The author of SB 14, Shannon Grove, is negotiating with Assembly leaders in an effort to get SB 14 to the floor for a vote without a committee referral. If you're interested and you're on Twitter, follow this KCRA reporter:


She's been breaking all of the news on this bill.

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Thanks for staying with this; even if it may be local to a state in the US, stuff like this does have global repercussions when it inspires others.

I have done volunteer work as "a shoulder to cry on" for abuse victims. It has cemented in me the firm belief that execution should be mandatory for pedos, not out of a sense of revenge but because they simply never stop. Every pedo left alive and returned to freedom means a minimum of another child abused.

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I've read a fair amount of the history and theory of law. Often laws are created not just to criminalize and punish an offense against the public good but to avoid the chaos that may ensue if members of the community take it upon themselves to punish the offense.

If I were a criminal I'd be uneasy with the march of increased leniency and the reduction in police budgets. Eventually members of the community will take direct action against certain crimes and they will very likely be unconstrained by things like the presumption of innocence or the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

Some members of the public will eventually just force safety on their streets at the cost of a few thieve's hands and rapists' genitals. That approach preceded the modern machinery of law and will reemerge in the absence of its reasonable administration.

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Yes, while the Death Wish movies with Charles Bronson were fun, the world that leads to is horrific.

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Hence the "tyranny" mechanism of "anarchotyranny" to allay these fears.

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What does anarchotyranny mean?

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It's when you play dumb to try and bait someone into an internet argument.

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The state uses it's power to tyrannise any attempt at challege its power using legal means; that's the tyranny-part.

Simultaneously, the state ignores normal crime thereby creating or by inaction allowing anarchy to be created and thus causing normal citizens to live in constant fear for both criminals and the state.

It's sort of a mix of the worst aspects of both principles.

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Anarcho-tyranny is the DA turning a blind eye to Jordan Neely's long history of violence and threats, while coming down like a ton of bricks on Daniel Penny when he dares stand up for himself by putting said Neely in a chokehold after Neely threatens an entire subway car's worth of commuters with grievous bodily harm and death.

Had Penny worn a COVID mask he might not be under indictment right now.

Any DIY criminal justice reform will have to deal with the fact that the police and the DA are jealous of their prerogatives to pick and choose just whom they will jail and who will be set free. Threatening their prerogatives is an instantly jailable offense, far worse than any other offense.

Just ask Trump.

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Why is that called anarchotyranny? The arbitrary enforcement of the law toward political ends is a common feature of most tyrannical states. Arbitrary law enforcement was one of the issues in the Federalist papers.

I could imagine a situation where there is no effect of state power somewhere within the jurisdiction of a state. I imagine most parts of Somalia qualify as being in a state of anarchy while within the jurisdiction of a state. Still, that’s more like just a failed state, not a tyranny in any clear sense.

The term seems oxymoronic to me. It’s strikes me as a way to pretend there’s something clever to say when there’s really just situations with perfectly adequate existing descriptions.

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Selective enforcement is indicting Trump for having classified documents in his bathroom while letting Biden slide for having classified documents in his garage. It stinks, but it doesn't directly affect the daily lives of average joes.

Anarcho-tyranny is different.

The Anarcho part arises when you allow a criminal underclass to run rampant beating and mugging people in the streets with impunity. Have you visited NYC lately? I have. I used to live there when it was nice. The zombies have taken over now.

The Tyranny part arises when you hire an extra 80,000 armed IRS agents to hassle the Uber drivers and Etsy merchants (who survived the muggings and slashings) over inconsistencies in their 1099s.

Defund the beat cops who keep the peace against street thugs. Turbocharge the IRS which pursues only the productive members of society. Normal people are attacked from below, by criminals, and from above, by the authorities. If you live in NYC or Chicago or SF or any one of a dozen other Blue cities, that's literally your life right now. I fled NYC during the DeBlasio years because I saw where things were headed. That's Anarcho-tyranny.

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It means Venezuela.

