In other news, I'm on my way north to go camping with friends for a few days, and I stopped in at Harris Ranch for lunch. Harris Ranch is a cattle ranch with a vertically integrated restaurant -- you can look at the feedlot where your lunch just came from. And it was crawling with cops, with a bunch of helicopters lined up at the little nearby landing strip, and there were a whole bunch of people wearing Trump stuff. It turns out I was in the same building as JD Vance, completely by accident:
Shocking that anyone would consider eating beef that came out of that disgusting feedlot. I’ve watched that expand over the last 20 years and watched all those poor animals wallowing in their own shit and piss. One can smell the ammonia 20 miles down the road before ever seeing the place. Where is PETA when we actually need them?
You are one thousand percent CORRECT. Real ranching is not a stupid feedlot with some stupid bobcat loader. I had TWO horses to track down strays: One to go uphill, one to go downhill. Horses can be very, very picky. Fuck feedlots, fuck vaccines. Fuck the moron with the laptop.
Zionist JD Vance and his tech billionaire friends are at worst, indifferent to my existence. From what I can tell they don't openly hate me like every contingent of the left does. If they're tired of the incompetent woketards in their industry and wish to improve upon it, who am I to shit in their sandbox.
Adding to the inexhaustible list of reasons we never win, we are our own worst enemies. 🙄
If I wronged you by calling you an anti - Semite, I am truly sorry. Maybe you have a commenting history I'm unfamiliar with which to those who are not enables them to see your comment in a different light. I can't see why you would have paranthesized J.D. Vance's name with "Zionist" unless you are an anti - Semite. If you're not, please explain to me what your reason was.
What the hell did I just watch? Are these people for real? After all the insane trans stuff, putting gay porn in school libraries, and all the other batshit insane nonsense (including putting vax status on dating apps), are normie liberals really going to fall for this? Are they really that fucking retarded?
I've always considered myself a liberal or libertarian. I believe in the constitution as written. I'm a free speech absolutist. Go ahead, yell fire in a theater I don't care. I'm pro-union because corporate management needs to be checked by something. I believe drug and alcohol use should be regulated, but not criminal. I believe in freedom of religion but no religion in public schools. Separation of church and state. I believe a country should have controlled borders. If a woman wants to get an abortion it's none of my business. I believe in states rights. If you don't like the laws in the state you live in, then move. I recently did that. Colorado used to be wonderful, but they went all California so I recently moved next door to Utah. The GOP has the last couple of decades been the party of preserving the Constitution more than the Democrat party, so I vote GOP most of the time.
A study done in the late 80s revealed that the most successful U.S. businesses had a published set of core values. It didn’t seem to matter WHAT those core values were, just that a company had some and published them. What mattered most was that they affirmatively lived by them.
I think you’re describing a minimalist government that espouses no moral values. And your proposal overlooks a major gap in modern societies including ours.
The Founders and Framers used the term “self-government.” They had in mind something far larger than free elections. They recognized that there are vast areas of human behavior that cannot be regulated by government, and that people will misbehave. The force that can regulate legal but obnoxious behavior is social pressure. The Amish call this “shunning,” where you essentially become a nonperson to the community until you
repent and reform.
In the 18th century, this pressure came from local churches and the sense of neighbors and the community that an offender’s behavior was intolerable.
These “regulatory” forces are largely gone. “If it feels good, do it” has been the mantra for 60 yrs now.
The solution to “too much government” is not “too little.” It is to rekindle community members being active in community improvement and playing a role in encouraging positive behavior by their neighbors.
That's good. The rest is left up to the states and local governments. Should the federal government create all the laws and essentially eliminate the differences between the states? States with large urban populations need different laws than states like Alaska where yo can be attacked by a pack of wolves.
Mr. Geis, that is some major profound stuff you've written. You have managed to succinctly sum up my "take" on what the heck is going on. I've been quoting Adams a lot lately, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." But you couple of paragraphs defined very tidyly.
I was born and raised in California. Reagan's California was a completely different place than Newscum's California. I witnessed it slowly deteriorate. So in 2007 at the peak of the early 2000s housing bubble we sold and moved to Colorado. Tom Tancredo was our representative in Colorado, very conservative and the loudest voice against illegal immigration in Congress. It was great. But then Colorado slowly deteriorated, so this year we moved to Utah. I'm surrounded by red sandstone cliffs and mountains. It's beautiful.
I understand Matthew! I was born and raised in San Francisco-3rd generation! The city people are seeing now, is not SF, believe me! I haven’t been to that Soddom and Gemorrah for years, and I’m very close. If my parents and grandparents were still alive, they’d lose it, and sob.
I have my beautiful memories of SF. I’m 61, so you do the math-lol!
I want fewer rules as well. The trouble with fewer rules is that it requires greater standards of responsibility for individuals in a society. The abortion “rights” issue is a clear example of the wish for people to kill their offspring without being perceived as responsible for murdering another human being. It is not surprising that people who do not want to take responsibility for the well known consequences of their actions in the bedroom, would not want to take responsibility for the elimination of that consequence.
It is the logical inconsistentcy that bothers me the most.
