What you need to ask Mr. Kay is, "What caused the hole in your heart, and what healthy thing could you fill it with?" I once taught a young adult bible class using the Socratic method and suggested we next discuss whether God is almighty. Some young woman pulled out her bible, found a passage, re…
What you need to ask Mr. Kay is, "What caused the hole in your heart, and what healthy thing could you fill it with?" I once taught a young adult bible class using the Socratic method and suggested we next discuss whether God is almighty. Some young woman pulled out her bible, found a passage, read it, and basically ended with, "God said it. I believe it, and that settles it!" No nuance about multiple translations, words evolving over the centuries for her! George Carlin once characterized these folks as, "I used to be all strung out on drugs, now I'm all strung out on the Lord." Jesus taught in parables because they're harder to twist than mere declarations.
It's the outliers of the antelope herd who get gobbled up by the lions, but as George Bernard Shaw said, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
I'm tempted to go on more digressions, but suddenly I am run over by a truck.
Your reference to Rev. Jones is very apt.
What you need to ask Mr. Kay is, "What caused the hole in your heart, and what healthy thing could you fill it with?" I once taught a young adult bible class using the Socratic method and suggested we next discuss whether God is almighty. Some young woman pulled out her bible, found a passage, read it, and basically ended with, "God said it. I believe it, and that settles it!" No nuance about multiple translations, words evolving over the centuries for her! George Carlin once characterized these folks as, "I used to be all strung out on drugs, now I'm all strung out on the Lord." Jesus taught in parables because they're harder to twist than mere declarations.
It's the outliers of the antelope herd who get gobbled up by the lions, but as George Bernard Shaw said, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
I'm tempted to go on more digressions, but suddenly I am run over by a truck.