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We had that. It was called "lynching". I don't know how effective it was. The last one was probably over 50 years ago. Try it today, and you will be sent to prison for life +. Do you see how the regime treated the Jan 6th protestors? Imagine how they would treat someone who attempts a lynching. This isn't a solution. It's a revenge fantasy.

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Considering the "mostly peaceful protests" the other year, and the rash of "it's not a crime to steal from a store if it's under X amount of $", I think the police response to a lynching would be 100% dependent on the respective races, genders et c involved.

Group of trans-whatevers beating a "terf" to death during a mostly peaceful protest? Probability high that no-one goes to prsion at all.

Group of white anglo-saxon christian parents beating to death a black man having raped a white child to death? Expect the police to make mass-arrests, maybe even execute someone Jan 6-style.

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I’m not suggesting anyone lynch anyone. I’m saying that self defense will happen when state peacekeeping fails. It WILL happen. It won’t be a better situation than a functioning rule of law, not by a mile, but it will happen.

And if individual instances of self defense fail to adequately reduce crime ORGANICALLY ORGANIZED self defense will emerge.

Vigilantism is the natural state of communities. It grows into warlordism or some type of micro state apparatus or both. It’s chaotic and it sucks and it’s MOST of human group behavior since the last ice age.

If we fail to preserve the rule of law we will eventually have tyranny because tyranny is as much a part of the state of nature as hunting for food. It might be big state tyranny or warlord tyranny or the tyranny of constantly wasting resources fighting off warlords and dictators. You can pretend it will be different with some shit a political philosopher pulled out of their ass. It won’t.

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“The same communities that have the highest rates of human trafficking are the same communities that have the highest unemployment rates, the highest rent burdens, the lowest amount of small businesses owned, the highest economic burdens in our state. But instead of investing the resources to take away the economic incentives and these kind of illicit markets, we invest all of these resources in our fifteen-billion-dollar-plus prison infrastructure.”


I'm sure the state is spending millions or billions on these exact programs, but the "help" always goes to the politically connected and never manages to move the needle on the ground.

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Exactly the example I usually use, although for Portland/Seattle. We know there's plenty of cash sloshing around out there, but the problems only seem to get worse......

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I've suffered unemployment, low income, and high rent burdens, and I don't know why but for some reason the idea of kidnapping children and selling them as sex slaves just never crossed my mind as an option. Maybe in California it's considered a resume enhancement.

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It's the ancient problem of one side of the welfare-trap:

If you pay people to remove a problem, they ensure the problem never gets removed.

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Nobody actually cares about disproportionately bad outcomes of policies for black people. Nobody. Everybody knew who would be hurt most by closing public schools (people other than rich white people who could homeschool their kids or put them in not-closed private schools), and everybody marched ahead and did it anyway. The race thing is completely a canard. It's just something people pull out to justify their BS. I'm sure when we're all paying for uterus transplants for men, the argument will be that white men are disproportionately able to afford them, so the only fair and right thing to do from a racial justice perspective is to have the taxpayer fund them. It's ludicrous. People who actually care about black people and poor people work at places like Legal Aid. I don't think we're even supposed to believe the "harsh penalties for child rapists is racist" line; we just know that it's an argument-stopper. It's like pulling a snowglobe out of your pocket during a chess match and saying it can move as far as it wants in any direction and can stop on multiple squares per move, killing half the opponents' pieces. Dude, it's the glitter snowglobe! You can't argue with that!

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Yes. It's not an argument, it's an argument-preventer.

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Witness the use of the term 'Latinx' in the argument and you know it's a sham. Patients are running the asylum in so many areas now. Disturbing

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I would love to hear from someone who was present at the creation of that term. I've been around/associated with people whose heritage was Puerto Rican, Dominican, etc., for my entire life, in various contexts, and I've never heard any one of them describe themselves with that term.

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I've read that they don't like the term, so the PTB continuing to use it says a lot about the arrogance with which they operate (as if we need more examples.)

