Booya! That was one of your best yet. Succinct and spot on. "The experts are going to find a wall, and they’re going to find it with their faces." I mean it doesn't get much better than that. 👍

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

This is only sort of a thing to celebrate. These people are powerful, cruel, and desperate. There will be a lot of collateral damage between here and their downfall.

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Unpopular stance, but I have to employ the same skepticism here to the people who were claiming pre-2021 that the 3 people they knew who died, all died because of the Coronavirus and not because of a combination of probability and following unhealthy advice for 9 months (staying inside, drinking more, exercising less, getting fatter, etc).

As someone who skipped the vax, is furious that people were forced to take it against their will, and watched as an inept FDA and CDC were "wowed" by the statistically insignificant efficacy "data" they uncritically accepted, there is a large part of me that would love to see these dumb fucks have some consequence to pay for their stupidity.

But I can't let my feelings and desires to get in the way of the facts. And unfortunately, we are still short on facts.

There is certainly a non-zero number of deaths and bad outcomes triggered by this. Just as there is from every single thing we put in our bodies.

However, we can't succumb to the same hysteria which gripped the rest of the world.

The excess death data doesn't point a strong signal (I have read every nearly piece arguing otherwise from Joel Smalley, et al - I could talk for hours and hours on excess death trends across the world, it's a passion project for me). The data on heart attacks and other outcomes is still provisional. What we do know is that heart disease was already climbing before the vaccine - this shouldn't be surprising as our "advice" - i.e., that stupid fucking Swiss Cheese Model suggested we do everything which INCREASES bad health, diabetes, heart disease. That slightly more people are dying now than pre 2020 shouldn't be surprising.

It is quite possible that the vaccines are contributing to this slight increase - we don't have the data because they aren't collecting it (which is pretty damning). But the increase regardless is slight. It is within being debated as statistically significant. The hysterical covidians have compelling arguments to explain this away (compelling doesn't equal correct - only that these are arguments that require careful review and critique). Unfortunately none of this is happening. The ideal of science as a slow and careful process that sticks to the Mertonian Norms of "Disinterestedness", "Communalism", "Universalism", and "Organized Skepticism" are dead. We have two opposing viewpoints, both entrenched in a committed belief system, with little effort between the two to sift through fact and fiction to discover truth. It is really sad to me. I had such high hopes for my beloved science.

In regards to this tweet, had this come from a Denise Dewald back in 2020, claiming that Covid killed her stylist, caused a heart attack in her BIL, and a stillborn - I would have said "show me the receipts - show me the obituary, show me that this was your hairstylist and not a friends, or a friend of a friends stylist - show me that your BIL had a healthy heart prior to the vaccine - that he wasn't already on a statin, that he wasn't overweight, or had high cholesterol - show me that the overall national statistics of stillborn deaths have risen corresponding to vaccination campaign (and control for increases in births as there was a mini Corona baby boom)"

Of course, I would have been an asshole for raising these questions, just as I was an asshole for asking how many of the "Kids who got Covid at Camp in Georgia in 2020" died, were hospitalized, or had family hospitalized from covid when everyone was going hysterical over that story (answer: zero). Or when I was an asshole for calling bullshit on the South Dakota nurse claiming patients on deathbed regretted not wearing masks or taking the vaccine (Zweig proved the obvious bullshit on that one).

I am not calling "mizzdefiant" a liar. Don't get me wrong, but I have to stick with "trust, but verify", and I tend to take less serious the claims by people behind avatars/pseudo names. A quick perusal through her profile shows she is very convinced the vaccines are deadly. That commitment *may* lead someone to be a little generous with facts. They may leave out key details, they may co-opt and combine another anecdote of another friend. If she truly believes taking the vaccine can kill you, I wouldn't be surprised if she felt a small fib was worth it if saved a life or two (I am sure that's the same reason Pfizer presents a 1.2 absolute risk reduction as a 95% relative risk reduction - they are convinced the ends justify the means).

