Per Mark Crispin Miller, "Conspiracy theorists" is a term popularized by the CIA to stop people from closely scrutinizing the JFK Assassination narratives.
conspiracy theories say that spike protein accumulates on the brain and causes cognitive pathologies. can't help but wonder how many shots salvador might have had. a little irony in that name, no?
The problem is we have unelected ungoverned feudalism as our ruling class.
The Vote is 💩.
However the Feudal factions aren’t omnipotent far from it, and they have weakness and are of course very divided.
Omnipotent; power divided cannot be Supreme, their own interests militate against it. The danger of Trump of course is he exposed them and talked about someone (someone else not him) should do something about this or that… an actual President who asserted his Constitutional Duties if he had the backing of FORCE could throw the whole thing down. ⬅️Weakness
The military and police were the last bastions of the Republic until Biden was sworn in by Bayonets.
⬆️ But DOD did say NO, not to be ignored.
The police and the military including the National Guard can’t be counted on to crush the people. ➡️ ⬆️Weakness
Stand there yes.
Shoot? No.
I was there as NG on the shameful DC mission, JAG never made it clearer that if we shoot we’re disowned (I have multiple overseas deployments and am long familiar with ROE and JAG).
The Vote for you FOX news types lol; the vote is merely legitimacy for Feudalism with a Federalist cover- but - but - the loss of the front company veneer of legitimacy and the potential of a Constitutional reassertion by POTUS or ANY elected official was so terrifying that the real powers united for Color Revolution and exposed themselves. WEAKNESS ⬆️
Now does that mean we vote our way out of this?
Of course not.
But the Enemy’s legitimacy can be stripped away, and they themselves are cowards, have very limited intrinsic force , have utterly unmoored Force and the Sworn to Duty Soldiers and Police from any ties to them - or ANYTHING. We are FREE, the REPUBLIC is Dead. Its actually quite liberating. Also Empowering.
WEAKNESS: the Sworn are FREE and FORCE is unleashed and unmoored.
My mistress is dead, I am free.
The Solution; for the Republic is to support and elect Men who will reassert and restore the Constitution by direct FORCE which of course has total Legitimacy because that’s the Oath.
The above is possible but probably almost a Dream.
You 🇺🇸 Cowards won’t risk that or your government checks, you want to Grill.
This Memorial Day Remember The Fallen, Including above all The Constitution and 🇺🇸.
As for America…
…as the Republic died America asked her “who shall rule us?”
Shooting in Buffalo where stricter gun laws are in place caused by white supremacy (let's not mention the gunmans leftist ideologies)
Shooting in Uvalde by young Hispanic nut job is caused by gun manufacturers and NRA. (Don't mention the horrible response time and handling of an active shooter by the local police. Also, don't mention the shooter accessed the school via a propped open side door. Also, don't investigate wether or not school staff received more CRT and LGBTQIALMNOP sensitivity training than active shooter drills.)
Red SUV runs through holiday parade in Waukesha. That's it, that's the story. Just a red SUV running some white people over. It's really complicated so instead of investigating motives and stuff we should just quietly drop this story. Look over there! A white supremacists squirrel!
Wasn't the New York subway shooter just, like, a month ago, blamed on mental illness? Since you know, black, motivated by black lives matter, explicitly said he wanted to kill whites, therefore obviously not racism or ideological terrorism.
Yep - sadly my first thought was, I wonder what medications were involved. (Or even recreational drug use.) Eventually I intend to write about the dramatic changes I see in medicated people, as well as our own terrifying foray into SSRIs. It’s horrifying. And yet we push them, even - most criminally - on children. And it’s changing them. Not to say they were involved in this case, but it’s where my mind went.
And this is why they (Blob) do it. This is why they False Flag a 1/6 coup, and instigate a Whitmer kidnapping, and this is why Fox News incl. Tucker Carlson! told the 2000 Mules people not to bring up the movie.
Tucker looks great -- standing next to everyone else in the MSM. Trump looked good, too -- for a few minutes. And so it goes in the land of milk and honey, and bread and circuses.
There is an explanation for the coexistence of these two stories. You have to read both stories to see the contradiction, and few readers will, and Politico banks on that. The two stories don't have the same audience, which is disturbing in and of itself. The first story is a red-meat story, meant to make the unthinking neoliberal masses feel good about not going any further than "anything guns bad so take the guns." Most actual liberals will pass over the first story because they know it's red meat, so they don't see how "red-meat" it is but they'll read the second because they are curious.
Even for those neoliberals and some liberals who read both, there isn't a contradiction. They honestly think that had this boy (and he is a child, no matter the way he's portrayed) not had access to a gun, this wouldn't have happened, so the mental health issue is for them an academic add on. We can all be crazy as long as we only have access to plastic sporks. They figure we can't do much damage. So they don't really care about the crazy part. Now the disarming of people, because the most dangerous armed people to them aren't the crazy ones. They're the ones that understand why the Second Amendment was included, that's what they're really after, so they'll keep pushing "guns bad."
