4 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Not to worry though, no doubt all those 290-odd ships are stocked with the latest in gender-neutral washrooms, "multi-faith reflection rooms", and fully stocked canteens with the full array of locally-sourced, vegan, gluten-free and farm-to-table sustainably produced and women-owned nutritional supplements that all our fighting xirs need in order to take on the *real* enemy head-on: White Rage!

Take *that* Houthis! Tremble before Harris Doctrine Showboat Diplomacy!

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To think that "In the Navy" by the Village People is now...full circle? Reality? I'm done.

*Looks at bourbon*

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I hear you. Have been binge reading thru the Horatio Hornblower book series as either an antiacid or an analgesic - take your pick.

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As I recall, when Winston Churchill took over the British Admiralty, he was mocking the Navy's traditions as nothing more than "rum, sodomy, and the lash." He was not advocating using those things as recruitment and retention strategies.

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And yet, here we are, girlfriend. I'm not hip enough to know what they do instead of rum, though.

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Bud Light.

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I forgot all about them trying to use a drag queen to recruit!! What could POSSIBLY explain this behaviour?! Besides the weirdest kind of insanity we never heard of? CIA drug and trauma based identity destruction comes somehow to mind. what is the result? The demilitarization of the US armed forces. By accident? Impossible, it has to be by SOMEBODY's intention. China? HOW COULD THEY? It has to be done INTERNALLY. It's the same campaign as COVID shots and border destruction. Spitballing.

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To comply with the military DEI requirements for gender-neutral utensils, that should be "farm-to-spork".

Farm-to-table implies a phallocentric power hierarchy of vertically dominant structural members.

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I feel like the current Navy would have, instead of Top Gun, a competition called Inclusive Result Aircraft Participation Event. Highway to the Mediocre Zone.

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Good one!

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Moveable thumbs that can grip utensils is a cis-normative, species-ist statement. I'll have to report to you HR.

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I'm sure there are very real "concerns" about the inclusion of genderless or gender fluid sea invertebrate harems and the appropriate feeding apparatus and preservation of oceanic lava tube habitat.

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You guys a cracking me up! Lolol

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This post gives me Joy™

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"Showboat diplomacy" is hilarious

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This must be how the Roman legions felt under the joy of Emperor Nero.

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I don't recall -- did he have a brat summer?

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I heard Cleopatra was the original Hwak Twah Girl.

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If Kamala wins, China WILL take Taiwan, and the Middle East simply crumbles under bombardment.

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High degree of probability that "China WILL take Taiwan" any day now - as we stick our collective heads further and further up our collective asses.

No ammunition for our guns, airplanes that can't fly, and now no fuel for our ships.

And tens of thousands understrength - in every branch except the Marines.

So we abandon enough weaponry to arm every warlord and petty dictator in the third world. We give away most of our ammo to the kleptocrats in the Ukraine.

And seem to be trying really, really hard to jump into war with Russia, and start another war in the middle east.

Anybody think we may have a bit of a leadership problem?

Or have we just gone stark, raving, fucking mad?

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I think the main problem, ideologies aside, is that your ruling elites think themselves invulnerable. It would be difficult to impossible for any nation, or coalition of nations to hit the USA on her home soil, at least the way the USA regularly hits other nations.

A condition they think natural and therefore unchanging, which in turn is why they don't see that any and all challengers, enemies and opponents chooses other avenues of attack, instead of planning an invasion across the North pole and the two largest oceans.

The USA is the High School movie jock that no-one can stand up to on their own in a bare-knuckle showdown. But get him hooked on crank, beer, fatty/sugary "food", coke (both kinds), Viagra, amylnitrate, porn, online gaming, et cetera et cetera. . .

. . .and let his resultant diabetes, cardiac arrests and eventual stroke and colon cancer take him out 15-20 years down the line.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

If only invulnerable China Joe By-dung hadn't got dementia, he would have taken Putin and Xi both behind the bleachers and beat the shit out of them. You know Joe was appointed to the Naval Academy, and wanted to play football there, but turned it down only because Roger Staubach got there first! He's told the story often.

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Democrats, the gift that keeps on taking.

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Need you ask AndyinBC 😂

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Nah. Rhetorical questions. Both.

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Based on the fact that our elites are arguing about the meaning of the word "woman", I would suggest "stark raving mad" (or at least "utterly divorced from reality" -- which is equally dangerous) is more likely.

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"It would be difficult to impossible for any nation, or coalition of nations to hit the USA on her home soil, at least the way the USA regularly hits other nations."

Any attack on American soil would merely be the perfect justification for another "war against terrorism." Ka-ching!!

