The networks and the mainstream press, once in the First Amendment business, also once had a near-monopoly on information distribution. Now they pine openly for censorship and parrot government press releases. I'd say it's bizarre but, really, it isn't. It's self-interested. And it's disgraceful.


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It's all so tiresome, but like all noise that carries no information, it ends up being self limiting. It fades into the background. The signal is harder to discern, which of course is the point, but gradually we adjust, and tune it out.

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Do you DARE to suggest that people aren't listening to Keith Olbermann!?!?!?

Yeah, I think the volume goes up as the listeners quit. I like watching it.

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Many years from now, there will be some lone, glassy eyed boomer in a care home, the sole remaining audience watching Keith Olberman's face stuck in a frozen rictus of horrified disapproval, and the audio track will have degenerated into a repeating loop of HITLER RACIST NAZI BAD WHITE SUPREMACIST HITLER RACIST NAZI ... looping so rapidly that it becomes a defeaning hiss of pure white noise.

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I was going to ask if anyone listens to him. Until you, or maybe el gato, posted a tweet of his a few months ago I honestly thought the dumba$$ was dead and the world the better for it.

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“ The endless flood of gibbering dumbfuckery that fills all media exists to prevent understanding. It’s a rice bowl protection racket.”.

That’s just outstanding writing Chris! And remember George Constanza taught us all “it’s not a lie if you believe it”. The new motto of most media.

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Sorry George Costanza.

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To the right of reply there are three dots. Tap on them and it will allow you to edit your mistakes.

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Bobby Kennedy backed out of an event/interview with Moms For Liberty recently. Shame on him.

In 2021, when I was trying to warn everyone I could about the deadly injections, I would refer them to view any interview with Dr. Yeadon. Out of curiosity, and to see what Google prioritized, I searched his name and found nothing but attacks. One or the articles referred to the former Pfizer VP of R & D as "former Pfizer employee". You know, like a janitor or a night watchman...

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I was very very very disappointed to see RFK Jr. back out of that event.

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He has done some disappointing/out of character things.

In 2021, Kennedy threw a party and demanded that invitees show proof of covid "vaccination" in order to attend. Huh?!? Luckily for him, he is married to a ditzy Hollywood star and could blame her for it.

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I was unaware of this, which is sad. What a foolish decision! Is it that soon after deciding to run, otherwise interesting candidates succumb to the warnings and "political wisdom" their political advisors harangue them with? I like to believe that if RFK Jr didn't have advisors, it wouldn't occur to him to back out of something like that.

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His handlers prioritized I’m sure. He’s walking a fine line as a democrat.

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It is amazing to me how many conservative thinking people have jumped aboard the RFK Jr bandwagon, seemingly with blinders on. I am glad he backed out of the event; maybe it will cause a few people to take a second look at the man and what he really stands for.

Possibly - just possibly - the reason he did not attend is b/c he does not want his name associated with anything considered "right-wing" or conservative. Seems plausible to me. He is, after all, a Kennedy. Yes, I do absolutely believe he is a creature of the swamp through and through; he was raised to be one. Big and powerful government all the way. It's in his blood. I wish people could get past his vax stance and consider how the country would fare under a Kennedy presidency. For starters, he is a rabid environmentalist. How would a Kennedy flex the reigns of power once elected, in every other aspect besides the vax? Do we believe him to be significantly ideologically different than his brother, ole Teddy, the "Lion of the Senate"? And if he were truly someone with conservative leanings and policy positions and not a blue-blood true-blood lifelong Democrat, wouldn't he be stating policy positions that are less in line with the destructive Democrat policies under which this country has suffered every time one is in power, for my entire lifetime? Yet he is not, is he.

In these very perilous times in which we are living/struggling, being anti-vax is not enough of a qualification to elect someone to the highest office in the land.

You can bet your bottom dollar he will ride those coat tails as far as he can, too.

Something about him reminds me very much of Obama when he was running for the Presidency ....the charisma, the right words, the one we have been waiting for ....until he turned into the nightmare we were not prepared for.

Being anti-vax, even in today's world, is not enough.

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I don't value RFK Jr. as someone who's going to ride the rescue and fix America by being a great president. I value him as someone who has pushed for open discussions and expressed thoughts independently. So I'm not on a bandwagon -- his or any other. But I would like to see him serve a role as a promoter of open society, as a cultural figure. He seemed to be heading that way, but can't quite get himself there.

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" I value him as someone who has pushed for open discussions and expressed thoughts independently."

Yes! This is his strong suit and he is reaching people with a message that has been well suppressed. I applaud him for that. But to parlay that into a presidential run is just a bridge too far for me.

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I compare Kennedy to a live grenade rolled into a crowded room. Much as Trump and Bernie were in 2016.