Wait a second ... wait just a second. That gun walked into the school and opened fire with a perfectly sane person behind it. Because killing innocent children is a perfectly normal thing to do. Damn NRA. If we could just take the guns away from the law abiding citizens, that will solve the problem. Politico really nailed it.
"The professors go on to say that the start of the solution to the crisis of school shootings is to improve the quality of childhood mental health services: “We need to build teams to investigate when kids are in crisis and then link those kids to mental health services.:" translation: cdc wants more moola to monitor all the kids (possibly with yuval harari's implants) and then pump them full of chemicals that put them in the mood for murder. midwestern doctor did a great piece on this
It stands to reason that someone with mental health problems would be put on medication. It's erroneous to blame mental illness on medication used to treat it. Causality could be backwards or a feedback loop. Same goes for smoking pot, actually, as many with mental illness use drugs o self-medicate. It's just not so simple.
It’s true that correlation does not equal causation. However there actually is a lot of evidence linking anti-depressants with violent, suicidal , and homicidal behavior. I really would recommend reading the article nymusicdaily linked above.
Perhaps the scariest post you've made for anyone hoping things will change.
When this level if dissonance is happening in mainstream media there's no chance of getting through, and no chance for change (at least not in the direction readers here are hoping for ).
We're completely and utterly excluded, and no amount of reasoning will have any effect.
The glimmer of hope i sense in your posts I'm more and more convinced are not realistic.
I admire your commitment and thanks for your posts they are eye opening.
Nazism wasn't defeated by reasoning, but through the willingness of communist leadership to sacrifice most of the male population of the Soviet union. That doesn't mean that they were the good guys btw.
Only slightly tangential to your article. "school-based mental health"—not necessarily of any use at all. My child was involved with school-based mental health in the middle-school years. The school psychologist was only interested in filling out forms and checking boxes. Absolutely worthless.
And by the way:
Conspiracy theorists make false claim that Covid-19 vaccines don't prevent infection
Science changes as CDC director cautions that Covid-19 vaccines don't prevent infection
Per Mark Crispin Miller, "Conspiracy theorists" is a term popularized by the CIA to stop people from closely scrutinizing the JFK Assassination narratives.
We live in The Truman Show.
conspiracy theories say that spike protein accumulates on the brain and causes cognitive pathologies. can't help but wonder how many shots salvador might have had. a little irony in that name, no?
Excellent question! Did the shooter get the clot shots and booster?!!
CIA? Conspirators In Action? Constitution Irrelevant Always?
That's certainly when I first heard the term.
The problem is we have unelected ungoverned feudalism as our ruling class.
The Vote is 💩.
However the Feudal factions aren’t omnipotent far from it, and they have weakness and are of course very divided.
Omnipotent; power divided cannot be Supreme, their own interests militate against it. The danger of Trump of course is he exposed them and talked about someone (someone else not him) should do something about this or that… an actual President who asserted his Constitutional Duties if he had the backing of FORCE could throw the whole thing down. ⬅️Weakness
The military and police were the last bastions of the Republic until Biden was sworn in by Bayonets.
⬆️ But DOD did say NO, not to be ignored.
The police and the military including the National Guard can’t be counted on to crush the people. ➡️ ⬆️Weakness
Stand there yes.
Shoot? No.
I was there as NG on the shameful DC mission, JAG never made it clearer that if we shoot we’re disowned (I have multiple overseas deployments and am long familiar with ROE and JAG).
The Vote for you FOX news types lol; the vote is merely legitimacy for Feudalism with a Federalist cover- but - but - the loss of the front company veneer of legitimacy and the potential of a Constitutional reassertion by POTUS or ANY elected official was so terrifying that the real powers united for Color Revolution and exposed themselves. WEAKNESS ⬆️
Now does that mean we vote our way out of this?
Of course not.
But the Enemy’s legitimacy can be stripped away, and they themselves are cowards, have very limited intrinsic force , have utterly unmoored Force and the Sworn to Duty Soldiers and Police from any ties to them - or ANYTHING. We are FREE, the REPUBLIC is Dead. Its actually quite liberating. Also Empowering.
WEAKNESS: the Sworn are FREE and FORCE is unleashed and unmoored.
My mistress is dead, I am free.
The Solution; for the Republic is to support and elect Men who will reassert and restore the Constitution by direct FORCE which of course has total Legitimacy because that’s the Oath.
The above is possible but probably almost a Dream.
You 🇺🇸 Cowards won’t risk that or your government checks, you want to Grill.
This Memorial Day Remember The Fallen, Including above all The Constitution and 🇺🇸.
As for America…
…as the Republic died America asked her “who shall rule us?”
And she whispered “The Strongest.”
🇺🇸☠️ RIP
Remember the Fallen.
Shooting in Buffalo where stricter gun laws are in place caused by white supremacy (let's not mention the gunmans leftist ideologies)
Shooting in Uvalde by young Hispanic nut job is caused by gun manufacturers and NRA. (Don't mention the horrible response time and handling of an active shooter by the local police. Also, don't mention the shooter accessed the school via a propped open side door. Also, don't investigate wether or not school staff received more CRT and LGBTQIALMNOP sensitivity training than active shooter drills.)
