
these institutions and parties have become dark funhouse inversions of their purported aims, serving nothing but themselves in the name of some hallucinatory collective weal.

one cannot help but be struck by not just the wrongness of it but the actual gathering madness. it's a group that has so rarified itself for dogmatic dishonesty and actual, weapons grade stupidity that is has detached itself entirely from any semblance of consensus reality. worse, it seems unable to apprehend this fact about itself. this is the road to pathocracy, rule by the most pathological.

i very much agree that "pick your fights" seems an inapposite response. tear this out, root and stem. salt the fields from which it sprang. these institutions are not fixable, they must be removed. not "let's get better and smarter people to run the department of education this time;" instead "afeura!" fire whole agencies. sell their offices for condos.

from the standpoint of the preservation of the republic, distrust in and disassembly of the state is not a bug, it's a feature, the marrow and integument of a free society.

these people are jumping the shark. time to make sure they are eaten by it.

trust in them is at all time lows. lean in. we can go lower.

ridicule and free speech are potent tools. they open eyes and minds. they are incredibly difficult for the humorless and vapid scolds of the technocratic classes to fight. they just wind up beclowning themselves in streisand effect pratfalls.

it's this or get used to a life of "one more 5 year plan to make for glorious karentopia of owning nothing and having no privacy (happiness optional)" repeated like "groundhog day" until things (including our spirits) well and truly break.

walk away. build outside these structures. stop respecting demands to "respect my marginalization" from the dark triad trait people that civilization and rights based governance was intended to keep away form the levers of power. take back the public agroa for actual free speech where things may be called by their actual names. meme them until they cry then make memes about them crying.

the revolution will be fun.

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It’s time for a chainsaw revolution

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You should capitalize words properly if you want to be taken seriously.

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I take him very serioiusly. Capitals not required, particularly in this day and age.

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Do you really think ignoring rules—even seemingly minor ones like written English rules—is an okay idea? It just shows disrespect for others and frankly laziness.

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Chris Bray , So eloquently said , and we have to not care who we offend anymore. What a bunch Asshoolery.

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Jul 28Liked by Chris Bray

And never apologize

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Never, and it wouldn’t do any good anyway

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It gives the Lefties another means of attacking you through your conscience. "Oh that person is remorseful, time to double down." Conan showed us the way:


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Stealing Asshoolery. I like how it rolls off my tongue!


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It's pointless to copyright words, but as far as I know, Brian, I coined "assholery." A citation in Merriam - Webster would be nice, though I'm not expecting it.

Cole Porter was convinced that he had coined "See America First," which was one of the great taglines promoting domestic tourism a hundred years ago. He may have, though as with "assholery," some ideas are just in the mass unconscious.

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I love it Bobby! Have a great evening.


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With every fiber of my being: fuck these people.

Fight to ruin. Theirs, preferably. If not, ours.

This is the only way forward now.

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See, I wanted to say "fuck these people," but my mom still calls to tell me to watch my language. But FUCK THESE PEOPLE sorry mom

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My mom raised me to watch my language, too.

She failed, clearly.

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My mother could swear like a sailor with Tourette’s. On November Sunday afternoons if the Chicago Bears were doing badly the air above our house turned blue. If she were still with us she’d be yelling LOUDER.

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Hopefully some Sundays when your mom swore at the Bears like a sailor with Tourette's it was because they were playing the Detroit Lions!

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She particularly loathed the Dallas Cowboys. I won’t speak of Big Ten basketball season. We were an Indiana University family and for reasons I never fully understood the sight of Lou Henson transported her into fits of rage.

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We do have kangaroos bouncing down the street occasionally around here - but actual bears running around in Chicago sounds terrifying

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My mom's dead and I still see her disapproving countenance when I curse.


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Jul 28Liked by Chris Bray

Hmmm….so now everyone can see how well you listen to your mom! However, I will admit that our leftist destroyers of culture warrant such vernacular.

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Jul 28Liked by Chris Bray

You are completely right, Linda. I have used the F word MUCH more than ever before these past few years of turbulent, dangerous, effed-up nonsense. Not proud about it... but it helps!!

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If the shoe fits

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Listen to Mom.

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Boys, boys... they have all the power. Whatcha gonna do, knock down the castle walls with your forehead? Gueriilla war is exactly what is needed. Like the Spanish against Napoleon.

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Respectfully, I disagree. The bureaucratic overreach has its tentacles in every mom-and-pop business, home school, interpersonal interaction real or virtual, the food we eat.

Live not by lies; not even the facade of go along to get along. Everyday average people who haven't been paying attention need to see others standing up and fighting every stupid thing and un-Constitutional act. There is no way out but through and 10 years of open unpleasantness beats 100 years of subjugation every day of the week.

