"They both argued the issue had become more urgent with the kind of natural disasters that have come with climate change."
Seriously, if I have to hear one more power-hungry hack mention "climate change", I'm gonna introduce them to one of LA's many finest arsonists. (Also, someone needs to send these drones the memo: Everyone not in their bubble realizes that "climate change" and the perpetual "climate emergency" (!) are just bloody shirts our Controller class keeps waving in order to make people anxious and fearful enough to hand them total power, but this boy has cried wolf too many times and no one believes them anymore.)
Our completely useless MSM and political class make things too complicated (which has the benefit of making them appear wise and necessary, when they are neither): Just STFU about "Justice" "Equality" and global problems and do the jobs you were hired to do and campaigned for. How bout we make simple competence the new goal?
Global Cooling. Global Warming. Climate Change. Global Weirding. Climate Emergency. Extreme Heat. The Climate Crisis. Global Boiling. All terms have expiration dates.
And what’s actually going on is ‘weather patterns’. The weather isn’t supposed to be exactly the same year after year. People keep looking at weather in terms of one human lifetime, instead of over millions of years.
Here in the Midwest I tell the Climate change disciples how much I love it. 10,000 years ago this area was covered with a mile of ice. Now we’re surrounded by an abundance of lakes, valleys, and geological features those glaciers carved out for us all to enjoy. Much better than subsisting, or perishing on a glacier!! All this happened without a single SUV in sight!
Here in southeast PA we had six inches of snow yesterday and tomorrow morning are predicted to be at zero degrees. Some news source had the nerve to say it was due to climate change. And in the summer, we often hear a temperature may exceed the record for that date set in, wait for it, the 1930’s. Was it climate change back then? They truly believe we are stupid.
BTW, the land is RISING (slightly) in many areas due to Ice Age weight compression being relieved. Perhaps the increase in temps since then has something to do with the land’s rebound. In any event, look for “land explosion” to be another CC driven catastrophe. Unbounded extrapolation will no doubt show that in 1M years the Earth will be larger than the Solar System… Of course, each grain of sand will be 1,000 miles from the next.
A solution in search of a problem. The NYT's all-purpose answer to everything: centralization.
"Mr. Villaraigosa said he supported, for example, remaking Los Angeles along the lines of San Francisco, which is both a county and a city" because San Francisco is SUCH a model of good government.
Must have been 15-18 years ago when our 2-star sent a memo to the entire WA National Guard (Army and Air--he was an Air JAG...I think Hegseth said 'JAG Off', and I couldn't agree more...) that privately owned weapons were unauthorized in Government vehicles, nor on any of the government armories.
In one fell swoop, this flute playing (truth, we learned this at his retirement a few years later), non-deploying, Obama-loving, union-lawyer 2-star Air Force JAG officer dismissed ALL of the training-physical, mental, moral that each Soldier or Airman had received. We were not to be trusted with a weapon?
All of the values? Good for nothing. We were 5 years into a war that spanned 20, and he suddenly believes the best thing to do is disarm the very people who were carrying weapons overseas.
This is the same attitude. No one can be trusted, EXCEPT the DEI indoctrinated, Kool-Aid drinking incompetent tyrant from on high.
I saw it in the corporate world as well. Centralize pricing. Strip autonomy, power, decision-making from local managers--everything is fed from the top.
How about the '2-star squad leaders' we'd see overseas? Watching BlueForce Tracker, and itching to jump in and correct the E-5 in the TIC.
This is all stems from the same sickness. It has probably always been this way. Trust the experts, trust the government, trust the science...
Even in commie Washington I heard that movement for rent control was stopped/influenced by the severe demand for new development. Everyone in the biz knows it is too risky to build with rent control. Let's pray for sanity. By my watch, it begins in 25 minutes. God Bless America!
The NYT article essentially absolving incompetent LA leaders by saying they don’t have *enough* power gives off real “we need a TSA in the wake of 9/11” vibes. Absolute insanity.
I flew home for mid-tour leave into Atlanta in July of 2006. The entire plane was filled with Soldiers/Airmen/Marines/Sailors from both Iraq & Afghanistan, who had been almost 'violently' shaken down by MPs with dogs before leaving. War trophies are verboten in the 21st Century US military, so they have a very intrusive interrogation/inspection in Qatar.
We land in Atlanta with connections less than 60 minutes from takeoff across the airport. These TSA clowns shook us down like we were all thugs. It was surreal and so frustrating.
