying publicly for the title “Who Can Force the Taxpayers to Fellate a Foreign Power More Deeply” and you’re yammering about foreign influence on the anti-genocide demonstrators? Man, have they done a pretzel number on what used to be your mind.

Of course they’re idiots; they’re college students. They’ve found something to get upset about, and they’re mostly getting it wrong. But they are right to be upset, and if college kids can’t protest, who will? Chubby hubby steers in middle age? Pfft. They’re too busy looking everywhere except at what’s going on in Gaza, and making stupid excuses why the little they know about it is okay. Now that’s cowardice, as I told my AIPAC-owned Congressman yesterday.

Israel is not defending itself. Israel is obliterating what’s left of Palestine and exterminating the Palestinians. Getting this wrong is going to be the public act you are most horribly ashamed of for the rest of your life.

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"...exterminating the Palestinians."

They've killed thousands of people in a place where millions of people live. This is just stupid.

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The PM, defense minister, national security minister; these and many more have made crystal clear their intention to destroy all possibility that Gazans can live in Gaza when this is over. They have called the Palestinians animals, and cut off their food, water, electricity, and communication. They have publicly declared there are no civilians in this conflict. They are systematically destroying all structures necessary to the conduct of civilian life. They are using famine as a weapon of war. They have carefully targeted journalists, aid workers, medical facilities and personnel in order to prevent the preservation of civilian lives and to prevent the truth from being reported. They are making Gaza uninhabitable for the express purpose of driving its inhabitants out. If they cannot drive them out en masse, they will starve and murder them until the remnants scatter.

There are 130 years of Zionist history proving what they want and how they've planned to get it. There are 75 years of Israeli history demonstrating Zionism in action against the inhabitants of the country they stole with the blessing of the west. There are seven months of excellent documentation on the current outrage. Stop and watch the growing pile of baby guts prove you wrong.

I have no brief for Hamas. I think they are criminally stupid themselves, and acting directly against the interests of their own people.

Israel is not fighting Hamas.

If Israel was fighting Hamas, they would occupy the territory above ground, saturate it with drone surveillance, and send half their troops down the tunnels with scout drones and robots. They lack neither the manpower or the tech to confront these teenagers in t-shirts with their small arms and homemade IEDs. Israelis have not killed Hamas yet, because they have better things to do. Their interest is in divesting the prime seaside real estate of its population, and they will destroy civilian infrastructure and kill civilians until that goal is accomplished. Then they'll gas Hamas in their tunnels, which should take a decent tactician about a week.

I used to believe what the murdering fecal smears said about themselves, too. The facts changed my mind. Avoiding the plain truth of this sickeningly evil moment will haunt you for life if you do not take the blinders off. Hope this helps.

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Careful what you wish for.

Our pro-PLO activists did eactly that in the 1970s - went to Palestine. There, they made connections and friends, and then they went home to Sweden, continuing the work here.

This wasn't just a swedish comunnist thing, it was organised from Kreml that promising candidates within the Soviet-loyal communist parties would go to Palestine and other parts of the arab world, to create alliances. It's an ages-old russian strategy: create chaos abroad prevents actions against Russia.

Western jews with communist sympathies were especially valued by the Soviet culture war strategists, I'm sad to say.

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Amen bro

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I derive information from this about the likelihood of major violence on campus:


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Some revolutionaries they turned out to be. They ran off to fight the power but forgot to pack a lunch.

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Brain-damaged fer shure. Why are the Columbia eejits reminding me so much of Moon-Unit Zappa's song, "Valley Girl"?

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It's the Revolution of the UMC Princess. Sadly, she has the government, corporations, and etc. on her side. Not to mention Daddums and Mumums.

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The kind of behavior being exhibited by these idiots would have had my parents removing every privilege I ever had! I failed a drawing class because I loathed the instructor and he didn't like me. I got the "we're so disappointed in you" talk from my parents after my semester grades arrived. The disappointment talk is a loathsome weapon and those kids need to have it used on them. I didn't fail any more classes after that.

