The San Bernardino Superior Court website shows that Chino Valley USD has begun to file documents in response to the state's lawsuit, but none are available yet. Also, the state began to file exhibits, including declarations from minors filed under pseudonyms, the day after they filed the lawsuit. Incredibly, the San Bernardino Superior Court charges FIFTY CENTS A PAGE to download court documents, making this potentially a $500+ project.

Will update when available.

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The legal argument from page 6 reads to me like the poor environment for trans kids are the schools, and not the homes.

The schools want to adopt the Vegas slogan: what happens in a school, stays in school.

Sounds like a wet dream for all the pervert teachers that are fucking the kids.

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Also, the idea that parents took their children out of school for being "outed" is interpretation.

I interpret that same information as 'parents suddenly learn child has been pressured to feel confused about his/her sexuality, and parents get him/her out of that situation'.

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I like the part where it implies that all parents are bigoted a$$h0le$ that truly do not love their children and the other kids that bully, accost, verbally berate, hate on these kids and make their school lives a living h3££, are all the Saints incarnated.

And I'm sorry, but can we point out that this person that wants to "help" out the children, has a horse face AND the teeth to match?

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Sorry, I threw that in as a bonus, thinking everyone would recognize the face. That's Beto O'Rourke in the "Trans kids" t-shirt. Rob Bonta looks like the sleaziest used car salesman of your dreams:


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But but he’s the FIRST Filipino state attorney general!!!

Doesn’t that mean something?

Huh? Huh??

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Need bleach for my eyes . . . can't unsee . . .

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All I knew was he looked kinda familiar. Maybe that's why he grossed me out so much when he was running, besides he doesn't have the horse sense to go with those teeth.

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I'd say he bears a striking resemblance to British comedian Michael Mcintyre, except that's an insult to Michael 😂

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I think you have identified the specific reason for all of this.

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Bingo! Those were my thoughts exactly as I was reading through all of the nonsense on page 6. Every single example given referred to school experiences, not what is happening at home.

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1. I was miserable in high school. Almost everyone is. I wasn’t picked on coz of gender but because I was a fat weird nerd. You get bullied based on how you stand out.

2. The parents already “know” I bet.

3. “Trans kids say….” Yes. But. Doesn’t make it real.

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I was fairly unhappy when I was in high school, and I don't even remember being bullied. I think my husband is the only person I've ever met who remembers high school as good times.

I even had problems at home (again, I was a teenager). The worst thing that could have happened to me would have been to be cut off from my family! The perverted, ugly agenda of those pushing this is almost unbearable to contemplate.

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I'm guessing that you have, in adulthood, metamorphosed into a much more physically appealing nerd! But you might nevertheless find this of interest: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/the-less-desired

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"This lawsuit isn’t intended to lead to a court order; it exists to get Rob Bonta on television."

That's it. That's all it ever was or ever will be with the leaders of our memetic clownworld society. The reality on people's screens is the only reality that matters to them. Why spend the time and effort trying to change the real world? Besides, it's more fun and rewarding to get on screen. So public officials are adopting teenage girl Instagram THOT techniques and aiming to be "influencers" rather than do whatever duties officially pertain to their public office.

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Chris, every time I read one of your columns about the progressive wing nuts in California, I am so glad I left before my children were born. By the way, you have another progressive strike against you because you refer to the bedroom where mom and dad sleep as the “master bedroom”. I forget what we are supposed to call it these days, but I’m sure you can find its new name in Zillow. The craziness only continues to get worse!

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We recently bought a house in CA and everyone involved said "Master bedroom" then laughly corrected themselves to "Primary bedroom", with eyes a-roll. Folks are laughing at this stupidity.

Every week the CA DOJ blasts out a Rob Bonta campaign email to 1000's. How this is legal I have no idea. Check it out:


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I just got a chance to read Chris's latest and came on here to point out his "blatant white rooted racism" with that massa, er ahem, I mean the master bedroom reference. It really is a shame how clogged our brains have become with this comedic tripe the left keeps comin' up with.

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How about a school policy that works for everyone: “Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t listen, don’t care, and, especially, DON’T GROOM.” On edit: my point being that the sudden spike in gender-bending youth would go away if the schools/Democrats stopped pushing it.

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It's too bad we as taxpayers cannot sue these people for wasting tax dollars. Frosh, former Maryland AG, spent most of his time in office engaged in lawfare with Trump. Oh it was the same song and dance as Bonta; fighting oppression with zero case law or precedence. The process is the punishment for them. Maryland will spend thousands of dollars fighting the Bruen decision tooth and nail because scary guns in public, never mind that Baltimore looks worse than Beirut in the 80s.