This is the only article I have read about the obvious value of decentralization in the LA fire debacle. South Pasadena’s record should be publicized. I will do my part by restacking it.
Shhh! Don't tell them. Our lords and masters, I mean.
Every system, every program, every department that functions, that successfully accomplishes the task for which it was created, that works (!), has been, or is being shut down, defunded, or simply DEI'ed out of existence.
Look around. At every municipal, regional, state, or federal so-called "service". Garbage pickup? It stinks. City, county, state, or federal highways? It is to laugh. The postal service? A joke. Fire or police "protection"? Or even, God help us, the military?
There was a front-page article today about a L.A. County FD firefighting helicopter. I had thought it was good and involving, and admiring of their skill and daring, but you’re right: since it was in the NY Times it was probably lies and propaganda.
Statists/Progressives are like the triangle player in elementary school band: ONE NOTE and REST is all they have. And it’s typically better if they just Rest.
But man alive, no matter the problem, no matter how unrelated or wrong, it’s always the same. fucking. stupid. Tedious. monotonous. ubiquitous answer for them: we just need more centralized government control. (And oddly enough, more of your tax 💰).
And when that causes more problems and harms, you know what they’ll say? Oh yes. Yes you do. DING-DING-DING goes the triangle.
I hate these people beyond words. I really do. I’m trying, but… I got nothing else.
One of the reasons I moved out of LA (Encino) in 2007 was because my two girls, aged 7 and 9, were going to eventually have to attend the terrible public middle and high schools in the Valley. Private was out of the question due to cost. If Encino had its own schools, we may have stayed.
Left in 1999 for the same exact reason. My son was in a Catholic school for kindergarten which I couldn't afford( had to do volunteer work for credit) and came home the first week with a hand mark across his face from another kid slapping him. That was in Burbank. I have NEVER regretted leaving.
I dunno, Chris. Just imagine how much more influence the people of South Pasadena would have in Gaza and Ukraine if their official resolutions were coming from the unified L.A. government rather than just your small town. You’d be able to look on your cracked pavements with some pride, then, I think.
What a concept! I can just see it now…eastern Washington is incorporated into greater Seattle. Eastern Oregon is incorporated into greater Portland, my oh my, how smoothly things would run!
And just imagine the joy those rural communities would experience being allowed to ensconce themselves in the arms of greater Seattle and greater Portland! Oh my!
Actually from the interests of psychopathic ideologues centralization on the West Coast enclaves makes sense. They have only the Left Coast and only 1-2 counties inland, the Northeast ACELA line Power Corridor from DC to Boston and the inner city Blue Plantations. The West Coast is the strongest base of contiguous electoral power they have and they want to hold or expand their holdings. It is well established that Blue government drives out everyone not part of Patron - Client Democratic machine politics and replaces them with dependents, this being the point of the net 10 million immigrants the last 4 years.
All dysfunction and crime, disaster accrues to Blue gains.
The NYT position is perfectly logical, simply ruthless.
I for one think it's nice to see them with their masks off. Not that I find their insectoid-reptilian faces *pleasant*. It's just fewer layers of subtext to parse.
The New York Waste of Times.
All the opinions that are not fit to print.
Bird cage liner.
Good kindling for the fireplace
“The *New York Times,* a former newspaper…” - Andrew Klavan, about once per podcast episode
oh no he di-int
"They both argued the issue had become more urgent with the kind of natural disasters that have come with climate change."
Seriously, if I have to hear one more power-hungry hack mention "climate change", I'm gonna introduce them to one of LA's many finest arsonists. (Also, someone needs to send these drones the memo: Everyone not in their bubble realizes that "climate change" and the perpetual "climate emergency" (!) are just bloody shirts our Controller class keeps waving in order to make people anxious and fearful enough to hand them total power, but this boy has cried wolf too many times and no one believes them anymore.)
Our completely useless MSM and political class make things too complicated (which has the benefit of making them appear wise and necessary, when they are neither): Just STFU about "Justice" "Equality" and global problems and do the jobs you were hired to do and campaigned for. How bout we make simple competence the new goal?
Make governing boring again!
Global Cooling. Global Warming. Climate Change. Global Weirding. Climate Emergency. Extreme Heat. The Climate Crisis. Global Boiling. All terms have expiration dates.
And what’s actually going on is ‘weather patterns’. The weather isn’t supposed to be exactly the same year after year. People keep looking at weather in terms of one human lifetime, instead of over millions of years.