I understand not everyone has been through enough yet to get to this point, but tactically and to maintain our own integrity, No More.

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What does it even mean? I am for using aikido moves, rather than rushing in with a sword and getting William Wallaced.

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My assumption, because I know some such people, is that lots of folks feel it's guerrilla to acquiesce [or even endorse] publicly while thinking and acting differently in private. I agree that lines up with 'underground' in the vein of guerrilla or insurgency tactics - cells and secrets and subterfuge, flee for the hills if 'discovered'. It's prudent, relatively low risk. It counts on Someone Else to do the work of actively opposing and dismantling DEI, kindergarten kink-grooming, un-demoralizing rationality & civilization.

"Attack on all fronts. Batter it down." and "Fight to ruin" mentality leads to seizing tactical opportunities with higher risks and significant costs, at least potentially. The battles each person picks and choice of effective tactics will be different for every situation, but public/private values and behavior are aligned. It might be suing powerful people over the shots or the lockdowns. It might be running for a minor local office despite knowing you'll lose clients or customers who subscribe to all the current things, or publicly announcing your company hires on merit, period, and getting sued. It might be having conversations that will push away family and friends who just came back from disowning you in 2020. It's all the prudent stuff *plus* actions in some way public, clearly anti-narrative, gently or aggressively assertive, generally the opposite of go along to get along. Not waiting for the other guy to risk everything, hoping to reap their benefits. _Being_ that guy, instead, to be the one who builds someone else's bravery enough to dissent for the first time in some small way & maybe grow from there.

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Guerilla war is war by different rules. You figure out how to harm the enemy the mostest for the leastest cost. When you are overpowered and want to win, this is the way. You know... partisan war. Sure, it involves deception, but if you Sieg Heil during the day while blowing up nazi trains during the night... well, where is the problem?

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I don't believe in the slightest that we are overpowered, for one thing. They're ever more loudly flailing but less and less believed by fewer and fewer, and the dwindling pool of believers are becoming sad and frantic. They only have the power our attention and deference grant them. There are not enough of them to control all of us, unless we let them. Watch them over the next weeks as media-puffed fauxthusiasm for New Brandon falls flat. Watch Saturn devour his children in Chicago in a few weeks.

Having spent time in places in the middle of anarchy, war, military rule, one-party abuses, and violent coups, personally I'd much prefer to avoid a hot civil war. Apart from blowing up Nazi trains, which as far as I know aren't a problem around here, what guerrilla tactics are proposed -- against, say, HR departments and mentally-ill kindergarten teachers or school board reps -- that will change the course of history? And Vichy France, after all, was not defeated by the Resistance - who is going to be landing on the beaches here? More likely to be the Chinese than saviors sent by Milei or Viktor Orban.

I have no interest in guerrilla LARPing. Insisting on facts and civilization while the other side goes over the top in corruption is personally more inconvenient but interpersonally a thousand times more effective. The more people who openly doubt, even mock, the so-called powers that be, and decline to go along with ridiculous illogic, require legal justifications from petty bureaucrats and similar, and generally stand up for what we know to be true, publicly and persuasively, the less likely we'll wake up to a world of people literally hanging from lampposts. That world is really a bummer.

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Jul 28Liked by Chris Bray

Another “truth” he declared in the same address is that he is the great uniter. Never in human history has a peoples group been more united than the American people are today.

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The dystopian metaphors are simply tired. Too obvious. No one under 40 has read them anyway--by design. Much better to discuss Howlie White Boy privilege and PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE

...sorry about that. In WA, we apparently--at least in Pierce County--extended Pride to July. Because, well, of course we did.

Watching Biden makes me both insanely angry and cry for our country. Kamala. Seriously? I mean, seriously?

Fight! Fight! Fight! High-T Alpha Males vs Girl Bosses and beta males.


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I moved out of Snohomish County when they elected that lesbian Woke Sheriff over the Constitutionalist. I'm going to end up in Idaho at this rate, I just know it.

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I believe this is a spiritual war. I use God’s Word, put on His armor, and use my authority against this evil.

Spoiler alert: GOD WINS! 🙏🏼✝️🕊️🛡️

We’re in for a heckuva ride though!

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Ultimately it comes to voting with your feet. They can only persist as long as they have good and decent people willing to extend good faith in hopes the system will correct itself (I guess that's what's going on) but bottom line most of all paying taxes.

Starve the beast. Don't feed the trolls, Don't go along, Don't stay inside the madhouse.

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'Fight! Fight! Fight! High-T Alpha Males vs Girl Bosses and beta males.'