Murder is illegal in all 50 states. I support that. I suppose I should have listed all the cases where I believe things should be illegal but the list is too long. Anything that harms another person that isn't self defense should be illegal.
The rub is where you draw a distinction between what is and is not a person. My sticking point from a libertarian mind set is that I view an embryos right to life the same as I view a 3 month olds right to life. No one has been able to convince me that there is any point other than conception where there is a definite start point to human life so basic human rights should extend to all humans, regardless of developmental stage. Some argue that self sustainability is the marker but then fold when confronted with comatose individuals on life support. This is also why I like to use the example of a 3 month old, who definitely is not self sufficient.
One line of reason from a libertarian view is that the embryo doesn't have the right to use a woman's body for 10 months. This is a valid argument but if so, then society should not let a child use a man's body for 18 years of hard labor to support itself either.
In my opinion the parameters set by Roe V Wade were a good benchmark that the majority of people in our republic agreed on. Abortion was legal in the 1st trimester. Total bans are unpopular. Unfettered access up to delivery date is unpopular. Congress should just codify Roe as a law. However both sides the Dems and the GOP get too much money on abortion to ever pass a law. They both need it as a campaign issue. So it's going to always be up to the states. Some states have total bans, some allow unfettered access. Women who live in states that have a total ban have to go to other states to get an abortion. It's the same as when people in states where gambling is illegal go to Las Vegas to gamble. It's no big deal.
Referring to a judicial body ruling or the popular opinion of a societies people does nothing to define when human life begins. In any case, the overturning of Roe V. Wade just split the the presumed benchmark of public opinion into 50 different states, which is actually more in line with a true libertarian viewpoint as the policy decision is placed closer to the people in their respective states.
So, if your benchmark is popular opinion you should be in favor of how the Supreme Court ruled as it makes it easier for the people to change the law as they see fit, at a more localized level. It can now be codified into law either way at the state level.
If murdering innocent people falls under the ability of society to poke their nose in other people's “business” then the next logical question is: what is a person? Pro abortionists can never answer that question because it requires the production of a definitive point at which time a human life begins. If there is a point between the 1st and 2nd trimester then you should be able to pinpoint that exact moment.
If, however, you want people to be able to end another human life when it becomes convenient for them to do so then at least be honest about your position.
Dan, that "rub" you mention is an important point that the pro-abortion side tends to avoid, which is frustrating. I agree with your logic on that.
However, it also reveals a moral pattern of the anti-abortion position that is more characteristic of the atomized "left" than of the communitarian "right." The assumption you're making is that "rights" pertain objectively and cosmically to a being depending on whether it is a person or not, and that it is the function of the government, in place of God, to uphold those rights and ensure that justice is done.
An alternative view is that rights do not exist independently, but only with respect to a community or institution according to its membership and standards. As a member, I have accepted rights within my family, my church, my government, my bank, my clan, my ethnic community, but if these go away or turn against me my rights are as those of the fly buzzing on my windowsill. Hostile power-seekers know this, which is why they always seek ways to dissolve the community institutions of those they target so that their victims will lose their rights to resist.
Those that do not participate in a community and have no advocates that do, have no rights. Adult humans generally have rights through membership and activity in their community, and children have rights through protection by their parents.
Unborn embryos whose own mothers don't want them are not participants in communal institutions and have no protecting advocate; therefore they have no rights. Their mothers do have rights, however, and interference with their personal choices over their own bodies is an infringement against them. It takes some sort of assault to prevent an abortion or to force a vaccination, but none to allow free members of the community to make their own decisions about these matters.
I'm confused. Because the infant/embryo hasn't "participated in a community and have no advocates that do, they have no rights". Those are your words, SnowInTheWind. So my developmenttally disabled 60 year old sister would have no rights because she can't advocate for herself and if I wasn't able to advocate either then she would not have rights. Is that what you are saying?
Move to a state with a total ban. Always vote for people who believe in a total ban. In a republic people vote for people to represent them in their local, state, and federal governments. Some states vote for a total ban. Some states vote for unfettered access. It's the American way. Your opinion unless you're the king only matters at the ballot box.
By "normie liberal", I mean not the 10-15% of the population that are "progressive activists" who believe and promote the really insane shit, like defunding the police or men in women's locker rooms (where I'm guessing they cast this ad).
By "normie liberal" I mean people like left-wing boomers running on inertia, who still think the TV isn't lying 100% of the time, think the left is anti-war, thought Biden was with it until June 27th of this year, think the dems are pro-free-speech, etc, etc.
Guess I answered my own question on that one... They'll take it hook, line, and sinker.
My mom and her 80-something crowd is a normie liberal. She will never say anything bad (to me anyway) about Dems (lots to say about her wonderful GOP gov) but, if I had to guess, she just won’t vote. She is not for any of the things the left espouses and lives like a conservative. She and her friends still talk about politics like Dems used to (left but not insane), still listen occasionally to NPR, but are appalled by the illegal immigration (hugely affecting her state), any and all of the public sexual perversions on display, the price of things, the division, things not working. It’ll be interesting to see if all these older folks just stay home or skip the president and only vote down ballot.
