"Can you please actually spend some time educating the kids in school, instead of waving rainbow flags all day?"

"You're so ignorant, educate yourself, fascist bigot!"

"But that's what we hired you for...? Okay homeschooling it is then...*

"Wait no not like that!"

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I expect CA to crack down on homeschooling soon enough, under the pretext of "preventing extremism". It's already de facto banned in the state for many (probably most) families due to the financial challenge of raising a family here on a single income.

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Exactly, pin these bastards to a wall and make them publicly explain why the kids at their schools can't read, write, or do math within 5 grade levels, but know how to perform anal sex.

They aren't creating future citizens or civic leaders; they're creating living sex toys.

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The real fun is going to start when the USA (like the rest of the world) starts to pull back on some of this madness. Just like we can't "see past" the people who wanted to put us in camps during covid, parents won't be able to "see past" the fact that teachers were pushing inappropriate sexual topics on their kids.

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The population is starting to pull back, hard. Here in Canada there was apparently a rash of kids - 1/3 to 2/3, depending on the school - who stayed home on June 1st to protest Cardinal Sin Month.

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That's very encouraging!

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Yes - but when ARE we going to start "pulling back" on this insanity?? Why is the US behind so many other countries in rejecting the evil, destructive doctrines pushed on us and our kids? Will we finally start fighting only to realize the shackles have snapped shut - permanently?

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It's sad when Armenian immigrants are showing up Americans when it comes to defending children. This sickness in society is nothing new. Pirate Wires had a great column today about why the death of Aztec civilization was a good thing. These people are coming for the children. Get them young and they'll choose buggery for life. Sexuality, believe it or not, is learned. Once they get the child thinking in their terms, the child will quickly turn on and "other" bad thinkers. The Great Leap Forward in China is rife with examples of children ratting out their parents.

This is a spiritual battle. Rational materialism will never explain the social charge off of a cliff. Society constantly marches towards this monstrosity. We are heading back towards "child sacrifice" again. Lopping off genitalia or a selective radical hysterectomy is just as much a sacrifice as killing that child. Their Generative Force has been removed; nature has been perverted and the mutilated will do anything to feel good.

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Parents are showing up, and getting arrested at school board meetings when they start talking about how their kid was raped in a bathroom by a transgender. Parents are on the terrorist watch list now. The FBI is targeting them, watching.

There was a school in the UK, majority of muslim families. When it was said they were going to teach the LGBT stuff, the muslim families kept their kids home, there wasn't anyone for the teachers to teach to. So guess what? The school decided not to teach it. If enough parents just stayed home, the schools would cave.

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They caved because the parents complaining were Muslim, who still count as an oppressed minority. If it were White Christian folks they wouldn't have budged.

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The Nazi’s sexualized teenagers at summer camp to get them to be loyal to the party and be informants on their parents.

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Armenians are christians for real- they let actions suit their words and do not treat their faith as a country club.

Same with jews and moslems.

Christianity sold itself to power, prosperity and progress many times down the centuries, which is in conflict with the core of the creed, creating corruption as continuous (sub)-cunscious credo.

For judaism and islam, no such conflict exists since they do not have any equivalent to god-made-man, Jesus, nor anything resembling Luther's shake-up of th perfidious heart of darkness called the Vatican.

US christians, of any colour, needs to get back to their puritan calvinist roots.

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Same with Muslim parents in Michigan.

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True but Armenians are Christians. Not to belittle Muslims but Islam is not really compatible with the US Republic if we wish to save it. Freedom of Religion runs counter to the supremacist nature of Islam. Too bad for Americans, Muslims have a strong belief in family and many children. Demographics are Destiny. I guess the Muslims will be duking it out with the Catholic Latinos in the ashes of our civilization.

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Islam is barely compatible with itself, as evidenced by its own history.

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As contrasted to Christianity?

No internal struggle or strife in the history of Christianity, eh?

Might want to review a bit of history for case studies of internal incompatibility in Christianity.

Start with the anti-Popes, continue through the Crusades that targeted Constantinopole, the Reformation, Counter-Reformantion, 30-Years War, English Civil War, Northern Ireland, and on and on and on, right up to the genocide in Rwanda--Catholics v. Protestants.

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You really should look up the meaning of logical fallacy.

The schisms in another religion has zero bearing on whether islam is "compatible with itself" or not as I put it.

Had you been interested in real debate re: my statement, you could easily have picked the actual statementapart instead of jumping both feet first into a fallacy.

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Yeah, thanks for the advice--already got a pretty good handle on that definition!

