
By the way, here's a previous discussion of the battle over the age of consent and the appropriateness of childhood sex:


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It IS evil. The guy was sending shivers down my spine. He kept talking about mental health. I wonder if he was projecting. These are cowardly adults projecting their irrational fears onto innocent kids who are not in danger and pose no threat to anyone. THAT'S what the data and science show.

I noticed he said there is no medical reason to not vaccinate. How about, I don't know, the kids don't need it? He claims they're life-saving but how many kids have died from Covid? Not many. How many have died or been injured by the experimental vaccine? Many more. Using abortion was a false dichotomy and used to push his appeal to authority. This is all about control. And he looks like an idiot in that mask. What a colossal human disaster these psychos have created.

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This is simple. Separating children from their parents is the tip of the spear of Communism.

Your kids don't belong to you, they belong to the state. The state simply loans them to you until they're 18, to care for at your expense. If you're good.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I’m in Commifornia (I want out so bad!) and these THINGS (wasn’t Pan a mythological god-part man/goat?) are the devil incarnate. I recently (forced) retired from law enforcement in San Fransicko (no test, no jab). California and San Fransicko specifically, ARE pure evil.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

He's a pediatrician you say? A pedophile is more like it.

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I’ve listened to Senator Pan speak on a few occasions. (Virtually, of course.) It was years ago that I decided he was either a completely bought and paid for individual, or he is extremely damaged, himself. Either way, he has no business legislating about kids. So I wonder, have these people always been around and we’re just hearing them so much louder, or are they really bolder and just more evil now?

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I admire the people staying and fighting in California. It was and in most respects is still such a beautiful state. I left a long time ago, I started to see writing on the wall. I eventually landed in Florida, what May end up being either the last refuge or the point where the revolution begins...or maybe both.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Another Josef Mengele reveals himself. Lots of this happening in the medical community in the last couple of years. Romans 1:18-32 is ringing true.

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Occasionally I tune in to the Relevant Radio, a traditional Catholic station. Years ago, they mentioned that the in one of the Marian apparitions from years ago (can't remember which), Mary warned that the final battle between good and evil would be fought over the family. Very interesting, in light of current events.

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I thought advocating for 12year olds to have sex was pedophilia.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I am currently reading a book titled East End 1888, which depicts how it was like living in London's East End in the 1880's, yes 1880's. Deplorable how little protection children had those days. Seems like California is actually taking away children's rights and protections as they do not need parental consent to help them make adult decisions!! Heartbreaking 💔!!

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

By giving the children the final decision also teaches them that the gov't doctor, stranger, knows better and then undermines the parents for any future disagreements concerning anything.....this is them taking your children away from you from right under your noses.....do we think it's going to get better....look what happened to govt run residential school systems and govt coming and taking your kids away w/o consent.......how did that turn out??? This is no different....ask the survivors how the story ends.....

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

California legislator Richard Pan M.D. has proposed and pushed one vaccine-mandate bill after another over a period of years, first as a member of the Assembly and then as a member of the Senate. This year he's been a major force behind ten draconian COVID-related bills.

Back in 2015, Pan pushed a bill that took away parents' rights to refuse, on the basis of personal or religious beliefs, vaccines mandated for school attendance. I went to the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing on this bill, with a Chinese-American friend. After the hearing, I said to my friend, "Pan strikes me as the kind of person who got good grades in high school because he was supposed to. And he got good grades in college because he was supposed to. Then he went to medical school because he was supposed to. Now he's a pediatrician who vaccinates the heck out of kids because the CDC says he's supposed to..."

And my Chinese-American friend said, "Yes! Pan is what the Chinese call 'A Good Son.' He dedicates his entire life to doing what he believes his elders want him to do."

And who does Pan see as his elders now? The CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the California Medical Association...and those nice, intelligent, earnest people (lobbyists) from the AAP and the CMA who have been so helpful to him.

Pan is a Big Pharma/vaccine industry puppet. He doesn't write these vaccine-pushing bills he brings to the Legislature. The bills are written and given to him by his "handlers." He doesn't write the announcements he reads at press conferences, or the speeches he gives in front of the Legislature, regarding these bills. He is told how to answer other legislators' questions and objections. Even during a hearing, lobbyists will call him over and tell him what to say and do. His handlers don't allow him to say yes to requests for interviews about his bills, because they know he'll flub because he can't "think on his feet."

Pan has gotten enormous contributions to his campaign funds from vaccine industry players -- not because he has needed the money to get elected, but so that he could "generously" pass it out to other Democratic legislators who did need it. It was a "nice", "clean" way to buy votes for his bills. Fortunately he's "terming out" of the California Legislature soon.

On a lighter note: Click on this link, scroll down a bit, and watch the video titled "Pan Ran" -- a bit of comic relief in the battle against "The Good Son" of the vaccine industry...


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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Just found you and I'm digging your stack I Live in LA. Have two kids in a catholic school who just loves to mask them. Some parents tried to stand up but we were rebuffed at every turn. I work in tv and I made this video. If you ever need some video work done I would love to get more involved in the fight.


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I honestly feel that Satan and his demons are working overtime. People that worship themselves don’t care about the family. They don’t care about parental rights.

God knows!!

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

So who, then, becomes the responsible party, should (and when) a subsequent hospital visit is required by these autonomous 12-year-olds? Is it the state? Is it the child? Clearly, it should *not* be the parent, right?

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