"Democrats said the move amounted to a Republican campaign to target, scapegoat and vilify families struggling with gender dysphoria — a medical diagnosis for those whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth."
a fake "disease" for fake "people" living in a fake "time." can we stop using fake "phrases?" sex is not "assigned" at birth; it is simply observed and noted. it was assigned and written in stone the second the sperm hit the egg. it cannot be changed. it can be dressed up, costumed, disguised. working parts can be cut off; non-working parts can be "fashioned" out of formerly working parts. drugs can be taken to suppress this and amplify that. but sex itself cannot be changed.
A medical diagnosis that is extremely controversial, and until recently, was classified as a mental disorder in the DSM (and still would be if not for the frenetic political lobbying of the trans activists).
That´s why I quit the NAVY forty years ago. I couldn´t stand the choice my future children would have to face; suicide for being denied gender affirming care, and slow agonizing death by climate change.
Reminds me of when I was seventeen and doing it for the first time and my high school girlfriend said, "You need to tell me when you're finished". When actually I never lasted long enough to even get started.
Mengala wasn't as batshit crazy and evil as todays medical establishment.
Where are the sane doctors? Why aren"t they raiseing
hell against this bullshit?
What sort of parent would encourage their kid with this insanity? These sick fucks pushing this should be put into crab.pots & made to see the line being cut. The millitary having this evil forced on them. By the brsss boot lickers.
Well, there is such thing as "trans-", but they're using the wrong root. There is no such thing as a Trans-sexual.
The deranged attention seekers are Transvestites.
A perfectly good word, that perfectly describes these poor, wretched perverts.
They are men dressing as women, or women dressing as men. Transvestites.
The fact that transvestites now want to surgically mutilate their genitals doesn't change them being transvestites. A man dressed as a woman, with or without testicles, is still a transvestite.
Here's a perfect example of this brand of pervert: A dude who began wearing his wife's clothes after she died. A retired teacher/principal/coach, it didn't even take the trouble changing its name. It ran for, and was elected to the school board:
I remember seeing a documentary recently where a WWII vet was asked about his sacrifice and he tearfully replied "I had no choice, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to afford cutting my daughter Jennifer's balls off".
Where is the bottom? Seriously, when does this end?
I'll take a shot. At answering your question. When does this end? I think it ends when the citizens of the United States finally say enough of this crazy bullshit. The laws aren't Preventing it . children are still being mutilated. Maybe the people doing And supporting the mutilation need to have the fear of God installed in them and know that every time they do this, there is a very realistic possibility. That some form of vigilante justice will be visited upon them with extreme prejudiced. Not saying it's the right way.Certainly not Advocating for it. But if history is any indication that's usually how crazy shit ends. And god knows this is some crazy shit that needs to end like yesterday.
I hope and believe that 11/5 also opened people's eyes to the fact that this nonsense is -- despite the vociferous and aggressive nature of its proponents -- a minority opinion, and that most people would agree with you if --when! -- you speak against it.
here's what i'm worried about. maybe we get to trade moratorium on childhood genital mutilation in exchange for cbdc and social credit score. look at all the silicon valley sissies in the trump cabinet and adjacent
Sanity has to aggressively prevail or there’s going to be a lot of furious young adults taking matters into their own hands, and deciding to get revenge on the old people who didn’t protect them. Listening to the stories from these detransitioners is heartbreaking.
Ray Bob, tell us what you really think! ...No, seriously - you are 1000% correct and more people need to step up and say EXACTLY what you just said. If their cojones (real and figurative) haven't been removed yet.
It ends when de-transitioned persons win giant damage awards against the ghouls who sliced and diced them. In the meantime as more and more people become fully aware of how fucking crazy it is for boys to have their balls cut off and girls to have their budding breasts sliced off perhaps Dave Chappell style ridicule will slow the trans fascists down. Let’s remember that twenty years ago and for the rest of human history, today’s trans cult was NOWHERE to be found.
It really shows the power of evil to warp a soul. There's not even the element of political calculation in this; the Democrats know trans advocacy is wildly unpopular, especially regarding children. They'd really rather lose elections than surrender on this point.