This topic (that you started!) is comparing the three Abrahamic faiths as to their "compatibility with the American Republic."

Your comment: "Islam is barely compatible with itself, as evidenced by its own history," veered off into your specific belief about Islam's internal compatibility.

Since the discussion was about the 3's compatibility with American values, following up your statement about one of them with an examination of another of them is completely logically relevant.

Christianity is barely compatible with itself. Ironically, Anglo-Saxon Christians built our country by dint of their culture, including their Christianity. But their Christianity has, seemingly inevitably, due to its internal contradictions (impoverish yourself, turn the other cheek, sackcloth and ashes, wealth is sinful vs the Protestant work ethic, wealth is God's reward to the righteous, etc, etc) destroyed the very edifice it constructed.

The heirs of the Calvinists are the PC-Progressives. They've taken the Calvinist hardware and swapped out the software. Now the belief system is that all aspects of Normal America are sinful. And the way to heaven is to denigrate Normal America and Normal Americans, eventually to destroy every trace of it and them.

Islam has no such inevitable internal self-destruct mechanism. In a civilized population, Islamic culture has risen to the heights of modern advancements (Persian, Turkish, Arab science and literature during the Dark Ages). Islam in itself is not the problem--the underlying people are the problem. Savages and barbarians destroy, regardless of which religion they profess--viz Sudan (Islamic) and South Sudan (Christian) are both shitholes.

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Perfectly said!

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Recent polls show that 20% of Gen Z identify as some variation of Alphabet People. Yeah, for sure, absolutely no indoctrination going on...they were all "born this way".

Blunt, but true: the anus and mouth are parts of the digestive tract. They are not sex organs. That's not hate; that's science. Go ahead. Change my mind.

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I'm willing to cede on the anus, but Freud and millions of amorously kissing couples might, like Johnson, say "I refute it thus."

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and of the 20% i'd venture a guess that the majority of that number comes from heavily liberal enclaves. Most every celebrity it seems has some sort of non binary or trans identified kid. They wear them like there newest gucci bag. Its the ultimate sign of signaling your virtue to flaunt your little non binary child.

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I wonder how many of these poor kids will stay in relationship with their Progressive Parents when they’re older.

Abuse tends to dissolve bonds.

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Whatever this alphabet phenomenon is, it is funded astroturf, not grassroots. No one would go to these lengths otherwise. The goal is clear: Drastically reduce the population by eliminating heterosexuality and reproduction.

Question: Where does the lgbtqialmnopqrs money trail originate?

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She's done extensive research on this and who's funding it.

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In which nations, among what cultures is this being pushed this hard?

What do they have in common? What do nations that resist this or are not being targetted have in common?

Which group or groups may hold a grudge against the former but not the latter?

Motive, means, method.

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It's being pushed in the lands of what formerly was known as Christendom. It is being pushed by a group of people who were adamantly opposed to Christianity from its inception. Not all, of course, but a great number of those behind the purposeful destruction share common ancestry. Wait...was I not supposed to notice that?

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I'm just angling for this:

That we are forbidden from debating and examining a topic for provable facts, is as close to proof of a cover-up and conspiracy you can get without an actual confession.

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You're referring to a subset of "Nothing to see here". A dictum which seems to be applied to ever broader swathes of our existence.

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Yes, lots and lots of taboos arising. Don't worry, though, a ministry dedicated to stomping out misinformation and bad thought will be sallying forth to save the populace from the clutches of...truth???

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Sadly, you're right. "Democratic" governments around the world are rapidly creating bureaus, ministries, or departments of "misinformation". The one commonality is the definition of "misinformation" as "anything that disagrees with our position on any issue".

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Yes, it's coming. In the summer of 2020, Google made many conservative and Christian websites inaccessible. I happened to be online on that day and was unable to access The Stream (a Christian website) or Rod Dreher's blog. They called it a glitch, but it really was a test run.

What interesting times we live in, AndyinBC.

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Our State Dept has made a key piece of policy an insistance on Pride parades everywhere as some form of recognition of LGBTQ rights.

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Let me know how that is working out for them in the Middle East.

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I think it's only in Israel, and barely at that, that they manage to have Pride-anything.

Under police and military guard.

Apparently, hating homosexuals brings certain israeli jews and palestinian moslems together like nothing else.