I live in a deep, deep blue part of Brooklyn (yes, that Brooklyn), and I fear it will work, at least on them. I'm beginning to suspect that far too many people around me--and alas!--close to me, have had large sections of their brains eaten away by media propaganda and are no longer capable of independent thought, simply mindlessly repeating the talking points they hear on CNN or MSNBC or dutifully read in the NYT.
Rroll, It's late, I'm tired, it took me 3 runs out loud to put together "sofa king". Until I did, I thought you were bashing a wherever-u-r local Asian furniture commercial, I'm so sorry. Now I'm gonna tell it, then take too long to tell them I saw it posted on Bray's 'stack, gotta whisper it cuz my kids are sleeping, big test coming up. I'll let u know how it goes over, it's all about delivery but I'm pretty good, I can probably cobble together some giggles, don't get your hopes up cuz it definitely needs work, I was a middle who could even pull laughs outta Jersey crowds. Austin Texas was cake, blew the roof off in San Antonio, El Paso is El so so, LA Improv is home, lemme see what I can do in LA, rickrolled. Your name's tough to say so I might stick with my name until I get the delivery down, then I will slowly ease you out of the picture, that's my plan. Bottom line? I will make it funny cuz I love a challenge. Hey, maybe just say I can have the whole joke, no signature necessary, it helps me relax and me relaxed is funnier, crowds respond, waitress gets tipped, I get credit. Thanks Rickrolled, you're very generous. Sofa King Grape Full.
Meanwhile, these women who are so terrified of a theocratic authoritarian regime that relegates women to second class citizens under the powerful thumb of the patriarchy continues to ally itself with any Muslim movement they can find. If there was even the tiniest effort to maintain consistent principals, it might not seem so fake and stupid.
And as a "boomer" I'd like to point out the women you speak of are comprised of far more college aged and 30-50 year olds than boomers. Yes, there are 60+ year olds out there. But they are far out numbered by younger women
I would also like to point out that a lot of boomer women are NOT insane and I personally know many conservative boomer women.
Weird conspiracy theory: these crackpot allegations about what Trump will do in his second term is driven by companies that way over-invested in Handmaid’s Tale-themed clothing. It’s a way to make a nice profit on their leftover inventory.
I have a better one. The campaign on TikTok is run by AI created by the CCP, with TikTok videos generated on a fly based on user subconscious preferences and fears. Those "faces" have some weird unhuman quality to them.
Sure, bs "truth" just like that... I have a friend brainwashed by TikTok, somebody must be as dumb as a rock to think they get "truth" watching those "videos" instead of using their own brain. It's a brain eating disease.
Really? Do you remember being a kid? The truth about so much happening in the world, is reaching many kids. It’s the news that isn’t in the “mainstream media” that kids are getting. I’m not talking about the “weird” crap. I had television growing up (I threw my tv out over 20 years ago), which is major propaganda!
When I was a kid, I actually learned to use my own brain, went to multiple libraries and watched very, very little TV (cartoons or a movie on a weekend). Who cares about TV and replacing it with the internet? It's like asking "what kind of junk food is good for me?". NONE. Stop brainlessly consuming "content", start living in the reality and using your own brain already. Truth requires hard work, not mindless consumption. Young (and not so young) adults aren't children.
I did/do too! I watch none of the crap. No FB, no Twatter, etc. When I was a little girl, my mom had me enrolled in the “Book of the Month Club”. To this day, at 61, I’m still a bookworm. I’m also not a teenager, or a child. It’s a different world. GOOD information can still get to young people on “their terms”. I agree with you Julia!
First of all, at least 127% of the actors in that clip are overtly gay, so that is very convincing right out of the gate on the characterization of repressed, perspiring psycho right wing MAGA sex deniers. Vax deniers, sex deniers, race deniers, election deniers, "our democracy" deniers. Don't those MAGA people like anything?
I guess the caricatured unattractive creeps in sweaty shirts are supposed to fill the target Karens with fear and loathing of Republicans, because they don't use deodorant, and do not have the economic wherewithal to afford air conditioning, unlike nice Progressive people who drive Teslas, have had 13 mRNA jabs, and believe all women, except for those pesky Jews. Free Ukrastine!
I think it's pretty amazing that you can lie to millions of adults about 1/2 the population and they have so little contact with society or common sense that they would actually believe something so moronic and defamatory. I need to go sweat and leer now, and turn off the air conditioning. Also, most serial killers are Democrats.
It wasn’t that long ago, in the scheme of things, that people learned a lot in high school (some went to college, some to the military), then these people got married, had kids, and matured into sensible adults. Somewhere along the line a lot of people stopped doing this - and it is reflected in our society. It’s as if we are not as smart, healthy, wise, compassionate, or realistic as we used to be.
That ad is comically stupid, and even the people who made it have to know it’s bullshit. But, sadly, it will resonate with plenty of young single women who will mindlessly vote for open borders, censorship, inflation, energy poverty, probable economic collapse, and possibly WWIII, as long as they can abort their baby as it crowns.
Things will sort out, one way or the other. Easy way, hard way. They’ll sort out. Shit will recede. Get washed to sea. Jackasses with it.
Always does. Since the first jackass caveman turn on his own, and eventually got his jack ass handed to him in bits and pieces.
Good triumphs. Always and forever. Good triumphs.
