Urging everyone to stay peaceful as they exercise their 1st Amendment rights? Sounds just like a Nazi -- and not the good kind like the Nazis in Ukraine's Azov Battalion (which definitely deserves our support and weaponry), but like the evil Nazis, such as Hitler and Trump. Today it's "remain peaceful;" tomorrow it's "Jews in death camps." We have to keep information like this video out of the hands of voters if we want to save our democracy! Ignorance is strength, so I guess Tucker Carlson wants us to be weak or something, with all this information he's trying to give people.

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This is absurd! Who are you going to believe!? Your eyes and ears, or chuck shhhoooomer? I can’t believe you’d even question this man: https://cdn3.creativecirclemedia.com/liherald/original/20190711-131830-Chuck_Schumer_official_photo.jpg

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Seems to me the tide has been going out pretty vigorously since a bunch of smart folks started writing on Substack and Twitter files. Looking forward to more of the same.

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Love your handle 😂🙌🏼

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I just feel immense sadness when I see someone like Ken Burns (among so many others), who are obviously intelligent and wiser than your average college kid or panelist on The View, degrade themselves in service of the Cause and shrink themselves down into dime-a-dozen talking heads, preaching to the choir and becoming just another politician. (21st-century culture seems to have transformed everyone, from rock stars to filmmakers etc, into the same dreary politician preaching tribal dogma. Intellectual conformity is the real toxic pandemic of our time.)

That being said, I don't know where liberals can go from here: if every conservative belief is ipso facto beyond the pale, if every conservative is just a Nazi Klansman under a thin coat of paint, if every time the Democrats lose an election it's (cue hysteria) the death of democracy and encroaching fascism—how do we live together and come to some sort of agreement or compromise? Where is their off-ramp? How do they share a country with people they so obviously despise?

I really wish Shelby Foote were still alive (though of course he'd be cancelled) to explain to us how much all this is starting to smell like 1850s America.

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We don't live together, that's how. Luckily there are very few of these clowns who do anything useful. The occupational classes are managerial non-entities, financial parasites, entertainers, and the service workers who leech off of them.

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Hey John!

I'm gonna guess that just about every society has had a parasite class of courtiers, financial grifters, professional liars, media pimps and whores etc who deserve defenestration or worse (esp here in the USA, land of the hustle). We are in desperate need of a nice pruning...

That being said, I'm not sure they're the problem (or the sole problem) or even that our burgeoning Karenocracy is...for me everything boils down to our having a ruling class that hates its own people, its own culture and history, and would gladly sell us all to the glue factory if it bumped their 401ks and helped their kid get into Yale.

If we could only have a ruling class that cared about their compatriots as much as they cared about the whims of global capital...is it too much to ask that our national representatives not despise us? Am I the Pollyanna here?

(Also, I have friends and fam all over the political spectrum, I need us to be able to live together, I'm too lazy to move again.)

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CP, perhaps it might be more accurate to observe that the core problem is simply that we do, in fact, HAVE a "ruling class".

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has their ever been a society without one? i mean since the neolithic?

sorry not tryin to troll just curious

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Only difference is speed and coordination, over a global scale, of the ruling class these days to bend the truth (to control info flow) , by changing the perception of perception itself.

I think it's easier for them to "hang" together rather than hang alone because there's less "points of failure" they have to contend with than in the past.

This allows the narrative to be shaped faster with higher fidelity and more easily calibrated in real time so that perturbations in the flow of information are not easily recognized. The still "pictures" of the narrative are moving today. People don't notice they're literally watching, indeed living, a movie that can be "edited" in real time to produce any perceived truth the overlords wish.

While we're all appalled (and appalling it is!) with all the lies, gaslighting, fraud and grift, the public only sees incremental inconsistencies which may brush appalling, but in aggregate, do not rise to level of appalling for them. The sliding pictures are moving too fast to detect the "stills".

Of course this also allows them to do stupid shit like lockdown the world, in a species level fail, virtually unopposed

I'm just using covid as an example. This applies to any genre of movie they want the audience to see.

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Of course not! But in many times, and many places, the then current lords and masters exhibited some form of noblesse oblige. Many were actually competent. And others made Pol Pot look Like an angel. Our current crop are edging, rapidly, into a totalitarian dystopia. And we're letting them.

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i'd kill for a lil noblesse oblige...

our current crop of elites are just branch managers for the global corporate state, may they crash n burn w minimal damage to the rest of us.

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As a historian, I can say yes, many such societies. However, since all public library books on this subject were burned in 2003, you will never become aware of such evidence.

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Actually, those books were merely removed from the library shelves. And replaced with child porn and socialist tracts. You can still find the odd copy in one of the West's few remaining used book stores.

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cmon! gimme a name, i need new reading material ;)

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They weren’t burned they were digitized to make rewriting them possible.

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Anyone remember Ark Fleet Ship B from Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy? They took the telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants, all the useless people and put them all on the same spacecraft after telling them the world was ending and they had to escape.

Everyone else stayed put on their perfectly fine planet. Someone call Elon.

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Oh what a great idea. It’s going to be a REALLY BIG SPACESHIP.

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That’s the potential of ChatGPT, although as I recall the telephone sanitizers part didn’t work out- and we’ll always need security guards

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They look ridiculous now (as they did to us then) but they were high on power as all mighty Karens for three years.

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The off ramp is who goes in the ditch and whom shovels over them. Vae Victis.

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I have to say in all honesty that I despise then back.

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The question isn't where the left goes from here it is where we go (or are sent). Gulag?

The left has won. They control all major institutions.

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No, they don’t have real control of the military, police, or god help them the veterans- of the 3 the last one hates hardest of all, and is not afraid of death (I am one) and without braggadocio.

