A challenge, and a tough one, but see if you can penetrate the nuance to maybe spot a pattern in the recent social media messaging from Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath:
She’ll be doing Pride today, but if you miss it, don’t worry, ‘cause she’ll be doing Pride tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, and the day after, and the day after, and and and….
cOmE tO oNe Of OuR SiX tRiLLioN pRiDe eVEnTs tHiS wEEk!!!!!!!!
Now, Los Angeles County has a population near ten million people, with a $43 billion budget and 114,000 employees. From a Powerpoint presentation you’ll find at that last link, the county has, let’s put this gently, certain challenges ahead of it:
Let’s zoom in on the top right corner of that slide:
The county expects, in the near future, to pay a few billion dollars to resolve “3,000+ legal claims alleging childhood sexual assault at County facilities.” Nothing major, just thousands of children sexually abused in places run by the county government. In response to which, the Board of Supervisors would like to say that PRIIIIIIIIDE!
On the one hand, thousands of children were raped. But on the other hand, the county has a special flag!
Meanwhile, the phrase the news uses fifty times a day now to describe public transportation in California is “fiscal cliff,” as ridership declines and inflation drives labor, fuel, and maintenance costs rapidly upward:
In response to which the Los Angeles County MTA would like you to know the following:
Public transit systems are pushing a bailout package of at least several billion dollars, but just one problem: California is broke.
But don’t worry, the legislature is working on — well, on Pride:
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are, of course, on the floor of the Assembly:
It almost begins to look like a cynical effort to flood the public sphere with noise in the face of a series of crises that no one knows how to address. I mean, almost. Happy Pride!
Don't worry you'll get a one day break from looking for pride patterns on Juneteenth.
You may be giving these soul-less toadies a bit too much credit. They don't care about numbers, budgets, California, etc—even if this state were to crumble in the morning our political class would be jetting East to see if they could maybe scavenge an NGO sinecure or a talking head gig at Harvard or MSNBC.
I'm starting to notice that our progressive aristocracy may have the worst case of status anxiety since the Court of Louis XIV The Sun King. But instead of "Did the King notice me?" or "I'm friends with the Holder of the Royal Chamber Pot" it's a desperate need to be seen as a prominent whited sepulcher: "Can I get a pic too with that Trans nun?" "Did RuPaul return my call?"
There's always been sleazy opportunists trying to ride the newest religious craze to power, relevance and cash, but now that our dogma is based on crowd-sourced victimhood (Get the New Progressive Flag! Now with 10% more virtue signalling!) these pathetic parasites are desperate to genuflect in every direction.
Every once in awhile a group arises that embodies the worst aspects of religion—fake moralism, cruelty disguised as piety, competitive virtue—with the worst aspects of politics—shameless greed and bootlicking, blatant dishonesty and corruption, staggering incompetence—and here we are again. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the leadership class of 21st-century California.