That's it exactly. However, the GirlBosses and Simps are backed by the globalistas, the Great Reset pseudo-elite, many monied families like the Rockefellers, and allied forces including U.S. federal government, intel, corporations, academia, financial institutions, so forth.

Which is to say, some fit competition, because Girlbosses and betas on their own aren't much of a challenge.

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Yes, but I think if we just stand up and say “No.” all of those institutions are filled with betas and HR directors who likely haven’t faced true confrontation. They will wilt.


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It would be well if such proved out. But I don't think saying 'no' is gonna be near enough in this case.

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Probably right, but I think it begins with ‘no’.


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Agreed. Always start with the smallest stick possible. And a whole lot of folks in the U.S. have not been saying No when they should, and when they must.

Because for decades the truth in New Amerika has been quite inconvenient to the wallets and purses of the citizenry, reductive of acceptable social status, and risky in any non-private setting. Schools, workplaces, entertainment venues, courts, churches, and often one's own home . . . talkin' reality is dangerous.

'No' ain't been easy lately.

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"...extended Pride to July"


Here to in PDX.

One month is not enough, apparently.

That's a lot of pride, isn't it?

Perhaps *too* much?

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The fact it tops the 7 Deadly Sins must also be by design. I walked into a tech school the other day. I’m shopping tech schools for carpentry/construction to spend my remaining GI Bill—I want to learn to build and fix stuff. The woman at reception desk had a huge flag display on her desk, at least 4-5 others had rainbows adorning their work areas…I’m just so sick of it. I think the tide is actually turning against this…like you said, "*too* much. They over played their hand.



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It's disorienting as hell at first. But eventually you realize that you'll need to live in relative chaos, and succeed in it, some how, so...

I now realize that I was tacitly raised to have personal pride, but here's the BIG qualifier: it is to be kept private, not shouted to heavens, as it's being done now.

Too, it is to be tempered with humility.

And there's a practical reason that this had evolved in western culture: overt pride is an open challenge, and aspirational males--and formerly that would be most of them--would rise to the challenge. The result would be much male-on-male violence, and little social order.

The proof is contemporary popular black culture, with purposeful dissing, followed by indiscriminate gunplay.

But for more inhibited members of society this braggadocio results in resentment.

So with modern black culture and the value it places on public and excessive expressions of pride, the best you can hope for is mere resentment, and there's also the distinct possibility of shootings.

This is at best dumb, and at worst self-destructive.

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Pride is a sin, now vaulted to a cult. For myself, I use the words "integrity" for the way I try to live, and "dignity" as an aspiration I'd like others to adopt, for those infected by the insanity, driven to abase themselves in vulgar public rituals for applause or to escape penalties.

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If you think about it, there are many words for self-awareness that apparently are not only out of use presently, but very many people wonder *why* anyone would ever practice these traits.

Like "humility". Like "integrity".

And hypocrisy has no meaning to them, whatsoever. What in the world is wrong with a double standard, if I, or my favored identity group, gains advantage?

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Don’t forget how they hijacked the symbolism of the rainbow and Gods promise to his people.

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Brian, I would have thought on the left coast Pride Month was just one rolling twelve month celebration.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

😂! Closer to the truth than I probably know...


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I tend to agree, generally. However, I saw a meme yesterday that said this:

An airliner is flying to the US from Moscow. An American aboard asks the Russian sitting next to him, "What brings you to the United States?"

Russian: "I am going there to study how the Democrat party carries out its propaganda operations so amazingly effectively."

American: "Huh? What propaganda?"

Russian: "Exactly!"

So I am still a bit uncomfortable. Let's hope the dam is breaking.

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Once the number of potential voters who benefit more from, than they contribute to, publicly funded social programs became close to the number of potential voters who contribute more than they benefit, the system as we knew it was gone forever.

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Trust me, it isn't. There were cracks when Biden was still in "charge" but the momentary doubt the oopleheads expressed has been thoroughly assuaged.

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Jul 28Liked by Chris Bray

I think I mentioned once before that the behavior now called gaslighting comes from a play/movie and at the end Ingrid Bergman holds a knife above her husband, which she doesn’t use, but says “Are you suggesting this is a knife I have in my hand? Have you gone mad, my sane husband?” We can only hope that all of us who recognize we aren’t crazy, just lied to, get a satisfying ending.

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It's been almost a full hour since I looked up in alarm, sitting next to my wife on the couch, and asked why the lights were flickering.

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We're getting there at an accelerating speed, despite the many who are still fully entranced. I'm old enough to remember when calling someone a racist put both the name-caller and the target outside the bounds of polite society - it was that much of a horrible term to call anyone or to merit accusation. Now it's not even a blip; everyone is racist, including the people calling everyone racist, so it's barely an insult, just "hey systemic oppression tough break".

