Breaking! Investigation of university campuses finds "Planned Parenthood" clinics operating on university grounds, working with university administrators to target young women. The misleading name of the organization distracts from its purpose, which, far from enabling young women to plan their lives as parents, is actually intended to PREVENT parenthood, both by convincing young women to ingest dangerous drugs that can harm their reproductive systems for life and, in extreme circumstances, execute their unborn children.

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The implication always seems to be that they're a bait-and-switch; that young women who know they're pregnant and are actively seeking abortion services go to a place that advertises itself misleadingly and A-HA, ends up being a bunch of Jesus freaks that, um, hold you down until 12 weeks or whatever have passed or keep talking to you and you're too polite to leave?

I made sure to not have to deal with this kind of shit when I was in college, so I honestly don't know if this was a thing 20 years ago.

Either way, the allegations of stories like this are serious, and that usually demands some kind of evidence to mean anything. What exactly is the charge here? False advertising? Coercion? Intimidation? Kidnapping?

All I've been able to see in any of these stories is people finding themselves engaged in uncomfortable conversations and equating it with the worst kind of violence to their person.

Which is, I guess, a thing these days.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

"...that there’s an enormous risk that a pregnancy may be ectopic." These people. I want to scream at them for their blatant, by design, disinformation LIES. It's taken 50 years, but the idea that babies are biological time bombs that will RUIN YOUR LIFE FOREVER is firmly entrenched in the liberal Karen population who also view all men everywhere, and at all time, as evil and horrible. By the same token, they celebrate and promote the hook-up sex, act like sluts themselves, sleep with their best friend's man, and thereby set the bar so low, so extremely low, you'd have to dig a hole to China just to limbo under it. They get equal measure of blame that a lot of men do act like a-holes, because the PICKINS ARE EASY AND THEY CAN, but I also blame Pornhub. Especially for giving out free subscriptions during the pandemic to ALL college students and anyone over 18. I was 10 when abortion became legal. And I remember my mom picketing abortion clinics back when you could get arrested for doing so. As my daughter, during her 5th year of the biomedical engineering program at RIT, use to say to me "Mom, every day is a new nightmare." Indeed.

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Loved this article! Your humor and sarcasm is the perfect response to this so-called investigative journalism. Regardless of one's position on the underlying issues of the abortion debate, this absurdly stupid reporting deserves only mockery and derisive laughter. What a joke journalism has become in today's clown 🤡 world.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

weirdly, commander, every planned parenthood in nyc is located in a black neighborhood or one that used to be. funny how we aren't hearing much about that.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I'm a bit more optimistic. Young people have bodies, with all the usual parts, and they do know how the opposing parts operate. Most of them even want to operate these mechanisms. Media-induced EXTREME unreality can ring for a while within a social circle, but most of the people who sing the song secretly realize it's nonsense. After they leave the social circle, the pressure to sing the correct song is gone, and the interior parts manage to take over.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

i've noticed this lately- articles discussing the horrors of pregnancy, how it destroys your body (even though a woman's body was made for that purpose), then there's the weird language: "people with the capacity to get pregnant." you wonder how we got to this place where there are too many of us for the planet to support and we all have to die as soon as possible to save the earth so that the earthworms can enjoy the human free paradise and attempt to recreate civilization

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The gifts God has granted you to convey information wrapped in entertainment is both a joy and a struggle consume. Maybe that is why He has thus gifted you. Thank you for stewarding it wisely.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

A sad commentary on our culture; a culture of death.

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Is it just possible the Elites are Lizard people?

We perhaps should do some Investigative Reporting.

I don’t know if I’m being sarcastic.

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We are simply witnessing an historic population decline in the developed world and its cultural side-effects. This is an inevitable reversion to the mean following centuries of explosive growth. Abortion mania is only one symptom among many.

Our population is crashing not only from a lack of enthusiasm for children. Involuntary celibacy was on the rise even before Covid, both among married couples and young adults. Even as far back as 2012-2013, one study showed 69% of women and 85% of men wanted more frequent sex. Then Covid hit. One US study showed the number of adults reporting sex with a new partner in the current year plunged to 7% in 2021 from 16% five years earlier -- a decline of more than half.

So it is certainly not true that we are living in a sexual free-for-all necessitating constant abortions. Plenty of people I know are going mad from lack of intimacy as they white-knuckle it through a sex strike that makes Lysistrata seem licentious. Nor is anybody forcing men to dissipate themselves with porn. They dissipate of their own free will, the only alternative being a modicum of restraint that has long gone out of fashion.

As for the abortive college women, in ten years they will have dogs instead of babies, and in ten more years that will be the end of their lines. It is the modal outcome where I live. Everywhere around me, arms that once would have carried babies now carry dogs instead. Compared to previous generations, my own three children sadly lack playmates inside and outside my family.

Completing this perfect anti-natalist storm, we are just beginning to discern the impact of the mRNA experiment on fertility, and it's not looking great.

On the bright side, this problem lasts only one generation, and then we are through the bottleneck.

It's certainly a meaningful time to be a parent when everyone else is shitting the bed, and I've found it helpful to re-read anthropologist J. D. Unwin's Sex and Culture, which describes how civilizational advancement is directly predicated on pre-nuptial chastity and fidelity within marriage. Unwin likewise shows that advanced civilizations collapse within three generations of abandoning pre-nuptial chastity. We're pretty much right on time.

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The Luciferians are completely out of their holes at this point and they can’t hide any longer. Now, the inevitable conflict.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Nice to see you on Tucker!!

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Meanwhile, at 6:15pm PDT this evening, the Norwalk-La Mirada School District in Southern California will be voting whether or not to allow Planned Parenthood (an oxymoron if ever there was one) to open a clinic on one of their High School campuses. Yay Progress! I already feel empowered….

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I have unearthed shocking archival footage of our Elites from the 1980s .


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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

There is no bridging with these people. They need to be mocked into oblivion and then roundly ignored for the crazy people they are.

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