There seems to be a strong trend of candidates, overwhelmingly Democrats, refusing to debate the candidates they are running against. This shouldn't be permitted or tolerated.

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Agreed. Even if there is no rule requiring debates, voters should not tolerate it, and should view the refusal to debate as concession, and vote accordingly.

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It isn't just leftist candidates for office refusing to debate their political opponents. The entire left has made a point now of refusing to debate their opponents. Their entire cultural strategy is the equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and shrieking I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

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It almost makes you wonder if they know something we don't about their "chances" of "winning" 🤔

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Michael Anton has the Elites doing these things very ruthlessly and so very well;

“First, the elites’ top priority is simply to stay in power and self-perpetuate as a caste; what they do with their power is secondary.

Second, they think only short-term. Whatever they need to do in the here and now, to get them through this or that crisis, they will do, long-term consequences be damned.

Third and perhaps most important, they are in the grip of a faith-like ideology that they cannot question. “

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Quote is Michael Anton

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You're describing little kids.

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Anton is in quotes, yes.

Yes, “we are governed by callous children” as Peggy Noonan noted during Obama.

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Sorry, I didn't see your comment until after I posted mine.

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No worries

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They have decided to not permit or tolerate debate , or us.

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Most of the Democrat candidates are stupid, corrupt megalomaniacs. There are probably a few that aren't, but what will happen to them in a debate? For any statewide or national office, they'll be asked about national issues: the border, inflation, energy, crime, Biden's obvious cognitive deficits. They'll be called upon to defend the party and none of them are prepared to do that. Any Dem candidate who says Biden isn't fit for office will be crushed by the party. Any Dem candidate who says Biden is fit for office will be laughed out of the race.

Debate is to Democrat as kryptonite is to Superman. Nothing good can come of them for the Dems. No wonder they refuse.

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Cowards, they're pooping their panties, obviously.

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Subscribed just because of the pic on "BIO FU(KING HELL." It made me laugh.

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Me, too.

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Only low-IQ societies in a serious state of decline persecute their political opponents to preserve "democracy".

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I should forward this to Justin 'Ken' Trudeau.

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Well, that pretty much describes the USA. 😕

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Merrick Garland consistently proves that he did not deserve to be seated on the Supreme Court.

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Dear God yes.

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Keeping Garland off the Supreme Court is the best thing Murder Turtle ever did. Maybe the only good thing.

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I don’t think he should even be seated at Denny’s for that matter.

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I'm wondering about ANY of them...

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He shouldn't be the USAG either.

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Thanks for this hopeful essay and the reminder that the past is full of injustices. I sure hope people will toss out the bums responsible for this.

My concern is that it's not occurring in a vacuum. America is not acting alone in this aberrant behavior. Europe, NZ, Australia, and Canada have all taken carefully choreographed (it appears) steps towards totalitarianism. And there is a finishing school (WEF) that has been holding dance lessons for "promising" leaders, so many of whom are at the healm of the aforementioned nations.

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The WEF-ing of the global governing class seems to me to be making them much more brittle and a whole lot dumber. The emergence of a global class symbolized by people like Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau is appalling, but ultimately not at all impressive. Pardon my language, but these motherfuckers smell the same in every country, and their time will pass.

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Spicy Chris is fun!

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The central banks and politicians always seem to get away with no jail or blame. This time they have the world's major corporations in bed with them.. I want to see them all jailed. And I want people to wake up and realize who is doing this to us.

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Not if the elections are rigged.

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I so hope you are right. Agree these9 people are not impressive...m9re like snobby cultists. Think their sxxt doesn't stink.

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Exactly, Doc. It is not in a vacuum, it seems all the world's Intel Agencies are in this together supporting the WEF, World Communist Revolution, NWO, UN, ISLAM, Big Banking, Big Pharma, W.H.O., Vulture Capitalists, Vampire Capitalists, Various Mafiosos, Big Energy, Military Industrial Complex, Big Tech, and so forth.

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Yes. We are not acting alone or in a vaccuum. As I have said before , there is a fine Italian

hand behind ALL of this. In EVERY country.