And even accepting the claim at face value, it is an anecdote that doesn't strike me as statistically noteworthy. There are 38,000,000 people in Canada. Let's say there are 5,000,000 opposed to the Vax. What are the odds in that set you could find someone within a 2 month window who knows 3 people with health issues? Arguably the same odds in a random sample in 2022 as 2019. Any increase in those odds favoring the 2022 set needs to consider more than vaccine injury - also need to consider again, the increases in stress, alcohol consumption, BMI/weight, diabetes, hypertension, drug use, etc.

Of course, I might be quite wrong.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

What terrifies me the most is knowing that one of my own loved ones could be next. I feel no pleasure in being “right” about the shots only horror that I wasn’t able to make a convincing case against them to those I love. The experts may hit the wall, but billions of people will suffer the injury of that crash.

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The experts are going to find that wall all right. They're going to be put right up against that wall.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

The vaxxed people I know look pretty glum.

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And soon after the “experts” find that wall I’m hopeful they’ll then find a short drop and a sudden stop, so to speak.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

This will result.in greater chaos as well as heightened animosity to govt and heath practitioners.

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These things that people are experiencing are horrible. I hate it for them. When it starts happening to more celebrities and politicians then we will see an outcry. Ordinary people, the peasants, do not matter. This was all part of a mass experiment. The elites know what is happening.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

C'mon, that's all anecdotal! And, and AAAAAAAAAANNNND correlation is not causation so correlation should never be attached to causation and correlations should be imediately dismissed and ignored because ta science and stuff. Besides, telling people that correlation is not causation gives me the opportunity to use big words and feel smarter and more better than whoever I'm screaming at.

Unless it is studied by experts and then peer reviewed by expert scientists who all had their brains thoroughly washed in an accredited university and have financial and/or ideological incentive to maybe review it before ignoring it, it doesn't count. That is how science works.

Reality is not reality unless a consensus has been reached by those experts who are qualified on what reality is. Is Pfizer pissing on your leg or is it raining? Without a double blinded study it is hard to tell and one should not rely on their own observations, so let's just assume it's raining. Who wants a Pfizer umbrella?

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They will hit the wall and when that happens their credibility will be destroyed, as will that of the wholly captured regulatory apparatus. Who will trust them henceforth?

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My wife is an attorney. Most attorneys are narcissistic faggots and bungholes. She hates being an attorney. Anyway lots of the ones she sees at the courthouse have all of their jabs and virtue signal about it plenty on their Fagbook. Funny enough, several of them have had COVID 3 times this year. But they are grateful for all of the lipid nano particles flowing through their veins or it would have been worse.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

>>> institutional efforts to strangle this knowledge will not overcome what people see right in front of their faces<<<

For those of us who routinely, voluntarily expose themselves to BadThink (stuff like HBD etc), this is known as "noticing".

When used in this context, 'notice' (actually (notic*) is italicised, which can't be done on the useless uDemy-level fucktarded comment system on Substack - which seems to have been coded by $7-an-hour HelloWorld "coders-who-identify-as-engineers".

Seriously, Substack: it's the 21st century, and you can't give us markdown-capable comments? Weak sauce - and that shitful functionality is costing your writers money, because people pay for the 'whole enchilada', not just the content.

I can't emphasise that enough - because unless I go straight to "lunatic allcaps", I can't emphasis it AT FUCKING ALL.

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I have enough knowledge of molecular biology/biochemistry to see how crazy this was from the beginning. Now I am seeing people drop dead well before their time. I have come to the conclusion that is it too painful for people to admit they have been duped. What else could it be?

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I sure hope so. But there will always be a significant percentage of true believers, I fear.

My first inkling that something weird was going on was in 2020 when I became aware of the increasing divergence between reality and the official narrative. The demonization of John Ioannidis was a trigger too.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

My father had a heart attack 10-days after 2nd Pfizer dose - never had any heart issues prior to covid vax

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