I used to sell and teach "LE/Mil use of lighting in civil disturbance situations". I was set up at a trade show and the "LRAD" booth was across from mine, He had the units pointed my way, and when he demoed them at very reduced levels, it was excruciatingly painful ( and I have loss a lot of my hearing from years of competing and teaching in the firearms industry) I went over and asked nice if he could "tone it down",,,,,he didn't. So, I just aimed all the demo lights I had in my booth at his, and set them to the "puke" setting, after about two mins and him getting very close to being violently ill, he came over and said he would stop doing inside demo's and took his units outside. Those LRAD's should not be dismissed as just "loud speakers" If used "incorrectly" they can do some bad things to humans. There is also a lot of other stuff floating around, that you hear nothing about.

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And they are using these things against their own citizens. Things in the US aren't any better, as far as I can tell neither is Europe. We have so much work to get out of this mess.

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"We have so much work to get out of this mess."

And they're throwing up more obstacles every day.

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We notice the lies. The liars keep repeating them anyway. For example, even though no police officers were killed on January 6, the president says officers were killed. They have paid no price.

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How about the most secure elections in history?

Over 500 million lottery tickets were sold in the US in 4 days last week.

Within hours of the drawing, lottery officials knew how many winning tickets were sold and where they were sold, down to the specific stores.

6 days after the voting closed we still do not know who has won in many races.

Nothing to see there....

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Russia collusion and Hunter’s laptop were the subject of multiple lies. The Covid lab leak also was the subject of multiple lies as is vaccine efficacy and safety. But it is so far beyond the pale to question elections that do not end until the Democrat is declared the winner, you can be thrown in jail without trial for asking questions.

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I don't think it ends well.

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As someone involved in the Wellington protests all I can say is I hugged people more in that 3 weeks than I had in the previous 5 years. The outpouring of love and support in New Zealand was amazing and it gives me hope we will win this in the end.

Things may not look great right now but I am still an optomist.

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Bless you! You protestors are my heroes. Kia kaha

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Your speech: Violence

Our violence: Speech

Your peaceful protests: fascist rioting

Our rioting: Mostly peaceful protests

Your censorship: threat to freedom

Our censorship: necessary for freedom

Let's all sing together now!

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'Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,

Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.

O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,

To Communism's triumph lead us on!'

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Trudeau and Ardern were practically mirroring each other during the Trucker and Wellington Parliament protests. Sometimes they even used the same phrases, it was uncanny. I believe after Trudeau successfully put down the truckers, Jacinda felt emboldened to do the same here. You could just see it all unfolding in lockstep. Our protests were inspired by your truckers. Much love and respect to them.

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Thanks for bringing our situation to a wider audience Chris. It's a truly dystopian state of affairs down here, and I can say for certain we have one of the most dishonest news medias in the world right now, and certainly one of the most dishonest governments. Please see my ongoing reporting on NZ in the time of covid (link below), particularly the protests earlier this year, and our Orwellian Disinformation Project (who have still not been transparent about their (probably government) funding: https://www.thelookingglass.co.nz/show-us-the-money-time-for-transparency-from-the-disinformation-project/

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NZ sounds exactly like Canada. You’re not alone. Unfortunate no one is coming to save us.

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"Evidence-based reality."

Never heard of it? You should. It's being tossed about by academic, government, corporate and LEO leaders as an in-house recognized term-of-art. From the Aspen Institute's Commission on Information Disorder, under their mission:


"How government, private industry, and civil society can work together in the short term to help protect underrepresented groups, and engage disaffected populations who have lost faith in evidence-based reality"

Make sure you "Meet the Commissioners." Some very notable ones:


(Dept of Homeland Security's safest, most secure election ever ignominy Chris Krebs and Alex Stamos, Katie Couric, Prince Harry, noted leftist propagandists Kate Starbird and Yasmin Green, Fox News' Kathryn Murdoch, NV AG Aaron Ford, TX Cong. Will Hurd, among others.)

Perhaps a regime might not go so far as to call revolutionary truth-tellers dangerous fascists or domestic terrorists. They might turn to another favorite of totalitarians, deeming those who oppose them mentally ill. Insane. Criminally insane if they are too exuberant in their truth-telling and resist being silenced. Dissociated from "evidence-based reality."

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This is the precursor to local Behavioral Health Departments declaring citizens, "insane." Totalitarian regimes go-to's for dissidents. Like in the Third Reich. Where the mentally ill were institutionalized, then sterilized and even "euthanized" along with other disabled and handicapped the Nazi regime had no use for. For their own good, terminating the pitiful existence of the feeble-minded. The poor imbeciles. And dangerous antisocials.

