Excellent point as always. There seems to be a (recent) refusal by a large portion of the population to accept that government (power over others) is inherently unjust and thus its existence must be constantly tempered and guarded with checks and balances. This belief is evident in the founding documents. The new mythos is that government (power over others) is benevolent and any rejection of it is evil—rather than natural and expected.

The strange thing is that in our core, we still feel the old mythos. Our films and novels follow the underdog against the powerful. And yet when we turn on the TV, the media is always on the side of the powerful, cheerleading the James-Bond villains and vilifying the underdogs willing to stand against the government.

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Time to stop letting a tiny cabal of filthy rich parasitic people who contribute nothing but negative input continue to tell us jack shit.

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How dare you question the captain and his crew! You don't get to be captain and crew of a spectacular ship like the Titanic by being incompetent. That's not how it works, silly. All of us have years of faithfull service aboard all kinds of ships, rafts, and floaty things along with 1000 years of cumulitive study of naval theory from high priced universities.

Don't worry, the crew checked below decks and everything is ok, probably. Sure there was a minor issue with that last ice berg we passed but it was definitely taken care of and will not be an issue moving forward. You shouldn't make a fuss about it anyway, as it might upset some other passengers and cause them to lose faith in the seaworthiness of this fine vessel, which could actually cause it to sink. We know what sinking looks like and we don't see any signs of sinking at all.

Look, the band is still playing and they would definitely stop if there was a major problem, right? They wouldn't just sit there and keep playing while the ship goes down, that would be crazy.

Anyway, even if something bad actually happens we have plenty of life boats to go around so stop with your conspiracy theories about icebergs and flooding compartments.

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"Don't worry, I have advanced degrees in iceberg theory."

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Thanks for the biggest laugh of the day. I particularly like, "You shouldn't make a fuss about it anyway, as it might upset some other passengers and cause them to lose faith in the seaworthiness of this fine vessel..." Genius.

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Perfect analogy!

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"Floaty things" 😂

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If you want a real Captain, Seth Keshel's just right over there:


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"After carefully investigating our own actions, we've determined that we've acted completely correctly."

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Absolutely disgraceful! They just keep getting worse and worse! There was an audit in a county here in NM, requested by the county, Otero. They did not want to certify the election due to suspected cemeteries turning out to vote, but were threatened with jail time if they didn't so they did. This state is crooked beyond belief. Very, very few Republicans won their races. It was an even worse bloodbath than usual.

I'm guessing Katie certified her own election. I don't know why she even ran - she doesn't like most of the people in AZ. Our SOS probably certified hers, too.

Most of us in my age group were raised to be good citizens. We said the Pledge of Allegiance at school every morning with our hands over our hearts. We didn't know the government wanted to kill us. We got vaccinations without questioning them. Far fewer than they give the kids now though. We respected our elders.

Even people my age (65), act like @$$hats now. WTAF happened?? Did this start with Woodrow Wilson or is it newer than that?

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You’re right NM is disgusting. It’s to the point of why even bother to vote.

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We might stand a chance if dead people and people who moved away 30 years ago would quit voting! The Election Integrity Project is trying to clean up the voter rolls but it's slow going. I need to get involved with that.

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The pearl clutching at the public's AUDACITY lol

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I knew there was a phrase I was missing. It's so so so dull and predictable, isn't it?

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Won’t somebody think of the CHILDREN!

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Seriously, fellas, the US is almost corrupt as Australia. I feel for Arizonians but their eventual hell will be nothing compared to the misery Australia's Victorian state will descend into following their "election" of Deathly Dan the Dictator, whose police enforcers drive old ladies head first into the road, then pepper spray them point blank in the eyes. Dan blocked legislation to give painkillers to full-term babies butchered for their organs. He wants "abortion extended to age two years.

I ask you, did humanity ever suffer from such sadistic psychopathy ever before in our history?

It gets worse. His bosses live in New York.

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Since they are called "The Terrible Twos," it seems no children will live to adulthood.

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I sometimes feel we're fighting against the foretold end of days. Here's what the leftist & elitist are!

Romans 1: 28-31

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.

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Keep reading.

Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? - Roman's 2:1-3

Romans 1 is an indictment against all of humanity and not an appropriate text for partisanship. It shouldn't need to be said that he concludes His charge with, 'All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.'

With God judgment and wrath is a prelude, a preparation for Grace and Mercy. Not a way to score points on other people in the same sinking boat as you and me.

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Apparently, this applies to you, since I'm not "doing the same" ! I'm not in that "sinking boat"you are in.

"And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?" - Roman's 2:1-3

A common misconception is that Christians aren't allowed to be discerning and judge unrighteousness. I've not left or forgotten God, and my sins are covered by the blood of Jesus. No man can be perfect while still in the flesh, but, we can resist evil. Are commanded, even, to do so.

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Lord have mercy on me a sinner.

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Wow. Just wow. I thought they weren't supposed to certify it until the assistant AG had answers to the hundreds of complaints she received regarding the election.

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I miss Angelo.

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Me,too, Ben. His work plus Charles Murray’s seminal work, Coming Apart, should be mandatory reading in colleges and universities. Might promote thought and analysis of what is happening now? I can only dream…

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Yup, we no longer have representative government, because we aren’t choosing the representatives. The power class chooses and we are supposed to pretend that we didn’t see that happen and everything is normal. They more they get away with, the more they take. They plunder the treasure of the nation, tax us for services they don’t provide or provide incompetently, and send our kids off to fight and die in meaningless wars so they can make even more money.Seems fair,no? Get over it. In the meantime, get out there and curry favor with the leading sociopath of your choice. That’s the new normal. Repeat after me: “Thank you, Dear Leader. “ I feel more American than ever.

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‘Elections For Dummies’ by Capt. Obvious

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It is the holy and patriotic duty of the People to tear down this government that is no longer for and of the People. It has become destructive to those ends and must be replaced with a new one.

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As always, your column left me riddled with anxiety. I wish someone could tell me how this all ends.....oh, wait....that's the question you ask every time. And you ask it so well.

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It leaves me riddled with anxiety. It ends poorly, is the answer, but then the down cycle eventually ends. I don't know when.

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From his opening remarks absolving himself and the board of any obligation beyond performing their "statutory duty", none of this is on us, we're just going by the book, to placating his way through the comments, and ending with fainted outrage that anyone would question the integrity of government officials, the whole thing feels staged and lacks any semblance of sincerity. Gates is insult to the injured Arizona voters.

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100% staged.

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He's so passive aggressive. It's like talking to a bratty nine year old that knows he broke the rules, thinks it was totally worth it, and has ever intention of doing it again. He expresses no regret for the election that "wasn't perfect", in fact praises the work of those responsible for the failure, and offers no reassurance that it won't happen again.

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How dare you unwashed fiends question the integrity we don't have! We were elected to decide this election and that is what we did! Now go back to the holes you came from and keep your mouths shut until after the next election. Deplorable!

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In 2009, Democrat Jon Corzine was running for Re-election as Governor of New Jersey. At a campaign rally hosted by government employee unions he promised to fight for a fair contract. He apparently missed the irony that the unions would be “fighting” him and that his job was to represent New Jersey taxpayers in that fight. It truly is us (the ruling class) against them (Americans).

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