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All they know how to do is perform. They record everything they do because any significance that has existed in their lives has been constructed out of viewing the recorded doings of others. “Doing” means as much to them as watching a video of someone else doing, that’s it. Nothing matters if it isn’t posted, and posting is only what matters, right?

Gah, I’m getting old. Three crylaugh emojis for good measure 🤣🤣🤣

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Chris, I am so impressed with your resolute bravery, going into these combat zones! I hope you take smelling salts so you don't fain and swoon. Such terror! Such trauma! I think you deserve at least one combat medal, maybe one for each time you go to UCLA. I hope you don't have combat fatigue. Did the fascist LAPD make faces at you. I'm just go glad the protesters are defending our democracy from the Zionists/MAGA/White Christian/Frat Boys and supporting those nice Gazans/anarchist/communist academic exemplars who you so bravely report on. I'm so glad we are all paying for their student loans. Money well spent! Our future commissars!

Danny Huckabee

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"Did the fascist LAPD make faces at you."


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I hope he filed a Grievance!

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I think we should give all the miscreants Happy Meals! Maybe that would help them. Seriously, I want to commend you for fighting the good fight and not giving up on your state, the most beautiful one in the Union. My mother was from San Francisco and between her family and many various business ventures over the decades, I've spent much time in your Golden State, from Truckee to San Diego and know the lay of the land. It's just so said to see the destruction and collapse. And this comes from a 6 generation Texan on my father's side.

Remember Churchill: never, never, ever, ever, give up! Keep sending out you're sage writings and observations. And pray for the California, and the Republic.

Danny Huckabee

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But, but, but ... your RIGHTS!

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SO TRUE! Bronze Star with V device!!!


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Chris, this is great journalism. Are you suggesting this may be a staged or false-flag operation?

Secondarily, on my way back from the eclipse, I stopped at a fireworks store in Wyoming. Man! You can get great stuff outside CA. (No, I didn't buy any, local fire marshal.) However, when perusing the mortar launched shells ($14.99 per dozen) it actually did occur to me that they could be a cheap and effective means to repel Antifa rioters. Apparently I wasn't the only one.

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I don't think it was staged at all -- I think it was some Hamas-infatuated college dorks and some pissed-but-not-brutal Westside Persian Jewish kids roostering at each other, with real personal distaste but without serious bloodthirst.

For Californians, the go-to place for insane fireworks is Pahrump:


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Cosplay on both sides. :-) Too bad in a way. I was actually getting optimistic that we may be nearing peak lunacy.

This is an interesting theory: https://twitter.com/NiohBerg/status/1786125119280103835 No idea if it's true though.

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New York Post better take care. Criticizing Soros is antisemitism, and Congress won't have it. Better criticize some other anti-American leftist instead.

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Based on this reporting, it either was staged or run by incompetents. Or both.

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No. The counter protestors went to make enough trouble that the police would have to do something. They knew the university would protect the baby Communists. So they would remove the encampment. Which they did. Hopefully it’s still gone.

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Not convinced.

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Seriously, a monkeypox on both their houses. The "normal people" opposing the protesters just got the Congress to make criticism of a certain subset of "normal people" a crime. That, to me, is a much, much bigger story than what's happening on campuses.

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If I thought the legislation was enforceable or planned for enforcement, I'd be worried about it. On current evidence, I strongly suspect more empty theater.

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Completely outrageous that they even contemplated it.

It's only a matter of time, with Democrats appointing deep thinkers like Sotomayor, Brown, and too many other dimwits to the judiciary.

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It’s not constitutional. It won’t change anything. It’s symbolic bullshit. It’s not a good idea. What’s a good idea is suing these colleges out of their endowments for violating civil rights. It’s already started. The universities care mostly about money these days. Somebody said they are hedge funds with schools next to them.

The other things that should happen I will leave to your imagination.