THAT is different than before.

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Are you referring to the Vatican?

If so, it IS different than before, and it is a very very bad sign!

Very close to the worse.

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No not at all. Its just an expression...that there is someone or something behind the scenes that has been moving the chess pieces for about 20 years. There has been a consolidation of power and now you can feel power being aggregated and things working in concert (like big tech, mass media central banks, fed govt, fed agencies, DOJ, FBI etc etc...and to a certain extent the major shareholders of the major world corporations).

Although I do beleive Francis is an Antichrist. The Catholic Church structure has unfortunately been infiltrated and corrupted for years, and Francis is the end result.

Something is very rotten at the Vatican, but is smells like a dead animal...not a live one.

And the predator(s) that are trying to kill us now are very much alive. And I am very afraid there is no time left and they are moving in for the kill. We are the kill. We are the prey. Nothing in the past 20 years has been an accident...not Climate Change, not the trans movement, not the breakdown of the family, not the killing of the unborn. All of it has been carefully planned and seeded. The coup de grace is coming and faster than we imagine. It will be a horror show of famine, disease, drugs, violence in the streets (people against people), and mayhem but none of it will affect these predators. All against us. And we will be BEGGING for salvation ..which will come in the form of digital programmable currency and the social credit system. Which is tyranny forever...as Huxley said "Piture a boot stomping on a human face...forever".

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More like 2000 years! I think you're right, in a very short sense of history, and I also think these powers have been going on for much, much longer than that, even. Not the same exact people, obviously, but we're getting their descendants... And Rome is where the Vatican is now, and was then-- remember Jesus? Rome took him and his followers and discombobulated that whole thing, and many, many other things since...

One good place to find info on this is Matt Ehret's page, and another is Frances Leader's page. Check it out! I am just this year finding out about some of this stuff... it's hideous, but really fascinating, too. Cheers.

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I will thanks. But I must say I still believe our constitution was genius...and I want my country to survive. We ignored some important provisions...and I want to know why..and how we can prevent it if we have a chance to rebuild. Our current economic system will soon come crashing down .,,

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I still believe our Constitution was genius, too, Big Time. The BEST. And I want my country to survive, too! I'm willing to die for that cause.

What provisions are you thinking of, that we ignored?

And yes, our economic system is a dead, stinky creature, and has little to do with our Constitution, as far as I can see! We'll have to bury it soon, because of the maggots.

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1913 was inexcusable with the popular election of senators (still for SIX years!), the Fed Reserve, and permanent income tax (and they took tariffs away).

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Smells like dead children

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If she is, she's right, and it's not different than before, and also she might mean the "Venetians" or the "Black Nobility," which is also not different than before...

Except that now we're onto them... muahahahaaaa.

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I thought politics was all about debate.

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**literally shaking**

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Debate is obsolete, now we have Government "settled science."

Anyone disagreeing with "the consensus" is a domestic terrorist and subject to "mob rule" especially if white.

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*Wags tail and knocks the Democraps right off the coffee table.*

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There's nothing better on Earth than dogs. Not even chocolate.

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If you read about the Lincoln-Douglas debates., they lasted for hours and there were three of them to the best of my knowledge which means out of my head. LOL!

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Now it's just about taking de bait...

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arf, arf! ^_^

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Yeah, and I thought science was all about QUESTIONS, too. Geez Louise...

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No, politics is power

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Hope you are right Chris, and I also hope you have stolen your NYT subscription from someone and aren’t paying them!

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Not a penny.

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Why should they be afraid of a debate? Their answers are ready, regardless of the questions:

"Conspiracy theorist!"


"Election denier!"

"Trump supporter!"


"Maga republican!"

"Russian asset!"


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Oh man, you got me.

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YOU PUTIN LOVER!!!!!!!! arf arf ;)

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You forgot racist, transphobe, and my new favorite, semi-fascist.

Their answers give away how weak their positions really are.