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Recently I read that Manchester, England is going to have a pride parade for Ukraine since Ukraine can't have parades in wartime. Go figure. Wonder who's supplying the money

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Good question ! None of this is spontaneous

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I spent my entire professional life as a broadway theatrical costumer, working almost exclusively with women and homosexual men. the only time a person's sexuality is of any concern is if you want to have sex with that person which is something you don't do when you're on the clock.

having the predilections of others shoved down your throat by people who couldn't have cared less 10 minutes ago while your kids can't read or do basic math is going to cause a backlash that will put otherwise quiet respectable homosexuals in the closets they thought they had left behind long ago.

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This is a psyop. It’s orchestrated. The gay community, to avoid exactly what you speculate will happen, should come out against this destructive BS. I would guess that the majority of gay people are not in favor of using schools to sexually indoctrinate kids. But there is gonna be a big backlash and the gay community should get out in front of this. But I’m sure that they won’t do this because they’ll be shamed by their more radical peers.

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that assumes that there is a "gay community" and i'm not so sure there is. i know there is a group called Gays Against Groomers

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Yes I was going to mention Gays Against Groomers. But they’re just a “far right anti-LGBT organization” according to the God head Wikipedia 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


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Well, at this point if Wikipedia says that they are a certain thing, that would be a pretty good indication that they are not that thing

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Why not check "the horse's mouth" instead?



Their mission-statement header:

"Gays Against Groomers is a 501(c)4 organization of gay people who oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating, sexualizing and medicalizing children under the guise of “LGBTQIA+"

By Baal, bringer of rains and saviour of humanity, what extremism, huh?

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Yes, I was trying to highlight the insanity of the "mainstream" messaging. So a group started by gays, run by gays, directed to gays is anti-gay? Makes complete sense to me.

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Whenever I look at wikipedia I feel I should have lab-glasses and gloves on. The swedish-language pages are even more woke than the english ones, if you dare imagine that.

It's kind of as if the Woke have weaponised the "No true Sc]otsman"-fallacy - anyone not compliant and orthodox fundamentalist enough is suddenly a white supremacist homophobe [fill in the rest wth crayons], no matter who and what they actually are.

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Valid point

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I'm guessing those LGBTQA protestors don't get off their phones and out camping much.

The Twitter world is utterly fake. It must be very confusing when you come into the real world and most people don't care what your pronouns are and weirdly don't want their 7 year oldss learning about sexuality.

A typical reaction of people who are confused is anger. You see it with people suffering from dementia all the time......sudden, vociferous violence, from otherwise gentle old people.

I suspect that is what is happening at these clashes sometimes.....the "good" Trans supporting activists are so confused that their world of echo chamber Twitter is not the real world, that they respond with sudden, rabid violence.

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That's an amazingly accurate observation.

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Ok, wow. That’s apocalyptic. When does it stop, or better yet, how do we make this destructive force devouring our children stop? We may need to build a wall. The people described here are ghouls and evil. I don’t remember anything like this growing up in the 70’s. Have we reached a point in society where we have no social boundaries, we are subsidized by the government so we can spend time drowning in porn and not even care to escape? We are dying under the weight of idleness and self-pity.

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"...the weight of idleness and self-pity."


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The first thing to do is not to validate or affirm. You might get something out of these two article out in the TransAtlantic,… check 'em out when you get a mo...

"A Death Cult, Transhumanism, or Plain Ol' Postmodern Cynicism?" – https://thetransatlantic.substack.com/p/death-cult-transhumanism-or-postmodern-cycnicsm

"Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?" – https://thetransatlantic.substack.com/p/ideology-and-anxiety-what-can-we

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You are always insightful.

I don't know how this will work out, but I do know this: pendulums swing, and this one has swung very hard one way. The compensation the other way could be wicked. Every now and then you will see a hashtag trending on Twitter: #LGBwithoutT. There are those in the LGB community who understand that, fair or not, this has the potential to crash back on them when people finally have enough. And doing this like this school board is? It only adds jet fuel to the fire.

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You're wholly correct in this observation. The parallel with Weimar Germany and the current US is scarily similar. If you're not familiar with the subject, the DailyMail did a series of articles roughly 10 years ago that are strikingly rhyming with the current moment. Search for "Weimar Berlin homosexual" and the articles should come up.

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I understand the temptation, because there are some similarities post-2008 to the Interwar period, but beware of the 1930s analogy. You might not like it when it is used against you. Have a peep at this article I just put out in The TransAtlantic, I think it's worth a read…


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Thanks, I'll check it out. As for having the 1930s analogy turned on me, it wouldn't bother me a bit. After being called every name in the Lefty ad hominem playbook by my millennial brother and my trans stepson, I've got thick skin and stopped caring. When everything they say boils down to "feelz," I'm just done.

