I notice this, too. They speak the words about how the Constitution is sacred because they know they're supposed to speak the words about how the Constitution is sacred -- then spend literally all their time trying to destroy it.

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Oct 3Liked by Chris Bray

Chemerinsky exquisitely highlights my biggest problem with "progressives."

He goes from "The difficulty of amending The Constitution serves to protect society from itself" to, "The difficulty of amending the Constitution is a threat to society."

All I'm looking for from "progressives" is that they be consistent on an issue, any issue. I've yet to find it.

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I left this comment on the Commander's blog yesterday: P.J. O'Rourke wrote a piece, Among the Euro-Weenies, in 1986 that is very connected to this post. But back then, Americans were less willing to have Euro-style politicians. Bill Clinton, for example, had to actually spend time in rural Arkansas to be considered credible.

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PJ was great! I remember his description of a Porsche as an "ass-engined nazi slot car" lol

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They are technocrats, and few things are more anti-American than technocracy.


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Reminds me of Buffalo Springfield/ “ For What It’s Worth”. Something’s going down around here and what is ain’t exactly clear’.

NOTHING is right. Everything feels surreal. When the hell have political hacks while in office or campaigning called for abolishing the First Amendment,SCOTUS, prosecuting citizens for “ hate speech” ( aside from killing the Jews, white men , Republicans, Trump?, misinformation/disinformation, thought crimes, political opposition… arresting Elon Musk and shutting down X! What the fuck is has happened to my friends, neighbors , family? The cashier at Walgreen’s? Are they transhuman? Is the transgender activism depopulation by androgyny?

It’s global psychosis and decades in the planning, making and now, coming to fruition.

Does anybody else notice not a single broadcast network has covered the WEF Great Reset- UN Agenda 2030-WHO Pandemic Treaty- WEF Young Global Leaders who have infiltrated every global /national government entity? That 90% of the EU/ Latin American leaders, Canada, NZ, Australia are YGLs? 75% of the Biden regime, half the Dems, 20% of the GOP are YGLs? Half of Asia? And nary a fucking peep!!

Has anybody seen or heard any mention made of the wonderful free speech rally in DC? I’ve not heard a single reference. As if not strange and despicable enough, unless I’m mistaken, I’ve not heard Trump make mention of it , either. Which pisses me off even more.

That I watch reruns of the Twilight Zone, Night Gallery and Alfred Hitchcock Presents to feel normal ? Or at least sane.

I hate everybody! But for a few.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

I just keep thinking of the Hunger Games, how the elites go on with their circuses in the capital while the districts desperately eat bread to survive. I thought that movie was fantasy when it came out, apparently it was a blueprint.

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YES. I have drawn many parallels between now and those books. Nasty

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Even down to the blue hair and clothing made from weird things like food.

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God you’re so right. It’s the deafening silence on so much (for me, it’s the question of the lab leak which drives me mad seeing no one even CARE) that is the most surreal and worrisome aspect of these times. Coupled with the seemingly top-down orders to “auto censure” your true thoughts

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I feel as though transported to a parallel universe with something transversed. Did you read “A Sound of Thunder”? It was a three page short story by Ray Bradbury that was mindblowing. Worth taking the few minutes to read. You’ll see what I mean

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No I haven’t but now I definitely will! Thanks for the suggestion; I take great comfort in reading things that make me feel some sense that I’m not alone in these thoughts

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Indeed. It is the indifference of the average person that worries me the most. There is even a kind of smugness in their ignorance. Why are you revisiting the lab leak conspiracy? That is old news.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

Ignorance is Bliss? Also, strength.

By /not/ considering the information you provide (lab leak f.e.) they are showing you that you do not have power over them.

And on top of that it is a question of displaying faith in and loyalty to the system, in this case by denying any input counter what they have been conditioned to responds to: it is not just types of information or wrongthink-facts but sources of information divided in "intrinsically true/false" you come up against when trying to talk to them.

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God yes. Exactly. It’s kind of like how trying to be fit and eating organic have become suspicious right wing acts; “hey looks like we’ve got a lunatic over here boiling her raw milk..”…Keep your head down and mind your own business and if it WAS lab leak, the authorities will surely tell us.

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Absolutely. If it was important it would be on the news. But real life is catching up with them, and it is going to be brutal.


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Have just read it 💪

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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray


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Hilary has a cackle too! We just don’t hear it cause she’s not running for anything. “Soulless husk” that she is.

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'Being informed' is just another way to be misinformed. It's a distraction the more important task of figuring out what you really want and how to get it. You should emulate their intransigence and intractability. It's the true strength of 'the masses'.

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You have a point. There is someone I know who is non-political. Utterly indifferent to it all. Takes it as it comes. They are not agonizing over the future. There is a neuroticism to it all I feel we succumb to.

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It’s a struggle to be engaged and not to be sucked in.