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maybe these Democrats see that the debate audience is too well informed now?

i mean, sure, they *could* stand in front of a crowd and say "the border is secure" and "mostly peaceful protests" and "Covid vaccines are safe and effective" and "my gender changes whenever I *say* it does" and "we're kicking ass in Ukraine" and "the rate of inflation is zero" and "Hunter Biden is not part of the government" and "Twitter decides who it can censor, not us" and "there's no violent crime in Chicago" etc. but they realize that too many people in the audience know the actual truth now. all their "arguments" will fail and they can see that clearly. could that be why they don't want to debate?

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They don’t want to debate because the world they created has turned to shit. How do you defend it?

You don’t - you just stay home.

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"No violent crime in Chicago." 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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apparently, another problem Chicago has is lead in water pipes. but, of course, the mayor of that city is a Democrat, so it doesn't get as much press as Flint Michigan's lead problem, which was caused by a Republican governor. or something. and, oh yeah, if you're ever curious about water quality, dig around a little for stories about California's water quality, especially for the working poor in places like Maywood, or the San Joaquin Valley. California's water quality problems run the gamut: nitrates, arsenic, chromium, bacteria, salt and even uranium. I can't quite remember which political party rules California though....

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Dumbocraps run Kalifornia. --- Chicago has always been a corrupt cesspool. Chicago has always been run by dumbocraps.

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Except in Pennsylvania, where that hooded, stroked-out Shrek doppelgänger couldn’t string these epithets together without a few seconds’ agonizing pause in between each word. Fetterman won’t debate until—maybe—well after early voting has begun. I don’t blame the guy, given the clear cognitive impairment he’s got, even though Oz isn’t exactly a frightening opponent.

So without any meaningful opportunity to hear and fully vet his ideas, voters in PA are likely to elect an aphasic to the U.S. Senate. Clown world in full effect. 🤡

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I think they are afraid to face a debate with candidates who will force them to say what they believe (or demonstrate through debate what they believe). If the electorate knew what they stand for, they would lose decisively. By avoiding debate, they hope to avoid detection and get enough votes by blind party loyalty.

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I think you're exactly on it.

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It's like they're afraid to hear what people have to say or something. Or heaven forbid, engage in actual discourse and reasoned arguments instead of reaching for the nearest soundbite.....

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Cowards, all of them. We saw this on display for nearly 3 yrs. No surprise.

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Thank you, I needed this reminder. Historical facts and perspective is a gift in turbulent times providing stamina and steely eyed resolve to those defending our founding principles.

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Excellent stuff Chris! Americans need to know their history far better, then much of this would look vaguely reminiscent of the 'good old days!'

Not sure if there will even be a Democratic party in 5 years. Nancy, stupidly, let the squad do whatever they wanted and all they've done is piss off everybody in the middle who is just sick of politics.

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I'm not sure there was a Democratic Party is the last 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, maybe not for 30+ years.

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If there was, it's been without a small "d" for a while... Maybe a few short bursts, with Lincoln and JFK.

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Lincoln? The Republican president? He was not a Democrat.

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At that time, his party was what later became the Democrats. I know, it's confusing, but the Republicans used to be "Whigs." The names switched around a bit later...


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On the debating question – campaign debates are no longer real debates anyway, just two people alternately delivering carefully constructed snippets of rhetoric. So maybe not so big of a loss there.

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It's not, and I can't stand to watch them anymore. But it's telling when people won't even stand on the same stage for a discussion, however shallow and useless it might be.

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True. I was just looking for a little bit of silver lining. Or maybe sour grapes.