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Amen!!! How about a week without taxes? We need to stop their paychecks and out of control spending of our tax dollars. We are NOT getting better and everything is costing more. We would not keep going to a restaurant that had poor service, higher prices, and smaller and smaller portions.

Though, I do realize the new armed IRS agents are waiting for us to do just that….

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All the victimization noted on p. 6 (bullying, etc.), happens at school. The safe space.

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And the bullying must be kept from the parents lest they become aware of their child's gender identity. This is good for the child?

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Good piece Chris. His own suicide statistics prove that transgenderism should trigger mandatory reporting. It is unfortunate that that will only be to other heads of the hydra but anything that triggers mandatory reporting on a minor should involve the parents unless they are demonstrated to be a danger to the child. I really think that the mandatory reporting of suicidal condition is the easy way to knock this one down.

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He was reportedly elected by 59.1% of the vote of the people of the State of California.

None of this is in the least surprising.

Depressing, illogical and idiotic yes, surprising no.

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I now discount all elections. Driving around PA all weekend….Biden voters? Impossible.

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"Election fraud" has now taken on a new extra-legal connotation. Mail in ballot mischief has been normalized and institutionalized to the point where it is part of the standard process that results in mainly Democrat secretaries of state certifying the "results" before anyone can realistically untangle the improbable Gordian knots everywhere to be seen. Intuitively any reasonable and serious person knows that while 81 million ballots nationally may have been recorded nationally for our non compos mentis president, with corresponding Electoral College votes, that does not correlate to 81 million living breathing legal voters choosing him let alone in the key swing states that determined the outcome. But certified lawfully, the results were, causing him to be the president as our legal system provides. Of course, anyone who has been around the legal system long enough knows that outcomes occur that are counter-factual and just wrong. But when the courts ultimately say otherwise even if they simply leave via the backdoor on jurisdictional or timing grounds, it's final and binding. When this happens in the context of private disputes that's one thing. When it happens in a judicial process asked in effect to referee who is our next president, the issue becomes how much of the baseless nonsense the governed will take before it is obvious that our precious rule of law is itself being used as an instrument of tyranny. Review the Declaration of Independence for further tips.

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I would also say that anyone who tolerates the status quo, is actively participating in the degradation of our constitutional republic.

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100. PA is a red state with a few islands of purple. Fetterman??? Uh not in any known PA universe. They're just f-ing with us.

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“I now discount all elections”


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The left uses emotions and ideology in everything it does. Marx made events up and deleted real events so that he could write his book. Mein Kamp by Hitler the same way. Your guy cut from the same broadcloth. They get away with it because the msm are the same and are equally stupid and ignorant, plus just as corrupt.

Everything they touch, they destroy. I just finished a Palladium SS about the Sepulveda Pass construction project and the incredible amount of time and money wasted because of all the rules, bureaucracy, and other objects placed in the way of its building. It took 5 years, double the original budget, and the commute time it was supposed to reduce, actually increased.

I'm glad you're fighting these miscreants. I pray for your success.

Danny Huckabee

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Only 5 years? Wow. Today it'd be 20 yrs.

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The goal of the policy is for the State to be supreme over the Family.

Nothing to do with the child's interests.

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Paragraph 25 specifically states trans kids report having negative experiences IN SCHOOL.

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Uhm.......Remember that Kamala was also CA state attorney general. Bonta is a symptom of our California voters, their ignorance, and selfishness in hoping to get something for themselves out of it. The stupidity of blue voters got us here, and now due to heavy voter fraud, voting, most likely will not get us out of it.

I pray for our state, our country, and most of all, I pray that America can somehow survive this destruction from Obama/Biden third term, woke, leftist ideals and loss of constitutional law. Bonta, Gascon, Bass are just helping to move faster.

Sad, and totally disgusting.

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I think one of the things it reflects is that 27 percent of the California population is foreign born, and another 21 percent are offspring of the foreign born. Most are here with their hands out. They do not share the assumptions of the native born and have never heard of our Constitution, let alone the Rule of Law. Due to sheer numbers they have not assimilated and are voting in a way that is recreating the hell holes they fled.

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In this case, I think immigration may be working the other way. Some of the most vocal anti-grooming voices this year have been Armenians in Glendale...


