I watched them sweep the Iraq disaster under the rug with ZERO people responsible held accountable (and by "them" I mean our state-run media and/or our media-run state);

I watched them sweep the 2008 banking collapse and bailouts under the rug with ZERO people responsible held accountable (unless by accountable you mean rewarded w bonus money and post-govt jobs on Wall St);

but I really hope I live long enough to see them try to hide this bloated corpse under the rug:

"gender affirmation" surgery is the frontal lobotomy of our time and once the mutilated bodies start piling up—and all these poor deluded children realize that not only can they not have kids they can't even have an orgasm (!)—the trial lawyers will be feasting for years on all the lies and outrageous barbarity.

Please Lord, let me live long enough to see Emperor Newsom's greasy face when he has to answer for why he not only turned this state into an outdoor mental asylum but also why he turned this state into Dr Mengele's laboratory.

This is a sad, dark day in California history.

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🤣Dems think Newsom will be the next president! After signing this and a whole heap of dangerous, commie trash bills into law! Good luck!

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He’s President if the vote counters say so.

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Just the idea... I'll have to go yark for... ever.

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Why am I having this lurking idea that this is actually ALL ABOUT causing infertility?

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In all of this no one cares about the hell the children will be going through. Child abuse is already a “normal thing” in the human condition. We1st world societies foolishly think we’ve done something about that but no, we have not. It’s the big, dark secret of childhood. And now we are adding this new torture and abuse to a child’s world. Just imagine hat these poor kids will be like as adults.

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Red states can and must do the inverse, making themselves refuge states, shielding the child from gender confusion and harm thrust upon them by the other parent. Sanctuary states, if you will. Time to turn this shit back on California. Teach them about bullying. Dig?

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So how about a conservative state implementing legislation that will allow their state jurisdiction over all other states in protecting the minor from their deranged parent that wants CA to overrule the "home state" jurisdiction. Won't that be a blast to watch the fights that break out?

Not that any of this is funny! I am thinking the Supremes are going to have to get involved at some point. . .

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I went through a pirate stage as a kid. I'm glad my mom didn't have my leg amputated or let me get a hook to replace my hand.

There are many, many things that children aren't mature enough to decide. Big things and little things. If a 9 year old isn't old enough to decide their own bedtime how can they decide to change gender.

This is all just a symptom of a very sick culture.

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Agree! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️💪. How cute. I was a horse 🐴 for a summer and would only gallop and neigh. It was the freest time-happy time, can’t imagine adults destroying it with their narratives. My parents simply ignored me and I went on to 3rd grade after that summer-moved on to the next adventure. Kids need to be left alone. We all needed the exploration, imagination and struggles and victories of childhood. It’s our roots.

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Because the state wants to get rid of parents and be the parents. If nobody can tell children anything different, then you're nipping dissidents of the future in the butt. It's funny, progressives want to implement "socialism" but also destroy the most socialist structure in humanity, the family. Say Anything for power!

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rogan said on his podcast with tulsi gabbert that he knew a teacher, im pretty sure in california. He said she had to put a litter box in the bathroom because a kid in her class identified as a cat. I dont think this can be verified, but i'd believe it in this day and age. The parents of these kids are all emotionally abusing them. These parents are mentally ill and using there kids to vicariously live out there sick fantasies.

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But, the California state government can't unilaterally declare supremacy over the other 49 states. That's an assertion of independent sovereignty. It sounds like either an appeals court or the Supreme Court will throw the law out.

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When are we all going to meet in Nevada and push California into the Pacific? No offense, Chris.

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Just...give me a heads-up first?

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California has gone insane

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No, it's a very, very effective tool to DISTRACT us and SET US AT EACH OTHER. The CIA is so very, very good at this kind of thing.

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What is wrong with the legislators in this state? My family lives in the sacramento area. Selling the ranch and leaving CA soon.

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what's wrong is they are democrats. Strict party-line vote for passage. Though some repubs shamefully voted for the measure before the final vote.

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Nothing in the world is more useless than a California Republican.



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Except perhaps a Colorado Republican.

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60% chance that a Colorado Republican is a former California Republican.

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What is wrong? Godless. When there is no objective truth or morality outside of ourselves then we are free to create our own truth and our own morality.

John Adams: Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

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Divide and Conquer, confuse, twist, distort, and baffle.

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OF COURSE it’s Scott Weiner.

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A one-man legislative miracle.

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He IS a weener.

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I don't know how California could take jurisdiction over another state just because California says so, unless that other state also acknowledges the transgender clause. This underscores the need for conservative states to pass protective legislation. "Where Does This End?" is a truly fitting title today.

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Well, that is disturbing, but thank you for the information. This all just seems to be going off the rails. After a while, you begin to wonder if there are actual principles involved, misguided though they may be, or if we're dealing with a bunch of people who depraved and just want to burn it all down.

I read the Revolver article right after I read yours, and they're on to something. I really don't like this tit for tat form of lawmaking, but in order to bring some sanity back to the situation, California (and states like it) need to get their hands slapped, hard. I liked this line from Revolver: "Granted, no red state can match the pull of California’s economy and population. But several of them working in concert can." And that's what has to happen. The sane people need to start working together.

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It is absolutely about jurisdictional warfare. The trans stuff is a red herring, a dumb culture war test run to warm it up for use against political opposition.

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It's dumb culture war stuff over the bodies of real children.

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Yes, but my point is it would have been anything that drove a jurisdictional wedge. Its not directly being done to promote transing kids. It's an ambitious court flexing its muscles. It was already warming up with parents split over vaccinating kids. They're building precedent.

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There's no question they're after the kids, tho.

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They're after a broad change in legal climate about the state's power to intervene against parental rights. I don't believe the majority of people pursuing this agenda are specifically excited about kiddie drag queens or weird shit. It represents a broader, comprehensive agenda in undermining family privacy.

You need to do this if you want kids to reliably betray their parents to the state and to be orphan-soldiers. They thought they had gotten there but the parental engagement that happened during school closures showed that most families are still functional enough, or at least that parents aren't going to tolerate it in large enough numbers yet.

Weirdly, one element of what's going on is going to sabotage the other: parents get lazy and complacent when nothing noisy or weird is happening with their kids. If you're simultaneously tanking the economy, making grownups' days harder, AND hurting the quality of school or taking it away completely, parents are going to have their backs up.

You need a quiet, stable environment to brainwash kids under their parents' noses.

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Yep, I get your point, and agree.

And I also wonder if a three-year campaign to break people down, torture them emotionally, economically, socially, and terrorize the hell out of them, might also create a similar environment.

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An environment where they won't pay attention to what's happening to their kids?

I think it did exactly the opposite. Or am I misunderstanding your point?

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Bloody hell. I mean.....lost for words.

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God, California has the worst laws.

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And once they get done changing the kid's gender, they'll give 'em a quick jab on the way out the door...

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The NY legislature and governor are trying to keep up. Just wait until after the “election”.

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This could change the policy calculus for other states, particularly those near California. If they're trying to protect children, legislators may stop short of banning gender-affirming care because a parent may pick up and move to CA and claim jurisdiction. I imagine a majority of "transgender" kids have broken parent relationships to begin with, so this isn't a marginal issue. Just an initial thought.

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And isn’t this like Prop 12 where CA tries to tell other states their laws take priory. Very similar even thought transgender issue doesn’t involve interstate commerce. But hey I’m not a lawyer either. I have some intent.

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