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The historical perspective is valuable. Our Swamptoads are croaking up a storm, because they are in deep guano at home and abroad. They are lashing out at everybody. Unfortunately, their problems become our problems. In addition to the social engineering already taking place, events abroad that we don’t learn about from mainstream media here are going to come crashing down on us and every other Western “democracy”. The plainly evident desperation of our power class isn’t just based on the fact that some of us dumb untermenschen MAGA mouth breathers are waking up to their shenanigans. The Western powers have made a mess of the world. They’ve squandered the victories of the twentieth century, and the “leaders” we have now are just incompetent, venal puppets of a global elite who want a neo-feudal arrangement with lots of serfs to boss around featuring a variety of even more sadistic diktats I’m sure we’ll all be excited to experience. Meanwhile the West has the BRICS to contend with, who are becoming a formidable challenger to our economic and geopolitical model. Since they actually make things, develop, extract, and sell their natural resources, supply things people actually can use - like energy and food, and manufactured goods, versus woke bullshit, credit cards, Kardashians, and cannabis gummies, there’s a good likelihood that the dollar is doomed as the world’s reserve currency, and that will be curtains for our dominance. So the weasels in Washington started a war in Ukraine to destabilize Russia, and delay the inevitable. It’s not working. They are getting squeezed outside and inside the USA. And they are losing. We are winning. The behavior of these homunculi is prima facie evidence thereof. But there’s gonna be a big battle before the dust settles, and no guarantee that what’s left will look anything like what we have known for the last 70 years. Cleanup on aisle 7 is gonna be a bitch. Support good candidates. Do your due diligence. We need to pull together, to cohere with common sense, decency, and yes, sacrifice. The atomization and decadence are not accidental. Resist it. There’s a reason humans have evolved certain institutions over the last 250000 years. The accelerating idiotic societal distortion of the last few years will not endure.

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The current Democrats strike me as the most joyless non-Marxist party in America in our lifetimes. The insistent masking really brings that forth. Do any of their prominent politicians seem at all happy?

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Well drive on.

Don’t plan on elections or courts being the solution. At best they clarify matters.

We’re back to 19th Century politics with The Democrats seeking to make us ALL SLAVE, the final answer to Lincoln.

If you read A House Divided speech and study the actual Republican Party it was fearful of the spread of slavery , which is where the courts and Parliamentary maneuver was taking the matter elections be damned. Then as now the Democratic Party- which never liked the Constitution- stops at nothing until it is stopped. This is mere analysis, not partisanship. I have no party , the GOP certainly isn’t.


“Welcome or unwelcome, such decision is probably coming, and will soon be upon us, unless the power of the present political dynasty shall be met and overthrown.”- Lincoln

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It's ironic that the man largely praised for "saving the Union" is actually the one who killed it.

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No, don’t agree.

He knew it had to be ocean to ocean. There’s no other solution then or now.

As for slavery...perhaps in present conditions human servitude is coming into focus?

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N o....sorry. Lincoln abd the North were wrong to wage war against secessionist states though right about slavery. It isn't a "union" at the point of a gun

Why do you think it wouldn't have been ocean to ocean? Why does it have to be one, big government behemoth, run from dc? Most of our ills from 1861 since flow from the hostage situation we've been in since Lincoln.

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Its a Federation, that’s the Constitution. Not one government in DC. The current central Unitary Government is an unconstitutional aberration called into being by Depression, WW2 and the Cold War. It has no purpose now and we suffer its death throes- hopefully not to rebirth as competent tyranny.

Union; It must be one nation ocean to ocean because of the geography, geography does not negotiate.

You cannot have different American Nations, none would see it as stable, every piece would know its a stepping stone to Atlantic to Pacific. If we do break up we’ll have the American wars of Reunification if it takes a century. No competent government would settle for less, only competent governments win such struggles.

Geography does not negotiate.

BTW the Confederate States seceded (rebellion) then began the War - not Lincoln. Lincoln may from being observed by Sherman thought it was mostly gestures by the South, he certainly didn’t take it seriously in Sherman’s view at the beginning (Sherman’s brother a Senator introduced him to the new President). The South lost, it was also the aggressor.

Had the South succeeded in getting foreign allies we’d have had the World Wars HERE.

Foreign alliances are why we can’t have separate nations.

They’d tear us to pieces and strip us bare - as Europe did Africa and Asia.

As we may now see anyway.

We now see slavery (ours) , we’ll soon know war, if the foreigners seize the chance to turn the tables on the American tormentor on our soil we’ll see why we really don’t like them.

Perhaps also why they don’t like us.

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Oh, and as far as the point of a gun - its always at that point.

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