...and Latino groups in the Central Valley. Economic issues and cultural issues are pointing in different directions, and a LOT of Latino immigrants, and second-generation post-immigration families, are Catholic and highly disinclined to say that hooray, our son says he's a girl. We'll see.

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My home town. Glendale was not given the opportunity to vote on whether it wanted to become an Armenian outpost, overrun, bought, sold and controlled by Armenians. Original residents fled. We have that old crank Tom Lantos to thank for that, and he wasn't even our Congressman. But maybe some good is finally coming of it. Obviously you don't spend any time listening/watching Spanish-language media. I do. They are fully on board with the trans and drag queen goings on in the public schools, and spend a lot of time proselytizing and lecturing Latinos on how backward and hateful they will be if they don't buy into it and inculcate their children. Lots of heart-string tugging. Not just the news, which parrots MSNBC and The View, etc, but the entertainment content as well. The telenovelas for crying out loud. All the time. Check out the world view of former illegal immigrant Jorge Ramos.

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Media is media, is my first response to that. I don't take the performance of Spanish-language media as representing the heart of Spanish-speaking people, anymore than I do the English-language media.

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Chris, you are holding on to the stereotypical Anglo conservative's view of Hispanics, which is really more wishful thinking than reality. This is what got many of them to go along with relaxed immigration laws back in the 90s. "They'll vote for us because family values." Ha! Sure there are some social conservatives amongst them. But I think the media has a huge impact on the attitudes and voting habits of Hispanics, just as the English language media influences the vast majority of English speakers. Look at how Hispanics vote in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Illinois and New York. Look at some of the Bolshie clowns elected from Democratic congressional districts in Texas. Florida is a different story because so many, and so many of their parents and grandparents, have lived under a communist regime.

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In the case of California's recent madness, I'm thinking of specific pro-parent activists:


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George Soros bought 18 Spanish Language radio stations.


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When some Burbank parents were trying to elect better school board members last year, the group’s political advisor said that most Armenians don’t vote. Something about politics being corrupt back in Armenia so they assume the same here and see no point in voting.

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This was meant for “A Longer Name”

I agree!! People that cross illegally, and some who come legally, bring their issues with them.

Politicians, mostly democrats, don’t care about the burden or lack of assimilation- they are all “above it” and don’t live under the same rules as us peons.

We need to shut down all funding and fire these idiots. They are supposed to work FOR us!

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unless we never really vote for them ... as they are selected by the cabal. This manipulation has evidently been going on a long time.

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I am sure it has. All of this didn’t happen “over night” - it just feels that way.

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Yes, every election for the past 10 years in California, I keep thinking the outcomes will be different but then the votes are tallied and the progressives keep winning by landslides. The only explanation is voter fraud.

It is not he who votes that counts, it is he who counts the votes.

-Joseph Stalin

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Clearly. It is the only way any of this happens…….

I will count votes- — extreme honesty and integrity even when it’s uncomfortable I have no problem doing what’s right.

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“Kamala was also CA state attorney general”

What more can one say? Res ipsa loquitur.

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Bonita must like little Willies.

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Nowhere is it perhaps considered that mental health crises, depression and suicidal ideation are the actual conditions that push a child into considering changing one's sex -- the "solution" du jour. Being "trans" is not going to solve those problems. Disconnection is the condition that leads to the depression. The globalists instead push MORE disconnection -- from family, society, self-identity -- with the nefarious purpose of creating MORE problems.

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The saddest aspect of this nonsense is that none of the social workers and other so-called professionals seeking to “protect” children from their parents have no real responsibility for the children. They will not be around in twenty years, ten years, or even five years to pick up the pieces with these children. Their parents will be there for them.

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“none of the social workers and other so-called professionals seeking to “protect” children from their parents have no real responsibility for the children”

Moreover… they probably don’t even HAVE children.

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Here's a quote from a little report I and a fellow teacher put together some 25+ years agp over here. The quoted person was one of many civil servants (of various levels and stations/functons) we interviewed, partly about the issue of legal liability/responsibility re: decision making.

"If we were to be legally responsible/liable for the consequences of our decisions, we wouldn't be able to function in our intended roles as per our instructions from politicians and lawmakers!"

I've always found that a useful insight into the mind of bureaucrats: as long as the forms - the liturgy or ritual - is observed, nothing else matters.

To this day, I still am undecided if bureaucratic jobs/careers attract people predisposed to think like that, or if the job in itself makes them think like that.

Don't mean to hijack the discussion, it's just that the part about social workers having no responsibility brought it to the forefront of thought.

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