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Fair point. The problem is that this disingenuous narrative is working among decisive sections of the electorate. I think it had an effect in both 2020 and 2022, and its enabling people to do some outrageously damaging things in DAs offices and in the DOJ/FBI, so it needs fighting back against. You and I can roll with the slaps, but if its allowing elites to control the public discourse and to use the bureaucracy to crush dissent and influence elections,.... not good.

Thanks for the response though!

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The thing is Lillia, they can't help themselves at this point. They are left with little option but to intensify for both ideological and physiological reasons. The best strategy from here is not to humor them anymore and instead to expose them and reveal their actions to the population at large. Unless you have already read them, check out these articlettes recently out in The TransAtlantic, I think you will get something from them.

"A Death Cult, Transhumanism, or Plain Ol' Postmodern Cynicism?" – https://thetransatlantic.substack.com/p/death-cult-transhumanism-or-postmodern-cycnicsm

"Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?" – https://thetransatlantic.substack.com/p/ideology-and-anxiety-what-can-we

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I like the titles already.

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This whole gay tranny psyop by the Establishment is very interesting on many levels. It’s so clearly a scripted operation that it’s not even a question. Even gay people are now like

“WTF” and “I didn’t sign up for this.” Many homosexuals are not tranny positive. Surprise!

It is crystal clear that shoving cross dressers, Satanists, tranny performance artists in everybody’s face all the time us about demonstrating dominance. “Look, we can put the most outlandish, insulting, disturbing displays in front of your children , and there’s nothing you can do to stop us. If you fight back, we’ll find another way to punish you. We’ll label you rubes and bad parents and take your kids.” The pedophiles and whatever other paraphiliacs they can come up with will be next under the spotlight. Just wait...

Is the lightbulb going on yet in the heads of any Hollywood Democrats, gay or straight, who voted for this shit, that you are seen as what you are: useful idiots, AKA wedges, the simplest and earliest tool known to man. You get the same abuse as the devout Christian hunting Red state construction bro, because the regime could care less what you think. There’s a big opportunity here to get these folks off the Democrat stripper pole. Hey you guys, you’re gonna vote for this shit again???! But don’t worry, the Republicans will find five ways to blow the opening (no pun intended) in the Democrats’ phalanx of victimhood. The Dems have now alienated non-insane moms, women athletes, straight people, men, white people, more and more black people, Asians, Christians, Jews, Armenians,...who is left? Government emoloyees, billionaires, the drug addicted ( who are not big voters- pro tip) , dumb dumbs, and unemployed people.

The Dems are going to continue to blitzkreig their way to 2024 with one manufactured crisis after another, all designed to demoralize and overwhelm you. Hard to keep up with who and what is in current favor when it changes every ten minutes. Trump indicted on BS! Ukraine BS!

Gay-Tranny BS! COVID vaccine related abnormally high death rates! Illegal immigrant-o-geddon! Digital dollar fascism! AR-15 pistol brace retroactive felonization! You can’t keep up. It’s not humanly possible and that’s the point.

This is the end game for the anti-revolution of the billionaire ersatz Commie WEF losers. They seem to be winning. But they are not. The answer is - withdraw. Withdraw your kids from their shit schools. Withdraw your money from their shit banks and money market accounts. Don’t patronize their shit corporations. Don’t work for them or if you do, do a shit job ( you’ll fit right in, I promise.) Don’t let them govern you- move if you can. They are collapsing. Get out of the way. You can’t neurolinguistically program kids who aren’t there. You can’t trannify my beer if I don’t drink it. What is the sound of one sequin pasty rotating?

Who is John Gault? It’s time, people.

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WRT the fourth graf, no. The lightbulb is not going on. Have had several events recently in which, mixing with groups and talking to normal people who focus on work and family and don't dig into the news beyond the headlines, I've been assured that, for example, middle America is full of bigots who are foaming at the mouth to exterminate the gays, and that masks show you care about other people. It works. I assume, each and every morning, that the whole cultural formation has become so Alice in Wonderland that it has to collapse under its own decrepitude. But maybe not.

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Well, sorry to hear that. But I guess not entirely unexpected. We all choose our favorite delusions. But I do think there are some people who aren’t locked in to the matrix 100%. The rest: it is what it is. You can’t care more about somebody then they care for themselves. Had another patient this week. Labs came back abnormal. Has significant anemia. Wants a big surgery. So I called them and explained that we need to fix the anemia first because it’s not safe to do such a big operation under these conditions. the patient told me that they want their money back and they will find someone else to do it. So I said the money was no problem, but didn’t they care that doing surgery under these conditions was dangerous? They said “no”.