Yes, blood gets shed, innocent and not. Tears get shed, always innocent, because jackasses don’t cry. Well at least not until their end. And it all gets washed to the sea.
Good triumphs. Always and forever. Good triumphs. Believe it. Because it’s true.
For Crazy Michelle @lonestarleft. What pg 455 actually says is this
“ It should also ensure that statistics are separated by category: spontaneous miscarriage; treatments that incidentally result in the death of a child (such as chemotherapy); stillbirths; and induced abortion. In addition, CDC should require monitoring and reporting for complications due to abortion and every instance of children being born alive after an abortion. Moreover, abortion should be clearly defined as only those procedures that intentionally end an unborn child’s life. Miscarriage management or standard ectopic pregnancy treatments should never be conflated with abortion.”
So keeping statistics on categories of child death is equivalent to banning chemotherapy according to Michelle. Michelle isn’t very smart. Hopefully someone on tiktok calls her out.
I thought it was too pathetic to bother factchecking, but yes. My view is that anyone who would ever believe the chemotherapy claim for a fraction of a second is too dumb to breathe.
Agree except in this case she actually read the page I just don’t think she understood, nor is capable of understanding, what she read. She is most likely one of the brain dead audience members who thought she was being smart by reading it, or was lead to it by someone else, then saw “funding” and “chemotherapy” and allowed her confirmation bias to take over.
We are living in Idiocracy, and the leaders are all women. They wanted it this way, and they got it. Funny story time? (Is it though?) I was watching an ad from 1990 for the sourdough jack (they used to call it the sourdough burger, we made some for dinner) and son of a bitch, whoever recorded it on VHS back in 1990 was actually recording "Mickey's Christmas Carol" and the opener came up at the end of the ad. The damned channel they recorded it on was King 5 News. I had a nostalgia bomb go off. I'd watched that broadcast as a kid. Now look...I am a grown ass, forty something male (I think?) born in the early 80's. I almost turned into a chick and leaked from my face. I turned to my lady (is she?) friend, and asked "Isn't that the most wholesome, awesome flashback? What the hell happened?!" - she didn't skip a beat: "The Democrats tore up families so they could win elections. That audience is long gone."
What else can I say sir, you motivate my inner hater writer. My mom once said I was being an underachiever, so winning an award for a sentence is right on par. She'll be proud when I tell her.
In other news, I'm on my way north to go camping with friends for a few days, and I stopped in at Harris Ranch for lunch. Harris Ranch is a cattle ranch with a vertically integrated restaurant -- you can look at the feedlot where your lunch just came from. And it was crawling with cops, with a bunch of helicopters lined up at the little nearby landing strip, and there were a whole bunch of people wearing Trump stuff. It turns out I was in the same building as JD Vance, completely by accident:
The Republican presidential ticket is doing serious fundraising in a deep red area. Of California.
I believe the correct description is that JD Vance was in the room with Chris Bray.
like, totally, lol
I love the smell of feedlots in the morning. It smells like victory.
In Amarillo they call it the smell of money.
Oh no! Not Harris Ranch, home of the diesel generator powered electric car chargers.
That might be the best piece of news I’ve heard in months. That shows optimism, which is another form of courage. Good. Good.
A coalition of tech billionaires is now supporting Trump, so that could be a reason for Vance to be in that area.
Agree. That Trump’s campaign has not written off CA as a fore-gone dead end makes me happy.
It sure is. Verrry interesting development...
That “deep red” is the color of MENSTRUAL BLOOD!!!!! You monster!
I had the best steak and eggs breakfast at that restaurant back in 1994
We could of met for.lunch!
The name Vance has become a weapon. He has the weirding way.
Shocking that anyone would consider eating beef that came out of that disgusting feedlot. I’ve watched that expand over the last 20 years and watched all those poor animals wallowing in their own shit and piss. One can smell the ammonia 20 miles down the road before ever seeing the place. Where is PETA when we actually need them?
You are one thousand percent CORRECT. Real ranching is not a stupid feedlot with some stupid bobcat loader. I had TWO horses to track down strays: One to go uphill, one to go downhill. Horses can be very, very picky. Fuck feedlots, fuck vaccines. Fuck the moron with the laptop.
What, the DNC?
Sorry, I used to be 13.
Must’a been a passel of v-jays that needed some right serious shuttin’ down in them thar woods.
That’s because JD (Zionist) Vance is connected with Big Tech.
Zionist JD Vance and his tech billionaire friends are at worst, indifferent to my existence. From what I can tell they don't openly hate me like every contingent of the left does. If they're tired of the incompetent woketards in their industry and wish to improve upon it, who am I to shit in their sandbox.
Adding to the inexhaustible list of reasons we never win, we are our own worst enemies. 🙄
Tell us you hate Jews without telling us you hate Jews.
Sorry, that line of reasoning doesn’t work anymore. Get a new schtick.
Zionists are not necessarily Jews, and vice versa.
Christians can also be Zionists.
I suggest that you do research on something you know nothing about.
If I wronged you by calling you an anti - Semite, I am truly sorry. Maybe you have a commenting history I'm unfamiliar with which to those who are not enables them to see your comment in a different light. I can't see why you would have paranthesized J.D. Vance's name with "Zionist" unless you are an anti - Semite. If you're not, please explain to me what your reason was.