The Third Reich was simply following the law in the United States when it committed crimes against humanity. Buck vs. Bell, 9-1 SCOTUS decision, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writing for the majority, "Three generations of imbeciles is enough." (Eight generations now?) Still the law in the US today, never overturned, mildly tweaked in 1951, reaffirmed in 2001. Eugenics law. It governs the bioethics of public health mandates, including the transhuman agenda, gender-affirming surgery, biotechnology, injectible nanotech.


Bioethics as legitimized and practiced under Buck vs. Bell is how the "sophisticates" of the Brahmin class justify their "edicts for thee, but not for me." And if you dissent you're either a "stochastic terrorist" or dissociated from "evidence-based reality" and mentally ill, insane. Genetically undesirable for future generations. The disobedient and the imbeciles eliminated from the gene pool. By sterilizing "vaccines" and chemical castrations. And other horrors yet to be unleashed. We've seen this story before, now haven't we?

It's interesting to note that Anthony Fauci's wife, Christine Grady is the Chief Bioethicist at the NIH.


Here's what guides bioethics for the curious. Rationalizing totalitarianism as "good stewardship":


"Evidence-based reality." Another regime catchphrase.

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The Soviets did the same thing. If you were a dissident, you were insane and sent to a psychiatric ward. As Hitler said, there's very little difference between facism and communism. Orwell's 1984 live and in color all over the West, in particular, Anglo societies.

Danny Huckabee

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Resources for the curious:

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Hannah Arendt, 1951

"Describes and analyzes Nazism and Stalinism, the major totalitarian political movements of the 20th century. "


The Hitler-Stalin pact : discussion of the Non-Aggression Treaty and the secret protocols

Jeffrey de Pourestier, January, 1992

Department of History, McGiIl University

(All is important read, but p30, p47, p61 discusses their common foe: western liberal capitalism, how propaganda highlighting their differences was malleable for their needs. Also provides historic context to Russia-Ukraine conflict today)


Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2002

(Important to note, disabilities included those deemed insane, dissociated from reality, who were often actually just political dissidents. Reading this will bring tears to eyes. And know it included people who've done nothing worse than have ideas like Chris Bray's, mine and others contributing on this post.)

"The methods used for mass extermination in the Nazi death camps originated and were perfected in earlier use against people with physical, emotional, and intellectual disabilities. This article describes the historical context of attitudes toward people with disabilities in Germany and how this context produced mass murder of people with disabilities prior to and during the early years of World War II. Several key marker variables, the manipulation of which allowed a highly sophisticated Western society to officially sanction the murder of people with disabilities, are examined. Important implications must continually be drawn from these sad events as we work with people with disabilities at the dawn of a new century."


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This is exactly what has happened, is happening ad is going to happen. Thank you for your detailed post. <3 There is a book called War on the Weak that documents the eugenics movement (now bioethics). I couldn't even finish it it was so appalling.

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Eugenics...gene editing...transhumanism. All under our bioethical benevolent "good stewardship" of humanity who've been such great stewards for the pandemic!


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It, Transhumanism, is a religion for them. I believe the real reason for their hyperbolic focus on so-called transGENDERism is to erase human sexuality and reproduction completely. A limited (controllable) number of genderless cyborg slaves they can harvest organs from is a really attractive goal for these monsters. They even say it out loud that the end-point of this transhumanist trajectory is "human contaminated machines". To be certain, they will fail at this psychotic endeavor but how many of us will have our lives destroyed in the process?

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That's what carbon taxes are for - us, human life. As we breathe in air and exhale carbon dioxide we become carbon emitters...to be taxed for the act of breathing. You'll be given a way to avoid paying the tax: become a machine.

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Download doc, thanks. From page 50:

"2.23 The core notion underlying the concept of consent that currently features in the bioethical literature and much healthcare law and policy can be traced back to the 1947 Nuremberg Trials of German physicians,17 and it was later incorporated into the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (WMA), and other ethical codes and laws. These codes thus established consent as a powerful and indispensable condition: any intervention that may expose someone to significant risk is morally unacceptable unless the person concerned agrees to being exposed to the risks, and, in legal terms, waives the corresponding rights.18 Within the clinical context, the feasibility of consent, the degree to which it is, or should be.

Yeah, right.

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When you dig deeper into Nuffield Bioethics Council to the "follow the money" you discover even more interesting connections.

Nuffiield Bioethics Council is funded by Wellcome Trust (GlaxoWellcome, Big Pharma). Its international influence is on par, even surpassing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Its Director, Jeremy Farrar, an avowed athiest who resigned from the UK's SAGE SPI-B pandemic advisory board because its recommendations weren't totalitarian enough for his liking:




UK SAGE Pandemic Board:


Wellcome Trust is a WEF's Covid-Zero Founder:


Wellcome LEAP led by a former DARPA and Big Tech Manipulation, Deception and Surveillance senior leader:


This rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper. Dark and sinister. Always follow the money.