It’s part of their sick religion. Along with normalizing pedophelia. (funny how my reliable spellcheck won’t work on that ‘p’ word). These sickos pretend to care so much about the kids that they have helped brainwash into thinking they’re ‘trans’. But have no curiosity about the 350,000 missing kids brought illegally to America.
My time around the environs of Capitol Hill, cir. 2000-04, was all I needed to see. My only conclusion was that the country was being run by the staffers, who are mostly college undergrads - daughters of the friends of the Sen/Congressman (not always, but there's a ton of that). That was all I needed to make me understand how it dysfunctions.
But the key to the dysfunction and corruption has been the unrelenting increase in the cost of campaigns. The day after the election, the candidate starts raising money for the next. It’s like a car that gets 5 mpg – after filling up, you start looking for the next gas station.
The idea that Dem donors gave $1B in dark money that was “completely uncoordinated” with the Harris campaign is a sick joke.
I don’t know how to coordinate campaign finance with the 1A, but we must if we want donors to have less sway.
All ideas appreciated! Unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled that money (spent on political ads and contributions) is “speech” and can’t be limited under the 1st Amendment. There are some technical rules, but that’s the gist.
The only solution I can see that fits under the SCOTUS ruling is 100% disclosure of every $ spent on contributions and political advertising on EVERY medium. Make noncompliance a felony with jail time required.
If Democrats want to take money from “Liberals for 100% Abortion,” let’s make them famous for it. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Sounds good to me; big fan of total disclosure, 'Starship Troopers'-movie style.
We've had a tug-of-war-debate going about campaign/party funding since the 1960s at least.
The Reds wants to make it law that anonymous donations to parties should instead be public, to try to "name and shame" donors to their opponents.
The NeoLibs wants to make it illegal for the National Union to donate to the Socialist Democrat party, since it and the NU are like Siamese twins.
The Moderates wants to make donations 100% tax deductible above a certain amount for private individuals donating.
The Sweden Democrats wants to ban tax funding of parties.
The Communists wants to make tax funding equal for all no matter the party's size.
And most people don't know all parties are raking it in by using the party subsidies (tax money) to invest in private companies, foundations, trust funds, all the dodges, to turn the party into a profit-making operation, at least for the upper echelons.
Bilateral mastectomies at age 17 gives me nightmares. These plastic surgeons are grotesque. If there were no surgeons who would do this , it would all go away . Follow the money 💰.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) just came out with an official statement that they do not support these surgeries and do not agree with this treatment course for gender dysphoria. That’s big and thank God. The ASPS membership is the gold standard you look for as part of evaluating a plastic surgeon.
Most state medical boards look to the “medical societies” to set standards of care, rather than inventing all the wheels themselves, Let’s hope ASPS is accorded that role, and that it’s regarded as superior to the Mengele-esque WPATH.
Consistent with your abhorrence, surgeries on sexual organs should be equated to surgeries on arms & legs. There’s no circumstance under which a patient’s opinion that he’d “prefer” a different appendage would be taken as justification for surgery, and a doctor who acted on it would be criminally charged and his medical license revoked.
You need to upgrade your browser, however if you are using an older operating system, (like I am now) like Windows 7, it wont let you upgrade. (I could try opening this in Brave...) anyway that is likely the problem. I don't like as much as I want to either. (So I Ryan G, if you are reading this, and I suspect you are, I am about 50 likes behind on your posts, Sorry, that is why)
Here is my favorite endocrinologist, Michael Laidlaw, M.D. Notice how the shockingly specific things he says are dismissed by these circus freak legislators:
For a moment, reading the story and comments I thought, it’s the docs! They have to get together in a block and SPEAK THE TRUTH. Like Dr. Laidlaw! (Don’t shout, Val.) But then he even allows some of his endocrinologist colleagues support the use of the drugs! UNAPPROVED FOR THESE USES! (There she goes again.) God bless him for standing up. And no wonder the folks on Pritzker’s payroll roll over. And no wonder they’re scared to death of RFKJr.
Would be great if they formed a power club to speak as one but, as with most things, only about one in four million in any category you can think of has the guts to tell the truth. Michael Laidlaw is a brave man. You just know the 'energy' in that room was very bad and that he was getting major stink eye --- from everyone.
"If you don’t let me shove this pot roast up your ass, you’re being weird."
For my entire military career, we had a rather weird obsession with our asses and what it up them.