I'm one of those Christian Zionists.
You didn’t wrong me! You have a right to express your views. That doesn’t mean I have to agree! I’m a MAJOR free speech advocate!
If you truly research Zionism, I think you will see how manipulative and diabolical it is. It has nothing to do with God…or love of one’s fellow man.
I was raised in the Catholic Church-12 years of Catholic school!
God/Creator is all loving!
I dropped ALL man made religion. I realized that I was being used for control.
I love God…no middle man needed!
That's delusional. We all need a middle man, Jesus Christ.
I love Harris Ranch. No relation to Kakela.
Red [wine] area of California(?). Oops, I’m being silly!
What the hell did I just watch? Are these people for real? After all the insane trans stuff, putting gay porn in school libraries, and all the other batshit insane nonsense (including putting vax status on dating apps), are normie liberals really going to fall for this? Are they really that fucking retarded?
They sure seem to be.
I've always considered myself a liberal or libertarian. I believe in the constitution as written. I'm a free speech absolutist. Go ahead, yell fire in a theater I don't care. I'm pro-union because corporate management needs to be checked by something. I believe drug and alcohol use should be regulated, but not criminal. I believe in freedom of religion but no religion in public schools. Separation of church and state. I believe a country should have controlled borders. If a woman wants to get an abortion it's none of my business. I believe in states rights. If you don't like the laws in the state you live in, then move. I recently did that. Colorado used to be wonderful, but they went all California so I recently moved next door to Utah. The GOP has the last couple of decades been the party of preserving the Constitution more than the Democrat party, so I vote GOP most of the time.
A study done in the late 80s revealed that the most successful U.S. businesses had a published set of core values. It didn’t seem to matter WHAT those core values were, just that a company had some and published them. What mattered most was that they affirmatively lived by them.
I think you’re describing a minimalist government that espouses no moral values. And your proposal overlooks a major gap in modern societies including ours.
The Founders and Framers used the term “self-government.” They had in mind something far larger than free elections. They recognized that there are vast areas of human behavior that cannot be regulated by government, and that people will misbehave. The force that can regulate legal but obnoxious behavior is social pressure. The Amish call this “shunning,” where you essentially become a nonperson to the community until you
repent and reform.
In the 18th century, this pressure came from local churches and the sense of neighbors and the community that an offender’s behavior was intolerable.
These “regulatory” forces are largely gone. “If it feels good, do it” has been the mantra for 60 yrs now.
The solution to “too much government” is not “too little.” It is to rekindle community members being active in community improvement and playing a role in encouraging positive behavior by their neighbors.
The Constitution is my code of conduct.
The three crimes mentioned in the US Constitution are treason, piracy, and counterfeiting. You need more than that for a functioning society. As John Geis wrote, how about also having some morals and values?
That's good. The rest is left up to the states and local governments. Should the federal government create all the laws and essentially eliminate the differences between the states? States with large urban populations need different laws than states like Alaska where yo can be attacked by a pack of wolves.
Mr. Geis, that is some major profound stuff you've written. You have managed to succinctly sum up my "take" on what the heck is going on. I've been quoting Adams a lot lately, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." But you couple of paragraphs defined very tidyly.
May I copy and stack that, citing you of course?
I’m in the process of leaving Commifornia now. I can’t even afford to live here!
I was born and raised in California. Reagan's California was a completely different place than Newscum's California. I witnessed it slowly deteriorate. So in 2007 at the peak of the early 2000s housing bubble we sold and moved to Colorado. Tom Tancredo was our representative in Colorado, very conservative and the loudest voice against illegal immigration in Congress. It was great. But then Colorado slowly deteriorated, so this year we moved to Utah. I'm surrounded by red sandstone cliffs and mountains. It's beautiful.
I understand Matthew! I was born and raised in San Francisco-3rd generation! The city people are seeing now, is not SF, believe me! I haven’t been to that Soddom and Gemorrah for years, and I’m very close. If my parents and grandparents were still alive, they’d lose it, and sob.
I have my beautiful memories of SF. I’m 61, so you do the math-lol!
I'm curious, if a woman wants to smother her 3 month old is it any of your business?
He, Matthew, does not seem like a serious person. Wants fewer rules and then wonders why there is chaos.
I want fewer rules as well. The trouble with fewer rules is that it requires greater standards of responsibility for individuals in a society. The abortion “rights” issue is a clear example of the wish for people to kill their offspring without being perceived as responsible for murdering another human being. It is not surprising that people who do not want to take responsibility for the well known consequences of their actions in the bedroom, would not want to take responsibility for the elimination of that consequence.
It is the logical inconsistentcy that bothers me the most.
Do you support a jobs program building prisons to house all the people with a different opinion than the government?
Murder is illegal in all 50 states. I support that. I suppose I should have listed all the cases where I believe things should be illegal but the list is too long. Anything that harms another person that isn't self defense should be illegal.
