I wonder what other things the newly awakened citizenry will start saying NO to.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

The most powerful word in all languages: No. & it’s local equivalents. People forgot how to say it. And how to really mean it. I suspect this was educated out of them. The permanently easily offended have played their useful idiot role in this very agenda.

As a lifelong and unashamed No power user, it’s wonderful to see. I look forward to welcoming more and more brothers & sisters to the club. Thanks Chris for documenting all of these developments.

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It is nice to see these things admitted. But holy cow to see this guy admit that, huh, we think this might be killing people. Let’s do it again and see if IF IT’S STILL KILLING PEOPLE is still crazy.

But here’s another one. Took my kid to the pediatrician yesterday. He’s due for his 12-year-old shots. She said are we doing any? I said no. She said, you’re probably right about that. So let’s talk about each one individually and maybe keep them in mind and here’s how you file for an exemption. My mind was completely blown. The tide is turning.

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I'll keep saying this over and over again. I'm thankful to covid for one thing: exposing the corruption at the highest levels of government, the hypocrisy of the media and the greed of the medical establishment and corporations in general. The only question is: What are we going to do about it? What SHOULD we do to insure a scam of this magnitude is never allowed to happen again and those that perpetrated and enabled it are punished? If we do nothing, the next time - and there will be a next time - will be far worse.

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If LA County municipal governments are pushing back against COVID hysteria, you know the tide has turned. Now that this moral panic is subsiding, hopefully we can strengthen some of those pesky checks and balances and constitutional rights and other safeguards that could have slowed the public response to allow for the moral panic to subside a bit *before* the government overreached as far as it did. The same crowd that wants red-flag laws and waiting periods for gun purchases somehow doesn't see that those things are actually needed for public officials seeking "emergency" powers, with far more destructive capacity than any weapon a regular citizen could buy. Whatever procedural hurdles the Left says should be imposed on private citizens wanting to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, those hurdles should be imposed instead on public officials wanting to issue mandates -- especially when they aren't even following their own advice.

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Chris love the positive news and analysis. Most important as Colin Brace says below, is your point about saying NO. This is critical. I am pushing hard for Parents and Citizens to say NO to the child abuse taking place in elementary education across the country. The latest report by Chris Rufo on Portland puts this issue in stark relief https://www.city-journal.org/in-portland-the-sexual-revolution-starts-in-kindergarten.

And don't say, oh Portland, with an eye roll. Every day the same toxic ideas and pedagogy are being propagated in PUBLIC SCHOOLS around the country. We must all say no in the most emphatic way to this anti-education: a general strike against every school and district in every county and state where CRT, Gender-affirming, SEL, Culturally Responsive curricula and teaching methods are in place. Do not send your kids to these schools this year until there is reform. Would you send your kids on a play date to the home of a violent or pedophile parent? Would you let your kids play at a toxic waste site? Public schools are now factory farms, outputting "activists" with a large number of "trans youth" as a secondary product. Don't opt out, drive them out and make schools provide education not transformation of our kids.

How does this end? It never ends, get up every day and fight. The fight now is a strike against the schools we fund and which are abusing our kids.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I’m in/from Texas. “No” is great... don’t get me wrong... but In Texas we might be heard saying “F$#k You” rather than “no.”

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A good day and a some hope for the future. It's because of people like you, Berenson, Malone, McCullough, and others. Unfortunately we could have used a lot more of you. You guys did your part now the rest of us need to make sure this shit doesn't happen again.

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Ferrer was photographed at a packed ball game stadium sans mask. People are more tired of the hypocrisy than anything else. It's become obvious that these people think they are above us. They view us as insects, undeserving of life, let alone rights.

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Here's a month-late report on a good bit of arts/culture news: Morrissey unveiled 3-4 of his suppressed songs to acclaim and near-capacity crowds during his recent series of shows in Las Vegas. This may seem unrelated to the Covid-issues you zero in on here, but it's quite important--Moz has become a major thorn in the side of the elite Duper class. I of course have more extended commentary at PostModernConservative, but first, check out the best of the new songs, "Bonfire of Teenagers." It is about the Manchester Arena terrorist massacre in 2017, and is a big fat NO to the pushed-by-elites "Don't Look Back in Anger" response to it He'll be taking "Bonfire" back to his native Manchester in early October--what an event that will be! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAIZ4SQ5jnU&ab_channel=babyj

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As the world works in lockstep, it strikes me that the object of all this craziness is to make us detest our governments to the point of rebellion.

The globalist Phoenicians (Black Nobility) from their ivory towers, rub their hands in glee. They WANT us to overthrow our governments. They WANT us to demand a central global government and dismantle nations.

I think that is the geo-political objective. Don't you?

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Nice discussion. The lawsuit settlement and sudden reversal on LA County’s mask mandate are wins. As somebody forced to get jabbed so I could continue in my chosen profession, I’d like to see and participate in a giant tsunami of similar lawsuits. The problems we have however will not go away as long as the permanent bureaucracy of the various levels of government remains weaponized as a partisan enforcement branch of the Democrats. These destructive Leftists will back down only when there are severe consequences for their bad actions, something we have yet to see because the justice system has a widely visible double standard and in many instances is asymmetrically applying the law.The administrative state needs to be dismantled and bad actors punished. . This will take time, aggressive legal and legislative action and constant pressure. The fight is worth it. These people have destroyed millions of lives, and the aggregate damage tally- economic, morbidity and mortality, and societal is not yet fully understood. Developing necessary parallel structures in media, finance, healthcare, and commerce is also underway, so deplatforming can be circumnavigated. At the end of the day, the best way to punish The corporatists is to take away their economic clout.

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You should do a podcast

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Such a good weirdo. I got news for her. Covid fear mongering no longer works!

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

So you don't think that at some point when the actually flu season starts (not the damn summer) that these same people won't demand that we mask up the kids? I need to know as a Dad of 2 youngins. I cannot go through another BS year of this. I cannot mask them up 1 more day.

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♥️🙌🏽 This one felt so good.

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