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Me too! I watch old Colombo movies to feel sane.

However, I see the seeds of feminism and debauchery even in those those old movies.

I was watching a black-and-white old TV show called the rifleman and even that had an episode of a feminist woman and he agreed with everything she said. Even at the beginning, they were leading up to this.

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We are in a total society inversion. The monsters from the margin are attempting to rule from Throne and Temple, but they cannot. They were marginalized for good reason. Their efforts at Rule bring only destruction and chaos; they are incomplete and incompatible.

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A feudal system

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No, not a feudal system.

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A Kakis/Techno/Klepto/aristo/Corporo/Auto/Mono/Necro/Aristo/Communo/IslamoFascistocracratic Transhuman Post 1984 Brave New World Monopolistic genetically and socially engineered medicated androgynous sterile microchipped disposable slaves lorded over by Mengelian-Faustian-Machiavellian - Malthusian psychopathic Megalomaniacal Necrophiles seeking life eternal, but hating all things living

Is that better?

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I was shocked to see a group of Republican congressmen speaking a warning about the 'Pact'. It was on YouTube.

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I saw it too, Paula. Trey Nigel’s, Paul Gosar, Ron Johnson and a few others.

Notably missing- Mitch, Barasso, Thune, Blackburn, Gaetz, MTG, Mace, Stefanik, Rubio, Cruz, Graham, Lee,… the ones who like frequent broadcast appearances.

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the Atlantic council?

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The Atlantic Council is the CIA/ Burissma Lobby

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Can you post a link to that video?

Thank you.

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"I always thought Buffalo Springfield was about two cities until a real Native American pointed one right at me!"

: Senator Elizabeth Warren

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I always thought Native Americans were fair skinned blondes with upturned noses until I found out Liz Warren wasn’t.

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For the same reason, I watch True Crime on YouTube and SVU re-runs which are raaaahther woke, thank you, but still manageable and still a society I recognise.

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SVU became a soap box. The characters have become so absurd and obvious they appear to be reading off teleprompters. Pity. It was once such a good show. Ditto Law and Order. Dick Wolf loved Giuliani. Today he’s likely rueing the loss of DeBlasio and cheering for the Cheneys, Mueller, Cofer-Black, Brennan and Fauci.

The Dhimmicrats and Corporate CIA MSM love The Man. At least they have that in common with the Establishment GOP.

And something the Duopoly from left to right can all share is hating Woodstock, the right to privacy ,classic SNL , Gandhi and Christopher Hitchens.

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The easiest way to carry out a massive coup is to make it so large, widespread, evil and deep that most don’t even know that it’s happening. And the few that do are incredulous of how the masses don’t know and don’t care.

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Right back at you. When I watch reruns of The Closer or I watch a favourite movie from the '90s there creeps in a feeling of sadness, "It's GONE! It's all GONE. What we've LOST!"

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The cure for 'ain't exactly clear' is to stop participating in the media - in the Simulation - and just look around you at the world in the place that you live. What do you see? Hear? Smell?

The ruling class don't hate 'disinformation'. They don't like other people cutting into their market.

There has never been a time when 'being informed' on 'national issues' didn't result in being systematically misinformed.

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East Palestine ? North Carolina

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🎯 Excellent.

Not a small number of the bicoastal ruling class don’t experience actual America growing up. The ones from the provinces not born into money and power,who aspire to ascend the social ladder, endeavor diligently to rid themselves of the tastes and mannerisms that identify them as ordinary.

It’s all vanity. And how can you care about your fellow man when you’re desperately trying not to be that fellow? It’s always been this way in most countries. But it was less so here. The American thing was that we weren’t Europe. Somewhere in the past 40 years or so that changed as more and more of these clowns figured out how to make a whole lot of money, often at taxpayer expense, used that money to buy the government they wanted, and reached escape velocity from the life that most of us lead.

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According to Obama, I live in "flyover" country. Coincidentally, flyover country has the same borders as "Let's go Brandon" country.

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It's easier to dismiss you that way.

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So, you're a bigot,too. The amazing thing is that you are proud of it.

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No, I’m on your side, just explaining why the left chooses to think of the whole part of the country that they don’t understand and which disagrees with them as flyover country. It the left’s mental crutch that allows them to feel good about themselves.

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OK, got it. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

I remember an old joke. From one of the great comedians of the past. (When comics were still allowed to be funny.) About the fundamental difference between a European and an American.

When an European sees a rich man drive by in his fancy chauffeured car, he says to himself, "Someday I'm going to pull that rich man out of that car, and make him walk like everybody else." But he never does.

An American sees the same rich man, in the same car, and says to himself, "I'm gonna work extra hard - and get me a car just like that.!"

And he does!

RIP Jack Benny

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

That was funny.