This is elective surgery. No medical necessity.

So I said Vaya con Dios. I don’t want that patient. And believe me, somebody else is gonna do that surgery.

I just don’t see how the country can come back together under the present polarization.

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Little Miss Trouble


"A mistake lies at the heart of this question, a false conceit borne of metaphors like tides, and pendulums and fashion fossils like bellbottoms: That if we all stay quiet, the trans extremism will swing back or die down, like feathered bangs and breakdancing.

"Gender Ideology is not a pendulum, and it will not swing back with a little help from inertia. Gender Ideology is a fundamentalist religion—intolerant, demanding strict adherence to doctrine, hell-bent on gathering proselytes. I do not here use the term “religion” metaphorically or lightly."

"Gender Ideology is a fundamentalist religion—intolerant, demanding strict adherence to doctrine, hell-bent on gathering proselytes."

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Wish I could like your comment 10x! Best summary.

Problem is, how to preserve retirement funds without using banks, money markets, brokerage firms (not that you can identify stocks whose management is not owned by Blackrock and their siblings).

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You’re right, it’s very hard.

Energy matters. The green new deal numbers make no sense. Fossil fuel related stocks - oil ain’t over by a long shot.

Uranium And nuclear - because energy density matters and its clean and safer than the so called green alternatives that actually destroy the environment. Teslas aren’t innocent. Hybrids make a lot more sense if you want to go that route in terms of required natural resources and net carbon benefit (which is more BS, but anyway...)

Commodity stocks - need a lot of copper and lithium and cobalt etc to turn the world green and stocks are insufficient and dwindling,


Precious metals, Bitcoin,

Real estate with a cash flow.

But I’m definitely not an expert, just throwing some ideas, not financial advice.

ESG/DEI people have taken over the financial system. And some of the stuff they push will make a lot of money for some people of course. So it’s difficult . You do what you can do.

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I suggest that the "B" in LGBTQ is even more problematic than the "T", in a culture where there are approximately 256 genders.... 🤔

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It's very discriminatory, only picking 2 and not including the other 254. What bastards!

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This rot is definitely absorbing the weak-minded, those who want to be accepted and liked.

That children are involved is secondary but also more exciting by pushing on those old-fashioned norms we call civilization.

"Watch us push boundaries and get away with it and there is nothing you can do, ha!"

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The sacred crusade and what it provides to people—social cohesion, moral preening with a side of moral bullying, an in-group to join and an outgroup to hate, a chance to feel special and holy, plus whatever job and romantic opportunities all this may provide—is often much more important than the actual contents of said social crusade. Especially once the more disturbing aspects of the dogma get honeyed over with emotionalism and "Think of the suffering children!" pieties.

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No one is talking about how Antifa magically reappeared at the Glendale Unified protest. The call must have gone out to gather the far-left shock troops to combat the fed-up parents. I watched a Glendale PD video in which a large group of Armenians kicked the asses of the Antifa phonies. It was hilarious.

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Succinct. The construction of an outgroup is very very important, and it's interesting how many people are being assigned to it.

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It appears that the outgroup far outnumbers the ingroup. At what point do the outs prevail over the ins? When do the outs become the ins? Is there any hope that, sometime soon, sanity might return?

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It's the purity spiral of leftist politics, Stalin's emptying of the House of Government in a purge of Old Bolsheviks. It's...what happens. More and more groups become LITERALLY ADOLF HITLER because of the slightest deviation from today's line. Liberal parents in North Hollywood are fascists!

"Tell Me How This Ends."

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Anyone over say, forty or so, is routinely placed in the “out group” because how many middle aged people are deciding to to switch genders? The market for Big Pharma’s magic elixirs and for hospital profits is kids! That’s where the market growth potential lies…Follow the money… And the moneyed elites who have their talons in socialism and stand to rake in more billions as the insanity is normalized. The outgroup is people like US folks, since I suspect most of the solid thinkers on this thread have a few decades behind us of logical thinking and common sense.

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Whew! Well said! They aren't even trying to hide their contempt for us any more.

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I mean, they seem to be trying to make very sure that we see it.

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Yes! They are rubbing our nose in their poop. Sadism? Ritual humiliation at the least.

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That flag looks very agressive when hung like that.

The black/brown wedge dividing and pushing down all the other colours, while the triangle with a the black circle hovers triumphantly above it.

