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I need to stock up on No. 2 pencils to get out in front of this kidney lightning thing.

Wait . . . kidney lightning is good, right?

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See, there you go, JAQing off! The burden is on you to prove that kidney lightning isn't good, or that it's not bad, or that it exists, or whatever! Why are you trying to make life as a tenured academic (presumably, unless I'm just a made up covid troll bot) difficult?

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The onus is on ME? LOL! Looks more to me like the anus is on Caulfield. And he's proudly wearing it.

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It's the anus onus. Very challenging.

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I have a difficult time handling the devolution of discourse that currently envelopes us. Pretty much every day I have to exasperatedly ask myself multiple times “ How is it possible that a topic this stupid/ignorant/false/destructive is being given attention by any serious person or media outlet?” Then I get angry at myself for getting angry about the stupid thing because it’s all around us all the time and it’s now the baseline. Gas stoves anybody? I mean, FFS.

The accoutrement of these stupid bombs is that quite often they come from somebody ostensibly intelligent/credentialed/ of higher social status. Often that’s the psyop itself. “ You disagree with his excellency the Serene Majesty of the Federal Corksoaker Department?! You trivial swine!” Mostly they have a political /economic agenda to satisfy. Often there is an economic back door you don’t know about. Sometimes it’s obvious they are just f-g liars. And sometimes they are just domain specific ignoramuses. The smug condescension from a position of power coupled with oblivious ignorance is the worst. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a thing.

It’s reasonable to say to somebody, “Hey do your own research.” But when you are doing it because you can’t be bothered to evaluate your opinion in the face of copious amounts of good data making your position into intellectual Swiss cheese, then you’re just an ill-informed pompous dick.

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You can tell how much faith this "jaqoff" has in his theories by the fact that he limited the comments.

And anyone who knows people who had the COVID jab knows it doesn't work. They got COVID, repeatedly and badly in a lot of cases.

As for people losing faith in *other* vaccines, that's something this cretin needs to take up with the people in public health who made a mockery of our regulatory and research institutions and media for their own gain taking a neutron bomb to public faith in anything that comes out of their mouths, even the things that might actually be correct.

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Doesn’t science start with observation? So, if you know people who are vaccinated and boosted and who have had Covid several times as I do, you question whether the vaccines work. If you begin to see reports of young people dying unexpectedly and read articles that describe excess deaths among young people, do you wonder what might be happening? Apparently, people who practice faith-based science like Mr. Caulfield do not.

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If I were on Twitter, I'd be sending this JAQ of all trades (and master of none) every study I've saved that proves him wrong...

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You wouldn't, because -- wait for it -- he LIMITED REPLIES. He challenged people to provide evidence, then blocked them from answering.

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🤦‍♀️ Methinks this guy is a cowardly JAQass...

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Can you post your saved studies then tag him? Have no idea how Twitter works.

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If you can’t tweet him you can always use one of these methods:



Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H5




Inundate U of A email and phones.

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Have emailed him an invitation to reply.

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We need a Steve Kirsch-like poll: What will Caulfield do?

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I like your thinking Jeff

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🤷‍♀️ Me neither...

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Several observations. First, is this guy for real or is he a bot? If he's real, he's a liar and an idiot. Third, if he's getting his boosters regularly, we know his IgG4's are way up and his IgG3's gone or very, very, low. We all know what happens going forward. It's just a matter of time.

Danny Huckabee

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Google "timothy caulfield covid misinformation." He's the Canadian version of a Nina Jankowicz, a much-interviewed "expert." Not being Canadian, and having limited patience for parasites and fools, I just learned of his existence this week. But he leaves a long trail of slime behind him.

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And after saying "the onus is on you," he turns off replies!

My own answer to him:


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I love when people close off commenting of their posts after they start getting pushback. It really shows us how fragile they are.

Cross posting my comment from Berenson's thread:


In "The Invisible Siege" by Dan Werb, which is very pro mRNA vaccines and I suspect ghost written by Ralph Baric*, on page 179 they casually mention risk of stroke was concern with mRNA vaccine, so it's ridiculous the media presents this as some unforeseen side effect.

Full quote:



(Anyone bored can see my extended comments how much Dan Werb loves Ralph Baric)


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Glad you shared this. We have to expose these misanthropes and crush them. They do so much damage to those who aren't well-informed but think this person speaks from knowledge. Even if he's Canadian, we have to defeat all these people in the Anglosphere.


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I like the rhetoric here. It's ramping up. Their techniques are being outed as irrational. They can't philosophically hide. I've been talking about getting back to the basics of science. Real science is not motivated by anything but the search for truth. Francis Bacon tells us we have to purify our personalities in order to produce good science. Let's get back to that.

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The rhetoric needs to ramp up.

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I can't stop laughing.

I think this is why God gave us the peacock. When they're in full plumage, they're so burdened by their own glory that they can't actually fly. Ahem. Mr. Caulfield.

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Is it me or does Caulfield look suspiciously like Max Headroom?

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A true, card-carrying member of the idiocracy running amok. I’d like to volunteer paid limo service to his next 6 booster shots.

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I don't care at all about this twitter law professor, but has he ever been an actual lawyer?

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Good question.

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