One of the most common refrains to a question was something to the effect of:
"If it was up your ass kicking footballs you'd know...
"If it was up your ass baking cookies you'd know...
I first heard, "If it was up your ass you'd know" as a young private and thought--well, uh, ok--but why would it be up my ass, and how does this help with me knowing anything?
But, Joe being Joe, the idiom had to grow to whatever decided to go up one's ass--well, now it had to bake cookies, kick footballs, swim the backstroke, deal cards, running windsprints...and on and on and on.
My suspicion is any of the 10s to 15,000 trans Soldiers--not a single one of them participated in an 'up your ass' verbal spar. These folks do not fit into a platoon--they are weirdos. We don't want them in our formations. Never did. They are distractions. Combat dividers, not multipliers.
there simply ARE NOT 15,000 transgender people in the military. as i said in a comment to another of Chris's stacks on this subject, sissy boys DO NOT naturally gravitate to the military. in their habits and preoccupations, they are much more like women and, excluding sex, enjoy the things that women like- interior design, sewing, hair styling, acting, etc. they probably engage in fantasies of military service- all those men! in uniform!! a wet dream come true!
that's over the minute the bullets and body parts start flying around. a true gay soldier is going to be a rare as a real female leader. but how many margaret thatchers are there?
Continuing my math from Chris’ previous post on the subject (15K service members / 45 yr = the oldest is 333 yrs old), I’m now impressed that 333 yr olds are having children! Talk about virility!
I think the reference was to the use of a colon segment to create a simulated vagina. Yes, still gross and thus wholly in keeping with the whole subject.
Remember back when we were horrified by the custom of genital mutilation of little girls in some cultures. It was to keep them from becoming lascivious. The entire liberal/left community was outraged. But now, even more extreme genital mutilation is A-OK with them as long as it’s called ‘gender-affirming-care’. Of course, it is not gender affirming, it is gender denying. And, it renders the subject a cash cow medical casualty for life. Which, of course, is the point. This misnamed Gender-Affirming-Care is child psychological and sexual abuse, pure and simple.
"Gender-Affirming Care" is the Madison Avenue advertising and marketing campaign of "Sterilization of Imbeciles" Buck v. Bell eugenics standing SCOTUS decision. That decision was later tempered by Skinner v. Oklahoma to attach consent to the sterilization of imbeciles by the state. Enter Madison Avenue Madmen, pros at selling anything. Including selling the idea that eugenics sterilizations of the mentally ill (imbeciles) suffering from Gender Dysphoria (mental illness) is a civil right. It's eugenics, repackaged and sold just like cosmetics and fashion.
No funding for minor children, period. The puberty blockers alone can do permanent, irreversible damage. And, prove to me there are 15,000 transgender military personnel. The Left routinely finds a study that cites a figure, and repeats that figure until that figure is accepted as truth.
Yes, the 15K figure was the most shocking part of the post. How is that possible?
I simply don't believe it. I looked into the source, and it was an old estimate from the UCLA Law School's Williams Institute (2014), an advocacy group. A subsequent RAND study, commissioned by the Pentagon, estimated it as much lower.
Apparently, people on Humira can't serve, but people on cross-hormone drugs can. This insanity can't end soon enough.
Thanks for looking this up. I was sure it was an estimate by an "advocacy " group. I don't care what an adult does to their own body (as long as I don't have to pay for it), but children ... To quote Pink Floyd "Leave our kids alone".
How fu@king many soldiers have trans children seeking this surgery that this has to be addressed by Congress?! Seriously, WTF?! Can we spend taxpayer dollars on DEFENSE please?
Many years ago (when I was a young lad), there was a cigarette brand called "Old Gold". They came out with a TV ad campaign (yes...long ago there were cigarette ads on TV) promoting their "Spin Filter". Said the pitchman, who was relaxing on his couch, shirt collar undone after a stressful day at the office, explaining just how this revolutionary filter had improved his smoking life, "It's not like other filters---it works a different way: It 'SPINS' the smoke---spins more flavor through". My father (who didn't smoke) reacted viscerally to the "stupidity' of the ad, which shocked me. As a wet-behind-the-ears , know-nothing kid, the ad sounded perfectly fine to me, so I asked him what he meant. "S-P-I-N-S the smoke---SO...WHAT?!", he bellowed. Today, at age 75, I trace my skepticism of advertising AND GOVERNMENT to that moment: Marxists have turned this technique into an art form.