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… and alls well that ends well with Americka … night night sleep tight . 😴

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I think the only way to save SOME of our country and culture is a Red Dawn event. From within.

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It's getting close to the witching hour...that's for sure

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That sounds suspiciously like a - a - r-r-r-rEV - uh, I can't say it.

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If Kamala wins, we'll be building our own gulags in Taiwan.

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Why would they wait?

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They’re not going to jump before our elections.

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Why? By the time Trump made it to the WH they would have consolidated their gains.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

The only possible solution is to have one admiral per ship! That’ll make things much more efficient.

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Oh the Canadian Navy Solution! *Checks notes*...yeah, about that.

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Everyone in the canoe eh?

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We're buying sleeping blankets for soldiers that weren't tested for Arctic weather. In Canada. The old joke that Canada could be conquered by the NYPD has never been more true.

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One of my buddies told me his issued winter gloves are rated from +10°C to -7°C. His comment was, "Why the fuck would I wear gloves at +10?"

Mine was, "What happens when it's -30? No war today guys, it's too cold out."

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Two! Must have a counter-admiral too!

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It worked for the Roman consuls, until it didn't.

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And equal. Far more important.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

But that whole Gaza pier operation was a complete success. That was one for the win column.

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Oh, HUGE win

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2 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

I had a 27-year career as a naval officer ... thus have some insight into how the system works. The vast majority of flag and general officers have very little actual authority over anything meaningful. For the Navy, that means shipbuilding strategy, force disposition, weapons purchases, never mind actual operations against a foe who might fight back. All that is decided by civilians in either the Department of Defense bureaucracy or in the defense industry.

In fact, it became obvious to me that one's flag officer career was simply an extended interview and tryout for the REAL work to be done after retirement, at Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, CACI, etc.

If Americans only knew the real deal ...

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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Further evidence of the sun that is setting on the American Empire.

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Thank God. Isolationism is what weve needed for a long time

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4 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Well, as a 25 year Navy vet, I can assure you of two things. 1) The Captain of the Big Horn has been (or soon will be) relieved of his (or her) command. 2) With one Admiral for every two ships, we know the Navy’s DEI program is in top notch shape!

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"A review of GFO levels indicates an 11% increase in the number of four-star officers (36 on September 30, 1965 vs. 40 on September 30, 2018) and a 24% increase in the number of three-star officers (119 vs. 147). At the same time, the number of one-star and two-star officers has decreased by about 35% (1,129 vs. 734). However, during this time period, the size of the total force was cut roughly in half, dropping from 2.66 million on September 30, 1965, to 1.32 million on September 30, 2018. Thus, a more salient measure may be the proportion of GFOs to the total force."


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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Pretty sure the shipping rep meant "passed" in his tweet...

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3 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Just wait til we roll in there with our awesome all electric tanks!! That’ll show em!

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"72-hour time out for recharging. Hey, no fair still shooting!"

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Has Kamala made Sprite the choice of Agriculture in America yet? A la The Idiocracy... 🤣

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Electrolytes. It’s what plants crave.

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The incompetence is invasive and exhausting.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Good heavens. The TikTok generation is now manning our defences. That takes deep shit, and puts it in actual Deep Shit.

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A bunch of the Tik Tok kids would do just fine on the line, if they had serious leaders. I suspect the Boomer-to-Gen X-handoff caused a lot of the ideologically driven rot.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Totally. It was the 60s and 70s that sent the whole darn thing over a cliff. I was born in the early 70s. I grew up surrounded by lazy, disingenuous, perverted adults. The whole sexual freedom thing, the obsession with pleasure, decadence and hedonism, that generation has a LOT to answer for. Their Long March became a Long Rampage over tradition, which continues today as a Long, jackbooted rainbow flavoured Bacchanalia. Or, as it is otherwise known, societal decay and breakdown.

Thanks, hippies. Thanks for fucking nothing.

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You forgot to sign off. “I need to go stick bamboo shoots under my fingernails”

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Yesterday I saw Zelensky say that Trump doesn't have a plan to end the war in Ukraine.

The war that Harris and Zelensky himself want to keep going forever.

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What happened to the peace plan/negotiations that Boris Johnson was ordered to halt?



May 06, 2022

The Ukrainian news outlet Ukrayinska Pravda reported Thursday that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson used his surprise visit to Kyiv last month to pressure President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to cut off peace negotiations with Russia, even after the two sides appeared to have made tenuous progress toward a settlement to end the war.



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Yes. Now I can't get the like reply to show up where I want to like. Mercy, mercy, does nothing work anymore. Ya think?

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"The oiler is the third Military Sealift Command-operated vessel to run aground in just over a year."


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