In November of 2014, Rolling Stone published a story by the supposed journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely about an hours-long gang rape in a frat house at the University of Virginia.
For a lower level of social complexity, it sounds like an appropriate synonym for mimetic society would be "cargo cult". And it feels like everybody around me are out there eagerly building the fake airfield towers every day. I want to post of FB something like, "Aren't you sick of wearing masks? Don't you want to go back to normal?" Except I know that all but about two of my five hundred and some FB friends would respond "NEVER! It's not SAFE!"
I only stopped telling my local government officials that they were a cargo cult, last year, because they clearly had no idea what I was even talking about. It's exactly that behavior.
For a lower level of social complexity, it sounds like an appropriate synonym for mimetic society would be "cargo cult". And it feels like everybody around me are out there eagerly building the fake airfield towers every day. I want to post of FB something like, "Aren't you sick of wearing masks? Don't you want to go back to normal?" Except I know that all but about two of my five hundred and some FB friends would respond "NEVER! It's not SAFE!"
I only stopped telling my local government officials that they were a cargo cult, last year, because they clearly had no idea what I was even talking about. It's exactly that behavior.