The Washington Post, sanewashing the madness:
"Democrats said the move amounted to a Republican campaign to target, scapegoat and vilify families struggling with gender dysphoria — a medical diagnosis for those whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth."
Good Lord, EVERY SINGLE COMMENT that comes out of their mouth sounds like it came from a hysterical schoolmarm having a panic attack.
There's a clue there, of course.
a fake "disease" for fake "people" living in a fake "time." can we stop using fake "phrases?" sex is not "assigned" at birth; it is simply observed and noted. it was assigned and written in stone the second the sperm hit the egg. it cannot be changed. it can be dressed up, costumed, disguised. working parts can be cut off; non-working parts can be "fashioned" out of formerly working parts. drugs can be taken to suppress this and amplify that. but sex itself cannot be changed.
A medical diagnosis that is extremely controversial, and until recently, was classified as a mental disorder in the DSM (and still would be if not for the frenetic political lobbying of the trans activists).
That´s why I quit the NAVY forty years ago. I couldn´t stand the choice my future children would have to face; suicide for being denied gender affirming care, and slow agonizing death by climate change.
You need to let us know when you're joking.
Reminds me of when I was seventeen and doing it for the first time and my high school girlfriend said, "You need to tell me when you're finished". When actually I never lasted long enough to even get started.
I’m fairly certain that is not the historic definition of gender dysphoria
“Pediatric castration” is the most accurate way I’ve heard this phenomenon described.
Let’s use it. And juvenile mastectomies.
Thank God! that Dr. Mengele was able to complete his invaluable work.
How could the Germans lose?
I heard someone use the term Mengelesectemies. I'm using that too.
Mengala wasn't as batshit crazy and evil as todays medical establishment.
Where are the sane doctors? Why aren"t they raiseing
hell against this bullshit?
What sort of parent would encourage their kid with this insanity? These sick fucks pushing this should be put into crab.pots & made to see the line being cut. The millitary having this evil forced on them. By the brsss boot lickers.
They should be fragging these deamons.
There is no such thing as Trans, as you can't change your biological sex.
Anyone who says you can is mentally ill and shouldn't be serving in the military.
Anyone who mutilates a child and sterilizes him or her should be arrested and thrown into a deep body of water with a massive stone around their neck.
Anyone who advocates for this kind of child abuse is a pedophile and needs to be dealt with appropriately.
This is why we need to do away with the NDAA and go back to line-item budgets.
In this case, the NDAA worked for the purpose.
"There is no such thing as Trans...."
Well, there is such thing as "trans-", but they're using the wrong root. There is no such thing as a Trans-sexual.
The deranged attention seekers are Transvestites.
A perfectly good word, that perfectly describes these poor, wretched perverts.
They are men dressing as women, or women dressing as men. Transvestites.
The fact that transvestites now want to surgically mutilate their genitals doesn't change them being transvestites. A man dressed as a woman, with or without testicles, is still a transvestite.
Here's a perfect example of this brand of pervert: A dude who began wearing his wife's clothes after she died. A retired teacher/principal/coach, it didn't even take the trouble changing its name. It ran for, and was elected to the school board:
Oh boy: "“I wanted to add some stability to the board," Bixler said."
If that is what stability looks like, we are screwed. I could not help but notice that 'she' still uses 'her' given name Paul...
He looks like a corpse version of Glenn Close.
Just grotesque and perverted.
Damn right & well said
I am positive there millions of other sane people that think this but are afraid of the sicko lobby
This needs to be a yard sign.
I remember seeing a documentary recently where a WWII vet was asked about his sacrifice and he tearfully replied "I had no choice, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to afford cutting my daughter Jennifer's balls off".
Where is the bottom? Seriously, when does this end?
The peach orchard at Gettysburg. "For the trans children, boys!"
The Mammary...oops, Malmedy Massacre.