That's the funny thing with semiotics and and creating symbols: they will say what you really intend an feel, despite you maybe designing it to have a different overt tone and message.

That flags screams of totalitarian oppression, violence and worshipping joy through strength.

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🤩 That's the funny thing with comments: the absolute best never get the prominence/recognition they rightfully deserve. Life's unfair on many counts, wherever you bother to look around ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I take the praise and bow.

Compulsory, obligatory self-deprecatory remark: "something something blind chickens and corn". :)

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That compulsory part resides on a level of cosmic irrelevance. Or put bluntly, a steaming pile of product routinely coming out of the rear end of male fraction of bovine species 😝

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The California politicians seem to be a species of vulgar, vicious ugliness that not even New York politicians can match.

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And a Maryland politician says, "hold my beer."

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I was born there. Left for college and job and never came back. It was pretty nice in the 50-60's. Spent time researching records in the Annapolis court house. I miss the historical buildings and towns, but I doubt I would recognize anything now.

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Its a blessing to leave. No, you probably would not recognize it. I hadnt been to my hometown here in 5 years. Most of the businesses have changed and nearly every open field has been "developed."

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Jun 8, 2023
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Just wait until Wes Moore, Soros Machurian Candidate, get finished here. The man shows zero interest in governing and instead wants to pad his Prog credentials for the White House.

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Jun 8, 2023
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In Maryland, sadly, he would only piss off about a third of the state. The Republican party is run by Hogan establishment types who will throw a race and wring their hands while the Left has their way. I expect a reparations bill next session which will be enthusiastically signed by Wes. Every time Wes is on the local news, its as if Jesus appeared. Frankly the man gives me the willies.

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The stats vary significantly, depending on source, but there appear to be between four and seven million "traditional" K - 12 teachers in the US. Many of whom appear to be stark, raving, fornicating mad. And apparently, the school boards, or boards of education, from whom these teachers, theoretically, receive direction, are clinically insane.

Most of the "traditional" teachers in my long ago school days were competent. Some were brilliant. And our older kids were fortunate enough to attend public schools when teachers were still able, and allowed, to teach. Our youngest - not so much. She finished high school by 'correspondence'. Most of the grand kids were home schooled, as are ALL of our great grand children.

Many of our friends and acquaintances have similar stories. So the question then becomes: How close are we to the tipping point? How close are we to groups angry parents removing their children, en masse, from the government funded indoctrination centres. How close are we to that proverbial 'line in the sand'?

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Close is often the "longest mile" when it gets to the absurd.

People will defend THE ABSURD, in ever increasing absurd behaviors to the last mile...because...well...their mile and ours are what separates ABSURdTARDS from being exposed for what they are; absurd.

The zenith of absurdity is weird; people will defend the absurd vehemently, but nobody wants to be associated with it. The zealouts associated with it couldn't possibly think they're absurd...the very notion itself is absurd...and that's why defending THE ABSURD becomes more fierce as you approach a tipping point.

So once you're officially an ABSURdTARD, you face two existential crisis; being exposed as absurd and/or the threat of having to deal with their utopian world-view crashing down.

The zealots line the longest mile. It might take awhile.

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Zealot is a good description. The more these people get challenged, the more unhinged they will become as this so called “identity” is the only thing they have to define their sad, empty lives. I fear it is going to get much worse before it can start to get better.

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That curious species you have so accurately labeled "ABSURdTARDS" are never aware of their fundamental absurdity. One might speculate that they are seldom aware. Period. A common characteristic appears to be their ability to simultaneously hold multiple demonstrably false, inherently contradictory, thoughts. Splendid examples of Orwellian doublethink.

I suspect ABSURdTARDS seldom concern themselves with pending existential crises. Imminent collapse of of their belief in the current thing, or exposure as the absurdities that they are, do not fit into their world view - therefore do not exist. For them.

And yeah - there are a lot of zealots. Few of whom will admit to screaming diametrically opposed views a few months (weeks?) ago.

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The older I get, the more willing I am to recognize the limits of my knowledge. That doesn’t mean I don’t have strong opinions, obviously. But fanatics can’t brook dissent or non-belief. If somebody is really smart, they are rarely fanatics. If they seem fanatical , it’s often a con game.

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I think you might find this piece just out in The TransAtlantic on the social contagion aspect of the thing quite interesting. Check it out.

"Ideology & Anxiety: What Can We Learn From Penis-Shrinking Panics?" – https://thetransatlantic.substack.com/p/ideology-and-anxiety-what-can-we

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