wow i would have never detangled the convolution of words there, but my bs meter has recently been recalibrated and the first sentence set it off CB...
Marriage of science and "diversity initiatives." Mediocrities inching forward through word salad wormholes, like termites through foundations. Say goodbye to excellence. Say hello to rainbows, tantrums, lawsuits and ever increasing absurdities.
For them, that's exactly what science is. This should come as no surprise, because they have perverted science to that degree. We are just gobsmacked because we thought there were rules! Like the Jews in Nazi Germany, who thought, before Krystal Nacht, that things couldn't possibly get that bad, because they had laws, dammit! Then Hitler just... changed the laws. And that's what these bozos (and I do a tremendous disservice to bozos everywhere invoking them as a slur, here) do to science... because they want to. (and they can...)
If I had to put myself in the position of European Jews as the Holocaust was brewing, I'd imagine at least some of the thinking/feeling was along the lines of, "I can't dwell on the possibility that it will GET that bad, even if my logical mind is telling me it can certainly progress that way, because if it DOES, in all likelihood there's nothing I can do about it."
It's where I find myself quite a lot now. Seriously, what am I going to do? Die resisting, or die as a result of their policies? Move to Mars?
back in the day my mom earned dual PhD in biology, geology on NSF scholarship... it was her ticket out of poverty. after working in the oil industry a few years she got married and became an incredible, wonderful full time mom to her three daughters. the NSF was not pleased at this career choice and wrote her a letter inquiring why she wasn’t doing something ‘important.’ she wrote back to them that raising her daughters was the most important job one could have.
Please don't take this the wrong way, because I sincerely don't mean disrespect to your mom, but if I had spent a large amount of money to put someone through two PhDs, and they didn't use it to have a career, I'd have felt it was a waste.
I'm not saying your mom wasted her life or that it was a bad choice for her. I promise, promise, promise I'm not disrespecting your mom. But if I'd set someone up with a high-end education to accomplish great things, I'd have been a little disappointed with where my resources went. She didn't need two PhDs to be a SAHM.
the circumstances made the continuation of work at the company impossible as married couples (at least into the 1990’s as far as i know because my sister had the same issue) were not allowed in same workplace.
the work she published then was still being cited as reference in the 2000’s in regards to the renaissance of America’s oil reserves so her work did make an enduring contribution. it was a scholarship not a lifetime contract. her life was not part of the deal.
she never stopped learning or contributing as an active member of the community, enriching many lives, not only as a mom but in numerous volunteer roles.
The post-Enlightenment scientific method doesn’t allow you to ignore known unknowns. You’ve to make estimates on well argued bases & assess the importance of being wrong.
One of my best friends is a scientist. -- he refers to the rest of us as "The non-technical class" -- love the guy, and he is brilliant, but he has gotten everything wrong over there past 25 years. Every-little-thing -wrong. But hey, 'scientists' build bombs and germs that can wipe us all out, so they're smart and stuff. and we should listen to them .... cause... uh... I always marvel at how no one really recognizes that there is only one kind of person sitting around in labs devising ways to destroy humanity. CB, write a piece on the greatest serial killers of all time aside from communists -- scientists.
Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment because he claimed the earth rotated around the sun. These bastards are nothing new. They just change verbiage.
It’s worse than that. They are seeking a “scientific” justification for their actions of the past two years and, as someone pointed out, the next 10 (climate change). It’s the continuation of post modernism. (Where each person has his own reality).
these overeducated do nothings are hell bent on ruining our lives it appears. Twisting language around to fit there beliefs. Then putting on lab coats and declaring to the sheeple, "follow the science" The sheeple are too dumb that the science they mean is a made of fiction created out of thin air by overpaid, dishonest intellectuals.
wow i would have never detangled the convolution of words there, but my bs meter has recently been recalibrated and the first sentence set it off CB...
This is so absurd as to be unbelievable. When will the "real" scientists (if there are any left) stand up and say something?
I remember them being busy protesting "for science" during Trump's presidency
never, there funding will disappear.
They are and have been. But sadly, they just cannot be found on YouTube or any other big tech platform.
Surely you jest. Surely, this has to be parody. Let's take a soup of meaningless buzzwords and make a new science out of it! With a cool acronym!
It reminds me of many "mission statements" which are full of buzzy jabber and mean absolutely nothing.
"buzzy jabber" -- what a great phrase! (Golly, I hate mission statements.)
Marriage of science and "diversity initiatives." Mediocrities inching forward through word salad wormholes, like termites through foundations. Say goodbye to excellence. Say hello to rainbows, tantrums, lawsuits and ever increasing absurdities.