Wrong (at least concerning my end of this diverse* continent) but funny nonetheless. A typical Swede would react to someone being chauffeuered with thinking: "Oh, so-and-so isn't allowed to drive anymore, how sad for him but it's great he can afford a chauffeur".

Not counting taxicabs and such of course, or official stuff like celebrities arriving at functions, that kind of stuff.

Here's an old joke from my region, who had large influx of finns about a century or so ago:

"In Finland we are so poor, we sit on three-legged stools! In America they are so advanced and so rich, they sit in electrical chairs!"

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That's because we are unburdened by the burden of what has burdened us holistically.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

When they leave us behind, they leave behind Jesus too. We unwashed masses are teamed up with the unrecognized dynamo of creation. The irony is palpable, and must shock them with eternal fear from time to time.

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Yep, and beautifully said, by the way.....

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

Obama- bitter clingers

Clinton- deplorables

Biden- losing patience with you

I’m starting to see a pattern.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

As my husband and I drive the back roads home in Texas we see small town folks, ranchers, and farmers flying their American and Trump 2024 flags with patriotic pride and hope. American patriotism is alive here in Texas. As Davy Crockett might say today to our elites, “ ya’ll may go to hell, I’ll stay in Texas.”

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Yes, but you don't see that in Austin or any major Texas city. Brainwashed college students and Democrat drones.

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It’s the city elites “squinting down on America” no matter where you go. We just need to stand up to it like we love our country and take care of our own!

“Try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road

Around here, we take care of our own

You cross that line, it won't take long

For you to find out, I recommend you don't

Try that in a small town”.

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They are catching criminals left and right in Austin county. Unfortunately they just get right out of jail again.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

It's interesting to me that the two born filthy rich boys who became President in the 20th century, Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, were not afflicted with distaste for the "ordinary" people, just the opposite, in fact. Franklin Roosevelt, before and after he got polio, showed great sympathy for victims. He had had it as a ten year old spending a summer with his parents in England. A ten year old English boy whose family was staying at the same resort as the Roosevelts had polio, and when FDR was elected President in 1932, was interviewed by an English newspaper. I don't recall whether he had been aware of Roosevelt's personal war against paralysis in the 1920s, but he remembered Franklin's unfailing kindness to him forty years earlier. And when Roosevelt established his resort at Warm Springs, Georgia, in the 1920s, he didn't just finance it and bathe in the water when the hoi polloi weren't around, he dubbed himself "Doc Roosevelt," and led the other patients through exercises which they all hoped futilely would cure them.

Kennedy had empathy, as well. I marvel at Kennedy. The man was dreadfully ill his entire life, yet in his early twenties, before their horrible father had Jack's "slow" sister, Rosemary, lobotomized, JFK included her in as many nights out on the town in prewar London as he could. His pals knew the routine. He would begin a dance with her, then after a couple of minutes, one of the buddies would ask to step in.

Consider this kindness in comparison with his sexual treatment of women. Inasmuch as many of his "partners" noted that he didn't even seem to enjoy sex, my conclusion is that for him, sex was completely compartmentalized, with not a trace in his psyche of an awareness of its intended purpose in marriage which even the most lecherous men will often acknowledge.

Robert Kennedy seems to have been close to consumed with empathy. One of my favorite stories about him involves his four years in the Senate. He kept on the staff an old New England hack whose political genius was limited to unusually low skulduggeries. The guy was rarely in Washington, so was a convenient subject for speculation among Kennedy's cool young staffers: just why did Kennedy keep this guy on the payroll? Eventually, one of them figured it out.

"The reason Bobby keeps him around is that he knows if he doesn't love the guy, no one will."

A friend of Kennedy's said, "I think Bobby knows exactly what it must feel like to be that eighty year old woman creeping down the sidewalk to her tenement, carrying her one bag of groceries."

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Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, deeply flawed presidents, completely and recognizably American. The change is recent.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

The departure started, and is ongoing, with Obama.

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The departure started with Woodrow Wilson, but turned into a rocket sled with Obama.

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Absolutely. With the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the passage of the 16th amendment (personal income tax)during his presidency, a progressive wave of events transformed our country from a republic into the mess we have now. Social security, welfare, government schools, civil rights act, fiat currency, forever wars by proxy, public sector unions, patriot act, DEI, Obama care, vaccine mandates, unfettered immigration, this over insistence on “Holocaust bad”, “communism good “, moderating free speech and deficit spending just to name a few. I’m sure I left out a few. The party in charge may change names on occasion but the narrative remains the same. I’m of the opinion that most people are totally unaware of how unique the founding of our country really was.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

The bitter, alien turn in elite American discourse really burst into the open during Obama's second term.

