From the article: "I suspect there is a more legitimate caucus who are concerned about this for families that is not under the spell of anti-vaxxers"

It's Salem all over again, folks. Anti-vaxxers are witches. They must be burned.

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What's ludicrous is that you can't go to public school in California if you haven't gotten all the shots on the state's schedule, so there are very few actual "anti-vaxxers" left in California. There are only people who (silly them!) don't want their kids getting experimental gene therapies behind their backs.

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There are millions of anti vaxxers here. In fact if the shitbird liars didn’t cheat so much we’d flip red

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Our mission, should we accept it, needs to be finding out how the shitbirds cheat and stop them.

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I've been saying (to actual humans, much to their disgust) in my most perfect Monty Python for 2 years, "She's a witch! Burn her!!"

Typically it's right after they piss all over the Great Barrington Declaration or make some nonsense fascistic statement...I've been banned from many many social media platforms in the past couple years, you may imagine.

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"a more legitimate caucus" "concerned abut this for families" "not under the spell of anti-vaxxers"? But isn't being concerned about the imposition of "vaccines", ipso facto the definition of "anti-vaxxer" nowadays? I mean, I thought anything less than enthusiastic (well, at least willing...or perhaps just grudging) submission to the jab automatically made you an anti-vaxxer, to be shunned by all of right-thinking humanity.

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It is harassment to express opposition democratically elected representatives who support legislation favored by enlightened progressives. It is democracy to harass Supreme Court judges who don’t vote the way progressives want them to vote.

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These people are fearful cowards, plain and simple. They won’t look you in the eye or even debate. They’ll use their power to shut you out.

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the virus is fear and the pandemic is cowardice.

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Where did people like Wiener get the idea that they're not supposed to hear the vigorous opposition of their constituents to this or that proposed legislation? Have they read the Constitution? Apparently not. They seem to think they're our rulers, not our reps.

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That guy's legislative efforts seem to impose his personal idealism onto people who don't usually fight back. I don't think he seeks public input from all sides. I don't think he tries to craft a fair and equal compromise in his bills. He has a more authoritarian approach: let's just make people do this because I think it's good. He's more legislative activist than true political leader.

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Yes, definitely not a leader!

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Hence his last name. A whining wiener is what he is.

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My goal for the rest of the day is "touch dirt," and to not stare at a computer screen. Hope to mostly be offline, so I'm not ignoring comments or emails, but I'll be back tomorrow.

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I just got back from 48 hours of R & R and I had like 200 emails in my box. Good luck catching up.

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To say something is politicized means that it is political. For something to be political means that it is related to the government (local, state, or federal), its policies, or its conduct. In a free and democratic society we are free to debate about those things. So, yes, it is politicized because it involves the politics of the government, its policies and its conduct. If you can't take the political heat then get your ass out of the political kitchen.

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The expression "violent opposition" makes me grit my teeth. We used to use accurate words to describe situations in which people had strong disagreements. "Vociferous opposition" or "vehement disagreement"--something like that. Now, every strong disagreement is labeled as "violent." To me, "violence" includes the use or imminent threat of force.

The other thing is that when the government is trying to take parents' and families' rights away from them, actual harassment is the only recourse of the people, short of (very expensive) lawsuits. Well, it's the only non-violent recourse.

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Haven't you heard? "Speech is violence" and therefore needs "moderation" so we can all stay "safe".

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don't forget "peaceful protests"

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If this is harassment, we need more of it—especially once they try to float more mandates with this new-and-improved! (and already outdated) Omicron vaccine that has been tested on, like, 8 mice in a basement lab somewhere (shut up, anti-vaxxers, with your unreasonable demands for human subjects testing and safety data!) and, of course, has as its prerequisite the full complement of boosters of the original, utterly ineffective “vaccine.” Of course it does. Never can have too many of these shots…

With all due sincerity: Fuck these people.

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There are probably good reasons why 15-year olds cannot drink alcohol, consent to have sex with adults, vote, join the armed services, sign contracts, get a tattoo, drive, or purchase a firearm, but I can't think of any.