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At this point I'll take whatever kernels of sanity are out there that will help distribute helpful information, regardless of the source.

RFK's conversation with Joe Rogan was enlightening and informative in many ways.

Just have to remember there's only one Savior and he's not a politician.

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No one person is going to ‘rescue’ us. We now know that it’s all up to us.

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It’s also his stance on corporate overreach but essentially you are right I think. Too bad. I find it interesting that nobody else on either side mentions this. It is a core talking issue among old time democrats. I think they assume that the democratic party agrees with them. But nothing could be further from the truth.

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Jul 5, 2023Edited
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I will investigate this.

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The bien pensant, bless their hearts, just want to save us from full spectrum Hitlerisation. People start on that path by reading (Hitler also read and even wrote!). Then they graduate to toothbrush moustaches and jodhpurs. Next thing you know, they've invaded Poland.

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🗨 I just can't listen to any more Wagner, you know... I'm starting to get the urge to conquer Poland. ~~Woody Allen

(Suddenly & unexpectedly, ↑↑ acquires a fresh new shine in the wake of recent developments on not-so-quiet East-European front 😉)

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If only today's comedians were as infinitely quotable as Woody Allen!

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That's prolly due to 'terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers', and 'incompetence has never stopped my enthusiasm' bcuz 'confidence is what you have before you understand the problem'. And he was the first to admit 'the only thing standing between me and greatness is me' 😉

🗨 I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government.

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It was refreshing to read the judge, Terry Doughty, who issued the injunction, write in fairly clear terms about free speech as an unqualified right.

For example: "During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.”

The document's at https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520.293.0_1.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Extremely dangerous to our democracy. Right. If you polled all of those glorified teleprompter readers most of them would have no idea what that even means or what they are even talking about

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If the tables were turned and someone was censoring or silencing their speech on social media or anywhere else, they would be screaming. People used to ask how would it effect things or how would we like it if others did the same things we are doing or proposing? Now, it is just full steam ahead, they cannot bear to hear, read, or even think there is any other side or opinion or facts that differ from what is in their heads.

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I was going to post an insightful comment re the...

LOOK! There's a squirrel. Two of them. On the tree outside the window. Cute little buggers. I wonder...

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Funny I was just watching the squirrel that climbs up my patio porch. God I love that squirrel 🐿️.

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Can we start a new version of the Southern Poverty Law Center that designates as a hate group the Southern Poverty Law Center?

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There's a story to be written about midcentury mass media and education and how it induced an ingrained psychological conditioning on right-thinking people wherein certain stimuli provoke a shrieking, pointing denunciation of "HitlerRacist!!!" Once some plurality of the phenomena are manifested -white, appeal to some traditional value, collective political action, middle or lower class coded- the gears shift in the mind and the programed response takes over.

I had a man call me a fascist once. I asked him what a fascist was, and how that label applied to me. This made him actually angry; there was real psychological tension as he wracked his brain trying to dig up some half-remembered lesson from tenth grade to rationalize what had already been decided for him by the work of propaganda on his subconscious. It made me think of how a caterpillar must feel as a wasp larva eats its insides.

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As a fellow fascist, I've had quite similar discussions. Fascism is being mean! Fascism is being a liar! Fascism is, is, is, is....uh....

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In my experience, the most fascist thing one can do is doubt an official state narrative.

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Have we reached the point yet where so many things have been Nazified, so many people Hitlerfied, that the word has lost all meaning? Or will that not happen until next year?

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Happened ten years ago, I think.

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He came to me in a dream, it's true...

For us capable of thinking it happened ten years ago, I'll agree to that.

I guess I was wondering when it will happen to everyone? Presumably there are still people out there clutching their armchairs and frothing at the mouth, scared out of their wits as the Fourth Reich manifests in front of their very eyes.

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it's like they all get their scripts from a central authority. i listened to TWIV all through the pandemic. once the vaccines came out, they started with the slogans which they'd repeat every week. no way these stodgy virologists came up with zippy marketing mantras. madison avenue wrote them and the government instructed them to recite them on their weekly podcasts

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Over the months that I have been reading Tell Me How This Ends I have had this gnawing feeling. I was not able to put my finger on it until now: Chris Bray is DANGEROUS TO OUR DEMOCRACY!

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**Literally shaking**

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Just like the truckers and unvaccinated in Canadastan. “DO WE TO,ERATE THESE PEOPLE?” “THESE FAR RIGHT EXTREMISTS” they are afraid and have no shame or self respect. I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.

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Anyone remember when Patrick Stewart played Satan on SNL long ago?


Satan's minions mock him, and the more outraged he gets, the more they mock.

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