So much of what's wrong today can clearly be traced to that four year period: instability in the Middle East because of the idiotic Iran nuclear deal of 2015; industrial- strength Trump Derangement Syndrome launched in 2016; lunatic extensions of zero-interest Federal Reserve monetary policy way past the resolution of the mortgage crisis (all 4 years); the EcoHealth NIH grant that funded the Wuhan Covid experiments that led to the pandemic-sparking lab leak was awarded in 2014. And so on and so forth.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

Chris, this is one of your best and that’s saying a lot. You definitely hit the nail on the head. Our” ruling class” hates the average American. I mean truly despises them. If Trump shares those feelings, and I don’t believe he does for one minute, he sure hides it well. In fact, he seems comfortable with anyone and everyone. I think he developed a strong respect for the average working person doing all his real estate development. That’s what draws people to him. If you haven’t deluded yourself with TDS you can see that he is a genuine person.

I just finished a book on Truman and the story of him and Bess going back to Independence at the end of his presidency blew me away. They just got in the car and started driving. No entourage, no staffers, no secret service. Just the two of them and the open road. America was a different, and better, place back then.

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Trump has many flaws, as do we all. I have absolutely not the slightest doubt that he loves the country and wants Americans to thrive.

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The ruling class hates the free thinking American, those that don’t toady up to the group think…..

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A lot of the working class hates free thinkers too. That is slowly starting to change but it’s mostly because of the outward disdain of the working class displayed by the ruling class. They used to be able to hide it better but they’ve somehow become emboldened to advertise their contempt. And they’re starting to get what they give.

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Perfect capture of all the arrogant hypocricy shoved down our throats and up our asses! The most outrageous part of Hiilary’s “Hot Sauce” comment is that the purse she was carrying that day was a $15,000 Hermés Birka Bag… but she really is one of us!!

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Correction: Birkin Bag, obviously I don’t own one….

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She probably bought it with Clinton Foundation money that was donated for Haiti…

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Definitely! She bought her daughters $3 million address with the Haitian fund.

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The shame of it is half of America consistently votes for these faux Americans. Blue no matter who, etc. Self loathing can be a terrible thing. Although quite a bit of the self loathing is taught by blue haired harpies and candyassed male feminists trying to get laid.

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And the sad thing is that it’s not going to get them laid. They are jokes

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

“America is sick from the top down & healthy from the bottom up” is a great description of America, Chris

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

I love that story about the Truman’s. Here’s another: after FDR died the staff asked the Truman’s for food and drink preferences. Bess said that the President and she enjoyed an Old Fashioned before dinner. The first night the steward served a traditional Old Fashioned. When asked how she liked it Bess said, “it was a little sweet”. The next night a different concoction was tried and when Bess was asked about it she said, “the President and I are not in the habit of drinking fruity drinks”. The steward is frustrated now so the next night he simply pours them Bourbon over ice. “now that’s an Old Fashioned Bess avers”. They just liked Bourbon but didn’t like to say it.

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Awesome story. Adding to mental archive.

Thx for posting. So apropos

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

Well, these leftards are so often telling us they will "tax the rich" so, why not do just that? Starting with all those private planes they love to use for all their Climate fraud gatherings! Make it so expensive to fly anywhere else outside the US, like all those EU Davos & WEF meetings, that they cry us a river. Mandate that private planes be all electric. Like to see them try and charge batteries over the Atlantic. 😁👍

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

Angelo Codevilla wrote about this phenomenon: a global elite loyal to themselves and no one else.

For this sentence, which is perfect, allow me to make a geographical alteration:

"Justin Trudeau is obviously more comfortably at home in Davos than he could ever be in any place between Montreal and Tofino (BC - a really swanky playground for the ultrarich), other than maybe a paired gimme for Whistler and Mont Tremblant".

This is a global phenomenon of rot and I have no idea how to address it, other than to take Mr. Taibbi's example and apply it everywhere: I'm a *Canadian* motherfucker!

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

This is so exactly right. To paraphrase Taibi, “fuck you, motherfuckers, we’re Americans!”

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

Yes! Spot on! They don’t like us. They don’t want to know us. They just want to rule over us. They’ve separated themselves so completely from us at this point that they are incapable of representing us. When they pretend they are still “in touch” the stench is palpable.

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Remember that Kingdom of ID cartoon? King on the balcony, the rabble clamoring below. One of the king's men says, "sire, the peasants are revolting." So the king responds... "you can say that again."

We are those peasants.

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Yup. And they really don't mind killing us

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray

It’s not “the American people“ at the top who are delusional, it’s those whose fundamental role in life is to fearlessly lead the way: MEN.

The majority of American men are afraid to set limits and consequences; they cowardly seek approval.

A man is defined as someone who realizes that since it’s not his choice to decide who likes him, he never seeks anyone’s approval for who he is but demands respect…beginning and ending with himself.

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Oct 1Liked by Chris Bray


It’s not JUST the American people at the top who are delusional because they are the extreme minority who the vast majority allows or disallows to pull their bullshit.

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Love it 😍

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