We don’t like our uniparty 💩 government that was lying to us over life/death matters long before Covid.

In sum they don’t have the Gunmen. No one does actually.

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Yes Shelby Foote is missed. He was the best part of Burn's Civil War series. Burns is another one under the delusional spell. Sounds like Stephen King now. Losing touch with reality. Or the more glaring example - Rob Reiner. He actually did morph into his old role on TV.

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Don’t believe your lying eyes, comrade.

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I denounce and condemn my own eyes for their unforgivable extremism.

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I’m holding strong to NO AMNESTY for anyone who has keep the false narrative going. NO AMNESTY for anyone involved with getting these experimental jabs into people - especially children. NO AMNESTY for anyone connected to the WEF in any capacity.

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They have power. They’re not asking for amnesty they’re telling.

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Especially on that last part.

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And no forgiveness for those feeble-minded bleeding hearts who cry "forgiveness".

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You can identify them by their yard signs and bumper stickers…


WE BELIEVE…blah blah


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These people can all screw off -- they had plenty of time to demand access to the actual footage, but they were complicit with Pelosi's attempt to hide it all. They only complain after Tucker gets access but they don't. (They should release all the video to the public)

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I must've been asleep at the wheel... when did Ken Burns become an authority on what democracy is or isn't?

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ALL high profile entertainment figures are "experts". Just ask them.

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As Homer S. would say, expertly, "Doh!"

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Amen sister.

Thank God these morons, and that is exactly what they are, are showing their absolute stupidity. We know who is responsible for all of this and when the time comes, and it will come, they will have to answer for their real attack on our Republic. They are the Nazi’s,Facist

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Communist, Klansmen, Socialist, and all other worthless ism’s that have brought misery to our world. The “Elite”. Schumer and McConnell and the rest of our political class. Such a disappointment. We don’t know what our lying eyes are telling us. Just like the Wizard of Oz. Don’t look behind the curtain.

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Is Tucker just preaching to the choir? I certainly feel some vindication for my perspective on this topic but wonder if there will be any movement of the public attitude needle on this topic. The entire system has failed at this point and I don’t see how it gets righted. I always saw the judiciary as the last line of defense but the federal judges in DC are as corrupted, if not more so, as anyone in the swamp.

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1.) He mostly is. 2.) But other effects will flow from what he's doing, like the J6 defendants realizing the government has hidden exculpatory evidence and pursuing the point in court, which will lead to more narrative shifts. I suspect we'll end up with institutions that refuse to address any of the deception, and a population that sees the deception clearly. And won't that be interesting?

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As and when elites defect to 🇺🇸 we’ll get actual opposition and then we’ll see, if led the people are ready.

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If the system remains in power the system won.

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What the useful idiots like Ken Burns miss is that "our Republic" includes a growing body of people who have had it with the lying idiocracy that has infested our once great nation, like worms at a trash dump. Ken, YOUR republic is one of lying, stealing sociopaths & liars and we aren't part of it.

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The Burns guy accusing Tucker of rewriting history for showing raw footage made me do a spit-take. I guarantee this guy is fully in favor race-swapping historical characters in movies, adopting the 1619 project for the official curriculum, and wildly exaggerating events such as the Tulsa riots. I say this without knowing him, so how can I know that he favors these things? Because his side act like herd animals.

And he accuses us of rewriting history?

I just ... I ... What....

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Burns if you are not familiar does hagiography/propaganda documentaries for the NPR set.

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I found his thing on country music somewhat pleasant.

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The Civil War and Baseball were excellent. But that was early work over 20 years ago.

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Country music can be good for that. Pleasant was a good way to describe Burns work, until compared and contrasted with his NPR like failure to know when he is projecting.

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NPR? Alert alert alert.

Is he the one who taught their ‘newscasters’ how to eviscerate the opposition without raising their voice?

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Someday he's going to wonder why it's so hot and how on earth did he get in a handbasket. NPR tells me all I need to know.

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I can't stand NPR! They are an abomination. Ymmv, but I would almost rather set my hair on fire!

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When "THEY" rewrite history, its to correct "errors". Photographs or videos that contradict their revised versions of history is concrete evidence of evil intent by the persons who released the pics or footage.

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I think what I find most curious is realizing just how much cast-iron gall it took to suppress this. The startling cynicism, hypocrisy, and arrogance here is simply beyond me.

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I suspect the "cynicism, hypocrisy, and arrogance" is beyond most sane people.

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As I'd say in Spanish: cojones grandes

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Ken Burns is such a disgrace. I expect this from Schumer and Cocaine Mitch. Ken should at least smart enough to STFU.

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Has any Senator come to Tucker’s defense? What a tell. Maybe someone did, but the only one I have seen is Rep. Massey. It would be nice for someone to stand up for We the People. I forgot the turtle explained it all. The J6 committee heard from the Capital Police Chief. She knows an insurrection when it happens. Know she is head of security at Communist U. There is nothing here.

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"I now see I was lied to an conned. I am ashamed I believed it, and held it against you. Next time, even if i disagree, I promise to at least listen. I am sorry."

That is really all I ever want to hear. Instead everyone acts like McConnell.

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Hope you're right Chris. The jackals undoubtedly have plans for more entertainment for us.

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One part I disagree with. I don’t know the pastor from Adam, but someone is lying, either the pastor or the health officials.

If there’s anything I’ve learned over these last three years, it’s that govt health officials lie every bit as much, if not worse, than politicians. Definitely worse than used car salesmen.

If I had to choose, I’d say the health officials perjured themselves knowing that there is no penalty for official perjury these days. See Russiagate for examples.

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Interesting and plausible.

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