I loved "Global Cooling" back in the day. Lots of snow in the winter. (1978) It was awesome!
I hate "Global Warming." It's too hot and, mostly, no good snows in the winters.
We were all going to die in an ice age.
And from acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer!
"All terms have expiration dates"
True, and for each of your examples, that date was circa 1960!
And those dates have long since expired!
It's zero at noon where I am. Wouldn't mind a bit of that climate change.
“…just bloody shirts our Controller class keeps waving in order to make people anxious and fearful…”
An ever-increasing number of people rightly view the climate change brand as akin to the hammer & sickle.
can't fix potholes, but will be able to control global weather.
They can't even predict the weather.
If only we had recognized climate change before it started:
Here in the Midwest I tell the Climate change disciples how much I love it. 10,000 years ago this area was covered with a mile of ice. Now we’re surrounded by an abundance of lakes, valleys, and geological features those glaciers carved out for us all to enjoy. Much better than subsisting, or perishing on a glacier!! All this happened without a single SUV in sight!
in another 5000 years, it might even be warm enough to be livable!
Eh, that's too optimistic.
Here in southeast PA we had six inches of snow yesterday and tomorrow morning are predicted to be at zero degrees. Some news source had the nerve to say it was due to climate change. And in the summer, we often hear a temperature may exceed the record for that date set in, wait for it, the 1930’s. Was it climate change back then? They truly believe we are stupid.
What do you expect. They're trying to fill a God shaped hole.
It's a religion to them
BTW, the land is RISING (slightly) in many areas due to Ice Age weight compression being relieved. Perhaps the increase in temps since then has something to do with the land’s rebound. In any event, look for “land explosion” to be another CC driven catastrophe. Unbounded extrapolation will no doubt show that in 1M years the Earth will be larger than the Solar System… Of course, each grain of sand will be 1,000 miles from the next.
if only!
A solution in search of a problem. The NYT's all-purpose answer to everything: centralization.
"Mr. Villaraigosa said he supported, for example, remaking Los Angeles along the lines of San Francisco, which is both a county and a city" because San Francisco is SUCH a model of good government.
Indeed. Villaraigosa conveniently left out that SF is 49 square miles in area. Just a wee bit smaller than La La Land.
Commies gonna centralize🤷🏼♂️🤡🌎🐂💩
When you’re absolutely certain of your own “rightness” on every possible issue, fascism (with you as the leader) is the only logical solution.
Must have been 15-18 years ago when our 2-star sent a memo to the entire WA National Guard (Army and Air--he was an Air JAG...I think Hegseth said 'JAG Off', and I couldn't agree more...) that privately owned weapons were unauthorized in Government vehicles, nor on any of the government armories.
In one fell swoop, this flute playing (truth, we learned this at his retirement a few years later), non-deploying, Obama-loving, union-lawyer 2-star Air Force JAG officer dismissed ALL of the training-physical, mental, moral that each Soldier or Airman had received. We were not to be trusted with a weapon?
All of the values? Good for nothing. We were 5 years into a war that spanned 20, and he suddenly believes the best thing to do is disarm the very people who were carrying weapons overseas.
This is the same attitude. No one can be trusted, EXCEPT the DEI indoctrinated, Kool-Aid drinking incompetent tyrant from on high.
I saw it in the corporate world as well. Centralize pricing. Strip autonomy, power, decision-making from local managers--everything is fed from the top.
How about the '2-star squad leaders' we'd see overseas? Watching BlueForce Tracker, and itching to jump in and correct the E-5 in the TIC.
This is all stems from the same sickness. It has probably always been this way. Trust the experts, trust the government, trust the science...
As a real estate owner, I’m waiting for this to happen with rent control. I hope we can sell before it happens.
Even in commie Washington I heard that movement for rent control was stopped/influenced by the severe demand for new development. Everyone in the biz knows it is too risky to build with rent control. Let's pray for sanity. By my watch, it begins in 25 minutes. God Bless America!
The NYT article essentially absolving incompetent LA leaders by saying they don’t have *enough* power gives off real “we need a TSA in the wake of 9/11” vibes. Absolute insanity.
I flew home for mid-tour leave into Atlanta in July of 2006. The entire plane was filled with Soldiers/Airmen/Marines/Sailors from both Iraq & Afghanistan, who had been almost 'violently' shaken down by MPs with dogs before leaving. War trophies are verboten in the 21st Century US military, so they have a very intrusive interrogation/inspection in Qatar.