The rub is where you draw a distinction between what is and is not a person. My sticking point from a libertarian mind set is that I view an embryos right to life the same as I view a 3 month olds right to life. No one has been able to convince me that there is any point other than conception where there is a definite start point to human life so basic human rights should extend to all humans, regardless of developmental stage. Some argue that self sustainability is the marker but then fold when confronted with comatose individuals on life support. This is also why I like to use the example of a 3 month old, who definitely is not self sufficient.
One line of reason from a libertarian view is that the embryo doesn't have the right to use a woman's body for 10 months. This is a valid argument but if so, then society should not let a child use a man's body for 18 years of hard labor to support itself either.
In my opinion the parameters set by Roe V Wade were a good benchmark that the majority of people in our republic agreed on. Abortion was legal in the 1st trimester. Total bans are unpopular. Unfettered access up to delivery date is unpopular. Congress should just codify Roe as a law. However both sides the Dems and the GOP get too much money on abortion to ever pass a law. They both need it as a campaign issue. So it's going to always be up to the states. Some states have total bans, some allow unfettered access. Women who live in states that have a total ban have to go to other states to get an abortion. It's the same as when people in states where gambling is illegal go to Las Vegas to gamble. It's no big deal.
“Total bans are unpopular.”
Not amongst the preborn.
Referring to a judicial body ruling or the popular opinion of a societies people does nothing to define when human life begins. In any case, the overturning of Roe V. Wade just split the the presumed benchmark of public opinion into 50 different states, which is actually more in line with a true libertarian viewpoint as the policy decision is placed closer to the people in their respective states.
So, if your benchmark is popular opinion you should be in favor of how the Supreme Court ruled as it makes it easier for the people to change the law as they see fit, at a more localized level. It can now be codified into law either way at the state level.
If murdering innocent people falls under the ability of society to poke their nose in other people's “business” then the next logical question is: what is a person? Pro abortionists can never answer that question because it requires the production of a definitive point at which time a human life begins. If there is a point between the 1st and 2nd trimester then you should be able to pinpoint that exact moment.
If, however, you want people to be able to end another human life when it becomes convenient for them to do so then at least be honest about your position.
Dan, that "rub" you mention is an important point that the pro-abortion side tends to avoid, which is frustrating. I agree with your logic on that.
However, it also reveals a moral pattern of the anti-abortion position that is more characteristic of the atomized "left" than of the communitarian "right." The assumption you're making is that "rights" pertain objectively and cosmically to a being depending on whether it is a person or not, and that it is the function of the government, in place of God, to uphold those rights and ensure that justice is done.
An alternative view is that rights do not exist independently, but only with respect to a community or institution according to its membership and standards. As a member, I have accepted rights within my family, my church, my government, my bank, my clan, my ethnic community, but if these go away or turn against me my rights are as those of the fly buzzing on my windowsill. Hostile power-seekers know this, which is why they always seek ways to dissolve the community institutions of those they target so that their victims will lose their rights to resist.
Those that do not participate in a community and have no advocates that do, have no rights. Adult humans generally have rights through membership and activity in their community, and children have rights through protection by their parents.
Unborn embryos whose own mothers don't want them are not participants in communal institutions and have no protecting advocate; therefore they have no rights. Their mothers do have rights, however, and interference with their personal choices over their own bodies is an infringement against them. It takes some sort of assault to prevent an abortion or to force a vaccination, but none to allow free members of the community to make their own decisions about these matters.
I'm confused. Because the infant/embryo hasn't "participated in a community and have no advocates that do, they have no rights". Those are your words, SnowInTheWind. So my developmenttally disabled 60 year old sister would have no rights because she can't advocate for herself and if I wasn't able to advocate either then she would not have rights. Is that what you are saying?
Move to a state with a total ban. Always vote for people who believe in a total ban. In a republic people vote for people to represent them in their local, state, and federal governments. Some states vote for a total ban. Some states vote for unfettered access. It's the American way. Your opinion unless you're the king only matters at the ballot box.
No. It's a woman's right. You monster.
Apparently you forgot what country you live in.
"are normie liberals really going to fall for this?"
1. What's a "normie" liberal?
Most of the folks I would classify as 'normal' are, more or less, sane.
But many of the so-called liberals...
2. And yes, of course they are going to go along with the 'official' narrative of the day.
"Are they really that fucking retarded?"
Sadly, yes!
By "normie liberal", I mean not the 10-15% of the population that are "progressive activists" who believe and promote the really insane shit, like defunding the police or men in women's locker rooms (where I'm guessing they cast this ad).
By "normie liberal" I mean people like left-wing boomers running on inertia, who still think the TV isn't lying 100% of the time, think the left is anti-war, thought Biden was with it until June 27th of this year, think the dems are pro-free-speech, etc, etc.
Guess I answered my own question on that one... They'll take it hook, line, and sinker.
My mom and her 80-something crowd is a normie liberal. She will never say anything bad (to me anyway) about Dems (lots to say about her wonderful GOP gov) but, if I had to guess, she just won’t vote. She is not for any of the things the left espouses and lives like a conservative. She and her friends still talk about politics like Dems used to (left but not insane), still listen occasionally to NPR, but are appalled by the illegal immigration (hugely affecting her state), any and all of the public sexual perversions on display, the price of things, the division, things not working. It’ll be interesting to see if all these older folks just stay home or skip the president and only vote down ballot.