I'll take a shot. At answering your question. When does this end? I think it ends when the citizens of the United States finally say enough of this crazy bullshit. The laws aren't Preventing it . children are still being mutilated. Maybe the people doing And supporting the mutilation need to have the fear of God installed in them and know that every time they do this, there is a very realistic possibility. That some form of vigilante justice will be visited upon them with extreme prejudiced. Not saying it's the right way.Certainly not Advocating for it. But if history is any indication that's usually how crazy shit ends. And god knows this is some crazy shit that needs to end like yesterday.
They've pushed it to the brink, that's for sure.
Witching hour was upon us...and then 11/5 gave us a reprieve.
I think people are indeed sick of it...but there just now figuring out they can openly talk about it...after having to bite their tongue for 9 years.
I hope and believe that 11/5 also opened people's eyes to the fact that this nonsense is -- despite the vociferous and aggressive nature of its proponents -- a minority opinion, and that most people would agree with you if --when! -- you speak against it.
here's what i'm worried about. maybe we get to trade moratorium on childhood genital mutilation in exchange for cbdc and social credit score. look at all the silicon valley sissies in the trump cabinet and adjacent
Sanity has to aggressively prevail or there’s going to be a lot of furious young adults taking matters into their own hands, and deciding to get revenge on the old people who didn’t protect them. Listening to the stories from these detransitioners is heartbreaking.
Ray Bob, tell us what you really think! ...No, seriously - you are 1000% correct and more people need to step up and say EXACTLY what you just said. If their cojones (real and figurative) haven't been removed yet.
It ends when de-transitioned persons win giant damage awards against the ghouls who sliced and diced them. In the meantime as more and more people become fully aware of how fucking crazy it is for boys to have their balls cut off and girls to have their budding breasts sliced off perhaps Dave Chappell style ridicule will slow the trans fascists down. Let’s remember that twenty years ago and for the rest of human history, today’s trans cult was NOWHERE to be found.
Where is the bottom? I'm not a doctor, so I can't say. But a new bottom? That's in the Bill of Rights for sure.
Its so bad, even the 17th century aristocrat's, at court inside the palace gates at Versailles, would mock us for this absurdity.
Berlin in the 1930s just called, and said that our society is way too degenerate for them.
love this!
Lolol. Exactly.
Yes! And that’s saying a lot…
It really shows the power of evil to warp a soul. There's not even the element of political calculation in this; the Democrats know trans advocacy is wildly unpopular, especially regarding children. They'd really rather lose elections than surrender on this point.
It’s part of their sick religion. Along with normalizing pedophelia. (funny how my reliable spellcheck won’t work on that ‘p’ word). These sickos pretend to care so much about the kids that they have helped brainwash into thinking they’re ‘trans’. But have no curiosity about the 350,000 missing kids brought illegally to America.
Now you see how the sausage is made.
I've watched debate in the California state legislature, and it still gives me nightmares.
My time around the environs of Capitol Hill, cir. 2000-04, was all I needed to see. My only conclusion was that the country was being run by the staffers, who are mostly college undergrads - daughters of the friends of the Sen/Congressman (not always, but there's a ton of that). That was all I needed to make me understand how it dysfunctions.
But the key to the dysfunction and corruption has been the unrelenting increase in the cost of campaigns. The day after the election, the candidate starts raising money for the next. It’s like a car that gets 5 mpg – after filling up, you start looking for the next gas station.
The idea that Dem donors gave $1B in dark money that was “completely uncoordinated” with the Harris campaign is a sick joke.
I don’t know how to coordinate campaign finance with the 1A, but we must if we want donors to have less sway.
Make it law that you must donate equal sums to any candidate?
Tax total donations above X no. $ as income, or whichever tax-class is highest?
Only allow donations given at least five years before the candidate announce they are running?
Not saying these are good or feasible, just throwing some ideas out there.
All ideas appreciated! Unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled that money (spent on political ads and contributions) is “speech” and can’t be limited under the 1st Amendment. There are some technical rules, but that’s the gist.
The only solution I can see that fits under the SCOTUS ruling is 100% disclosure of every $ spent on contributions and political advertising on EVERY medium. Make noncompliance a felony with jail time required.
If Democrats want to take money from “Liberals for 100% Abortion,” let’s make them famous for it. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Sounds good to me; big fan of total disclosure, 'Starship Troopers'-movie style.
We've had a tug-of-war-debate going about campaign/party funding since the 1960s at least.