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I cannot believe that Jewish groups didn't realize that this heavy-handed behavior--eviscerating the First Amendment--will create dozens of real antisemites for every one it hopes to silence. Darryl Cooper (@martyrmade) has written that antisemitism and Jewish behavior is a real chicken or the egg phenomenon. This episode proves his point,

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Did you read the Act? I just did.

The Act in its last clause says:


this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon

any right protected under the First Amendment to the

Constitution of the United States."


Please enlighten me as to what the problem is again? And why you think it's ok to blame "Jewish behavior" for anti-semitism? Seems pretty cut and dry that the First Amendment is protected here. The whole thing is a showboating nothingburger. But maybe I don't know how to read.

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The 1A protection is risible. The Civil Rights Act is supposed to prohibit discrimination based on race, but all it's done is discriminate against white people. Laws are subject to the whims of those interpreting them and enforcing them.

On top of that, the IHRA definition of antisemitism is so vague and broad that parts of the New Testament could be declared out-of-bounds. Just before Holy Week, there was a brouhaha where some Jews were declaring that Christians proclaiming "Christ is King" were being antisemitic.

The Palestinians have legitimate grievances. https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/49388/

Darryl Cooper, Chris Hedges, and Glenn Greenwald have laid out many of Israel's excesses in dealing with the Palestinians. 10/7 didn't happen in a vacuum.

Peachy Keenan had a great column about this mess:https://peachykeenan.substack.com/p/meet-the-zoomerwaffen

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May 4Edited

They wouldn't lie, would they? These are the same people who gaslight that they support the Second Amendment while promising to ban all guns.

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Yeah we're gonna disagree on your chickens, but I don't know enough about the provenance of the legislation to point fingers. Maybe you do.

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As a Jew I'm pretty horrified by this legislation, toothless as it may be. As far as I am concerned, anyone can engage in any anti-Jewish (I don't use that stupid, inaccurate, rather PC term "anti-semitic) speech they wish, as long as they don't actually do anything to harm anyone.

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Democrats with the help of the pathetic "MAGA" Mike Johnson.

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One more law on the books waiting for an opportune moment. The proliferation of confusing laws...

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Dude, they just made criticizing the government of Israel a Title VI civil rights offense for the sole purpose of shutting down public discussion of a subject they don’t like.

Both hands on your rump! Now push until you hear a pop and see daylight.

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It's enforced in Europe, and Congress loves to follow the lead of both Europe and California.

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May 4
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Like what did you have in mind?

Anti-zionist Jews are like Italians who don't believe in Italians having a homeland in Italy.

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Kicking ass on your own behalf good.

Getting Congress involved: Bitch

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110%👍. Here’s a YT video re: Scottish hate speech law that shows just how bad it can get.


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Fucking scary

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I wasn't asked to care about Armenia vs Azerbaijan. Why I am supposed to pick a side here?

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Not our beeswax. Both have a right to fight...but not our beeswax at all.

Instead, we are ARMING BOTH SIDES?!?!?!?

The Israel/Gaza situation is our culture distilled into a single powerpoint slide.

"Make war at all costs...even if that means arming both sides while condemning both sides"

We have a psychotic government. It is completely insane.


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“our culture distilled“

I have to object: that’s our government’s culture & foreign policy, but not the People’s. And the only people who support the Palestinians have been brainwashed at a libtard university.

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The narrative distilled to its gaslighting doublethink. We support both and neither. War is peace. 2+2=5. We will always support Israel, but we're going to give money to their adversary and build an invasion port into Gaza for 'supplies'. Insane.


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The best explanation I’ve heard is that FJB can’t win Michigan without the Arab vote, so…Voilà! Duplicity is the order of the day.

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If my granny was still alive she’d probably go in there and give em an ass whoopin. Me I don’t even think about them. Other than to read people like yourself making a parody out of them. To me they exist solely for the sake of humor. It would be awesome if a mockumentary was made out of this. In fact any honest documentary of this would default to mockumentary.