I admire how they found such compelling actors for their commercial. Among their own kind, of course. And not really “actors.”
Yep. Not really actors. They found these things in LA homeless camps.
FYI: For those that think this is true, I'm being facetious. They DO look homeless to me. Definitely dumbocraps.
It's wonderful that it's as incompetent as it is. Talk about lack of "touch"!
I live in a deep, deep blue part of Brooklyn (yes, that Brooklyn), and I fear it will work, at least on them. I'm beginning to suspect that far too many people around me--and alas!--close to me, have had large sections of their brains eaten away by media propaganda and are no longer capable of independent thought, simply mindlessly repeating the talking points they hear on CNN or MSNBC or dutifully read in the NYT.
Enter the following text on your scrolling screen saver, and then repeat after me:
(Repeat as necessary)
Let me know if that helps.
Rroll, It's late, I'm tired, it took me 3 runs out loud to put together "sofa king". Until I did, I thought you were bashing a wherever-u-r local Asian furniture commercial, I'm so sorry. Now I'm gonna tell it, then take too long to tell them I saw it posted on Bray's 'stack, gotta whisper it cuz my kids are sleeping, big test coming up. I'll let u know how it goes over, it's all about delivery but I'm pretty good, I can probably cobble together some giggles, don't get your hopes up cuz it definitely needs work, I was a middle who could even pull laughs outta Jersey crowds. Austin Texas was cake, blew the roof off in San Antonio, El Paso is El so so, LA Improv is home, lemme see what I can do in LA, rickrolled. Your name's tough to say so I might stick with my name until I get the delivery down, then I will slowly ease you out of the picture, that's my plan. Bottom line? I will make it funny cuz I love a challenge. Hey, maybe just say I can have the whole joke, no signature necessary, it helps me relax and me relaxed is funnier, crowds respond, waitress gets tipped, I get credit. Thanks Rickrolled, you're very generous. Sofa King Grape Full.
Yes they will. Yes they are.
Of course they will.
Meanwhile, these women who are so terrified of a theocratic authoritarian regime that relegates women to second class citizens under the powerful thumb of the patriarchy continues to ally itself with any Muslim movement they can find. If there was even the tiniest effort to maintain consistent principals, it might not seem so fake and stupid.
Yeah - like approving tranny men to compete in woman’s boxing and other sports etc.
If it were not so comprehensively evil, I might be willing to settle for 'fake' and 'stupid'. But this is plain old evil.
Right? Good point, it is like it is a secret fantasy for them.
And as a "boomer" I'd like to point out the women you speak of are comprised of far more college aged and 30-50 year olds than boomers. Yes, there are 60+ year olds out there. But they are far out numbered by younger women
I would also like to point out that a lot of boomer women are NOT insane and I personally know many conservative boomer women.
Weird conspiracy theory: these crackpot allegations about what Trump will do in his second term is driven by companies that way over-invested in Handmaid’s Tale-themed clothing. It’s a way to make a nice profit on their leftover inventory.
I have a better one. The campaign on TikTok is run by AI created by the CCP, with TikTok videos generated on a fly based on user subconscious preferences and fears. Those "faces" have some weird unhuman quality to them.
Quite the contrary. The truth is getting out to young people. TikTok is where many young people get their “news”. And truth…
Sure, bs "truth" just like that... I have a friend brainwashed by TikTok, somebody must be as dumb as a rock to think they get "truth" watching those "videos" instead of using their own brain. It's a brain eating disease.
Really? Do you remember being a kid? The truth about so much happening in the world, is reaching many kids. It’s the news that isn’t in the “mainstream media” that kids are getting. I’m not talking about the “weird” crap. I had television growing up (I threw my tv out over 20 years ago), which is major propaganda!
When I was a kid, I actually learned to use my own brain, went to multiple libraries and watched very, very little TV (cartoons or a movie on a weekend). Who cares about TV and replacing it with the internet? It's like asking "what kind of junk food is good for me?". NONE. Stop brainlessly consuming "content", start living in the reality and using your own brain already. Truth requires hard work, not mindless consumption. Young (and not so young) adults aren't children.
I did/do too! I watch none of the crap. No FB, no Twatter, etc. When I was a little girl, my mom had me enrolled in the “Book of the Month Club”. To this day, at 61, I’m still a bookworm. I’m also not a teenager, or a child. It’s a different world. GOOD information can still get to young people on “their terms”. I agree with you Julia!
Anything that doesn’t sell they can remainder in their shop for cross dressers.
The Dems are insane. If VAGINAS were sooooo important,
why are they erasing real women with bearded dudes in dresses every chance they get???
I pray that some Democrats can see that logic.
It isn’t “Democrats”…it’s mentally ill people.
Serious question… why do the mentally ill flock to the left?
Why are 90%+ of psychiatric patients self identified on the left?
Why are 85%+ psychologists self identified on the left?
Why have virtually all mass shooters identified as being on the left?
I’m going with Dr.Jordan Peterson’s diagnosis
Let me guess... Sociopath or psychopath? Don't leave me hanging... Seriously.
I think they have an allergy to that.