We land in Atlanta with connections less than 60 minutes from takeoff across the airport. These TSA clowns shook us down like we were all thugs. It was surreal and so frustrating.
The TSA should be DOGE'd.
This is the only article I have read about the obvious value of decentralization in the LA fire debacle. South Pasadena’s record should be publicized. I will do my part by restacking it.
Decentralization with good coordination and a strong professional ethic. Has been working well here for decades.
"Has been working well here for decades."
Shhh! Don't tell them. Our lords and masters, I mean.
Every system, every program, every department that functions, that successfully accomplishes the task for which it was created, that works (!), has been, or is being shut down, defunded, or simply DEI'ed out of existence.
Look around. At every municipal, regional, state, or federal so-called "service". Garbage pickup? It stinks. City, county, state, or federal highways? It is to laugh. The postal service? A joke. Fire or police "protection"? Or even, God help us, the military?
Its ALL broken!
It seems to be the only way out here
next step, introduce competition so that better performing units can grow.
The hogs are salivating at the thought of all that slop.
When is the NYT right about anything?
There was a front-page article today about a L.A. County FD firefighting helicopter. I had thought it was good and involving, and admiring of their skill and daring, but you’re right: since it was in the NY Times it was probably lies and propaganda.
I’m astonished that people actually pay to read their propaganda.
Uh, 1945?
There's the key...
Like listening to Cramer's investment advice.
Statists/Progressives are like the triangle player in elementary school band: ONE NOTE and REST is all they have. And it’s typically better if they just Rest.
But man alive, no matter the problem, no matter how unrelated or wrong, it’s always the same. fucking. stupid. Tedious. monotonous. ubiquitous answer for them: we just need more centralized government control. (And oddly enough, more of your tax 💰).
And when that causes more problems and harms, you know what they’ll say? Oh yes. Yes you do. DING-DING-DING goes the triangle.
I hate these people beyond words. I really do. I’m trying, but… I got nothing else.
if you don't hate them, you're an idiot.
this made me laugh so hard! thanks
Terrific piece. So infuritaing to read about those in charge and those who bloviate without any idea of what they're talking about.
That FP guy was great.
One of the reasons I moved out of LA (Encino) in 2007 was because my two girls, aged 7 and 9, were going to eventually have to attend the terrible public middle and high schools in the Valley. Private was out of the question due to cost. If Encino had its own schools, we may have stayed.
Lived in Sherman Oaks for a few years, left in good part for that very reason.
Left in 1999 for the same exact reason. My son was in a Catholic school for kindergarten which I couldn't afford( had to do volunteer work for credit) and came home the first week with a hand mark across his face from another kid slapping him. That was in Burbank. I have NEVER regretted leaving.
You didn't want them to be "Valley Girls?" You are such a heinous dad! I mean, like, gag me with a spoon! 😉😊😋
Plus, if it's Trump, a strong man is the most dangerous form of politician, but if it's one of them, they need to be given more power
I dunno, Chris. Just imagine how much more influence the people of South Pasadena would have in Gaza and Ukraine if their official resolutions were coming from the unified L.A. government rather than just your small town. You’d be able to look on your cracked pavements with some pride, then, I think.
Shit, I was wrong. Unification NOW!
What a concept! I can just see it now…eastern Washington is incorporated into greater Seattle. Eastern Oregon is incorporated into greater Portland, my oh my, how smoothly things would run!
And just imagine the joy those rural communities would experience being allowed to ensconce themselves in the arms of greater Seattle and greater Portland! Oh my!
Actually from the interests of psychopathic ideologues centralization on the West Coast enclaves makes sense. They have only the Left Coast and only 1-2 counties inland, the Northeast ACELA line Power Corridor from DC to Boston and the inner city Blue Plantations. The West Coast is the strongest base of contiguous electoral power they have and they want to hold or expand their holdings. It is well established that Blue government drives out everyone not part of Patron - Client Democratic machine politics and replaces them with dependents, this being the point of the net 10 million immigrants the last 4 years.
All dysfunction and crime, disaster accrues to Blue gains.
The NYT position is perfectly logical, simply ruthless.
Last I read, some of Eastern Washington wanted to join Idaho.
Why the Dems want to keep it/
Yes. More subjects to torture.
I for one think it's nice to see them with their masks off. Not that I find their insectoid-reptilian faces *pleasant*. It's just fewer layers of subtext to parse.
"I've got one who can SEE."