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Always make woke jokes. Blonde jokes can be repurposed for that.

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There’s nothing they hate more than being laughed at! So, by all means, we should meme away!

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They don't know we exist.

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Oh, Jason, they do. They're so childish they think their high school cheerleading - style rabble rousing will intimidate us.

Might be a brutal summer, though.

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May 4
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They know the strawman. They have never heard us, they don't leave the bubble.

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“Me I don’t even think about them.” My consciousness is only of the college administrations’ uniform flaccidity in the face of these demonstrations. It’s interesting that none of these demonstrations or encampments have broken out at the military service academies… I would have thought them excellent training for entry into Multicolor Milley’s Armed Forces.

Personally, I would have been delighted if these encampments and their entire campuses had descended into a fiery chasm in the Earth, repeating the ending scene in “The Fall of the House of Usher.” It would free up some prime urban land across America to be put to far better use.

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I know, right... where's a good few dozen sink-holes when you *really* need them....

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A sinkhole would certainly do, but I like the imagery of the fiery chasm consuming the evil of the Usher family. These “elite” universities, to a one, are pustules on the ass of society. They’re sole raison d’être is for these useless children to meet other useless children (future business relationships) to select useless mates and pursue pustulent careers.

Wall Street’s obscene compensation level exists for 1 reason alone, which is the “Investment Company Act of 1940” which severely restricts which companies get to play in offering stocks and debt securities to the investing public. It is a government mandated cartel which extorts billions from the economy for nothing more than recording trades.

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Is that Guy Fox mask wearing dude wearing Crocs? Slippers? Do you really go to a fight wearing slippers?

We are being played. Mirror neurons. We are, unwittingly and without our conscious control, aping the violence in our own neural network.

Like the Tiki clowns in 2020 all wearing the same sheeeit--and saying they were white supremists. (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/oct/30/lincoln-project-glenn-youngkin-virginia-event) -

BTW--didn't the leadership of the Lincoln Project turn out to be pedos? Fbomb these people.

We are being played. It is a script. No one is real. Paid protagonists preying on a 20-something's desire to fit in, fight for something, be cool, and hopefully get laid....

This is by design.


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Yes, we're being played. Just more discord to add to the mix: black vs white, gay vs straight, men vs women, vaxxed vs healthy, dems vs pubs, and now Jewish dems vs Muslim dems, and neocon pubs against MAGA pubs. Some very smart people expect the 2024 election to be cancelled by Disease X, a declared Climate Emergency, False Flag violence, war with Russia, all the above, or more. There are surely White Nationalist Trump-supporting patsies being prepared right now to attack a pro-Palestine "encampment," a synagogue, or some other gathering deemed "liberal."

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I'm looking at the comments and people are saying this stuff is staged and that there are crisis actors.

You aren't entirely wrong and you aren't entirely right. This is a top down astroturfed driven exercise. It's paid for. They don't need to hire actors. They are paying professional activist/social justice protesters to go to these locations. The money comes from Iran, CCP, Soros, other Leftist funders. They have a lot of money They are paying professional Arab agitators for Palestinian terrorists to go to these locations. To the extent that these people are serious Commies and Islamofascistst they aren't actors. But they are instructing the students on what to say, how to set up their space, how to fight, how to say Death to America and Israel in Farsi or Arabic. They are providing propaganda. And I think they want to see what they can get away with. They'll take it as far as they are allowed to take it,which is why they are doing most of these in Blue states with friendly Commies at the helm, and aren't getting as much traction in Red America. Most normal people are unaware of the networks of Commie organizations throughout the country. The reason that NYPD went into Columbia is because their chief of counterintelligence, who is in regular contact with CIA/Mossad/Interpol etc., and who is also a Columbia adjunct professor, saw certain people there that she knew were serious trouble. So this isn't a trick or a joke. But it is not a grassroots effort.

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If money is coming from foreign actors, which I don't doubt given what I know about moslem infiltration of the West, aren't the receiving party obligated to file documents of funds received according to the Foreign Agents Registration Act?