The Reds wants to make it law that anonymous donations to parties should instead be public, to try to "name and shame" donors to their opponents.
The NeoLibs wants to make it illegal for the National Union to donate to the Socialist Democrat party, since it and the NU are like Siamese twins.
The Moderates wants to make donations 100% tax deductible above a certain amount for private individuals donating.
The Sweden Democrats wants to ban tax funding of parties.
The Communists wants to make tax funding equal for all no matter the party's size.
And most people don't know all parties are raking it in by using the party subsidies (tax money) to invest in private companies, foundations, trust funds, all the dodges, to turn the party into a profit-making operation, at least for the upper echelons.
Bilateral mastectomies at age 17 gives me nightmares. These plastic surgeons are grotesque. If there were no surgeons who would do this , it would all go away . Follow the money 💰.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) just came out with an official statement that they do not support these surgeries and do not agree with this treatment course for gender dysphoria. That’s big and thank God. The ASPS membership is the gold standard you look for as part of evaluating a plastic surgeon.
Most state medical boards look to the “medical societies” to set standards of care, rather than inventing all the wheels themselves, Let’s hope ASPS is accorded that role, and that it’s regarded as superior to the Mengele-esque WPATH.
Consistent with your abhorrence, surgeries on sexual organs should be equated to surgeries on arms & legs. There’s no circumstance under which a patient’s opinion that he’d “prefer” a different appendage would be taken as justification for surgery, and a doctor who acted on it would be criminally charged and his medical license revoked.
Like. I wish my liek button wasn’t broken…
My like button gets magically broken and then magically fixed again. Who owns substack?
You need to upgrade your browser, however if you are using an older operating system, (like I am now) like Windows 7, it wont let you upgrade. (I could try opening this in Brave...) anyway that is likely the problem. I don't like as much as I want to either. (So I Ryan G, if you are reading this, and I suspect you are, I am about 50 likes behind on your posts, Sorry, that is why)
i have the same problem! thank you for explaining it
Here is my favorite endocrinologist, Michael Laidlaw, M.D. Notice how the shockingly specific things he says are dismissed by these circus freak legislators:
"AB 2119 Foster Care Gender Bill" (5 mins)
For a moment, reading the story and comments I thought, it’s the docs! They have to get together in a block and SPEAK THE TRUTH. Like Dr. Laidlaw! (Don’t shout, Val.) But then he even allows some of his endocrinologist colleagues support the use of the drugs! UNAPPROVED FOR THESE USES! (There she goes again.) God bless him for standing up. And no wonder the folks on Pritzker’s payroll roll over. And no wonder they’re scared to death of RFKJr.
Yes and yes and yes and YES!
Would be great if they formed a power club to speak as one but, as with most things, only about one in four million in any category you can think of has the guts to tell the truth. Michael Laidlaw is a brave man. You just know the 'energy' in that room was very bad and that he was getting major stink eye --- from everyone.
Or removed…
Nicely played!
And removed. Or not, at least not at taxpayer expense.
“Sausage”…Oof, that’s a tough analogy for anyone who knows what these surgeries entail.
"If you don’t let me shove this pot roast up your ass, you’re being weird."
Chris, if you read this on another website said by an anonymous commenter, you'll know I stole it.
(just kidding)
Once more, for those drooling at the back....no such thing as a trans child. It's like a vegan cat.
"If you don’t let me shove this pot roast up your ass, you’re being weird."
For my entire military career, we had a rather weird obsession with our asses and what it up them.
One of the most common refrains to a question was something to the effect of:
"If it was up your ass kicking footballs you'd know...
"If it was up your ass baking cookies you'd know...
I first heard, "If it was up your ass you'd know" as a young private and thought--well, uh, ok--but why would it be up my ass, and how does this help with me knowing anything?
But, Joe being Joe, the idiom had to grow to whatever decided to go up one's ass--well, now it had to bake cookies, kick footballs, swim the backstroke, deal cards, running windsprints...and on and on and on.