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Yes words like 'racism', 'transphobe', 'islamophobe', 'homophobe' are just rhetorical tools for leveraging more political power. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I'm not an Andrew Tate fan, but I can't help but notice that the same folks who are rejoicing over his imprisonment and prosecution for trafficking are many of the same folks who oppose harsher criminal penalties for child sex trafficking (like this proposed legislation in California), who are up in arms about Sound of Freedom being a "Q-Anon" conspiracy theorist film, who celebrate "kid-friendly drag shows" and "drag queen story hour" for preschoolers, etc. Almost like they don't really care about human trafficking or sex crimes against the vulnerable, but are just happy to see the laws against such crimes used only as a pretext to punish folks (like Tate) for being critical of the Globohomo American Empire. (The folks most outraged by Tate certainly don't seem to mind that we still haven't seen Jeffrey Epstein's client list, for example.)

On a different note, in a perfect world, these child traffickers would be drawn and quartered or boiled in oil or some other such "cruel and unusual punishment." The fact that California's state legislators are so concerned for the well-being of the traffickers is appalling. In a perfect world, those legislators would be drawn and quartered or boiled in oil, right alongside the traffickers they are trying to protect.

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The pay-per-view revenue for the latter could probably balance California’s budget.

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Kalifornistan has broken free from the restraints of gravity and has decided on a pyrrhic death as it hurdles itself towards hell.

My home state, once the golden state of opportunity, beautiful weather, boundless vistas across incredibly spectacular geography, blessed with an abundance of natural resources, has proven that given a little time any oasis can be turned into a septic pool.

The marxiccists have destroyed their government, 90% of their state and created an ever dependent class of serfs. After DC, silicon valley would be the priority target for an asteroid strike.

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Kalifornistan, I like that.

I've been using Californica myself,.

kinda intended to reflect the whole Sodom and Gomorrah thing, even though I'm strictly irreligious.

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Not to mention the excellent education system that once existed there. Can't have nice things, I guess, when there's money to be made

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Protecting the victimizer, not the victim. It is the inversion of our world.

Time to hold on tight to our Savior & not let go.

Thanks for the article. Always praying for you guys 🙏

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"The same communities that have the highest rates of human trafficking are the same communities that have the highest unemployment rates, the highest rent burdens, the lowest amount of small businesses owned, the highest economic burdens in our state."

Do you think it ever occurred to him that perhaps the same cultural values might result in high unemployment AND low business ownership AND high human trafficking rates? hmm..

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"But instead of investing the resources to take away the economic incentives and these kind of illicit markets, we invest all of these resources in our fifteen-billion-dollar-plus prison infrastructure.” Tremendously cruel of society to victimize adults by making them have to sell children for sex, you see."

This is the argument that will make me go from calm to enraged in record time. You are assuming, if you make this argument, that poor people are incapable of not committing heinous crimes for money. We're not talking stealing loaves of bread here or even holding up convenience stores for a little cash. We're talking *selling children*. How badly do you think of poor minorities that your thesis is they have no money so their default is to sell children and we can't make that off limits or we're RaCiSt?

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I'm just outraged that not a single person at the meeting was wearing a mask. Don't they know we are in a pandemic!!!

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**literally shaking**

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Great reporting on this. Thank you for your careful research. I wonder where Nicholas Kristof (liberal/leftist NYT columnist) is on this. He has inveighed against human trafficking for years.

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Disgusting people doing despicable things. You reap what you sow.

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The California legislature's new anthem.

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It’s just a matter of time until adults in California will be free to have sex with minors, but face jail time for misgendering one.

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Most people believe the Bible has no relevance but I tend to think it is because they have no idea what’s in there. Two thousand years ago Isaiah wrote “woe unto those who call evil good and good evil.” The comparison of this truth to the defeat of the trafficking punishment law by delusional opportunists could not be more clear. I am disgusted.

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Thanks Chris.

Id rather eat broken glass than listen to those slime balls. But I get the drift.

And it's nauseating.

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