My assessment is that gentle mockery is the best tactic of the moment, potentially reaching folks who simply have not yet reflected on how insane our times are, but then I don't live in Portland or California. I suspect your political bureaucracy is going to have to run out of money literally before the demons (fig. or lit., take your pick) let up. That or it will take the kinds of violence "pour encourager les autres" common in earlier days. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/tarring-and-feathering

We're layering in more preparations because even here we'll have some tricky times between now and next summer. (Likely longer.)

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We all have to realize the citizens of Woke City have a patchwork of motivations. White liberal girl bosses have empowered young girls to cut off their breasts and man up. These shrews dream of being loved by minorities and are endlessly disappointed to find out minorities, especially blacks, despise them. Liberal white men can’t feminize themselves fast enough and just dream of a good pegging by an empowered girl boss. Minorities are resentful of white privilege. Super smart elites are in love with gaming the system and looting America. Anyone in senior democrat elected office or their bureaucratic counterparts wants to figure out some grift to enrich themselves. Then you have a LOT of traditional democrats know something has gone terribly wrong but have no idea how to change things. Of course, the biggest voting block by far are the people who are not very smart. All of the other groups like the people that aren’t smart because they’re easy to manipulate.

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They voted for Obama, and they'll vote for Kamala. This has been cued up with 24/7 ESG-driven media promotion of black females since the death of St. George Floyd.

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Environmental & Social Governance (ESG) is the reason we see phony blacks on half the Tv commercials. Large companies also use the ESG system to force acceptance of DEI, trans genderism, and every other Woke absurdity on employees and supply chains, too.

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If Californians unite for their children and their state, Patrick Bateman and his ilk will return to dust like a vampire chained in sunlight.

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Already begun fighting back in a real way against this communism from the inside.

The assassination attempt was the final line for me.

I've begun destroying the administrative state where I live--they treat vets and regular citizens as serfs. No more.

I've begun telling the truth on substack, and pushing back and crushing as I can the communists here on this site.

I've put my Trump sticker on my car, and that's not nothing.

They are foul, weak, and stupid. Yes, they can and will do damage and are not to be dismissed.

It's time to form the line twenty deep and march out and meet them.

Theoden: "What can we do against such reckless hate?"

Aragorn: "Ride out and meet them, Sire."


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You need to learn from Operation: Torch, in order to pave the way for Operation: Overlord.

If you start with Overlord. . . not good.

Erode their base, make their backers lose money, oppose them in every way everywhere but the big set battle must be avoided until the enemy is already on the back foot and is castling his forces - because this enemy considers total destruction of what is fought over as preferable to losing.

And accept that in war, there's no such thing as rules or laws: those are for the winner to use against the loser, to hammer home that the loser not only lost, but was WrongBadEvil too.

Bring your troops home. Stop the war-machine.

And read the entirety of Eisenhower's farewell address. The line about the military-industrial complex isn't the most important part. This is:

"Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.


The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded."

And just to high-light:

"...a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity."

1961, this man told you what would happen.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Chris Bray

Yeah, it (Wokedom et al.) does seem to now be destroying itself with its own excesses -- helpful if this really true. (By the way, did you drinking a whole lot of coffee today? Writing was a bit intense in this one.)

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Chris, consistent brilliant writing, you are a breath of free air! NEVER STOP!

Like other folks have written here,time to stomp " asshoolery" into the sewer.Out here in Thee Republic of SOUTH ARIZONA, we stand with all of YOU. GOD BLESS THIS GREAT REPUBLIC, MAGA 2024 2028.....🌵🌵🦂🌵🦂🌵

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Do "They" want to dissolve America so that They can then swoop in to the rescue? The US is their biggest impediment towards a one world government. I hope that They underestimate Americans.

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I’m laughing and crying. Perfect.

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One interesting aspect that is not covered enough in this discussion: The Lefties are constantly accusing their enemies of crimes that THEY ARE CURRENTLY COMMITTING. The psychological phenomenon of projection has found a place in the Democrat party where it seems to be the ONLY way that they communicate about their rivals.

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Good topic! Kind of like someone pointing a finger at someone else, with three fingers pointing back at them.

I feel like there is so much room for all of us to embrace humility.

How many new grassroots activists have walked into the arena with a chip on their shoulder (sometimes very valid reasons of concern and rights to be miffed at the political leaders too!!) but they burn bridges faster than you could count 1, 2, 3… so how are they much better to the cause for freedom?

God help ME to be wise … and each of us to monitor our own hearts before God. I’m glad HE is the One Who ultimately judges!

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Pure Ailinsky

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