Red SUV runs through holiday parade in Waukesha. That's it, that's the story. Just a red SUV running some white people over. It's really complicated so instead of investigating motives and stuff we should just quietly drop this story. Look over there! A white supremacists squirrel!
Wait wait wait.
Wasn't the New York subway shooter just, like, a month ago, blamed on mental illness? Since you know, black, motivated by black lives matter, explicitly said he wanted to kill whites, therefore obviously not racism or ideological terrorism.
Interesting article on SSRI (anti depressants) and their connection to suicide and violence
Yep - sadly my first thought was, I wonder what medications were involved. (Or even recreational drug use.) Eventually I intend to write about the dramatic changes I see in medicated people, as well as our own terrifying foray into SSRIs. It’s horrifying. And yet we push them, even - most criminally - on children. And it’s changing them. Not to say they were involved in this case, but it’s where my mind went.
Republicans pounce! Democrats vigilant.
It's only cognitive dissonance for those burdened with cognition.
Elitism and political water-carrying.
Do the Republicans have any thoughts on WHO Sovereignty?
Or war in Ukraine?
Or prosecuting Fauci, Bourlas, Baric et. al?
Or insider trading privileges for Congress critters?
Guns and trans and BLM and CRT and abortion sure are handy to keep the mass public paying attention to lots of other stuff.
edit to add: While both wings of the Uniparty enrich themselves feasting at the trough.
And this is why they (Blob) do it. This is why they False Flag a 1/6 coup, and instigate a Whitmer kidnapping, and this is why Fox News incl. Tucker Carlson! told the 2000 Mules people not to bring up the movie.
Tucker looks great -- standing next to everyone else in the MSM. Trump looked good, too -- for a few minutes. And so it goes in the land of milk and honey, and bread and circuses.
Please keep doing what you do.
There is an explanation for the coexistence of these two stories. You have to read both stories to see the contradiction, and few readers will, and Politico banks on that. The two stories don't have the same audience, which is disturbing in and of itself. The first story is a red-meat story, meant to make the unthinking neoliberal masses feel good about not going any further than "anything guns bad so take the guns." Most actual liberals will pass over the first story because they know it's red meat, so they don't see how "red-meat" it is but they'll read the second because they are curious.
Even for those neoliberals and some liberals who read both, there isn't a contradiction. They honestly think that had this boy (and he is a child, no matter the way he's portrayed) not had access to a gun, this wouldn't have happened, so the mental health issue is for them an academic add on. We can all be crazy as long as we only have access to plastic sporks. They figure we can't do much damage. So they don't really care about the crazy part. Now the disarming of people, because the most dangerous armed people to them aren't the crazy ones. They're the ones that understand why the Second Amendment was included, that's what they're really after, so they'll keep pushing "guns bad."
So true and spot on.
Wait a second ... wait just a second. That gun walked into the school and opened fire with a perfectly sane person behind it. Because killing innocent children is a perfectly normal thing to do. Damn NRA. If we could just take the guns away from the law abiding citizens, that will solve the problem. Politico really nailed it.
"The professors go on to say that the start of the solution to the crisis of school shootings is to improve the quality of childhood mental health services: “We need to build teams to investigate when kids are in crisis and then link those kids to mental health services.:" translation: cdc wants more moola to monitor all the kids (possibly with yuval harari's implants) and then pump them full of chemicals that put them in the mood for murder. midwestern doctor did a great piece on this
It stands to reason that someone with mental health problems would be put on medication. It's erroneous to blame mental illness on medication used to treat it. Causality could be backwards or a feedback loop. Same goes for smoking pot, actually, as many with mental illness use drugs o self-medicate. It's just not so simple.
It’s true that correlation does not equal causation. However there actually is a lot of evidence linking anti-depressants with violent, suicidal , and homicidal behavior. I really would recommend reading the article nymusicdaily linked above.
Should be considered — also his cannabis use —
Perhaps the scariest post you've made for anyone hoping things will change.
When this level if dissonance is happening in mainstream media there's no chance of getting through, and no chance for change (at least not in the direction readers here are hoping for ).
We're completely and utterly excluded, and no amount of reasoning will have any effect.
The glimmer of hope i sense in your posts I'm more and more convinced are not realistic.
I admire your commitment and thanks for your posts they are eye opening.
Nazism wasn't defeated by reasoning, but through the willingness of communist leadership to sacrifice most of the male population of the Soviet union. That doesn't mean that they were the good guys btw.
The most pertinent question,
Is how do we avoid such a scenario?
Only slightly tangential to your article. "school-based mental health"—not necessarily of any use at all. My child was involved with school-based mental health in the middle-school years. The school psychologist was only interested in filling out forms and checking boxes. Absolutely worthless.
It seems we’re all living in a virtual reality with this article as exhibit 1.
Thank you for writing this. It's more evidence that our news is only a propaganda machine ran by people who have a clear agenda. Unfortunately.