I obviously don't know US law on this, but wouldn't it also be possible to use FOIA to get access to who funds who where and when, using information registered under FARA?

Just an idea, but it might be worth pursuing because I relly don't think Jack and Jill Average Voter would be too pleased to learn that Saudi Arabia or Quatar is funding "kill the jews"-activists where their kids go to college.

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Here’s another thought, Tanto. Isn’t it reasonable to believe the FBI, DOJ, NSA, etc., has been investigating the groups behind these protests and that they know who they are? If our intelligence agencies don’t know who’s behind the protests, wouldn’t that be sheer incompetence? So if the FBI et. al., know who’s behind the protests, why aren’t they telling us? Who are they protecting? Soros and his dark money? Or maybe the government has a hand in all this and they’re trying to manipulate the outcome. Who benefits from these protests? Not Palestinians.


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Yes they know who they are and who everybody is involved. All the money is Democrat and foreign money. Soros is a creep, but he’s just one of the deep pockets. The Rockefeller foundation, Ford foundation, Hewlett and Packard foundations, the Sam Walton heirs, Bezos’ ex wife, etc., all give huge amounts to umbrella groups that funnel money into radical causes.This is an election year stunt in part by the democrats alongside the PR for the terrorists. These protests albeit on smaller scale ramped up before Israel even attacked Gaza. Hamas started contacting their U.S. affiliates on October 6 telling them something big was coming. We do know who is funding this. It’s being written about. The Feds don’t do it because they support the Commies these days. The FBI - it’s a political police force.

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Dogs growling at movable fence: I LOVE how the one on the right glances at the gate operator to its left, as if to ask: “WTF, Man? This is really embarrassing…”

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Meanwhile, somebody sunk the battleship Maine.

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This means war!

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It’s all staged. A few professional crisis actors and Lots of useful idiots playing parts they don’t realize they’re playing. Bread and Circus of a dying empire.

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Uncounted, unscreened millions streaming across the border… “Look over there! A terrifying attack on a piece of plywood by a terrifying little dude with a broomstick!!! Aaayyyeeee!!!!”

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I’m literally trembling with suppressed mirth.

This is traumatic.

Let me call the VA $$$ 💰

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As I said under another article on this - look up Pallywood. Antifa, and others like them (and the overlap between Antifa and anti-jewish mainfestations is 1:1) train and practice events like this. We recently had a similar one over here, the other week.

A communist party function was "attacked" in broad daylight by masked assailants, and one of the functionairesc claims to have been needing to go to the ER.

No ER-report. No visible injuries (he claimed to have been heavily punched in the face; those of us who's been in real fights can have a chuckle at the transparent lie). No external witnesses.

But the real cincher:

The communist/antisemitic newspaper ETC ran an article on the attack.

It went up on their homepage at 0300 the day of the attack. More than ten hours before the attack happened.

(Insert sad trombone sound effect)

Which mainstream media dilligently ignored, despite screengrabs.

Communists /lie/, just as moslems and palestinians do as a matter of course: there's no taboo against lying for any of those groups, not when it is for "The Cause" and not when it is done to "infidels"; look up taqqiya - it is the moslem tradition of lying to achieve a "noble" goal. A religion and a culture with institutionalised lying, allied with a western ideology where truth is what the Leader say it is - doesn't that just tells you all there is to know about them?

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"I cosplayed a Palestinian terrorist, and all I got was a lousy bagel sandwich."

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Some people here might think that the bagel is not just a baked good, but a highly evolved strategy to control the protesters. Especially if it has cream cheese on it.

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Capers, lox, red onion, tomato. Fight me.

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You nailed it. But what type of bagel?

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I'm a purist. Plain.

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Classic. I’m partial to a garlic or everything bagel. Now that I’ve had this discussion, I have to get some lox and bagels this weekend.

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Me too! I've got the bagels, need the rest.

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