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on contract signing, it seems to me that agreeing to be jabbed against Covid 19 is very similar to signing a contract -- because there is literally a contract a person must sign beforehand. it says that you certify that you are not allergic to various ingredients found in the jab. I can only guess that most kids have no idea if they're allergic to those ingredients. and I wonder how such a contract could ever withstand legal scrutiny. but, hey, it's California.

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Interesting. I wonder if the proposed bill had a work-around? It's Cali, the capitol of unintended consequences, so perhaps that would have been grounds to nullify had it passed.

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Cali, the capitol unintended consequences. I like that.

Yeah, I can only guess someone would try to find an angle to bring it to court. Don't know if they'd succeed in getting into court though. They'd have to find a judge that would allow it.

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Scott Wiener exemplifies all that is hateful and destructive in California government. He is a disgrace to our state. His dishonesty and corruption is legend and legion.

We, the citizens of California, did not elect him; a small cohort of activists and agitators saw to that. Never forget that this is the man who thinks it's little more than a minor infraction to deliberately and knowingly infect others with a deadly disease for which there is no cure.

It's people like Wiener that make California on object of contempt, worldwide. The voters of California can offer no defense, only an apology. If there was ever a case for reparations, it would be made in response to the present-day murderous harm done by Wiener and his cabal of like-minded would-be despots.

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Weiner and Pan must be removed from office ASAP.

When is their term up.

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They represent San Francisco and Sacramento -- they will not be removed, Wiener for sure. His current term ends in 2024, and he terms out in 2028.

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Weiner and Pan are truly awful, but they are only 2 members of the state senate. In order for these insane bills to be enacted into law, at least 19 other senators and 41 assembly members need to also sign on before getting Newsom's rubber stamp. So, unfortunately, getting rid of these 2 is only a start.

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"You’re hurting his feelings"

Poor baby!

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I'm sorry I'm so strident, everyone.

Wait. No, I'm not.

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We’ll never surrender our Freedom of Speech nor any of our other rights.

Progressive Nazism won’t stop us, either.

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I don’t suppose a 15 year old kid could be unreasonably influenced by someone like a teacher or tutor or coach to do something not in the kid’s long term interest, huh? For example, even if the vax is the right thing to do (I’m being generous here) some kids are on immunosuppressive drugs for some other condition. They don’t have the maturity to discuss the risks or procedure (e.g., forego the drug for a period of time) with the person trying to influence him to make a good decision. These people trying to push this crap are truly sick!

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My best guess is that the whole point of the bill was to open a gap for the medical coercion of children. "Free ice cream sundae in the gym for all students who get vaxxed today! Don't tell your parents!"

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It's also predictable that at least some teachers would publicly shame every student who remained unjabbed. It isn't hard to imagine the speeches these teachers would give at every all school assembly in the gym. It isn't hard to imagine the sense of shame and embarrassment an unjabbed 15 year old would feel during such an assembly. And it isn't hard to predict that whatever medical privacy these students thought they had would be violated by school administration and teachers -- all in the name of "doing what's right."

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The decency in a parent or a grandparent who does not allow their children to make huge life altering decisions alone gets activated in various firm, stern, animated ways when someone encourages kids to make such decisions. So someone making that LEGAL? Yes, that will activate the decency, and the legislator will hear it, it’s his job. Wiener can’t identify decency because he knows NOTHING about a shred of it, so that’s “toxic”. Right.

People like this actually demonstrate sayings like “truth is hate to people who hate truth” and “his life is his sentence” and “darkness destroys itself”. This is exactly the tone of our city council. You’re either compliant or “toxic”. This is a sickening type of person, and God is large and in charge of California no matter how ugly it gets.

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"You’re either compliant or 'toxic'."


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Wiener is one of the most repulsive ghouls in our state legislature. He was one of the legislators responsible for reducing from a felony to a misdemeanor those who knowingly spread HIV to others. He has authored and pushed so many other disgusting bills that it's disgraceful to anyone possessing even a tiny bit of moral compass

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He was also behind the bill that would have banned all the unvaccinated from entering all public buildings.

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Yeah, everything this clown does is negative to the rest of us.

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