My suspicion is any of the 10s to 15,000 trans Soldiers--not a single one of them participated in an 'up your ass' verbal spar. These folks do not fit into a platoon--they are weirdos. We don't want them in our formations. Never did. They are distractions. Combat dividers, not multipliers.
there simply ARE NOT 15,000 transgender people in the military. as i said in a comment to another of Chris's stacks on this subject, sissy boys DO NOT naturally gravitate to the military. in their habits and preoccupations, they are much more like women and, excluding sex, enjoy the things that women like- interior design, sewing, hair styling, acting, etc. they probably engage in fantasies of military service- all those men! in uniform!! a wet dream come true!
that's over the minute the bullets and body parts start flying around. a true gay soldier is going to be a rare as a real female leader. but how many margaret thatchers are there?
Agreed. 15,000 is an insane, fabricated number.
There aren’t 15,000 trannies in the country. That number was made up out of whole cloth the first time it was uttered, as an estimate.
there aren't 15,000 in the world!
Continuing my math from Chris’ previous post on the subject (15K service members / 45 yr = the oldest is 333 yrs old), I’m now impressed that 333 yr olds are having children! Talk about virility!
The colon retains its fertility long after the uterus fades away.
Well, now I understand where liberal ideas are birthed.
The horror!
Ahh gross
I think the reference was to the use of a colon segment to create a simulated vagina. Yes, still gross and thus wholly in keeping with the whole subject.
Remember back when we were horrified by the custom of genital mutilation of little girls in some cultures. It was to keep them from becoming lascivious. The entire liberal/left community was outraged. But now, even more extreme genital mutilation is A-OK with them as long as it’s called ‘gender-affirming-care’. Of course, it is not gender affirming, it is gender denying. And, it renders the subject a cash cow medical casualty for life. Which, of course, is the point. This misnamed Gender-Affirming-Care is child psychological and sexual abuse, pure and simple.
"Gender-Affirming Care" is the Madison Avenue advertising and marketing campaign of "Sterilization of Imbeciles" Buck v. Bell eugenics standing SCOTUS decision. That decision was later tempered by Skinner v. Oklahoma to attach consent to the sterilization of imbeciles by the state. Enter Madison Avenue Madmen, pros at selling anything. Including selling the idea that eugenics sterilizations of the mentally ill (imbeciles) suffering from Gender Dysphoria (mental illness) is a civil right. It's eugenics, repackaged and sold just like cosmetics and fashion.
Pure delusion, social pathology via social contagion.
No funding for minor children, period. The puberty blockers alone can do permanent, irreversible damage. And, prove to me there are 15,000 transgender military personnel. The Left routinely finds a study that cites a figure, and repeats that figure until that figure is accepted as truth.
Yes, the 15K figure was the most shocking part of the post. How is that possible?
I simply don't believe it. I looked into the source, and it was an old estimate from the UCLA Law School's Williams Institute (2014), an advocacy group. A subsequent RAND study, commissioned by the Pentagon, estimated it as much lower.
Apparently, people on Humira can't serve, but people on cross-hormone drugs can. This insanity can't end soon enough.
Thanks for looking this up. I was sure it was an estimate by an "advocacy " group. I don't care what an adult does to their own body (as long as I don't have to pay for it), but children ... To quote Pink Floyd "Leave our kids alone".
This was so well-written. Why isn't Chris a national columnist?
They would never allow that because he does something they don’t recognize: journalism.
"(He's) bad. (He's) nationwide.". - Billy Gibbons
He is. International too.
How fu@king many soldiers have trans children seeking this surgery that this has to be addressed by Congress?! Seriously, WTF?! Can we spend taxpayer dollars on DEFENSE please?
How many? As many as the “enlightened progressive educators” can churn out.
Many years ago (when I was a young lad), there was a cigarette brand called "Old Gold". They came out with a TV ad campaign (yes...long ago there were cigarette ads on TV) promoting their "Spin Filter". Said the pitchman, who was relaxing on his couch, shirt collar undone after a stressful day at the office, explaining just how this revolutionary filter had improved his smoking life, "It's not like other filters---it works a different way: It 'SPINS' the smoke---spins more flavor through". My father (who didn't smoke) reacted viscerally to the "stupidity' of the ad, which shocked me. As a wet-behind-the-ears , know-nothing kid, the ad sounded perfectly fine to me, so I asked him what he meant. "S-P-I-N-S the smoke---SO...WHAT?!", he bellowed. Today, at age 75, I trace my skepticism of advertising AND GOVERNMENT to that moment: Marxists have turned this technique into an art form.