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Nicely done! Yes, the whole document is a contradiction. A justification for totalitarianism, called "good stewardship" because it articulates concerns for freedom and liberty, human rights...only to run right over them in the next sentence.

In this citation their wiggle room to an indispensable condition, morally unacceptable is the feasibility of consent. Our consent, they've declared, "isn't feasible" in a pandemic. Even a pandemic that's 99.99x% survivable, the same as the ordinary flu, that virology knows gets wrapped into the common cold once it's no longer novel. Unless the risky intervention amplifies and perpetuates it. Not feasible.

The Nuffield guide is riddled with that and worse justifications for totalitarianism. Check out the ethics of coercion section and mentions.

And check out the ethics of water fluoridation. Eighty years now, no evidence of efficacy, evidence of harm like causing cancers, but still ethical if local authorities want it, no way to opt-out...just like masks. Imagine eighty years and counting for local mask mandates, no evidence they work, lots of evidence they cause harm. Ethical under this respected guide for public officials and courts to cite.

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When more Live Not By Lies and become truth-tellers we will have our freedom counterrevolution. Which is why totalitarians fear truth so much. And why Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote this book:


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A Globalist complains that others get ideas from overseas.

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EXCELLENT point, and I laughed out loud. This protest doesn't sound like New Zealand, she says, sounding like Justin Trudeau.

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Our "leaders" in Congress voted to send billions to Ukraine--for we were being told by the splinter faction, "uhm, we must save Democracy." Billions upon billions then laundered back through FTX and the traitor Sam Bankman-Fried -- who we now find out was the 2nd largest donor to the Democratic Party over this past year. We had bipartisan backing of the Democrat's destroy America platform, by way of Ukraine, that was mostly the bs line of "vote Democrat to save Democracy." The money was used to save Democrat control, Democrat lies and Uniparty control of our economy & elections. Believe NOTHING you hear "officially" from Washington--and if your Republican Congressman votes for McCarthy as Speaker or your Republican Senator votes for the Chinese puppet McConnell--you know they are part of the splinter faction. (And are nothing more than RINOs being rewarded greatly in the background of the Uniparty. The RINOs will whine they cannot vote against their anointed ones, because..."committee assignments." B.S.) We MUST stand up for a change.

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Exactly, Chris. Notice. People keep asking me the same thing. 'Ok. I see what you're saying but what do we do about it?' My answer is to be AWARE. Once you become aware your mind becomes activated. It will flow from there. You will be able to connect the dots that they try to prevent you from doing. Once you enter this realm. you ain't going back. You're heading for the deluxe apartment in the sky. You're moving on up.

It's the same as notice but aware is what I've been saying.

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Excellent! I worked near the protest and never saw anything but amazing people being the best citizens NZ has. The mandates separated us and I never saw such wicked unkindness in my life as that directed at those who want bodily autonomy. This particular video by c Mccoy was one that helped me feel less depressed about NZ life: someone was pointing out the obvious stupidity.

An example of the brilliance of NZers when they're not utter brainwashed cowards: the police took away the porta loos, so they connected more to the main sewer lines! https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3QxYdl_M-17ZelBtSsk7JyCKREdvagkKHFQ&usqp=CAU

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Tough words to follow, but follow we must. Solzhenitsyn: "You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me."

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We hear no apologies for the incompetent and devastating handling of covid and the bald-faced lie that vaccines turned out to be. They just continue to lie. But what undermines our trust in our institutions? The fact that you are noticing it. And talking about it. Not that they are doing it.

Good advice. Keep noticing. And keep pointing it out.

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The police are disgracing themselves.

I say that from a family with police, as military veteran.

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Some people are refusing to notice. They are losing loved ones to heart attacks in their mid 40's and they don't even want to ask questions. At least half of our country is dealing with some sort of mental psychosis/breakdown. How else do you explain it?

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Wow, what a video. Thank you.

I needed to go to bed and so I started to shut it off for another time, but it sucked me in. Two things struck me: (1) that lack of self-awareness among the elites seems to be a problem all over the Anglophone world (if not beyond), and (2) what they're doing is going to cause a societal breakdown in that they are inviting nihilism in that people are coming to conclude they can't trust anything coming out of official channels.

And I can't quite get over the idea that anti-authoritarianism is bad. We broke away from England violently because we were a country of people who distrust authority. To what extent we remain sane here, it is *only* because of the people who still distrust authority.

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