"word salad wormholes"
For them, that's exactly what science is. This should come as no surprise, because they have perverted science to that degree. We are just gobsmacked because we thought there were rules! Like the Jews in Nazi Germany, who thought, before Krystal Nacht, that things couldn't possibly get that bad, because they had laws, dammit! Then Hitler just... changed the laws. And that's what these bozos (and I do a tremendous disservice to bozos everywhere invoking them as a slur, here) do to science... because they want to. (and they can...)
I'm sure the denial was strong. "It can't be. It can't be that they want to kill us."
Many Jews recognized what was going on early.
I think it is very difficult right now for people to process what is going on right now soberly.
People still want to attribute this all to incompetence or grift/corruption.
It's a tough pill to swallow to consider that actually...they DO want you, and your children...DEAD.
If I had to put myself in the position of European Jews as the Holocaust was brewing, I'd imagine at least some of the thinking/feeling was along the lines of, "I can't dwell on the possibility that it will GET that bad, even if my logical mind is telling me it can certainly progress that way, because if it DOES, in all likelihood there's nothing I can do about it."
It's where I find myself quite a lot now. Seriously, what am I going to do? Die resisting, or die as a result of their policies? Move to Mars?
There's always Irish Democracy.
That's my plan, but it's the only one I've got.
back in the day my mom earned dual PhD in biology, geology on NSF scholarship... it was her ticket out of poverty. after working in the oil industry a few years she got married and became an incredible, wonderful full time mom to her three daughters. the NSF was not pleased at this career choice and wrote her a letter inquiring why she wasn’t doing something ‘important.’ she wrote back to them that raising her daughters was the most important job one could have.
Please don't take this the wrong way, because I sincerely don't mean disrespect to your mom, but if I had spent a large amount of money to put someone through two PhDs, and they didn't use it to have a career, I'd have felt it was a waste.
I'm not saying your mom wasted her life or that it was a bad choice for her. I promise, promise, promise I'm not disrespecting your mom. But if I'd set someone up with a high-end education to accomplish great things, I'd have been a little disappointed with where my resources went. She didn't need two PhDs to be a SAHM.
the circumstances made the continuation of work at the company impossible as married couples (at least into the 1990’s as far as i know because my sister had the same issue) were not allowed in same workplace.
the work she published then was still being cited as reference in the 2000’s in regards to the renaissance of America’s oil reserves so her work did make an enduring contribution. it was a scholarship not a lifetime contract. her life was not part of the deal.
she never stopped learning or contributing as an active member of the community, enriching many lives, not only as a mom but in numerous volunteer roles.
If a field feels the need to put "science" in its name, it isn't a science.
Their first line of defense was to stop recording data. Claiming data is irrelevant supports their decision to stop reporting it.
It's really the only way you can endlessly sustain the argument behind the climate change revolution.
Spot on.
“Understanding & managing unknowns”.
Yeah, right.
The post-Enlightenment scientific method doesn’t allow you to ignore known unknowns. You’ve to make estimates on well argued bases & assess the importance of being wrong.
On the unknown unknowns, some humility helps.
One of my best friends is a scientist. -- he refers to the rest of us as "The non-technical class" -- love the guy, and he is brilliant, but he has gotten everything wrong over there past 25 years. Every-little-thing -wrong. But hey, 'scientists' build bombs and germs that can wipe us all out, so they're smart and stuff. and we should listen to them .... cause... uh... I always marvel at how no one really recognizes that there is only one kind of person sitting around in labs devising ways to destroy humanity. CB, write a piece on the greatest serial killers of all time aside from communists -- scientists.
Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment because he claimed the earth rotated around the sun. These bastards are nothing new. They just change verbiage.
Take a bunch of words. A big bunch of big words. Throw them at the paper. See what happens. 🤦
It’s worse than that. They are seeking a “scientific” justification for their actions of the past two years and, as someone pointed out, the next 10 (climate change). It’s the continuation of post modernism. (Where each person has his own reality).
I should have been more specific:
"big sciencey words"
Western science is now propaganda.
Don't look back.
Hide your guns.
Hell no, get them out and start practicing.
these overeducated do nothings are hell bent on ruining our lives it appears. Twisting language around to fit there beliefs. Then putting on lab coats and declaring to the sheeple, "follow the science" The sheeple are too dumb that the science they mean is a made of fiction created out of thin air by overpaid, dishonest intellectuals.
That’s exactly right.
When I was a youngster I learned to shovel this stuff. Tons of it - over the years. But there ain't a shovel big enough ...
There ain't a bulldozer big enough. Come to think of it, there ain't a bull big enough to produce it!
I never cease to be amazed at the BS that results when good, strong mind decides to lie, not just to everyone else, but to itself as well.