First of all, at least 127% of the actors in that clip are overtly gay, so that is very convincing right out of the gate on the characterization of repressed, perspiring psycho right wing MAGA sex deniers. Vax deniers, sex deniers, race deniers, election deniers, "our democracy" deniers. Don't those MAGA people like anything?
I guess the caricatured unattractive creeps in sweaty shirts are supposed to fill the target Karens with fear and loathing of Republicans, because they don't use deodorant, and do not have the economic wherewithal to afford air conditioning, unlike nice Progressive people who drive Teslas, have had 13 mRNA jabs, and believe all women, except for those pesky Jews. Free Ukrastine!
I think it's pretty amazing that you can lie to millions of adults about 1/2 the population and they have so little contact with society or common sense that they would actually believe something so moronic and defamatory. I need to go sweat and leer now, and turn off the air conditioning. Also, most serial killers are Democrats.
I think this is a reflection of the American population turning away from God and His commandments.
This leaves a vacuum which explains
the success of the Woke brainwashing going on in public schools.
This leads to women wanting "reproductive freedom" which means no consequences and unrestricted abortion. Opportunistic men cheer them on.
Therefore, the Dems will continue to do what works: fear mongering.
Spot on, thank you. Toss away God the Father, you end up getting ruled by women, homosexuals, and etc.
Those damned "etc."
Gotta watch out for them.
Them's the worst ones. But, you know that already. :O)
It wasn’t that long ago, in the scheme of things, that people learned a lot in high school (some went to college, some to the military), then these people got married, had kids, and matured into sensible adults. Somewhere along the line a lot of people stopped doing this - and it is reflected in our society. It’s as if we are not as smart, healthy, wise, compassionate, or realistic as we used to be.
My cat is smarter than ANY Democrat!
So is mine!😹😻
It's a deadly serious problem, but no one is investigating the cause because they're afraid of what they might find.
That ad is comically stupid, and even the people who made it have to know it’s bullshit. But, sadly, it will resonate with plenty of young single women who will mindlessly vote for open borders, censorship, inflation, energy poverty, probable economic collapse, and possibly WWIII, as long as they can abort their baby as it crowns.
A bunch of liberal gays, soyboys and chubs LARPing as MAGA? Do you want another box of wine to go with your psychopathology?
Emptied, and re-filled with shit.
I can do nothing but sadly nod along.
Things will sort out, one way or the other. Easy way, hard way. They’ll sort out. Shit will recede. Get washed to sea. Jackasses with it.
Always does. Since the first jackass caveman turn on his own, and eventually got his jack ass handed to him in bits and pieces.
Good triumphs. Always and forever. Good triumphs.
Yes, blood gets shed, innocent and not. Tears get shed, always innocent, because jackasses don’t cry. Well at least not until their end. And it all gets washed to the sea.
Good triumphs. Always and forever. Good triumphs. Believe it. Because it’s true.
Peace and Courage, all.
For Crazy Michelle @lonestarleft. What pg 455 actually says is this
“ It should also ensure that statistics are separated by category: spontaneous miscarriage; treatments that incidentally result in the death of a child (such as chemotherapy); stillbirths; and induced abortion. In addition, CDC should require monitoring and reporting for complications due to abortion and every instance of children being born alive after an abortion. Moreover, abortion should be clearly defined as only those procedures that intentionally end an unborn child’s life. Miscarriage management or standard ectopic pregnancy treatments should never be conflated with abortion.”
So keeping statistics on categories of child death is equivalent to banning chemotherapy according to Michelle. Michelle isn’t very smart. Hopefully someone on tiktok calls her out.
I thought it was too pathetic to bother factchecking, but yes. My view is that anyone who would ever believe the chemotherapy claim for a fraction of a second is too dumb to breathe.
Agree except in this case she actually read the page I just don’t think she understood, nor is capable of understanding, what she read. She is most likely one of the brain dead audience members who thought she was being smart by reading it, or was lead to it by someone else, then saw “funding” and “chemotherapy” and allowed her confirmation bias to take over.
“Unusually stupid preschool teacher”. I think I’d settle for that about now.
We are living in Idiocracy, and the leaders are all women. They wanted it this way, and they got it. Funny story time? (Is it though?) I was watching an ad from 1990 for the sourdough jack (they used to call it the sourdough burger, we made some for dinner) and son of a bitch, whoever recorded it on VHS back in 1990 was actually recording "Mickey's Christmas Carol" and the opener came up at the end of the ad. The damned channel they recorded it on was King 5 News. I had a nostalgia bomb go off. I'd watched that broadcast as a kid. Now look...I am a grown ass, forty something male (I think?) born in the early 80's. I almost turned into a chick and leaked from my face. I turned to my lady (is she?) friend, and asked "Isn't that the most wholesome, awesome flashback? What the hell happened?!" - she didn't skip a beat: "The Democrats tore up families so they could win elections. That audience is long gone."
Whew. Here's the ad for your viewing pleasure:
"I almost turned into a chick and leaked from my face."
If there was a Pulitzer Prize for sentences....
What else can I say sir, you motivate my inner hater writer. My mom once said I was being an underachiever, so winning an award for a sentence is right on par. She'll be proud when I tell her.